REPORT Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Division of Resource Management Cass Lake, MN Submitted to: USEPA 77 West Jackson Blvd., SE-4J Chicago, IL 60604-3507 Prepared by: Diane Thompson & Tim Hugley Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe 115 Sixth St. NW, Ste.E Cass Lake, MN 56633 Date December 2005 Revised September 2006 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Division of Resource Management (DRM) Leech Lake Environmental Site Assessment Page Number EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................... 3 A. FINDINGS ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 1. 2. SITE CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................................... 5 HISTORICAL USE INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................... 7 B. SITE RECONNAISSANCE ........................................................................................................................... 8 C. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................ 9 1. 2. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 9 RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 9 D. INTERVIEWS .............................................................................................................................................. 11 E. DATA GAPS ................................................................................................................................................. 11 F. REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11 G. SIGNATURES OF CERTIFIED ASTM PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSORS ....................... 13 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 FIGURE 5 FIGURE 6 FIGURE 7 REGIONAL LOCATION APPENDIX 1 DATABASE SEARCH SITE MAP DRM SITE SKETCH DRM AND ADJACENT MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS DRM SITE PHOTOS SANBORN MAP REPORT PARCEL MAPS 2 Executive Summary The Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Brownfields 128a Staff has completed a Phase I of two parcels of land known as the “Division of Resource Management Complex (DRM)”. The Phase I was conducted to assess the development potential of traditional Ojibwe seed gardens. The parcels, identified as 29-016-4104 (parcel 1) and 29-016-4105 (parcel 2) are candidate Brownfields sites. The two parcels together constitute the DRM as a whole. The following represents findings from completion of the Phase I at the Division of Resource Management (DRM) which is located south on Hwy 371, Cass Lake, MN. A Cass County Raster/Aerial Photo Map is provided in (Figure 1). A site map was created from GIS DRG Quad map data (Figure 2). A DRM site sketch is provided in (Figure 3). DRM and adjacent monitoring well locations are provided in (Figure 4). DRM site photos are provided in (Figure 5). Sanborn EDR Sanborn map report is provided in (Figure 6). The assessment was completed to disclose any potential environmental impacts to the subject property resulting from past or present uses of the subject property or surrounding properties constituting appropriate inquiry to qualify for the innocent landowner defense of the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA).The assessment included conducting a site reconnaissance; reviewing available regulatory and historical documents; and conducting interviews with area residents and officials familiar with the DRM site and its history. Information regarding known or potential contaminations sites (Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs)) either on the DRM site or in the general vicinity was obtained through regulatory database searches and Leech Lake database searches. Parcel 1, is approximately 7.45 acres. This parcel is classified as commercial through the Cass County land department and consists of a variety of buildings. There are office buildings, fisheries, hatchery complex, greenhouse and a few storage buildings. The site also contains a parking lot and some open areas. Parcel 2, is approximately 2.23 acres. This parcel is classified as commercial through the Cass County land department and consists of storage buildings and mostly open areas. Several observations, conclusions and recommendations have resulted from completion of the Phase I at the DRM site. This includes some findings that could potentially impact the location decisions of the traditional Ojibwe seed gardens. A historical use of the site was the Wheeler Bridge Operation (former lumber mill). The operations consisted of wood logs hauled to the mill then were cut for wood products. Mr. Heemstra, a former employee of the Wheeler Bridge Operation when interviewed stated, “wood was not treated and chemicals were not used that could have exposed the soil or water.” Mr. Lego a local citizen stated, “The mill was located where the cement slabs currently are and there was no treatment of the wood.” 3 The previous lumber mill activities produced piles of sawdust that remain on site and are found on the soil surface and also possibly 20-30 feet deep on the southern boundary north of Fox Creek. These piles were supposedly pushed in a direction towards the Fox Creek. Cement slabs are located where the former sawmill was located and they are currently partially visible. Four slabs were found and measured. The first one measured 65’X12’, the second measured 23’X18’, the third and the forth measured 20’X12’. DRM MW 2 is located adjacent to the north side of the slabs. There is an old power pole/electric pole located adjacent to the south side of the slabs. In an interview with John Ringle, the DRM Fish and Wildlife Director stated, “a wild rice processing plant was located in the current fisheries building.” The Minnesota Chippewa Tribe was the previous owner of the property. Mr. Frazer was interviewed and stated, “During that ownership the DRM main office building was used for storage and office space.” The MCT owned a Tribal construction repair and maintenance shop which was located adjacent to the east side of the current fisheries building. The building caught fire and burned to the ground. The remnants of the building were taken off site. The operational period was 2-3 years in the early 1980s.” Mr. Lego also said that a release of hazardous substances and/or petroleum as he recalled did not occur during the operational period. To date no actual accounts (or documents) have been collected of historical practices and/or possible releases related to the construction repair and maintenance shop and therefore it is recommended that composite surface soil sampling be performed in the area of the construction repair and maintenance shop. Solid waste on site was determined to be mostly historical placement of solid waste which includes old tanks, broken cement piles, wood pallets, construction debris, tires, 5 gallon buckets, chain link fencing, PVC piping, etc. The old tanks appear to consist of 3 empty 250 gallon fuel oil tanks with no labeling found. The 5 gallon buckets appear to be both unlabeled metal buckets with lids intact and plastic unlabeled with no lids. Staining issues related to solid waste was relatively unfounded and a minute issue. The potential for future sampling will be addressed. Past soil disturbances have occurred with construction of each building. One Aboveground Storage Tank is located within a portion of the fish hatchery complex. The AST is situated on a cement slab. The AST capacity is approximately 260 gallons of diesel fuel. The current use of the AST is to provide diesel fuel to a back up generator. The current vehicle/OHV vehicle storage building contains four floor drains which currently discharge into drain fields away from the building. The drains collect runoff water and snow melt from the vehicles/OHVs and trailers. This system has been properly maintained and shows no signs of potential problems. Other nearby sites with known or suspected RECs consist of the RCRA vault which is adjacent to the eastern property boundary, the St. Regis Superfund site which is adjacent to the northern property boundary. Concerns of safe drinking groundwater and groundwater flow in relationship to the DRM and the adjacent properties need to be addressed. 4 The possibility exists that asbestos containing materials (ACM) may be lining the exhaust pipes of the back up generator in the fish hatchery complex. Three small piles (most likely caused from winter plowing operations) located in the parking lot area or adjacent to are possible soil disturbance areas on site that provide for the potential of future soil sampling. Recommendations should include additional investigations at the DRM site to more fully characterize the nature of known or potential RECs, and obtain information needed to further assess the property. The activities recommended consist of the following: The Phase II assessment should provide a soil and groundwater sampling plan. Specific contaminates will also be addressed in the sampling plan. A. Findings 1. Site Characteristics Current uses of the site include : o The fisheries building which is used for making nets, building bird houses, selling and storing fish and berries: established in 1980. o The hatchery building used for hatching fish eggs, meeting rooms, offices and a machine shop: established in 1984. o The DRM main office, which consists of the environmental, land, conservation, forestry, and firefighting departments: established in 1981. o The greenhouse/botany building: established in 1995. o The vehicle/OHV vehicle storage building: established in 2004. o The wood chip building which stores wood chips: established in 1989. o The water tower/holding tank which stores water for fisheries activities: established in 1984 o In addition three storage sheds with no permanent foundations: established in (2)1997 and 2005. To the east of the property is the Champion International Corporation and the Champion RCRA Vault; also it is classified as commercial. To the south east of the property is private residential. To the south of the property is Fox Creek and private residential. To the south west of the property is private residential. To the west of the property are HWY 371 and private residential. To the north west of the property is private residential. To the north of the property is Champion International Corporation and it is classified as commercial. An apartment with four units is located to the north. The abstract for the property was available for review. No indications were made that there are environmental liens on the site. 5 Four wells were observed on site which consists of two wells for fisheries hatchery production and two wells for domestic use supplying the DRM buildings which provides drinking water to roughly 55 employees and numerous visitors. No documentation was discovered for the two domestic wells The two production wells installation logs are as follows: Well #1 was constructed on 9/8/86, is 8” in diameter, has a total depth of 121’ and is located on the north side of the property. Additional information provided an approximate of 550 GPM pumping rate. Well #2 was constructed on 9/8/86, is 8” in diameter, has a total depth of 118’ and is located on the southeast corner of the property. Additional information provided an approximate of 550 GPM pumping rate. An environmental database review was conducted of U.S. EPA, State of Minnesota agencies and Leech Lake databases for potential sources of environmental contamination. Environmental Data Resources provided no coverage of Sanborn Maps. Information was obtained through these searches which include: CERCLIS, RCRIS, MN State Superfund, MN VIC, MN permitted solid waste, MN unpermitted dumps, MN delisted state Superfund, MN state closed landfills, MN state assessment, MN LUST, MN ASTs/USTs, DRM property radius search, Leech Lake USTs/ASTs and Leech Lake illegal dump sites. A review of the DRM site was conducted through the Leech Lake Tribal Historic Preservation Office and it was found that no properties eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places are within the project’s area of effect. Based on documented studies these are the physical descriptions of the site: o According to the USGS 7.5 Minute topographic map series Pike Bay, Minnesota, quadrangle, the site is at an elevation of approximately 1,330 feet above mean sea level (MSL). o The Leech Lake Reservation covers approximately 2,145 square miles in north central Minnesota and includes parts of Beltrami, Hubbard, Itasca, and Cass Counties. Surficial geology of the Reservation consists of glacial till, glacial outwash and scattered peat lands. Most groundwater is obtained from unconfined and confined sand and gravel aquifers in glacial drift. Most of the Reservation lies within the Mississippi headwaters watershed. The Mississippi river in the central part and the Boy River in the southeastern part drain it. The northeastern part lies with in the Bigfork river watershed. The extreme southwestern part lies within the Crow Wing River watershed. (1) o This region of the Upper Mississippi river has been substantially influenced by the Pleistocene geologic age. During this period glaciers covered all of Canada, advancing and retreating in the Mississippi River area at least four times, leaving drift over most of Minnesota. The drift thickness is generally 300 to 400 feet thick, comprised of sand, gravel, rocks, boulders and clay overlying bedrock. The soils in this area are diverse. (1) 6 o The general groundwater movement in the Cass Lake area is described by the USGS (Leech Lake DRM and MCT Research Lab 1997) as follows: “Groundwater movement in the Upper Mississippi Headwaters area is from sites of local recharge toward local surface water (lakes, wetlands and streams). Regional movement, particularly deeper water, is toward the Mississippi River. Lake levels and stream flow are maintained during periods of no precipitation by the continuing movement of the groundwater toward the surface water bodies.” (1) 2. Historical Use Information Historical information was researched and collected to review past land use and document the presence of possible environmental liabilities at the project site. Aerial photographs were provided through GIS data. Neither fire insurance maps nor city directories were available for the site. No other standard historical sources were reviewed, as they were not likely to contain useful information considering the nature of the site. Information was obtained from interviews and the historical information was collected from the Leech Lake Land Department and Cass County Records Department. (3-21-11) Secretary Order issued to George Morison. (12-09-12) Trust Paten was issued to George Morison, Leech Lake 209. (12-12-21) Probate done on George Morison, 8 heirs. No names. (6-1-28) Probate done on one of the heirs he has two heirs. No names. (5-15-30) Probates done 6 heirs were determined. No names. (3-9-54) The property went out of trust. United States gave a fee paten to Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supplies CO. The Wheelers Company used the property for a lumber mill. (1-3-64) Mr.Wayne & Ms.Wanda Heemstra and Delvan, Dernadine Heemstra gave property to S.J. Neises. (Nov ‘65) Mr. Heemstra had taken over the mortgage and after the divorce the mortgage went to Wanda L. Heemstra. The IRS seized the property for not paying taxes on April 5, 1972. Internal Revenue Tax assessed, from Heemstra Lumber and Forest Products. S.J. & Mary Neise became property owners. (4-9-79) The Minnesota Chippewa Tribe Construction Company took ownership of the property from S. J. & Mary Neise. Available documentation regarding the transfer of ownership from MCT to the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe was unfounded. Extensive research of Cass County, MN documents, Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Land Department documents and an interview with MCT employee, Gary Frazer provided no documents. In an interview with Gary Frazer he stated, “he searched for any documentation and none could be found, also (he believes) no documentation was ever drafted…” (2-6-89) Champion International Corporation Grantor, hereby convey and quitclaims to the Leech Lake Band of Chippewa Indians. 7 B. Site Reconnaissance Hazardous materials and chemicals potentially associated with the DRM Site were evaluated. One area includes the machine shop which provides general repair of equipment for all DRM divisions. Mr. Tanner stated, “We properly dispose of or recycle wastes generated if needed.” When interviewing Gary White, a Leech Lake hatchery employee he stated, “At the end of the each year of the fish hatchery process we use water and rinse out the tanks and before each season of the fish process. We just use water and a mild soap to wash out the tanks.” Past soil disturbances have occurred with construction of each building. Three properly maintained septic systems with associated drain fields service DRM buildings. One Aboveground Storage Tank is located within a portion of the fish hatchery complex. The AST is situated on a cement slab. The AST capacity is approximately 260 gallons of diesel fuel. The current use of the AST is to provide diesel fuel to the back up hatchery generator. One electrical transformer located on an electrical utility pole is present and currently in use has the possibility to contain PCBs. No known previous concerns have been related to the transformer. Four wells were observed on site which consists of two wells for fisheries hatchery production and two wells for domestic use supplying the DRM buildings which provides drinking water to roughly 55 employees and numerous visitors. The current vehicle/OHV vehicle storage building contains four floor drains which currently discharge into drain fields away from the building. The drains collect runoff water and snow melt from the vehicles/OHVs and trailers. This system has been properly maintained and shows no signs of potential problems Previous lumber mill activities produced piles of sawdust that remain on site and are found on the soil surface and also possibly 20-30 feet deep on the southern boundary north of Fox Creek. These piles were supposedly pushed in a direction towards the Fox Creek. Cement slabs are located where the former sawmill was and is currently partially visible. Four slabs were found and measured. The first one measured 65’X12’, the second measured 23’X18’, the third and the forth measured 20’X12’. DRM MW 2 is located adjacent to the north side of the slabs. There is a very old power pole/electric pole located adjacent to the south side of the slabs. One Aboveground Storage Tank is located within a portion of the fish hatchery complex. The AST is situated on a cement slab. The AST capacity is approximately 300 gallons of diesel fuel. The current use of the AST is to provide diesel fuel to a back up generator. Solid waste on site was determined to be mostly historical placement of solid waste which includes old tanks, broken cement piles, wood pallets, construction debris, tires, 5 gallon buckets, chain link fencing, PVC piping, etc. Staining issues related to solid waste was relatively unfounded and an insignificant issue from information collected to date. 8 The possibility exists that asbestos containing materials (ACM) may be lining the exhaust pipes of the back up generator in the fish hatchery complex. No floor drains are located in the machine shop. The fish hatchery has two sump pumps with a long diagonal floor drain. The fisheries building have nine floor drains and two sump pumps. There is one floor drain in the DRM office building. Three small piles (most likely caused from winter plowing operations) located in the parking lot area or adjacent to are possible soil disturbance areas on site. C. Conclusions and Recommendations 1. Conclusions A project specification should be prepared detailing scope of work, engineering controls, worker qualifications; worker protection, waste disposal, project closeout, etc. should be prepared. The resulting waste from the project must be evaluated, transported, and disposed of in accordance to EPA requirements. The RCRA vault is adjacent to the eastern property boundary. The St. Regis Superfund site is adjacent to the northern property boundary. Concerns of safe drinking groundwater and groundwater flow in relationship to the DRM and the adjacent properties need to be addressed. The Phase II assessment should provide a soil and groundwater sampling plan. Specific contaminates will also be addressed in the sampling plan 2. Recommendations A site reconnaissance and interviews with key personnel and Leech Lake Officials were conducted to review the site for indications of recognized environmental conditions. The reconnaissance and interviews identified several recognized environmental conditions (REC) in connection with the site: The MCT owned a Tribal construction repair and maintenance shop which was located to the rear of the current fisheries building. The building caught fire and burned to the ground. The remnants of the building were taken off site. The operational period was 2-3 years in the early 1980s.” Mr. Lego also said that a release of hazardous substances and/or petroleum as he recalled did not occur during the operational period. To date no actual accounts (or documents) have been collected of historical practices and/or possible releases related to the construction repair and maintenance shop and therefore, to address this REC, it is recommended that composite surface soil sampling be performed in the area of the construction repair and maintenance shop. Samples can be collected using a hand auger and should be analyzed for SVOCs, metals, dioxins and furans. 9 Previous lumber mill activities produced piles of sawdust that remain on site and are found on the soil surface and also possibly 20-30 feet deep on the southern boundary north of Fox Creek. These piles were supposedly pushed in a direction towards the Fox Creek. The sawdust piles potentially provide a health and safety concerns. The sawdust pile has caught fire before and that could pose serious safety issues. Since there is no clear evidence of what the sawdust pile consists of, therefore sampling should occur. To address this REC since there is no clear evidence of what the sawdust pile consists of it is recommended that composite surface sampling should occur. Samples can be collected using a hand auger and should be analyzed for SVOCs, metals, dioxins and furans. One Aboveground Storage Tank is located within a portion of the fish hatchery complex. The AST is situated on a cement slab. The AST capacity is approximately 300 gallons of diesel fuel. The current use of the AST is to provide diesel fuel to a back up generator. In the vicinity of the fish hatchery where the AST is located it is it is recommended that composite surface sampling should occur. Samples can be collected using a hand auger and should be analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, metals, dioxins and furans. Solid waste on site was determined to be mostly historical placement of solid waste which includes old tanks, broken cement piles, wood pallets, construction debris, tires, 5 gallon buckets, chain link fencing, PVC piping, etc. Staining issues related to solid waste was relatively unfounded and an insignificant issue from information collected to date. To address this REC, it is recommended that composite surface sampling should occur. Samples can be collected using a hand auger and should be analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, metals, dioxins and furans. The possibility exists that asbestos containing materials (ACM) may be lining the exhaust pipes of the back up generator in the fish hatchery complex. To address this REC, it is recommended that sampling of possible ACM should occur. Three small piles (most likely caused from winter plowing operations) located in the parking lot area or adjacent to are possible soil disturbance areas on site. To address this REC, it is recommended that composite surface sampling should occur. Samples can be collected using a hand auger and should be analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, metals, dioxins and furans. Final discussion of sampling and analysis related to the previous RECs: Because of the historical uses of the property, field soil samples should be collected and analyzed in discrete or composite forms (sub-samples collected randomly or with bias), with the objective of addressing the question of potential surface soil contamination within larger domains as well as at suspect areas. Based on the Phase 1 ESA report, VOC, SVOC, Dioxin/Furan, and Metals were determined to be the main chemicals of potential concern at the site. 10 D. Interviews Mr. John Ringle, Leech Lake DRM Fish and Wildlife Director 218-335-7421 Mr. Harvey Frazer, Local Citizen 218-335-8460 Mr. Gary White, Leech Lake Assistant Hatchery Manager 218-335-7424 Mr. Rich Tanner, Leech DRM Lake Service Manager 218-335-7425 Mr. Gary Frazer, MCT Executive Director 218-335-8581 Mr. Mert Lego, Local Citizen 218-654-3525 Mr. Delvan Heemstra, former Wheeler Bridge Operation mill employee 218-3352265 E. Data Gaps Available documentation regarding the transfer of ownership from MCT to the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe was unfounded. Extensive research of Cass County, MN documents, Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Land Department documents and an interview with MCT employee, Gary Frazer provided no documents. In an interview with Gary Frazer he stated, “he searched for any documentation and none could be found, also (he believes) no documentation was ever drafted…” After extensive searching no documents were found. Possible explanations could be that no document was ever created and that Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe took ownership informally or documents were destroyed at the former MCT building which was located in Walker, MN and was destroyed by fire April 2, 2001. Past soil disturbances have occurred with construction of each building. Historical background searches through publications and interviews obtained provided trivial amounts of information related to how many buildings have been on site, how long they were in existence, when they were removed, or how they were removed and what type of construction they were. No coverage of Sanborn fire insurance maps through EDR provided for several unanswered questions related to historical use of the property. The MCT owned a Tribal construction repair and maintenance shop which was located to the rear of the current fisheries building. The building caught fire and burned to the ground. The operational period was 2-3 years in the early 1980s.” According to MR. Lego, the remnants of the burned building were taken off site. Mr. Lego also said that a release of hazardous substances and/or petroleum as he recalled did not occur during the operational period. To date no actual accounts (or documents) have been collected of the historical practices and/or possible releases related to the construction repair and maintenance shop. Information obtained through the interview with Mr. Lego offered possible dates of the operational period and building existence. After research of the documents that were available the exact dates have been undetermined. F. References 1. Leech Lake Division of Resource Management and the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe Research Lab, July 1997, A Water Quality Assessment Of The Leech Lake Watershed 11 2. EPA All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) Final Rule Standard, Effective November 1, 2006 3. USGS 7.5 Minute topographic map series Pike Bay, Minnesota quadrangle. 4. Environmental Data Resources Inc. Sanborn Map Report 5. MPCA Databases 6. Cass County, MN Records Office documents 7. US EPA CERCLIS and RCRIS Databases 8. Leech Lake Environmental Databases 9. Leech Lake Tribal Historic Preservation Office document 12 G. SIGNATURES OF CERTIFIED ASTM PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSORS "[I, We] declare that, to the best of [my, our] professional knowledge and belief, [I, we] meet the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in §312.10 of this part." "[I, We] have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a property of the nature, history, and setting of the subject property. [I, We] have developed and performed the all appropriate inquiries in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40 CFR Part 312." Diane Thompson Hazardous Waste Manager Brownfields Program Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Tim Hugley Hazardous Waste Technician Brownfields Program Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe ______________________ Signature ______________________ Signature ______________________ Date Date ____ 13 FIGURE 1: REGIONAL LOCATION 14 FIGURE 2: SITE MAP 15 FIGURE 3: DRM SITE SKETCH Service Shop Barn Green House Shed Highway 371 E E Fish Hatchery Complex Sheds DRM Fisheries/Former Wild Rice Plant E RCRA Vault Well Pipe Installation Historical Solid Waste Former Lumber Mill DRM Wells DRM Property E DRM Septic Systems Proposed Traditional Seed Garden Septic Drain Fields Saw Dust Piles 16 FIGURE 4: DRM AND ADJACENT MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS St. Regis Superfund Site #2 Residential Well Locations (MDH) St. Regis MW121 Abandonded St. Regis MW125 DRM MW 1 St. Regis MW124 St. Regis MW129 DRM MW 3 St. Regis RCRA Vault St. Regis MW128 DRM MW 4 St. Regis MW127 DRM MW 2 DRM PROPERTY St. Regis MW126 Fox Cre ek St. Regis MW111 Abandonded St. Regis MW130 St. Regis MW123 Abandonded / 17 FIGURE 5: DRM SITE PHOTOS (A) DRM Main Office 18 (B) Fisheries Building, Parking area and RCRA Vault (in background) 19 (C) Fisheries Building 20 (D) Fish Hatchery and Water Tower/Holding Tank 21 (E) Behind Fisheries Building, Parking Area and RCRA Vault (in background) 22 (F) Hatchery Building/Maintenance Shop and Water Tower/Holding Tank 23 (G) Greenhouse/Botany Building, Water Tower/Holding Tank and Wood Chip Building 24 (H) Proposed Traditional Seed Garden (1 of 3) 25 (I) Proposed Traditional Seed Garden (2 of 3) 26 (J) Proposed Traditional Seed Garden (3 of 3) 27 (K) Vehicle/Off-Road Vehicle Storage Building 28 (L) Water Tower/Holding Tank, Wood Chip Building and Greenhouse/Botany Building 29 (M) Storage Sheds 30 FIGURE 6: SANBORN MAP REPORT 31 FIGURE 7: PARCEL MAPS Parcel Number: Township/City: Taxpayer Name: Address1: Address2: Address3: Address4: Property Address: Township: Range: Section: Plat: Lake Number: Lake Name: 29-016-4104 PIKE BAY TWP MN CHIPPEWA TRIBE CONSTR CO 6530 US 2 NW CASS LAKE MN 56633 15756 STATE 371 NW 145 31 16 0 W 396 FT OF S 891 FT OF NE SE LESS HWY 7.45 115 COMMERCIAL 0 0 Non Homestead Legal Description: Acres: School District: Class Code 1: Class Code 2: Class Code 3: Homestead: 32 Tax Year: Est. Land Value: Est. Building Value: Est. Total Value: Total Taxable Value: Net Tax(Does not include any special assessments): Total Special Assessments: Current Year Balance Due: 2006 32900 476700 509600 509600 15096 300 7698 Parcel Number: Township/City: 29-016-4105 PIKE BAY TWP LEECH LAKE BAND OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS ATTN: LEECH LAKE LAND DEPT 6530 US 2 NW CASS LAKE MN 56633 Taxpayer Name: Address1: Address2: Address3: Address4: Property Address: Township: Range: Section: Plat: Lake Number: Lake Name: Legal Description: 145 31 16 0 PT OF NE SE 33 Acres: School District: Class Code 1: Class Code 2: Class Code 3: Homestead: Tax Year: Est. Land Value: Est. Building Value: Est. Total Value: Total Taxable Value: Net Tax(Does not include any special assessments): Total Special Assessments: Current Year Balance Due: 2.23 115 COMMERCIAL 0 0 Non Homestead 2006 23100 129600 152700 152700 3710 300 2005 34 APPENDIX 1 Database Search Report Leech Lake Aboveground Storage Tanks Latitude 47.470098456 47.469873531 Longitude -94.530729277 -94.534211525 Owner/Operator 911 Blue Number 24042 Dunham 47.466305251 -94.551931578 Camp Chippewa Boys Camp 47.466305251 -94.551931578 Camp Chippewa Boys Camp 47.480272818 47.378693016 47.378693016 47.378693016 47.519656729 -94.524114053 -94.573741796 -94.573741796 -94.573741796 -94.042425289 47.434699563 47.574327972 -94.025077372 -93.967281040 Pike Hole Bar and Grill Stony Point Resort Stony Point Resort Stony Point Resort USFS Cut Foot Sioux Info Center Little Winnie Resort & Campground Lakewood Lodge 47.633632285 -93.928924330 Dan Dowling 52268 Co Rd 36 47.656193106 -94.034629085 Anchor Inn Resort 55960 Co Rd 4 9962 Battle Point Trail NW 9962 Battle Point Trail NW 9962 Battle Point Trail NW Battle Point Estates Battle Point Estates Battle Point Estates Address Cap Endres Road NE 911 Blue Number 23856 22767 Cap Endres Road SE 22767 Cap Endres Road SE 24896 Power Dam Road Ne 5510 US HWY 2 NW 5510 US HWY 2 NW 5510 US HWY 2 NW HWY 46 & Co Rd 35 City Pennington Pennington 55671 Co Rd 9 52856 Co Rd 35 Deer River Deer River Spring Lake Spring Lake Federal Dam Federal Dam Federal Dam Federal Dam Federal Dam Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Squaw Lake Squaw Lake Ball Club Calumet Walker Walker Walker Walker Tank # 553331 47.383642487 47.383002535 47.383002535 -94.612211278 -94.623005041 -94.623005041 Point View Resort Morning Star Resort LeRoy's Minnows VTS (Car Testing) VTS (Car Testing) 47.621026515 -94.135063044 Mertes Garage 51470 HWY 46 47.619548292 47.345239020 47.223158170 47.055314480 47.149260881 47.149260881 47.121785131 -94.134792603 -93.952486604 -93.803759680 -94.548022372 -94.528946564 -94.528946564 -94.517796196 911 Blue Number 51357 Gus' Place Schoolcraft State Park Larson Motor Service & Marina Brindleys Harbor Resort Brindleys Harbor Resort Wolf's Trail-In Resort & CO RD 46 CO RD 39 PO Box 376 7051 Wintergreen Trail 9530 Pine Point Road NW 9530 Pine Point Road NW 8413 Onigum Road NW 35 223 Circle Loop Lane SE 606 Aspen Ave NW HWY 2 HWY 2 Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake 47.121785131 -94.517796196 47.121785131 47.152733292 47.152733292 47.152733292 47.158484389 47.170365724 47.172083998 47.172083998 -94.517796196 -94.642456026 -94.642456026 -94.642456026 -94.641745426 -94.626778085 -94.626519140 -94.626519140 47.160300806 -94.624249571 47.158928666 -94.625924486 47.158928666 46.992363252 46.991622913 47.009029699 46.997792503 46.997750938 46.999175463 46.999266113 47.052360227 47.052360227 -94.625924486 -94.209014063 -94.211367319 -94.213543380 -94.208688321 -94.203672111 -94.204486508 -94.203882045 -94.249183739 -94.249183739 County Beltrami Beltrami Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Itasca Itasca Itasca Itasca Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Phone # 218-335-8807 218-335-8807 218-335-0009 218-335-6311 218-335-6311 218-335-6311 218-246-8501 218-659-2839 218-659-2823 218-659-2718 218-654-3135 218-654-3135 218-654-3135 218-335-8823 Tank # 2000 2001 2002A 2002B 2003 2004A 2004B 2004C 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010A 2010B 2010C 2011 2012 2013 Campground Wolf's Trail-In Resort & Campground Wolf's Trail-In Resort & Campground Leech Lake Lumber Company Leech Lake Lumber Company Leech Lake Lumber Company Walker Airport Long Bow Golf Course Long Bow Golf Course Long Bow Golf Course Steamboat Bay Resort Moonlight Bay Resort & Campground Moonlight Bay Resort & Campground Longville Municipal Airport True Value Hardware Musky House Marine & Artic Cat Camp Of My Dreams Deer Trail Resort & Campground Deer Trail Resort & Campground Deer Trail Resort & Campground Chippewa Nat'l Golf Club Chippewa Nat'l Golf Club Register Date 9/24/1990 9/24/1990 9/24/1990 1/26/1998 Capacity (Gallons) 500 500 250 500 500 500 100 50 2,000 500 500 550 300 500 250 250 250 36 8413 Onigum Road NW Walker 8413 Onigum Road NW 9675 State 371 NW 9675 State 371 NW 9675 State 371 NW 9787 State 371 NW State 371 State 371 State 371 6379 Wedgewood Road NW 6409 Wedgewood Road NW 6409 Wedgewood Road NW 5220 State 84 State 84 HWY 84 & Co Rd126 Fahrenholz Road 1608 Deer Run Dr NE 1608 Deer Run Dr NE 1608 Deer Run Dr NE 741 State 200 NE 741 State 200 NE Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Product Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Diesel Fuel Oil Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Oil Gasoline Gasoline Status Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Closed Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Walker Walker Walker Longville Longville Longville Longville Longville Longville Longville Longville Longville Cass Cass Cass Itasca Itasca Itasca Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass 218-335-6541 218-659-4270 218-247-7215 218-547-5700 218-547-1721 218-547-1721 218-547-1323 218-547-1323 218-547-1323 218-547-1671 218-547-1671 218-547-1671 218-547-9798 218-547-4121 218-547-4121 218-547-4121 218-547-1575 218-547-1443 218-547-1443 218-363-2110 218-363-2044 218-363-2507 218-363-2536 218-363-2536 218-363-2536 218-363-2552 218-363-2552 2014 2015A 2015B 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2022A 2022B 2023A 2023B 2023C 2024A 2024B 2024C 2025 2026 2027A 2027B 2028 2029A 2029B 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037A 2037B Latitude 47.352960144 47.352960144 47.352960144 47.352847636 Longitude -94.268452476 -94.268452476 -94.268452476 -94.270226381 47.272307103 47.266773670 47.266773670 -94.310823855 -94.406911956 -94.406911956 47.267928883 47.271487956 47.263588085 47.263161032 47.261443994 -94.408894445 -94.410523046 -94.405631223 -94.405140446 -94.403981546 500 300 300 100 150 260 300 500 500 560 560 300 300 500 4,000 200 500 500 8/29/1996 8/29/1996 560 560 10,000 300 750 150 150 50 200 50 Owner/Operator Johnson Lumber Company Johnson Lumber Company Johnson Lumber Company Johnson Lumber Company New Leech Lake Campground Birch Ridge Resort Birch Ridge Resort Rock Springs Resort and Campground Maple Leaf Resort Steve Howard Blue Number 02239 Bay Shore Resort (Closed) 37 Gasoline Ethanol Ethanol Kerosene Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Diesel Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Oil Diesel Diesel Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Inactive Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Inactive Active Active Inactive Address 15149 W Winnie Road NE 15149 W Winnie Road NE 15149 W Winnie Road NE 15149 W Winnie Road NE 12962 Sunset Beach Road NW 12797 N Shore Lane NW 12797 N Shore Lane NW City Bena Bena Bena Bena 2465 N Shore Drive NW 2505 N Shore Drive NW Blue Number 02247 Blue Number 02239 2227 Lakeshore Drive NW Cass Lak Cass Lak Cass Lak Cass Lak Cass Lak Bena Cass Lak Cass Lak 47.335384621 -94.287500849 Sunset Beach Resort 47.592841824 -94.290162636 Dixon Lake Resort 47.606050388 47.586146609 47.581955739 47.560219774 -94.181032892 -93.981996153 -94.014341490 -93.946626221 47.573665216 47.361690764 47.377108923 47.376565482 47.376565482 47.376913729 47.416491475 47.415018739 47.417474528 -93.907607244 -94.309667635 -94.283257762 -94.286074576 -94.286074576 -94.286661465 -94.336314438 -94.336299833 -94.337357034 Bojou Lodge Resort Campbells Empty Bar Resort Pine Grove Lodge Northern Acres Snug Harbor Georgenes Haven Bug School Judd's West Winnie Larry Chvala Larry Chvala Across road from #2057 Mc Ardles Mc Ardles Four Seasons Resort 47.457534343 -94.487113494 Chippewa Paws 47.457534343 47.551877061 47.552308731 47.515358819 47.515358819 47.538847608 47.522599497 47.510553609 47.510553609 -94.487113494 -94.443838883 -94.458066807 -94.469274425 -94.469274425 -94.525903849 -94.536640730 -94.502018261 -94.502018261 Chippewa Paws Farm Resort Paradise Resort Blue Number 5136 Blue Number 5136 Pimushe Resort Hide Out Resort Kitchi Landing Resort Kitchi Landing Resort 47.509668454 47.349096837 47.349096837 47.350411310 -94.498083555 -94.218017042 -94.218017042 -94.218278251 47.306134564 47.441516463 47.428556812 47.428008129 47.428008129 47.350278626 47.376004958 47.376004958 -94.123044208 -94.127623184 -94.060304929 -94.057637854 -94.057637854 -94.203789005 -94.615228257 -94.615228257 Lost Acres Resort Nodak Lodge Nodak Lodge Nodak Lodge Nodak Lodge Cherney's Resort Highbanks Resort Tamarack Lodge Northland Lodge The Pines Denny's Resort Cass Forest Products Cass Forest Products County Cass Cass Phone # 218-665-2368 218-665-2368 Tank # 2038A 2038B Register Date 38 14703 Portage Road NE 49442 Dixon Lake Resort Road 50496 Bojou Road 49092 Empty Bar Loop Drive 48724 Co Rd 158 47292 Bowstring Access HC 3 Box 328 50241 Co Rd 35 6530 US HWY 2 NW 52 W Winnie Estate Dr 51 W Winnie Estate Dr 51 W Winnie Estate Dr 51 W Winnie Estate Dr 1014 W Winnie Rd NW 1014 W Winnie Rd NW 952 Riverdrive NW 27418 Chippewa Paws Ln SE 27418 Chippewa Paws Ln SE 30353 Squirrel Way NE 8677 Moose Lake Rd NE Birchmont Beach Road Birchmont Beach Road 7376 Pimushe Trl NE 6109 Rice Lake Rd NE 4826 Kitchi Landing Ln NE 4826 Kitchi Landing Ln NE 26772 Birchmont Beach Rd NE 13887 Six Mile Lake Road Co Road 9 (HC3 Box 772) Co Road 9 (HC3 Box 766) 17207 Winnie Dam Rd NE 17221 Winnie Dam Rd NE 15088 Sixteenth Ave NE 6250 S First Street 6250 S First Street Capacity (Gallons) 500 500 Product Diesel Diesel Status Active Active Bena Squaw Lake Squaw Lake Deer Riv Max Deer Riv Deer Riv Deer Riv Bena Bena Bena Bena Bena Bena Bena Bena Penningt Penningt Penningt Penningt Penningt Penningt Bemidji Blackduc Blackduc Blackduc Blackduc Bena Bena Bena Bena Bena Deer Riv Deer Riv Deer Riv Deer Riv Bena Cass Lak Cass Lak Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Itasca Itasca Cass Itasca Itasca Itasca Itasca Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Itasca Itasca Itasca Itasca Cass Cass 218-665-2368 218-665-2368 218-654-3785 218-654-3721 218-654-3721 218-654-3881 218-654-3891 218-654-3761 218-665-2324 218-659-4612 218-659-4203 218-659-2862 218-659-2865 218-659-2845 218-832-3466 218-832-3076 218-665-2282 218-665-2216 218-665-2228 218-665-2228 218-665-2212 218-665-2212 218-665-2231 218-335-6897 218-335-6897 218-835-6566 218-835-6514 218-586-2094 218-835-6445 218-835-6595 218-835-6595 218-835-6414 218-665-2226 218-665-2226 218-665-2226 218-665-2226 218-665-2271 218-246-2560 218-246-8515 218-246-8531 218-246-8546 218-665-2222 218-335-2694 2038C 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2056 2057A 2057B 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062A 2062B 2063 2064 2065A 2065B 2066 2067 2068A 2068B 2069 2070A 2070B 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2076 2077 2078A 200 200 300 150 300 300 300 150 150 200 150 500 300 500 200 250 550 265 10,100 1,000 250 400 100 2,000 500 2,000 300 300 250 500 300 150 500 300 150 150 250 300 300 1,000 500 300 500 500 500 500 500 500 39 Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Gasoline GasDiesel? Gas/Diesel? Gas/Diesel? Diesel Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gas/Diesel? Fuel Oil Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Inactive Inactive Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Cass 218-335-2694 2078B 1,000 Latitude 47.376004958 47.376004958 47.376004958 47.376004958 47.376004958 47.373237448 47.373237448 47.374468642 47.400547023 47.390678614 Longitude -94.615228257 -94.615228257 -94.615228257 -94.615228257 -94.615228257 -94.623043584 -94.623043584 -94.610008866 -94.665931917 -94.597926494 Owner/Operator Cass Forest Products Cass Forest Products Cass Forest Products Cass Forest Products Cass Forest Products Sandtrap Golf Course Sandtrap Golf Course Little Wolf Resort Cass Co Highway Department Cass Lake Lodge Sah-Kah-Tay Beach Resort LLC Sah-Kah-Tay Beach Resort LLC Birch Villa Marclay Point Resort Marclay Point Resort Anglers Beach Resort Toms Resort & Supper Club 47.393845671 -94.598489438 47.393845671 47.394218801 47.412088744 47.412088744 47.413778188 47.405521384 -94.598489438 -94.598551684 -94.595658903 -94.595658903 -94.599359445 -94.594531793 47.379640666 47.063299124 47.065448054 -94.525538352 -94.552709541 -94.556738831 47.062244507 47.090114232 47.093269420 47.093269420 47.098574397 47.098574397 47.099604070 47.099604070 47.099604070 47.099514482 47.101318409 47.101318409 47.103530331 -94.555876333 -94.464008747 -94.464864422 -94.464864422 -94.466931665 -94.466931665 -94.506671107 -94.506671107 -94.506671107 -94.505700959 -94.508248265 -94.508248265 -94.507733918 Norway Beach Resort Ivanhoe Resort Shore Crest Resort Monahans Larson Motor Service Big Rock Resort Red Wing Lodge Red Wing Lodge Horshoe Bay Resort Horshoe Bay Resort Bayside Resort Bayside Resort Bayside Resort Bayside Resort Birchwood Resort Birchwood Resort Moore's Lodge 47.121414459 -94.464637560 Stony Point Resort 47.121414459 -94.464637560 Stony Point Resort 47.120481954 47.128554267 47.128554267 47.124073299 47.124073299 -94.465281734 -94.485534130 -94.485534130 -94.502433647 -94.502433647 Vande Brake's Loe's Resort Loe's Resort Traders Bay Lodge Traders Bay Lodge 40 Diesel Active Address 6250 S First Street 6250 S First Street 6250 S First Street 6250 S First Street 6250 S First Street 6355 Golf Course Rd NW 6355 Golf Course Rd NW 7159 Little Wolf Rd NW 16293 60th Ave City Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake 16348 60th Ave NW Cass Lake 16348 60th Ave NW 16364 60th Ave NW 16636 Marclay Point Ln SE 16636 Marclay Point Ln SE 4800 Anglers Beach Rd SE 5905 167th Street NW 15868 Norway Beach Rd NW 7066 Ninebark Dr NW 7090 Ninebark Dr NW Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake 7051 Wintergreen Tr 7860 Hawthorne Trl NW 7958 Hawthorn Trl NW 7958 Hawthorn Trl NW 8098 Hawthorn Trail NW 8098 Hawthorn Trail NW 8039 Onigum Rd NW 8039 Onigum Rd NW 8039 Onigum Rd NW 8039 Onigum Rd NW 8055 Onigum Rd NW 8055 Onigum Rd NW 8065 Onigum Rd NW 8724 Stony Point Camp Trl NW 8724 Stony Point Camp Trl NW 8716 Stony Point Camp Trl NW 8915 Traders Bay Rd NW 8915 Traders Bay Rd NW 8820 Midway Cir NW 8820 Midway Cir NW Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Cass Lake Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker 47.156606173 47.156606173 47.160273689 47.160273689 47.159897243 47.051687705 47.074271202 47.073841808 47.073841808 47.049778067 47.049778067 -94.512842817 -94.512842817 -94.524451289 -94.524451289 -94.516331848 -94.473142960 -94.430981056 -94.425559926 -94.425559926 -94.370749324 -94.370749324 County Cass Cass Cass Cass Phone # 218-335-2694 218-335-2694 218-335-2694 218-335-2694 Tank # 2078C 2078D 2078E 2078F Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass 218-335-2694 218-335-6531 218-335-6531 218-335-2138 2078G 2079A 2079B 2080 2080 2081 2082A 2082B 2083 2084A 2084B 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092A 2092B 2093A 2093B 2094A 2094B 2094C 2095 2096A 2096B 2097 218-335-6658 218-335-2424 218-335-2424 218-335-6795 218-335-6589 218-335-6589 218-335-6602 218-335-6641 218-335-8857 218-547-1626 218-547-2211 218-547-1810 218-547-1066 218-547-1272 218-547-1272 218-547-1366 218-547-1366 218-547-1350 218-547-1350 218-547-1350 218-547-1350 218-547-1454 218-547-1454 218-547-1542 Adventure North Resort Adventure North Resort Pine Point Resort Pine Point Resort Anderson's Grand Vu Lodge HWY 200 Marine Service Spirit of the North Northland Lodge Northland Lodge Huddle's Resort Huddle's Resort Register Date 10/4/1991 10/4/1991 10/4/1991 10/4/1991 8/5/1996 8/5/1996 11/29/1990 41 Capacity (Gallons) 185 185 185 185 185 250 500 200 5,000 600 300 500 400 1,000 5 1,000 500 300 500 500 500 565 500 250 300 300 250 250 250 250 560 560 500 4444Point Landing Dr NW 4444Point Landing Dr NW 9693 Pine Point Rd NW 9693 Pine Point Rd NW 9789 Pine Point Rd NW 3653 State 200 NW 7418 Smokey Point Rd NW 2802 Northland Ln NW 2802 Northland Ln NW 1696 Whipolt Beach Rd NW 1696 Whipolt Beach Rd NW Product Engine Oil Engine Oil Hydraulic Fluid Hydraulic Fluid Transmission Fluid Diesel Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Engine Oil Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Mixed Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Mixed Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Mixed Gasoline Gasoline Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Whipolt Whipolt Status Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass 218-547-1665 218-547-1665 218-547-1241 218-547-1241 218-547-1031 218-547-1031 218-547-1532 218-547-1532 218-547-1024 218-547-1024 218-547-1632 218-836-2500 218-836-2356 218-836-2325 218-836-2325 218-836-2420 218-836-2420 2098A 2098B 2099 2100A 2100B 2101A 2101B 2102A 2102B 2103A 2103B 2104 2105 2106 2107A 2107B 2108A 2108B 4/15/1999 6/25/1990 6/25/1990 560 560 400 560 1,000 200 200 1,000 1,000 560 560 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Latitude 47.052723531 47.052723531 47.061097533 47.072895332 47.072895332 47.096344333 47.096344333 47.080716241 47.080716241 Longitude -94.372389074 -94.372389074 -94.325389962 -94.294276642 -94.294276642 -94.284499750 -94.284499750 -94.291742673 -94.291742673 47.048854430 -94.146430612 47.048854430 -94.146430612 47.048854430 47.086073170 47.382880555 47.382880555 47.443802339 47.438573954 47.447838833 47.497910560 47.429768381 47.438069349 47.438069349 -94.146430612 -94.125555824 -94.641119201 -94.641119201 -94.619744376 -94.608718715 -94.582082296 -94.586843801 -94.678170047 -94.670687933 -94.670687933 Owner/Operator Huddle's Resort Huddle's Resort Maplewood Resort Chippewa Lodge Leech Lake Chippewa Lodge Leech Lake Pikedale Lodge Pikedale Lodge Carlson's Resort Carlson's Resort Northland Monument, Inc. Granite Designs Northland Monument, Inc. Granite Designs Northland Monument, Inc. Granite Designs Timber Trails Resort Gehrke Mill Gehrke Mill Trees Resort Break-On-The-Lake Wishbone Resort Conway's Sandy Beach Assoc. River Lake Resort Oak Haven Resort Oak Haven Resort 47.441110492 47.441883840 -94.661392566 -94.659034222 Finn 'N Feather Resort Finn 'N Feather Resort 42 Gasoline Mixed Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Address 1696 Whipolt Beach Rd NW 1696 Whipolt Beach Rd NW 738 Goldeneye Tr NW 7349 Chippewa Dr NW 7349 Chippewa Dr NW 7995 Partridge Point Dr NW 7995 Partridge Point Dr NW 50 Carlson Ln NW 50 Carlson Ln NW City Whipolt Whipolt Walker Longville Longville Longville Longville Longville Longville 2601 State 200 NE Longville 2601 State 200 NE Longville 2601 State 200 NE 3014 South Boy Lake Dr NE 6700 HWY 200 West 6700 HWY 200 West 2235 Trees Ln SE 18342 Windigo Dr SE 20686 Williams Rd SE 3500 Mission Rd NE 13889 Morningside Ln SE 14333 Roosevelt Rd SE 14333 Roosevelt Rd SE 15150 Finn N Feather Blvd SE 15150 Finn N Feather Blvd Longville Remer Cass Lak Cass Lak Cass Lak Cass Lak Cass Lak Bemidji Bemidji Bemidji Bemidji Bemidji Bemidji SE 15228 Joes Lodge Dr SE 1680 Pine Lake Rd NW 1680 Pine Lake Rd NW 8578 22nd Ave NE 8859 Boy Lake Dr NE 8859 Boy Lake Dr NE 47.443293870 47.026832868 47.026832868 47.115990952 47.120238295 47.120238295 -94.660168617 -94.377937217 -94.377937217 -94.171671755 -94.146863087 -94.146863087 Joe's Lodge Pine Lake Resort Pine Lake Resort Family Tradition Resort Maple Trails Resort Maple Trails Resort 47.246808394 -94.223775341 47.246072869 -94.222208677 Tonga's Lanch Service Army Corps of Engineers Campground 47.290780795 47.349222865 47.349222865 47.637374082 -94.254543228 -94.293018235 -94.293018235 -94.034542847 Northstar Resort Iowana Beach Resort Iowana Beach Resort Driftwood Resort 14877 Iowana Beach Rd 14877 Iowana Beach Rd 47.626574478 -93.986696191 Edgewater Resort Edgewater Rd 47.632229914 -93.994464313 Island View Resort 47.274881520 -94.652979139 Camp Birchwood 47.274881520 47.176715048 47.192937099 47.192937099 47.208256417 47.189285015 47.155210684 47.063422872 47.505148835 -94.652979139 -94.578239043 -94.618134982 -94.618134982 -94.607259187 -94.627108082 -94.674344176 -94.550899629 -94.061690854 Camp Birchwood Buck's Oak Point Lodge Hiawatha Beach Resort Hiawatha Beach Resort Andersons Cove Resort WatersEdge RV Park Walker Sand & Gravel Travel Trailer Terrace Williams Narrows Resort 52246 S Center Rd 6983 S Steamboat Lake Dr NW 6983 S Steamboat Lake Dr NW 10583 Oak Point Dr NW 10904 Steamboat Loop NW 10904 Steamboat Loop NW Leech Lake HC 73 Box 570 Box 927 HC 73 Box 1016 HCR Box 652 County Cass Phone # 218-836-2420 Tank # 2109A Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass 218-836-2420 218-836-2443 218-836-2437 218-836-2437 218-836-2232 2109B 2110 2111A 2111B 2112A Cass Cass Cass 218-836-2232 2112B 2113A 2113B Cass 218-566-1324 Cass 218-566-1324 221 Cedar Street Register Date 6/25/1990 Capacity (Gallons) 1,000 6/25/1990 1,000 200 560 560 560 Status Active 560 500 150 Product Gasoline Mixed Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Mixed Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline 2114A 200 Diesel Active 2114B 500 Diesel Active 43 Active Active Active Active Active Active Inactive Inactive Bemidji Walker Walker Boy Rive Boy Rive Boy Rive Federal Dam Federal Dam Federal Dam Bena Bena Max Spring Lake Spring Lake Laporte Laporte Cass Lak Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Deer Riv Cass Cass Cass Cass Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Beltrami Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass 218-566-1324 218-566-2376 Cass Cass Itasca Itasca Itasca Cass Cass Cass 218-665-2311 218-665-2311 218-659-4663 218-798-2814 218-335-6706 218-335-6706 218-335-2993 2133A 2133B 2134 2135 2136 2137A 2137B 2138 Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Itasca 218-547-1510 218-547-1510 218-547-2999 218-547-3552 218-547-1922 218-547-1584 218-246-8703 2139A 2139B 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 218-335-2471 218-335-2422 218-335-2320 218-335-8822 218-335-2092 218-335-2092 218-335-6598 218-335-6598 218-335-6773 218-836-2481 218-836-2481 218-889-2286 218-889-2258 218-889-2258 218-654-3715 218-654-3145 2114C 2115 2116A 2116B 2117 2118 2120 2121 2122 2123A 2123B 2124 2125 2126 2127A 2127B 2128 2129A 2129B 2130 2131 2132 11/19/1990 7/13/1992 4/15/1994 Latitude 47.489109944 47.489109944 47.515623692 Longitude -94.084852818 -94.084852818 -94.043984396 Owner/Operator Bowen Lodge Bowen Lodge Cutfoot Sioux Inn 47.348313852 -94.542917908 Ojibwe Resort 47.172868987 -94.320910719 Sugar Point Resort 44 500 500 5,000 5,000 Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Gasoline Active Active Active Active 1,000 500 400 300 500 5 300 500 500 150 250 400 200 5 1,000 250 500 Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline 2 Cycle Oil Diesel Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline 2 Cycle Oil Gasoline Diesel Gasoline Mixed Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Mixed Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Gasoline Gasoline Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active 300 300 300 150 500 300 300 300 500 1,000 500 300 500 500 500 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Closed Active Active Active Address Box 253 Box 253 44394 State HWY 46 15191 Pike Bay Loop NW 10125 Sugar Point Dr NW 47.377364474 47.377364474 47.377364474 47.377364474 47.377364474 47.377364474 -94.604259735 -94.604259735 -94.604259735 -94.604259735 -94.604259735 -94.604259735 J& L Oil Bulk Plant J& L Oil Bulk Plant J& L Oil Bulk Plant J& L Oil Bulk Plant J& L Oil Bulk Plant J& L Oil Bulk Plant 47.419907635 -94.630390158 47.333441068 47.336548271 47.336548271 47.336239062 47.336585690 47.335979532 47.335576558 47.335576558 -93.848296254 -93.843228647 -93.843228647 -93.843837921 -93.844126037 -93.846882649 -93.864585112 -93.864585112 Sunset Cove Resort Great Lakes Gas Transmission CO Rajala Timber Company Rajala Timber Company Rajala Timber Company Rajala Timber Company Rajala Timber Company Blue # 48488 Blue # 48488 Jon Mason Shores of Leech Lake City Deer River Deer River Deer River Cass Lake Federal Dam Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake Cass Lake County Itasca Itasca Itasca Cass Phone # 218-246-8707 218-246-8707 218-246-8706 218-335-6695 Tank # 2145A 2145B 2146 2147 Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass Cass 218-654-3150 2148 2149A 2149B 2149C 2149D 2149E 2149F 2150 Deer River Deer River Deer River Deer River Deer River Deer River Deer River Deer River Deer River Walker Itasca Itasca Itasca Itasca Itasca Itasca Itasca Itasca Itasca Cass 218-246-6294 218-246-8277 218-246-8277 218-246-8277 218-246-8277 218-246-8277 218-335-2480 218-547-1819 2151 2152A 2152B 2153 2154 2155 2156A 2156B 2157 2158 Register Date 2/5/2003 2/5/2003 2/5/2003 2/5/2003 2/5/2003 2/5/2003 5/24/1999 5/15/1997 5/31/1996 3 Railroad Street 3 Railroad Street 3 Railroad Street 3 Railroad Street 3 Railroad Street 3 Railroad Street 4083 Kangas Curve Rd SE 31641 Great Lakes Rd HWY 2 W HWY 2 W HWY 2 W HWY 2 W HWY 2 W HWY 2 W HWY 2 W HCR4 Box 72 6166 Moriss Point Rd NW Capacity (Gallons) 300 60 300 500 200 9,952 9,952 9,952 9,952 9,952 14,929 475 120 5,000 200 300 500 300 400 400 265 Leech Lake Underground Storage Tanks 45 Product Gasoline 2 Cycle Oil Gasoline Gasoline Status Active Active Active Active Gasoline Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Chemical Other Diesel Gasoline Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Diesel Gasoline Diesel Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Latitude Longitude Tank Material Tank Corrosion Protection * STI-P3 Jacketed Steel STI-P3 Anode Anode Not Needed Anode STI-P3 STI-P3 STI-P3 Jacketed Steel Jacketed Anode Anode Anode Not Needed Not UTM North UTM East 5248602.00 5248957.41 5252403.75 5248588.74 5216903.90 5248909.68 5254555.00 5249141.79 5251990.00 5241536.00 5261018.31 5248955.11 5225298.25 5220297.29 5259952.80 5212331.55 5273807.71 5253795.13 5248852.45 378583.50 379020.31 399065.21 378321.40 388633.85 378231.15 374225.10 379680.65 399205.30 429224.90 388557.40 375528.30 400075.69 384119.77 388489.22 382921.70 415356.54 423604.13 378957.35 5246373.57 5276049.38 5244265.76 377727.89 414630.81 408671.71 Tank #1 Gallons Product Name J&L Oil Co. Che-We Four Seasons Resort Cass Lake Mini Mart Horseshoe Bay Resort Teal's Midway Convenience Store Sail Star Marina McArdle's Resort Harwoods LBJ Scenic Store Palace Junction Conoco Sugar Point Resort Agency Bay Resort Pennington Store Main Str Ortons Y-Market Store BP Max Mini Store Winnie One Stop Cass Lake Elementary Cass Lake/Bena Schools #115 Squaw Lake School Winni Historical Center 2nd Containment Tank Type 2nd Containment Pipe Type 8,000 12,000 6,000 12,000 1,000 10,000 6,000 2,000 6,000 1,000 10,000 12,000 500 2,000 8,000 12,000 10,000 12,000 8,000 Ga Dies Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Gas/Ethan Ga Ga Fuel O 12,000 3,000 4,000 Fuel O Fuel O Ga Tank Dispenser Type Spill Containm Pipe Material Pipe Corrosion Protection Galvanized Steel Fiberglass Galvanized Steel Not Needed Submersible Submersible Yes Yes Coated Steel Fiberglass Galvanized Steel Fiberglass Fiberglass Anode Not Needed Suction Submersible Yes Yes Anode Not Needed Not Needed Suction Submersible Submersible Yes Yes Yes Fiberglass Coated Steel Not Needed Anode Submersible Suction Yes Yes 46 Steel Needed Galvanized Steel Fiberglass Coated Steel Coated Steel Coated Steel Coated Steel Coated Steel Other Coated Steel Galvanized * Unknown Steel * None Steel/Iron STI-P3 Anode Fiberglass STI-P3 Anode Coated Steel * Bare/Paint/Asphalt Coating Steel STI-P3 STI-P3 STI-P3 STI-P3 STI-P3 STI-P3 STI-P3 STI-P3 STI-P3 Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Not Needed Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Not Needed Anode Suction Suction Submersible Suction Suction Suction Submersible Submersible Suction Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Anode None Not Needed Anode Suction Suction Suction Suction None None None Yes Overfill Protection Tank Release Detection Measures # 1 Tank Release Detection Measures # 2 Auto Shutoff Daily Sticking Tightness Test Unknown Auto Shutoff ATG Interstitial Monitoring Ball Float Ball Float Daily Sticking Daily Sticking Tightness Test Tightness Test Unknown Daily Sticking Tightness Test Unknown Daily Sticking Interstitial Monitoring Interstitial Monitoring Daily Sticking Tightness Test Auto Shutoff Auto Shutoff Unknown Ball Float Ball Float/Alarm Ball Float Ball Float ATG Auto Shutoff Daily Sticking Ball Float Daily Sticking Tank Release Detection Measures #3 Tank Release Detection Measures # 4 Tank Release Detection Measures #5 Pipe Releas Detection M #1 Auto Line le Detector Tightness Test ATG Daily Sticking ATG Interstitial Monitoring 47 Auto Line le Detector European S ATG Soil Vapor Monitoring Vapor Moni Auto Line le Detector Auto Line le Detector European S European S Auto Line le Detector Auto Line le Detector European S European S Annual tight testing Auto Line le Detector Ball Float ATG Ball Float None None None Ball Float ATG ATG None ATG Daily Sticking Pipe Release Detection Measures #2 Other Auto Line le Detector European S European S Interstitial M European S Tank #2 Gallons Product Annual tightness testing Annual tightness testing European Suction 3 Year Tightness Test Other Tank Material Tank Corrosion Protection Anode Anode Not Needed Anode Pipe Material Pipe Corrosion Protection Galvanized Steel Fiberglass Galvanized Steel Not Needed Anode Not Needed 4,000 12,000 Gas Diesel 2,000 12,000 Gas Gas * STI-P3 Jacketed Steel STI-P3 1,000 10,000 Gas Gas STI-P3 STI-P3 Anode Anode Coated Steel Fiberglass Galvanized Steel Fiberglass 4,000 Gas STI-P3 Anode Fiberglass Not Needed 2,000 Gas Jacketed Steel Not Needed Coated Steel Anode 4,000 8,000 500 Gas Diesel Gas STI-P3 STI-P3 STI-P3 Anode Anode Anode Fiberglass Coated Steel Coated Steel Not Needed Anode Anode 12,000 10,000 8,000 Gas Gas Gas STI-P3 STI-P3 STI-P3 Anode Anode Anode Coated Steel Other Coated Steel Anode Not Needed Anode Anode Not Needed Other European Suction 2nd Containment Pipe Type Tank Dispenser Type Spill Containment Overfill Protection 48 Tank Release Detection Measures # 1 Tank Release Detection Measures # 2 Tank Release Detection Measures #3 2nd Contain Tank T Tank Release Detection Measures # 4 Submersible Submersible Yes Yes Auto Shutoff Unknown Suction Yes Auto Shutoff Daily Sticking ATG Interstitial Monitoring Submersible Yes Ball Float Daily Sticking Suction Yes Ball Float Daily Sticking Submersible Yes Unknown Daily Sticking Submersible Yes Unknown Daily Sticking Suction Yes Auto Shutoff Interstitial Monitoring Suction Yes ATG Submersible Suction Yes Yes Ball Float Ball Float/Alarm Ball Float Submersible Submersible Suction Yes Yes Yes Ball Float Ball Float Ball Float Daily Sticking ATG ATG Tank Release Detection Measures #5 Pipe Release Detection Measures #1 Vapor Monitoring Auto Line leak Detector European Suction 49 Tightness Test Tightness Test Tightness Test Tightness Test ATG ATG Daily Sticking Pipe Release Detection Measures #2 Auto Line leak Detector Interstitial Monitoring Auto Line leak Detector European Suction Soil Vapor Monitoring Tightness Test Annual tightness testing Tank # 3 Gallons Product Tank Material T C P 2,000 Diesel STI-P3 A 10,000 Gas STI-P3 A 8,000 Gas STI-P3 A Auto Line leak Detector Auto Line leak Detector Auto Line leak Detector Auto Line leak Detector Other Auto Line leak Detector Pipe Material Pipe Corrosion Protection 2nd Containment Tank Type 2nd Containment Pipe Type European Suction Other 8,000 Diesel STI-P3 A 10,000 10,000 Diesel Gas STI-P3 STI-P3 A A Tank Dispenser Type Spill Containment Overfill Protection Tank Release Detection Measures #1 Suction Yes Ball Float Daily Sticking Submersible Yes Unknown ATG Fiberglass Not Needed Not Needed Fiberglass Not Needed Submersible Yes Unknown Daily Sticking Coated Steel Anode Submersible Yes Ball Float/Alarm ATG Anode Not Needed Submersible Yes Ball Float/Alarm Daily Sticking Submersible Yes Ball Float ATG Other Coated Steel Other 50 Tank Release Detection Measures # 2 Tank Release Detection Measures # 3 Soil Vapor Monitoring Groundwater Monitoring Tightness Test ATG Tank Release Detection Measures # 4 Tank Release Detection Measures #5 European Suction Auto Line leak Detector Soil Vapor Monitoring Vapor Monitoring Interstitial Monitoring Product Gas Pipe Release Detection Measures #1 Pipe Release Detection Measures #2 Auto Line leak Detector Other Tank Material Tank Corrosion Protection Pipe Material Pipe Corrosion Protection STI-P3 Anode Fiberglass Not Needed 51 2nd Containment Tank Type 2nd Containment Pipe Type Other Tank Dispenser Type Spill Containmen Submersible Yes Diesel STI-P3 Anode Coated Steel Anode Submersible Yes Diesel STI-P3 Anode Coated Steel Anode Suction Yes Overfill Protection Tank Release Detection Measures #1 Tank Release Detection Measures #2 Tank Release Detection Measures #3 Unknown ATG Auto Line leak Detector Ball Float/Alarm ATG Auto Line leak Detector Ball Float/Alarm ATG European Suction 52 Tank Release Detection Measures #4 Tank Release Detection Measures #5 Pipe Release Detection Measures #1 Pipe Release Detection Measures #2 Tank # 5 Gallons Product 10,000 Gas Tank Material Tank Corrosion Protection Pipe Material Pipe Corrosion Protection STI-P3 Anode Fiberglass Not Needed Tank Dispenser Type Spill Containmen t Overfill Protectio n Tank Release Detection Measures # 1 Submersibl e Yes Unknown ATG 53 Tank Release Detection Measures # 2 Tank Release Detection Measures #3 2nd Containment Tank Type Tank Release Detection Measures #4 2nd Containment Pipe Type Tank Release Detection Measures #5 Pipe Release Detection Measures #1 Pipe Release Detection Measures #2 Auto Line leak Detector Leech Lake Illegal Dump Sites # 100 101 UTM North UTM East 5,257,517.38 378,881.19 T/R/S 146/31/16 146/31/16 54 Road ID FS2195C FS 2195 Size (cu yds) <1 <1 Ownership Forest Service Beltrami County 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 5,257,517.38 5,257,607.53 5,256,918.05 5,256,696.69 5,256,382.47 5,256,657.59 5,256,735.65 5,257,002.52 5,257,073.12 5,257,584.65 378,881.19 379,160.34 378,607.66 378,697.03 378,954.93 379,606.79 379,521.17 379,335.13 380,489.46 377,229.96 5,263,795.96 5,264,839.15 5,265,784.59 5,260,633.70 378,990.21 379,854.10 379,541.23 377,408.41 5,259,515.57 5,259,916.00 5,259,996.25 5,259,813.31 5,259,932.76 5,259,728.76 5,259,284.29 5,248,943.43 375,031.50 381,442.40 383,823.03 384,377.82 386,516.96 386,379.08 386,152.75 388,712.60 126 127 5,247,325.31 5,256,458.80 391,716.83 425,207.17 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 5,259,254.78 5,260,908.19 5,266,396.71 5,265,140.17 5,266,473.01 5,266,247.27 5,266,276.29 5,265,243.35 5,270,634.19 5,270,912.19 5,272,748.21 5,272,708.83 5,275,584.75 428,785.55 428,310.32 425,405.90 426,851.72 426,959.03 427,071.80 427,360.31 428,569.02 431,189.92 431,409.11 431,276.38 430,249.24 429,978.81 145/30/13 or 14 146/26/17 146/26/10 or 3 146/26/3 147/26/17 147/26/21 147/26/16 147/26/16 147/26/16 147/26/22 147/26/1 148/26/36 148/26/25 148/26/26 148/26/23 5,277,044.70 5,272,029.60 5,248,563.30 5,248,445.26 5,250,538.37 5,250,317.92 5,249,159.94 429,043.75 412,111.56 382,156.43 382,174.54 424,861.04 424,851.37 425,015.32 148/26/15 148/28/36 145/30/18 145/30/18 145/26/5 145/26/5 145/26/8 146/31/22 147/31/17 146/31/17 147/31/28 147/31/27 147/31/22 146/31/4 146/31/8 146/31/7 146/31/11 146/31/12 146/30/7 146/30/8 146/30/8 146/30/8 55 FS 2195 FS 2195 Trail Trail FS Road FS3631A FS3631A FS3631A CoRd 33 FS2195 FS2195 FS2177 FS2177 FS2177 FS3629 FS3620 FS3634A FS2368 FS3439 Co Rd 12 FS3441 FS3441 FS3441A FS2352B <1 <1 <1 <1 2 <1 <1 <1 10 1 1 <1 <1 15 <1 <1 1 <1 1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Hwy 2 Co Rd 37 1 <1 State Forest Service/State? Co Rd 154 FS2156 FS2156 FS2156 Co Rd 146 FS3214 Co Rd 146 Co Rd 146 Co Rd 176 Co Rd 176 Co Rd 176 FS2037 FS2522 <1 <1 1 <1 5 <1 1 2 3 1 <1 <1 <1 Forest Service/State/Other? Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Other Forest Service Other Other Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service FS2504 Co Rd 156 FS2075A FS2075A FS3732 FS3732 FS2346 <1 2 <1 <1 <1 <1 1 Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Beltrami County Beltrami County Other Forest Service Forest Service/State? Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Other Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service 149 150 5,245,225.21 5,244,987.11 Land Type Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested/Plantation Cutover Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested/Red Pine Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested/Open Field Forested Forested Bog Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested/Aspen Regen Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested/Aspen Regen Foested/Swampy Foested/Swampy 430,528.73 431,005.64 145/25/30 or 31 145/26/25 Nearby Water Co Rd 143 Co Rd 143 1 <1 Nearby Structures Andrusia Rd Break on the Lake Trail Trail Red Pine Plantation Itasca County Other White Goods Tires Yes Yes Yes Furniture Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Trail Lost Lake Lake Andrusia Lake Andrusia Big Lake Big Lake Big Lake Powerline Andrusia Lake to West Andrusia Lake to East Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes FS2368 Kitchi Lake Pug Hole & Kitchi Lake Pug Hole and Marsh Pug Hole and Cass Lake Pug Hole and Cass Lake Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Trail/Approach Swamp Yes Yes Yes Egg Lake Impoundment Bowstring River Bowstring River Bowstring River Bowstring River Bowstring River Bowstring River Bowstring Lake to South Bowstring Lake Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sand Lake Church Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rush Island Lake Yes Swamp & Bass Lake Yes 56 Upper Pigeon Lake to South Strawberry lake Strawberry lake Ball Club Lake Ball Club Lake Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested Edge of Regen Pine Plantation Cutover Forested/Aspen Regen Petroleum HazMat Yes Yes Yes Ball Club Lake Ball Club Lake Ball Club Lake Carpet Yes Yes Plastics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pipeline Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Metals Yes Yes Yes Yes Paint Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 57 Yes Yes Comments Aerosol, paint cans, more trash further up trail 2 car batteries removed Tires Sheet Rock Pile Sheet Rock and Partial Plastic Shower Exercise Bike and 100' down trail Mattresses (Secon Tires and PVC and Computer and Gas Can (Second 1 TV and Wood and Vinyl Siding 2 Washers, Computer, TV, 10 Tires, Metal Futon, Vi Microwave, Fans, Couch, Grill, Tar Paper, Kids Toys Burned Trailer House & Van, Propane Tank, All Hou Coffee Maker, Ceramics, Common Trash, Wood Propane Tank and Mattresses and Old Windows Tires and Old Metal Drums/Cans 2 Vacuums and Household Garbage No 911 Blue Sign or Signs of Private Land, Trailer H Old Couch 2 Refrigerators and 1 Couch and Beaver Carcasses Flashing and Shingles and Tar Paper in a Pile 1 Car Battery (Removed) 2 Bucket Seats, Tires, 2 Couches (2nd Site 100 Yds 2 Bucket Seats and 1 Jug Anti-Freeze 1 Water Heater, 1 Chair, 1 Muffler, 1 Quart Oil Jugs, 1 Stove, Oil Jugs, Aerosol Cans, Mattress Springs, C Styrofoam, Tires, Oil Jugs, 55 gallon drums (Second Boat Seats, 1 Couch& Chair, Quart Oil Jugs, Wood 25 Large Truck Tires *(Site Cleaned by the DNR For Tar Paper, Scrap Metal, 2 Old Bed Frames, Metal C 1 Washer and Oil Jugs 1 Refrigerator Jugs of Oil, 1 toilet, 1 lawnmower, Radiator Guard, M By the Picnic Area on FS 2156 Bowstring River Clos Big Dump Area, Bikes, Garbage, Toilet, Couch, Sidin Tires, Bed Spring, Old Dump Site & New Garbage, G Scrap Wood, Bike, Styrofoam, Car Rims, Carpet Lots of Barrels Under Tarps, Old Cans, Plastic Sled Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Microwaves, Couch, Recliners, 55 Gallon Drums, W Bulbs Old Heater, Sewing Machine, TV, Cans, Tires, Car B Household Garbage Water Drainage Pipng,Barrel, Tires (More Tires Dow Stroller, Barrles, Bike, Drums, Chairs, Exercise Equi Private Land Bike, 3 Mattresses, Gas Jugs, Fans, Wastepaper Ba Old Car rusted Out with No Motor or Tires 3 Tires, Chair, Vacuum, 4 Wheeler Motor Cover Window Screens and Lots of Metal Cans Oil Jugs 2 Fans, Lots of Cans, Vacuum, Child Car Seat, Door 7 Tires, Microwave, Bed, A/C, Chairs, Plastic Pool, C 1 Couch and Lots of Wood Scraps and Dump for Bru 1 Stove # 151 UTM North 5,248,550.09 UTM East 381,882.55 T/R/S 145/30/18 Road ID FS2075A 152 153 154 155 156 5,248,617.80 5,248,605.24 382,021.94 381,785.36 FS2075A FS2075A FS3032 FS3032 FS3032 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 145/30/18 145/30/18 145/28/34 145/28/34 145/28/34 144/27/17 or 7 145/28/35 145/28/34 145/28/33 145/28/33 145/28/28 145/28/28 146/30/1 144/31/25 144/30/24 144/30/17 142/30/29 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 142/30/13 142/30/12 146/30/8 146/30/8 146/30/26 146/30/26 144/29/9 176 145/31/8 58 FS2130 FS2130 FS3033 FS3033 FS3033 FS3033 FS2129R FS2127D FS2136H FS2135 FS2135 FS3794 Wigwam Trail NW FS2644 FS3441A FS3441 FS2366 FS2366C FS2918 Trail along RR/CL Size (cu yds) 2 5 combined 2 2 2 1 Ownership Forest Service <1 2 <1 5 1 <1 1 <1 <1 1 1 <1 Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service/other? Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 5 <1 Cass County Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service Forest Service <1 Cass County 177 Trail along RR/CL 145/31/8 Land Type Forested Forest Service/Pipeline Forest Service/Pipeline Forest Service/Pipeline Forested/Swamp Forested/Swamp Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested Red Pine Regen Forested Red Pine Forested Shooting Pit Forested/Aspen Regen Forested Forested Forested Forested Forested Norway Plantation Field Forested Field Field Nearby Water Cass & Strawberry lake Cass & Strawberry lake Cass & Strawberry lake Nearby Structures Pipeline Pipeline Pipeline <1 White Goods Tires Furniture Garbag Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Six Mile Lake Six Mile Lake Cass County Yes Yes Pipeline Pipeline Pipeline Pipeline Railroad Burns Lake Welsh Lake Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Highland Creek Impound Yes Yes Cuba Impound Yes Yes Agency Narrows Cedar Point/ Leech Lake Cedar Point Pug Hole/Cass Lake Pug Hole/Cass Lake Yes Yes Yes Knutson Dam Knutson Dam Yes Sucker Bay Railroad/Pipeline Railroad/Pipeline Petroleum Yes Yes HazMat Yes Yes Carpet Yes Plastics Yes Yes Metals Yes Yes Paint Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 59 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Comments 4 Lazy Boy Recliners, 1 Couch, 1 Washer, 1 Stove, 3 Sites Along Pipeline, Piles of Shingles, Wood Pile, 6 Tires, TV, Gas Tank, Snomobile Tank, Parts, Buck Site Several Tire Rims, Freezer, Electric Motor, Mattress 6 Tires, Carpet, Metal Siding, Oil Cans, 2 Couches ( Mattress, Shingles, Metal Siding, Tires, Rims, Couch 1 Old Washer 1 Refrigerator, Toaster, Buckets, 1 Stove, 1 Water H Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Inflatable Mattress, Tire, Back Seat of Car, Muffler, K Barrels, Wood Scrap, 7 Mattresses, Satellite Dish, A 4 Tires, Styrofoam,Vacuum, Power Steering Fluid, T Pile of Shingles, 2 Tires, 2 Chairs, Table, Kids Tricyc 1 Boat Trailer, 1 Small wood Structure (Old Fish Hou Tires, Rims, Linoleum 2 Matresses, Lots of Old Cans Shooting Pit , 2 Couches, Lots of Garbage Shot At Styrofoam 1 Stove 2 Mattresses, Household Garbag, Shingles Shingles Household Garbage Carpet, Suitcase, Oil Cans, Window Screen, TV, Ch Big Pile at Coordinates of Garbage, Small Piles else Camper Trailers, Tents, Stove, Garbage Margaret McGill on Magazines in Garbage Styrofoam, Oil Jugs, Cardboard, 2 Newspaper Boxe Antifreeze Bottle, Heat Bottle, 1 TV MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site NORTH STOP INC An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 2006 Site Address: HWY 371 City: CASS LAKE Site Zip Code: 56633 County: Cass Release Discovered Date: Release Report Date: 1989-11-20 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 1996-07-30 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: U Offsite Contamination U Product Released: Gasoline, Type Unknown Project Manager: Chan, Jason Goren Inc An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 14014 60 Site Address: 5956 156 Street City: Cass Lake Site Zip Code: 56633 County: Cass Release Discovered Date: 2001-03-14 00:00:00.0 Release Report Date: 2001-03-14 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 2005-01-06 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: N Offsite Contamination N Product Released: Fuel Oil 1 & 2 Project Manager: Kushman, Sandy Palace Junction An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 13783 Site Address: HWY 2 & 75 City: CASS LAKE Site Zip Code: 56633 County: Cass Release Discovered Date: 2000-11-28 00:00:00.0 Release Report Date: 2000-11-28 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 2005-01-12 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: Y Offsite Contamination U Product Released: Diesel Project Manager: Lindquist, Jason Entwhistle Residence An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 13625 Site Address: City: Site Zip Code: County: Release Discovered Date: County Road 8 and County Road 33 Cass Lake 56633 Beltrami 2000-08-26 00:00:00.0 61 Release Report Date: 2000-09-14 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 2000-12-11 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: Y Offsite Contamination U Product Released: Fuel Oil 1 & 2 Project Manager: Oakes, David WASHINSBYS An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 12878 Site Address: City: Site Zip Code: County: Release Discovered Date: Release Report Date: Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: Contaminated Soils Remaining: Offsite Contamination Product Released: Project Manager: 12340 STATE HIGHWAY 371 CASS LAKE 56633 Cass 1999-08-18 00:00:00.0 1999-08-18 00:00:00.0 U U Palzkill, Steven CREECH RESIDENCE An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 12535 Site Address: RR 2 BOX 277 City: CASS LAKE Site Zip Code: 56633 County: Cass Release Discovered Date: 1999-04-02 00:00:00.0 Release Report Date: 1999-04-02 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: Contaminated Soils Remaining: U Offsite Contamination U Product Released: Fuel Oil 1 & 2 Project Manager: Oie, Michelle 62 ALLEYS OIL An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 12126 Site Address: 2ND ST AND GRANT UTTLEY ST City: CASS LAKE Site Zip Code: 56633 County: Cass Release Discovered Date: 1998-11-16 00:00:00.0 Release Report Date: 1998-11-17 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 2004-11-23 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: Y Offsite Contamination Y Product Released: Diesel Project Manager: Lindquist, Jason SUNSET COVE RESORT An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 12020 Site Address: ROUTE 2 BOX 109 City: CASS LAKE Site Zip Code: 56633 County: Cass Release Discovered Date: 1998-10-29 00:00:00.0 Release Report Date: 1998-10-29 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 2001-06-28 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: Y Offsite Contamination N Product Released: Gasoline Regular Project Manager: Oakes, David BREAK ON THE LAKE RESORT An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 12016 Site Address: RR 2 BOX 254 63 City: CASS LAKE Site Zip Code: 56633 County: Cass Release Discovered Date: 1998-10-29 00:00:00.0 Release Report Date: 1998-10-30 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 2002-05-09 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: U Offsite Contamination U Product Released: Gasoline, Type Unknown Project Manager: Furuseth, Arlene KITTILSON STORE An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 11518 Site Address: ROUTE 1 PO BOX 242 City: CASS LAKE Site Zip Code: 56633 County: Cass Release Discovered Date: 1998-07-09 00:00:00.0 Release Report Date: 1998-07-09 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 1998-12-18 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: U Offsite Contamination U Product Released: Unknown Project Manager: Hysjulien, Laura CASS LAKE MUNICIPAL BLDG An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 11445 Site Address: City: Site Zip Code: County: Release Discovered Date: Release Report Date: Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: Contaminated Soils Remaining: 2ND AND BASSWOOD CASS LAKE 56633 Cass 1998-06-22 00:00:00.0 1998-06-23 00:00:00.0 2001-01-05 00:00:00.0 U 64 Offsite Contamination U Product Released: Fuel Oil 1 & 2 Project Manager: Kushman, Sandy RT 2 BOX 158 An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 11135 Site Address: RT 2 BOX 158 City: CASS LAKE Site Zip Code: 56633 County: Cass Release Discovered Date: 1998-01-01 00:00:00.0 Release Report Date: 1998-03-11 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 1998-06-02 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: U Offsite Contamination U Product Released: Fuel Oil 1 & 2 Project Manager: MacArthur, Jim LEECH LAKE RESERVATION An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 9758 Site Address: RT 3 BOX 100 City: CASS LAKE Site Zip Code: 56633 County: Cass Release Discovered Date: 1996-10-16 00:00:00.0 Release Report Date: 1996-10-21 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 2004-03-30 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: U Offsite Contamination U Product Released: Fuel Oil 1 & 2 Project Manager: Olson, Larry YATES RESIDENCE An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 9212 65 Site Address: 602 1ST ST SW City: CASS LAKE Site Zip Code: 56633 County: Cass Release Discovered Date: 1996-04-22 00:00:00.0 Release Report Date: 1996-04-23 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 1997-05-13 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: U Offsite Contamination U Product Released: Unknown Project Manager: Chan, Jason BIA ROADS (BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS) An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 8597 Site Address: 2ND AVE & SPRUCE ST City: CASS LAKE Site Zip Code: 56623 County: Cass Release Discovered Date: 1995-07-25 00:00:00.0 Release Report Date: 1995-07-25 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 1998-04-27 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: Y Offsite Contamination U Product Released: Diesel Project Manager: Milless, Don CASS LAKE HIGH SCHOOL An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 7812 Site Address: City: Site Zip Code: County: Release Discovered Date: Release Report Date: 33 2ND ST N CASS LAKE 56633 Cass 1994-09-02 00:00:00.0 1994-09-02 00:00:00.0 66 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 1995-01-03 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: Y Offsite Contamination U Product Released: Fuel Oil 1 & 2 Project Manager: Balcos, Edwin CASS LAKE REST AREA An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 6858 Site Address: W HWY 2 (2 MILES EAST OF CASS LAKE) CASS LAKE 56633 Cass 1993-10-07 00:00:00.0 1993-10-07 00:00:00.0 City: Site Zip Code: County: Release Discovered Date: Release Report Date: Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 1997-12-23 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: U Offsite Contamination U Product Released: Unknown Project Manager: Chan, Jason PAUL OMAN PROPERTY An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 6802 Site Address: 201 BASSWOOD City: CASS LAKE Site Zip Code: 56633 County: Cass Release Discovered Date: 1993-09-16 00:00:00.0 Release Report Date: 1993-09-20 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 1999-03-15 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: U Offsite Contamination U Product Released: Unknown Project Manager: MacArthur, Jim 67 US PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HOSPITAL An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 6173 Site Address: 12401 SE 320TH ST City: CASS LAKE Site Zip Code: 56633 County: Cass Release Discovered Date: 1993-03-26 00:00:00.0 Release Report Date: 1993-03-29 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 2005-05-23 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: U Offsite Contamination U Product Released: Diesel Project Manager: Oie, Michelle CHEWAKAGON - LEECH LAKE OIL CO An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 3597 Site Address: ROUTE 3 BOX 100 City: CASS LAKE Site Zip Code: 56633 County: Cass Release Discovered Date: 1990-11-28 00:00:00.0 Release Report Date: 1990-11-28 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: Contaminated Soils Remaining: Y Offsite Contamination Y Product Released: Gasoline Regular Project Manager: Palzkill, Steven BENNETT OIL CO INC An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 24 Site Address: City: CASS LAKE 68 Site Zip Code: 56633 County: Cass Release Discovered Date: 1986-05-27 00:00:00.0 Release Report Date: 1986-05-28 00:00:00.0 Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: 1990-09-12 00:00:00.0 Contaminated Soils Remaining: N Offsite Contamination U Product Released: Fuel Oil 1 & 2 Project Manager: Geerts, Sandra Toms Resort An MPCA Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site. ID Number: 16414 Site Address: City: Site Zip Code: County: Release Discovered Date: Release Report Date: Leaksite Conditional Closure Date: Leaksite Complete Site Closure Date: Contaminated Soils Remaining: Offsite Contamination Product Released: Project Manager: 5905 167th St NW Cass Lake 56633 Cass 2006-03-27 00:00:00.0 2006-03-28 00:00:00.0 U U Palzkill, Steven MPCA Aboveground / Underground Storage Tank Search Result Site information: BIRCH RIDGE RESORT 12797 NORTH SHORE LANE NW CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 2 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 001 Jan 01, 76 Dec 02, 87 1000 Removed Gasoline Under Ground 1001 May 01, 96 Dec 18, 97 500 Active Gasoline Above Ground 69 Site information: Wilkinson Store Route 1- Hwy 371-Wilkinson Cass Lake, Minnesota 56333 Cass 2 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Install Date Number None 001 Indicated None 002 Indicated Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Date Capacity Status Product Underground None 550 Removed Gasoline Under Ground Indicated None 550 Removed Gasoline Under Ground Indicated Site information: J & L OIL CO BULK PLANT 3 RAILROAD ST Cass Lake, Minnesota 56633 Cass 6 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Install Date Number None 1001 Indicated None 1002 Indicated None 1003 Indicated None 1004 Indicated None 1005 Indicated None 1006 Indicated Registration Date Tank Capacity Tank Status Stored Product Above or Underground Feb 05, 03 9952 Removed Fuel Oil Above Ground Feb 05, 03 9952 Removed Diesel Above Ground Feb 05, 03 9952 Removed Gasoline Above Ground Feb 05, 03 9952 Removed Fuel Oil Above Ground Feb 05, 03 9952 Removed Fuel Oil Above Ground Feb 05, 03 14929 Removed Gasoline Above Ground Site information: TEALS SUPER VALU IN CASS LAKE JCT HWY 2 & 371/PO BOX 600 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 3 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. 70 Tank Number 001 002 003 Registration Tank Tank Stored Date Capacity Status Product Nov 21, 88 Dec 28, 88 10000 Active Gasoline Nov 21, 88 Dec 28, 88 10000 Active Gasoline Nov 21, 88 Dec 28, 88 8000 Active Gasoline Install Date Above or Underground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Site information: NORTH STOP HWY 371 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 4 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Number 001 002 003 004 Install Date Jan 01, 01 Jan 01, 01 Jan 01, 01 Jan 01, 01 Registration Date Aug 09, 89 Aug 09, 89 Aug 09, 89 Aug 09, 89 Tank Capacity 2000 3000 3000 200 Tank Status Removed Removed Removed Removed Stored Product Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Oil Above or Underground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Site information: CASS LAKE HIGH & ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 33 2ND ST N - ROUTE 3 - PO BOX 4 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 3 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Number 001 002 003 Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Date Capacity Status Product Underground Jan 01, 87 Mar 30, 90 8000 Active Fuel Oil Under Ground Jan 01, 81 Mar 30, 90 12000 Active Fuel Oil Under Ground Jan 01, 60 Mar 30, 90 8000 Removed Fuel Oil Under Ground Install Date Site information: CASS LAKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ROUTE 3 - PO BOX 1 - 015-4TH ST CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. 71 Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 001 Jan 01, 87 Mar 30, 90 8000 Active Fuel Oil Under Ground Site information: Cass Lake/Bena Schools #115 208 Central Ave NW Cass Lake, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 004 Jan 01, 72 Mar 30, 90 12000 Active Fuel Oil Under Ground Site information: HOOKS HORSESHOE LODGE NONE CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Install Date Number Date 001 Jan 01, 01 May 02, 91 Tank Capacity 560 Tank Status Stored Product Other Removed Substance Above or Underground Under Ground Site information: CHEWAKAEGON MINI MARKET-BIG DOLLAR ROUTE 3 - PO BOX 100 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 566331000 Cass 15 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Number 001 002 003 004 005 Install Date Jan 01, 01 Jan 01, 01 Jan 01, 01 Jan 01, 01 Jan 01, 01 Registration Date Jul 01, 91 Jul 01, 91 Jul 01, 91 Jul 01, 91 Jul 01, 91 Tank Capacity 15000 15000 10000 10000 10000 72 Tank Status Removed Removed Removed Removed Removed Stored Product Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Gasoline Above or Underground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground 006 007 008 009 010 441 442 443 444 445 Jan 01, 01 Jan 01, 01 Jan 01, 01 Jan 01, 01 None Indicated Sep 19, 91 Sep 19, 91 Sep 19, 91 Sep 20, 91 Sep 20, 91 Jul 01, 91 Jul 01, 91 Jul 01, 91 Jul 01, 91 None Indicated Sep 19, 91 Sep 19, 91 Sep 19, 91 Sep 20, 91 Sep 20, 91 10000 6000 560 1000 Removed Removed Removed Removed Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Used Or Removed Waste Oil Active Diesel Active Diesel Active Gasoline Active Gasoline Active Gasoline 500 12000 12000 10000 10000 10000 Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Site information: SAIL STAR MARINA MAPLE AVE NE CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 2 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 001 Jan 01, 68 Jun 22, 92 1985 Removed Gasoline Under Ground 002 Nov 16, 92 Mar 01, 93 2000 Active Gasoline Under Ground Site information: CASS LAKE REST AREA HWY 2 E CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 001 Jan 01, 71 Oct 04, 93 2000 Removed Fuel Oil Under Ground Site information: BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG- SCHOOL ROUTE 3 - PO BOX 100 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 566331000 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. 73 To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 001 Jan 01, 84 Oct 08, 96 10000 Removed Fuel Oil Under Ground Site information: FOUR SEASONS APARTMENTS 225 1ST ST CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 001 Jan 01, 00 Dec 09, 96 12000 Removed Fuel Oil Under Ground Site information: PALACE JUNCTION HWY 2 & 75 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 5 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Number 001 002 003 004 005 Install Date Jun 19, 97 Jun 19, 97 Jun 19, 97 Jun 19, 97 Dec 07, 00 Registration Date Jul 02, 97 Jul 02, 97 Jul 02, 97 Jul 02, 97 Dec 26, 00 Tank Capacity 12000 8000 8000 1000 8000 Tank Status Active Removed Active Active Active Stored Product Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Diesel Diesel Above or Underground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Site information: POLMAN TRANSFER INC PO BOX 62 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Install Date Registration Tank Tank 74 Stored Above or Number 001 Date Oct 02, 76 Aug 06, 97 Capacity 14000 Status Product Other Removed Substance Underground Under Ground Site information: BENSON LARRY A PO BOX 231 - ROUTE 2 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 001 Jan 01, 00 Mar 03, 86 575 Abandoned Gasoline Under Ground Site information: SUNSET COVE RESORT ROUTE 2 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 2 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 001 May 10, 73 May 29, 86 300 Removed Gasoline Under Ground 1001 May 01, 99 May 24, 99 475 Active Gasoline Above Ground Site information: BRUCKIES BREAK ON THE LAKE ROUTE 2 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 001 May 10, 84 May 29, 86 300 Removed Gasoline Under Ground 75 Site information: STONY POINT RESORT HWY 2 E CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product 1001 Sep 20, 90 Sep 24, 90 560 Active Gasoline Above or Underground Above Ground Site information: WISHBONE RESORT PO BOX 231 - ROUTE 2 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product 1420 Oct 22, 90 Nov 19, 90 560 Active Gasoline Above or Underground Above Ground Site information: US WEST 3RD ST NW CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 1001 Jan 01, 75 None Indicated 275 Active Diesel Above Ground Site information: US DEPT OF INTERIOR-BIA ROADS PO BOX FC200 - ROUTE 2 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 4 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. 76 Tank Number 001 002 003 004 Registration Date Jan 01, 60 Feb 21, 86 Jan 01, 60 Feb 21, 86 Jan 01, 60 Feb 21, 86 Jul 13, 95 Jul 19, 95 Install Date Tank Capacity 2000 550 2000 2000 Tank Status Removed Removed Removed Removed Stored Product Diesel Gasoline Fuel Oil Diesel Above or Underground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Site information: PINE RIDGE RESORT RR 1 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Stored Above or Install Date Tank Status Number Date Capacity Product Underground Temporarily 1001 May 06, 94 Jun 20, 94 500 Gasoline Above Ground Closed Site information: LAKEHEAD PIPE LINE CO HWY 2 W CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Install Date Number Date 1001 Sep 27, 94 Nov 10, 94 Tank Capacity 300 Tank Status Active Stored Product Used Or Waste Oil Above or Underground Above Ground Site information: BILL'S ALIGNMENT 514 1ST ST NW CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 1001 Nov 10, 98 Feb 18, 99 500 Active Motor Oil Above Ground 77 Site information: STORLIC CONSTRUCTION ROUTE 2 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 2 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 001 Sep 15, 80 May 06, 86 10000 Removed Diesel Under Ground 002 Sep 15, 80 May 06, 86 8000 Removed Diesel Under Ground Site information: FOREST SERVICE REPAIR SHOP ROUTE 3 - BOX 244 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 2 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 001 Jul 15, 78 May 07, 86 10000 Removed Gasoline Under Ground 002 Jul 15, 78 May 07, 86 2000 Removed Gasoline Under Ground Site information: J & L OIL CO 2ND ST & GRANT UTLEY CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 7 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Number 001 002 003 004 005 006 Install Date Sep 01, 85 Sep 01, 85 May 01, 67 May 01, 67 May 01, 67 Registration Date Apr 15, 86 Apr 15, 86 Apr 15, 86 Apr 15, 86 Apr 15, 86 May 01, 67 Apr 15, 86 Tank Capacity 8000 4000 500 935 935 500 Stored Product Reconditioned Gasoline Reconditioned Gasoline Removed Fuel Oil Removed Fuel Oil Removed Diesel Closed InUsed Or Place Waste Oil Tank Status 78 Above or Underground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground 007 Nov 17, 98 May 28, 99 2000 Active Diesel Under Ground Stored Product Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Above or Underground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Site information: FOOD-N-FUEL HWY 371 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 6 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Number 001 002 003 004 005 006 Install Date May 10, 82 May 10, 82 May 10, 82 May 10, 82 Oct 09, 94 Oct 09, 94 Registration Date Apr 09, 86 Apr 09, 86 Apr 09, 86 Apr 09, 86 Dec 14, 94 Dec 14, 94 Tank Capacity 10000 8000 6000 4000 12000 12000 Tank Status Removed Removed Removed Removed Active Active Site information: CASS COUNTY HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE SHOP NONE CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 001 Jun 06, 82 Feb 24, 86 2000 Removed Diesel Under Ground Site information: WEST END SERVICE PO BOX 65 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 7 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 001 Oct 15, 69 Jun 19, 86 4000 Removed Gasoline Under Ground 002 Oct 15, 69 Jun 19, 86 2000 Removed Gasoline Under Ground 79 003 004 005 006 007 Oct 15, 69 Aug 01, 70 Aug 01, 70 Aug 03, 70 Sep 16, 74 Jun 19, 86 Jun 19, 86 Jun 19, 86 Jun 19, 86 Jun 19, 86 6000 4000 1500 6000 1500 Removed Removed Removed Removed Removed Diesel Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Under Ground Site information: MOBIL STATION KITTILSONS PO BOX 242 - ROUTE 1 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 2 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 001 Jan 01, 00 Jun 24, 86 1000 Removed Gasoline Under Ground 002 Jan 01, 00 Jun 24, 86 500 Removed Gasoline Under Ground Site information: NORWAY BEACH RESORT PO BOX 1148 CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 001 Jan 01, 00 Jun 13, 86 300 Removed Gasoline Under Ground Site information: DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES-FORESTRY NONE CASS LAKE, Minnesota 56633 Cass 1 tanks are (or were) located at this site. To find out full information on the tank, click on the tank number. Tank Registration Tank Tank Stored Above or Install Date Number Date Capacity Status Product Underground 409 Jan 01, 55 Mar 11, 86 300 Removed Gasoline Under Ground 80