Ben- Gurion University of the Negev Department of Materials

Ben- Gurion University of the Negev
Department of Materials Engieering
Name of the module: Introduction to Electron Microscopy
Number of module: 365-1-4611
BGU Credits: 3
Course Description:
ECTS credits: 4.5
Aims and objectives of the module: the module intends to provide basic knowledge on electron
Academic year: 2012-2013
microscopy as a science and as a technique. Upon successful completion of the module – the students
Semester: Fall
will understand transmission and scanning electron microscope components, use and sample
Hours of instruction: 3 lecture hours:
preparation. One of the major goals is that student will be able to choose an appopreate technique
(among electron microscopy techniques taught) for solution of materials engineering problems and
Tuesday 13-16
know how to prepare a sample and interpret the results.
Location of instruction: building 72,
Learning outcomes of the module: On successful completion of the course, the
room 110
student should be able to:
Language of instruction: hebrew
Cycle: First, undergraduate (students towards
(TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) methods;
Position: basic course which can be taken by
the 3-rd or 4-th year undergraduate students at
choose appropriate SEM/TEM sample preparation technique;
summarise principles of SEM, TEM and scanning –transmission (STEM)
set-ups: vacuum system, detectors, scanning coils, electro-magnetic
Responsible department: department of
lenses, apertures, stages/holders and electron guns;
materials engineering
General prerequisites: students should
list known artifacts which appear due to unappropriate sample
the department of Materials Engineering
Field of Education: Materials Engineering
define advantages and disadvantages of transmission electron microscopy
define terms such as resolution of these microscopes, magnification,
complete module Materials Characterization,
depth of field and depth of focus and relate influence of various factors on
course number 365-1-3471
these terms;
Grading scale:the grading scale would
conlude contrast mechanisms in studied electron microscopes;
be determined on a scale of 0 – 100 (0
describe special techniques such as HRTEM, HRSEM, cryo TEM and
would indicate failure and 100
success), passing grade is 56.
define basics of TEM and HRTEM image formation;
differentiate among different electorn diffraction methods;
10. index polycrystalline and single crystalline electron diffraction patterns;
11. explain EDS and WDS methods, choose appropriate one for solution of
analytical problems in material science
Attendance regulation: students are expected to attend 100% of lectures (including laboratory
tour), however the lecturer will not check formally the attendance.
Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: the module consists of 3 hours frontal
lectures weekly given by the lecturer. During the course 2 hours laboratory tour will be made.
Ben- Gurion University of the Negev
Department of Materials Engieering
Lecturer: Dr. Louisa Meshi
Contact details: room 111, building 59
final test 100%
Office phone: 972-8-6472576
Office hours: Monday 12-14
Work and assignments: In order to practice the theory, some homeworks will be given to students
during the module. The assignements will not be graded.
Module evaluation: at the end of the
Time required for individual work: in addition to attendance in class, the students
module the students will evaluate it
are expected to do their homework, read additional literature and prepare
through "teaching quality survey".
themselves for final test. Lecturer expects from the students to invest 1 hour weekly
and at least 1 full day in order to prepare for final test.
confirmed by the faculty academic
advisory committee to be valid on
Last update: 10/2012
Ben- Gurion University of the Negev
Department of Materials Engieering
Module Content\ schedule and outlines:
Introduction to electron microscopy, comparison to other characterization methods – 1 week;
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) – 4 weeks;
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) – imaging (including introduction to HRTEM) – 3 weeks;
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) - electron diffraction – 1 week;
Cryo TEM (given by guest lecturer)– 1 week;
Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) – 1 week;
Spectroscopy: EDS vs. WDS – 1 week.
Total: 12 weeks.
Required reading: none
Additional (recommended) literature:
1)”Electron Microscopy of Thin Crystals” P.B. Hirsh, A. Howie, R.B. Nicholson, D.W. Pashley, M.J. Whelan, London, Butterworths. (1967)
2)”Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis”, J. Goldstein, D. Newbury, D. Joy, C. Lyman, P. Echlin, E. Lifshin, L. Sawer, J. Michael,
Kluwer Academic, third edition, (2003), (Library QH212.S3S29.2003)
3)”Transmission electron microscopy: a textbook for materials science”, David B. Williams and C. Barry Carter, New York : Plenum Press,(1996)
(Library TA 417.23.W56 1996B)
4) “Structure of Metals”, C. S. Barrett, T.B. Massalsky (Library TN690, B3 1966 or TN690.B3 1980)
* All learning material will be available to the students on the module's website (high-learn)/ library/ electronic
documents available to BGU students.
Ben- Gurion University of the Negev
Department of Materials Engieering
Ben- Gurion University of the Negev
Department of Materials Engieering
Ben- Gurion University of the Negev
Department of Materials Engieering
Ben- Gurion University of the Negev
Department of Materials Engieering
Ben- Gurion University of the Negev
Department of Materials Engieering