68 January 28 2015 Board Meeting

ONE-TLC Board Meeting
Date: January 28, 2015
Board of Directors:
Kuthumi, Quan Yin, St.Germaine, Lady Nada, El Morya, Isis, Sananda, David, Jackie
Advisory Board:
Sitting Bull, Melchezidek, Ramtha
Meditation: Meditation by Jackie
Open: Meeting opened with Laughter
Board of Directors: All
Advisory Board: All
Guests: Essence of: Monterey (A Light so Strong), Jill M, MaMa Cass, Three
Indians, Rosemary, Papa John Littleton, Rabbit, Five Pointed Star, Many
surrounding the room, Mister Now, Mystical Being/Kaleidoscope
Teachings/Sharing: by David
Another Deeper Understanding by Kaleidoscope
I AM fully aware of your understandings of the String Theory and the “M” Theory
which are an honest attempt at understanding the complexities of your realities.
However, your models of reality will be similar to believing that all energy growth
and sustenance comes from your Sun in the solar system when you now know that
there are other suns with which your sun revolves, and of course there is the Great
Central Sun for your singular universe which also obtains its energy from another
source. Therefore, the depth with which you understand realities is merely a piece
of a fractal of a greater segment falling into place, just like the chips of colored glass
in a kaleidoscope. Now, there are Beings responsible for the turning of the
kaleidoscope to ascertain greater harmony and deeper experiences of All-That-Is
possible. These Beings are similar to the “Golden Boys” at the wall as discovered by
your remote viewers. Please still continue to question your reality which will lead to
discoveries of non-physical dimensional realities that also have a vast difference of
structure and expression. We like your new coined word of “MultiONEs” as a
broader understanding of how the multiverse is not alone.
Continue to discover we are at your beck and call.
Thank You.
Melchezidek: “K” and I work closely together with this kaleidoscope overlapping of
structured realities at an energetic level so that those ready, willing and able to
explore these other dimensional expressions can and will.
Ramtha: One must be willing and open to “make known the unknown” to allow
these new teachings into their consciousness.
Sitting Bull: You might be wondering how this deep profound understanding can
help you in your daily life? I am here to tell you that it’s helped me to not take things
so seriously and become more Peaceful with compassion in understanding of all
Lady Nada: When you “Heartmonize” you nurture what shows up in your reality.
Minutes Read and Approved: January 12, 2015
Old Business:
Crystals around property, beautification, encouragement to others to write books
that tell their stories, recliner for journeys, order culvert, construct journey trails, redo bathroom (gray water), Jacuzzi (outside), outhouse, partnership web-help, clean
up metal on property, FCD - First Contact Delegation - desires to have private
meetings with Jackie & David to outline protocols for first contact recommended
procedures, fairy garden, pond in front of house, Weekly Fire Ceremonies. To be
completely aware and comfortable that we are good and perfect the way we are now
and that our real mission next year is to be available to those individuals that desire
to discover the Truth of Their Divinity and how profoundly they are already creating
their realities. To help others be in tune and harmonize with all aspects of who they
are. Plan Spiritual Ceremony for Jackie & David’s wedding and offer the same for
other couples to experience with us; an eternal Love bond of Oneness for all eternity.
New Business:
Monterey/A Light So Strong: Continue to dream.
Rabbit: Thanks for the security measures.
Five Pointed Star: You now have more humble power to you because you allow
things to come at their discretion rather than forcing things to be your way.
Mister Now: I caught you peeking at the time… please consider letting go of the
aspect of time whenever possible.
Close: Laughter