St. Peter Parish Council Minutes November 23, 2015 – 6:30 PM Sisters of Notre Dame Room Jim Hickman called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM and Fr. Greg opened with a prayer. Members of the Parish Council present were as follows: Pastor Greg Meystrik, Fr. John Schmitz, Fr. Cesar Anicama, Mary Jo Hitz, Richard Nagel, Garrett Forck, Laverne Brondel, Corey Backues, Ed Cordero, Liz Hansen, Jim Hickman & Melissa Wilding Members of the Parish Council excused were as follows: Aaron Grothoff, Aurora Guillen, Mary Esther Prenger, Darin Rinehart & Gayle Trachsel October’s meeting minutes were read and approved as edited. Mary Jo will post to parish website. Pastor’s Report Fr. Greg wished everyone a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving. They are sending Thanksgiving prayer cards home with the students to share with their families during the Thanksgiving season. Fr. Greg reported that the October count numbers were put into the bulletin. They were down a little this year by about 120 +/- for each weekend during the count. This gives us the question of what we can do to help motivate people to attend Mass regularly. It isn’t about just getting the attendance up, but offering ministry to more people. Fr. Greg reported that St. Peter Church’s goal for the Catholic Stewardship Appeal is $137,198 and we are currently at $34,300 pledged. We will continue to help promote this appeal for the Diocese. Fr. Greg announced that there is a group of people that are meeting to discuss the needs of the parish as it relates to hiring a new business manager to take the place of Richard upon his retirement. Richard has graciously agreed to stayon for training purposes as long as it takes to find the right person for the job and to help educate them on our current systems, etc. Principal’s Report No report at this time. Financial Report Richard provided a financial report to parish council members. Commission Reports Social Concerns Commission – Mary Jo reported that the Social Concerns committee is preparing Christmas cards for those who have lost loved ones this year. The vocations committee is sending seminarian information to the school for the children so that they may send them Christmas greetings during this season. Spiritual Life Commission – Mary Jo reported that the Spiritual Life Commission met and discussed the Year of Mercy further and came up with some suggestions for our parish to get involved with and those have been shared with Fr. Greg. Youth and Young Adult Ministry Advisory Commission – Garrett reported that confirmation is going well. The youth group numbers continue to grow. The NCYC trip went really well and they had a great group of young adults that attended. They are ready to get more engaged with the parish and get involved with the liturgy, etc. The next Youth and Young Adult Ministry Commission meeting is scheduled for December 3. Garrett also reported that he met with Enrique and Aurora about how they can get more Hispanic youth and young adults involved. They are going to invite them to the main group and see how that works out. There were three Hispanic young adults at the last group meeting and they enjoyed themselves very much and perhaps will talk more among their community about coming to the next group meeting. Committee Reports Liturgy Committee – Mary Jo reported that they are getting ready for the Advent season and preparing for Advent prayers and Vespers. Hispanic Report – Ed reported that the Hispanic Committee has prepared a Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 11 at 10:15 PM – 12:30 AM (Procession, Mananitas, Mass and Representation of the Appearance of the Virgin). Ed also announced that sometime next year he and his wife will be moving to Florida and that Hector Guillen has agreed to step in as the Hispanic Committee representative on the Parish Council. Ed will begin to bring him to a few meetings in the early part of next year. Ed reported that the multi-ethnic Mass was very well attended and received very nicely. Property Committee – Richard reported that the Capital Campaign work is continuing to progress with electrical, plumbing and HVAC updates necessary to bring the Selinger Center up to code. Finance Committee – Richard provided financial report. Home & School Committee – No report at this time. Parish Visioning Fr. Greg shared some goals and priorities he has put together for our parish and the council to begin work on with respect to Parish Visioning. Discussion was had about these goals and it was decided that the parish council would discuss each of these goals and come up with ideas on how they can be accomplished during upcoming meetings during the parish visioning section of the meetings. New Business No new business at this time. 2015 Next Meeting Date(s) 6:30 PM in Sisters of Notre Dame Room – 4th Wednesday of the month except where indicated December 16 (third Wednesday to avoid Christmas week) Fr. Schmitz closed the meeting with a prayer. Meeting was adjourned.