Board Meeting HOA - May 20, 2013 commenced at 6:31 by

Board Meeting HOA - May 20, 2013
commenced at 6:31 by Incoming president Jeff
Minutes from last meeting were approved.
Introduced neighbors who are joining the board
Mark Loflin on Royal Highlands - Board member at large Denise Hays on Cambridge Woods - Secretary
Shannon Schreiner - Treasurer
both are replacing Patrick and Jen
Evelyn will take over maintaining the website and email blasts.
Mark will take over key fobs and will get with Patrick for explicit instructions.
Evelyn Pimplaskar is now Vice-President
President: Jeff
Skateboarders in front of Pool. We will tell boys not to skate in front of the entrance to the pool and if
they continue to do so, they will lose their privilege
Also, skateboards are allowed on deck but must be carried in and out and will be banned from
handicapped chair is now purchased
Purchased a mobile lift that can be inserted when needed Patrick's newsletter informed residents that if
they are planning to visit pool, it would be helpful if they could call ahead so that the guard could install
chair. ALso discussed the location for the chair which will most likely be near the north side of the pool
next to ladder
Water Aerobics will start this summer and the guards will be employed for the hour of practice.
Termite Damage was taken care of by Killingsworth. Repairs will be made by Jeff Noftsger
We have taken two vacant homes which were deteriorating, put two families in the homes, cleaned up
the properties, collecting rent (2100 mo.)
There is a house empty at the end of Cambridge Woods which is sitting under the bank. They aren't
paying anything on it, haven't sold it and it is just sitting there. Technically, we can foreclose on the bank
if we want to take that step.
Discussed the topic of having a cap of rentals in the neighborhood but looked at both sides. It was
suggested that the owners notify the HOA board of their transfer so that when the board needs to get in
touch with them about their renters in the event of issues. We will revisit this topic. It is 1500 - 2000 for
the atty. fees
Discussed unmowed grass--call 3-1-1 to report unkempt and unsafe yards.
Kit Verica, President of Hurricanes Swim Meet, shared the budget, the board members, the season
dates, installing dive blocks, and installing a lane line to cut off the shallow area to complete the lane.
Board approved the installation of the line.
Kit discussed the circuit issues with the lighting. Calling an electrician to see if the lights for the pool can
be linked to a separate circuit. Jeff will update Kit via email.
Kit shared that in 2010 HOA budgeted 3000 for Swim Team, 2011 and 2012 the HOA did not distribute
the budgeted funds. This year the HOA budgeted 500.00. Kit will attend budget meeting in November to
request more funding for any above and beyond expenses which the swim team may accrue. Kit will
send Jeff an email requesting the funds and a written request for the 3 key fobs for out of neighborhood
The property which was destroyed from the accident when the boy hit the clubhouse storage unit was
not covered under the insurance nor was our 1000 deductible
Informal Accounting Review results:
the information is to be kept within the board per the informal auditing CPA b/c it is not a formal review
and costs us far less than what a formal review would have cost.
Closet renovation will be discussed at later date Termite repair will be completed by Jeff Noftsger for
$275. Jen Harrison motioned to approve the work.
Pressure wash pool deck next spring before the pool is opened. Jeff will let David Kellogg know that we
will postpone this work until spring 2014.
We will table the quote for the sidewalk repairs until August and revisit it for fall/winter work.
Pool umbrellas will be purchased from AquaTech.
IN 2010 we were encouraged to increase our dues via a Formal Reserve Study. We didn't increase our
dues. As of now, we have 154k in reserves. Jeff suggested that someone should come out to the budget
meeting in November and can tell us what they think we should have in reserves based on current
financial status. We discussed having a separate meeting in October to meet with budget forecaster.
This meeting will be advertised to all residents.