Word - North Central Education Service District

CPR 2015-16
Civil Rights ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program Monitor
Compliance Coordinators and Staff Training
The district has designated at least one employee to
coordinate and monitor the district’s compliance with
its responsibilities under Section 504, Title IX, and
state nondiscrimination laws. The district has
provided training to all administrators and
certificated and classroom personnel, including the
Section 504, Title IX, and Civil Rights Compliance
Coordinators, regarding their responsibilities under
civil rights laws and to raise awareness of and
eliminate bias based on sex, race, creed, religion,
color, national origin, veteran or military status,
sexual orientation, gender expression, gender
identity, disability, and the use of a trained dog guide
or service animal.
Sample job descriptions and training materials
Title IX, 34 C.F.R. §106.8; Section 504, 34 C.F.R.
§104.7; Title II, 28 C.F.R. §35.107; RCW
28A.640.010 and 28A.642.010; WAC 392-190-020 and
District Level
⧠ A. Name and title for each of the
• Section 504 Coordinator
• Title IX Officer
• Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator
for state civil rights laws
(CPR monitors may cross reference with
OSPI coordinator contact list).
⧠ B. A job description for each of the
above positions that includes duties and
activities related
to each role.
⧠ C. Evidence of training that the Section
504 coordinator, Title IX officer, and civil
compliance coordinator have received
regarding their responsibilities under civil
rights laws.
Evidence could include training
materials, meeting minutes, sign-in
sheets, certificates of attendance,
agendas, etc.
⧠ D. Evidence that all administrators and
certificated and classroom personnel will
training during the 2015–16 school year
regarding civil rights compliance and
complaint procedures. Evidence could
include training materials, meeting
minutes, sign-in
sheets, certificates of attendance, agendas,
future schedules meetings, action plan, etc.
Building Level
⧠ E. On-Site Only: Building staff can
identify the district’s Section 504, Title
IX, and Civil Rights compliance
CPR 2015-16
Civil Rights ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program Monitor
Nondiscrimination Statement
The district provides continuous notice that it does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national
origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or
identity, creed, religion, age, veteran or military status,
disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service
animal by a person with a disability, and provides
equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated
youth groups. The nondiscrimination statement
includes the name, title, phone number, email address
and mailing address of the district’s current Section
504 Coordinator, Title IX Officer, and compliance
coordinator for state civil rights laws. The
nondiscrimination statement is included in all major
district and building publications that are widely
disseminated to students, parents, or employees.
Sample nondiscrimination statement
Title VI, 34 C.F.R. §100.6; Title IX, 34 C.F.R. §106.9;
Section 504, 34 C.F.R. §104.8; Title II, 28
C.F.R. §35.106; Boy Scouts Act, 34 C.F.R. §108.6;
RCW 28A.640.010 and 28A.642.010; WAC 392190-060.
District or Building Level
Each of the following documents that
contains a nondiscrimination statement
with all required components. Please
upload only the relevant page(s) or
indicate the page number where the
statement is located:
□ A. Website
□ B. Newsletter
□ C. Student/parent handbook or a
similar publication.
□ D. Job announcement or employment
□ E. Career and Technical Education
publication, announcement, or
recruitment materials (if
the district has a CTE program).
□ F. Online or ALE program publication,
announcement, or recruitment materials
(if the district
has an online or ALE program).
CPR 2015-16
Civil Rights ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program Monitor
Discrimination Complaint Procedures
The district has adopted discrimination complaint
and appeal procedures that are consistent with the
requirements in state law (chapter 392-190 WAC,
revised December 2014) and apply to complaints
raised by anyone, including students, parents,
employees, and others. The district uses effective
methods to annually inform all students, parents,
and employees about the discrimination complaint
procedures. The district documents and reviews
complaints to determine if the district’s response
was prompt and equitable.
Online resources, complaint procedure, and student
handbook language
Title IX, 34 C.F.R. §106.8; Section 504, 34 C.F.R.
§104.7; Title II, 28 C.F.R. §35.107; RCW
28A.640.010 and 28A.642.010; WAC 392-190-060,
392-190-065, 392-190-070, and 392-190075.
District Level
⧠ A. A copy of the district’s
nondiscrimination policy and
procedure for students (WSSDA’s
3210/3210P or equivalent).
⧠ B. A copy of the district’s
nondiscrimination policy and
procedure for staff (WSSDA’s
5010/5010P or equivalent).
District or Building Level
⧠ C. Evidence that the district
annually publishes notice to
inform all students and parents
about the discrimination
complaint procedures, such as in
student and employee handbooks
(please upload only the relevant
page(s) or indicate the page
number where the information is
⧠ D. Evidence that the district
annually publishes notice to inform
all employees about the
discrimination complaint
procedures, such as in employee
handbooks (please upload only the
relevant page(s) or indicate the
page number where the information
is located).
CPR 2015-16
Civil Rights ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program Monitor
Sexual Harassment
The district has adopted a sexual harassment policy
and procedure that are consistent with
requirements in state law (chapter 392-190 WAC,
revised December 2014) and apply to complaints
raised by anyone, including students, parents,
employees, and others. The district’s sexual
harassment policy is posted in each school
building in a location visible to both students and
staff. The policy is included in any publication
that includes the rules and standards of conduct
for the school district.
Sample poster and student handbook language
Title IX, 34 C.F.R. §106.8; RCW 28A.640.020;
WAC 392-190-056, 392-190-057, and 392-190-058.
District Level
⧠ A. A copy of the district’s
sexual harassment policy and
procedure for students and
employees (WSSDA’s
3205/3205P and 5011/5011P or
District or Building Level
Each of the following publications that
include information about the sexual
harassment policy and complaint
procedures (please upload only the
relevant page(s) or indicate the page
number where the information is
⧠ B. Student handbook or similar
⧠ C. Employee handbook or similar
Building Level
⧠ D. Evidence that the OSPI Sexual
Harassment Poster or the district’s
sexual harassment policy, with
information about how to contact the
Title IX coordinator, is posted in all
buildings in a location visible to both
students and staff (e.g., visual
inspection by OSPI staff, photos of
postings, signed statement from
Superintendent or designee assuring
posting, etc.).
CPR 2015-16
Civil Rights ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program Monitor
Section 504
The district has a system in place to identify,
evaluate, and place students with disabilities
under Section 504 and has implemented the
new legal standards under the ADA
Amendments Act of 2008 (such as changes
regarding major life activities, mitigating
measures, etc.). The district receives parental
consent before all initial evaluations and
initial placements under Section 504. The
district provides parents with prior written
notice, including notice of procedural
safeguards, when any actions are taken
regarding identification, evaluation, or
educational placement under Section 504.
Evaluation and placement decisions are made
by a group of persons, including persons who
are knowledgeable about the student, the
meaning of the evaluation data, and
placement options. The district provides all
necessary accommodations, related aids, and
services for students with disabilities,
including students with health conditions who
may also be served by a health plan.
Sample notice of parent rights and other online
District Level
⧠ A. A copy of the district’s Section
504 policy and procedure (WSSDA’s
2162/2162P or equivalent).
⧠ B. All Section 504 forms, manuals, guides,
or written processes used by the district.
District or Building Level
⧠ C. A copy of the district’s notice of Section
504 parent rights/procedural safeguards.
⧠ D. A description or evidence of the process
the district uses to inform teachers,
extra-curricular advisors, and other staff
about their students’ Section 504 plan
throughout the
school year.
⧠ E. Evidence that the district conducts
manifestation determinations when required
for 504eligible students. Evidence can include
completed manifestation determination
forms, a
description of the manifestation
determination process, etc.
Section 504, 34 C.F.R. Part 104; RCW
⧠ F. Evidence that the district uses its Section
504 procedures to evaluate students with
conditions (e.g., diabetes, food allergies, etc.)
and provide necessary accommodations,
aids, and services (including medication at
school, health services, etc.). Evidence can
include a written process or a Section
504/health plan documentation that shows
use of 504 procedures.
Building Level
⧠ G. Section 504 plan and evaluation
• For on-site reviews, upload
documentation from 2 students at each
of the buildings
selected for
review and
any ALE or
• For desk reviews, upload
documentation from 2 students at an
elementary school, middle/junior high
school, high school, ALE or online
program, and alternative school,
where applicable.
CPR 2015-16
Civil Rights ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program Monitor
Pregnant and Parenting Students
The district provides all pregnant and
parenting students (male and female) equal
access to all school programs and activities. If
the district offers an alternative school or a
program targeted to pregnant and parenting
students, participation by pregnant or
parenting students is completely voluntary on
the part of the student. Alternative schools and
programs for pregnant and parenting students
offer opportunities and programs comparable
to those offered for non- pregnant students.
Online resources and tools
Title IX, 34 C.F.R. §106.40; RCW 28A.640.010.
District or Building Level
Please submit these items even if the district
is not aware of any currently-enrolled
pregnant or parenting students.
⧠ A. Evidence that the district excuses
absences related to pregnancy or pregnancyrelated
conditions. Evidence could include the
district’s policy and procedure related to
absences and a description of how these apply
to pregnancy-related absences.
⧠ B. If the district provides a separate program
or class targeted for pregnant or parenting
students, provide the enrollment criteria,
course or program description, and recruitment
⧠ C. N/A – The district does not have a
separate class or program for pregnant or
parenting students..
CPR 2015-16
Civil Rights ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program Monitor
14.7 Interpretation and Translation Services
The district communicates vital information to
all limited-English proficient parents (LEP) in a
language they can understand. This includes
providing qualified adult interpreters to
communicate with LEP parents and translating
vital documents when a significant percentage of
the population in a school district needs the
information in a language other than English to
communicate effectively. If there is a small
number of parents with particular language
or if a school district is unable to translate a
document because of undue expense, the district
still provides the information to parents in a
language they can understand, such as an
oral translation of a document using an
Online resources, translation and phone
interpretation providers, and sample
translated documents
Title VI, 34 C.F.R. §100.3; Lau v. Nichols, 414
U.S. 563 (1974); RCW 28A.642.010.
All Districts
Submit these two items even if the district has
not identified any limited-English proficient
District or Building Level
⧠ A. Evidence or a description of the
process the district uses to identify LEP
parents and students, including a home
language survey.
⧠ B. A description of the process the district
uses or would use to ensure that interpretation
and translation services are provided to
communicate vital information with LEP
parents at the
district and building level.
Districts with One or More LEP Parent
If a district has identified LEP parents, the
district must complete the following items.
District or Building Level
A copy of each of the following, translated into
one of the major languages spoken by LEP
parents within the district:
⧠ C. Student enrollment form, translated.
⧠ D. Parent information regarding a program or
activity, translated.
⧠ E. Parent notice or announcement, translated
(e.g., student discipline notice).
⧠ F. At least one of the following examples to
demonstrate that the district provides a qualified
adult interpreter to communicate with LEP
• Bill or contract for interpreter services.
• Job description of staff providing
interpretation services.
• Meeting sign-in sheet, with interpreter
• List of interpreters used by the district.
• District policy or procedures for providing
interpretation services.
⧠ G. N/A – The district has not identified any
LEP families.
CPR 2015-16
Civil Rights ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program Monitor
English Language Development Services
The district provides English language
development services to national origin
minority students with limited-English
proficiency (LEP), regardless of whether
parents have waived Title III or Transitional
Bilingual Instructional Program (TBIP)
services. The district has a process to
identify, assess, and place LEP students,
which includes a home language survey and
provisions for testing students on the state
language proficiency assessment. The
district’s English language development
services are based on a sound educational
theory and have been implemented effectively,
including qualified staff and adequate
resources and facilities. The district evaluates
the program’s effectiveness and makes
modifications as needed.
All Districts
Each district must submit documentation
for the following item.
District or Building Level
⧠ A. A copy of the district’s policy
and procedure to identify, assess, and
place potential limited-English
proficient (LEP) students (WSSDA’s
2110/2110P or equivalent) that
• Use of a home language survey
• Provisions for testing students on the
state language proficiency assessment.
• Criteria to determine whether a
student is LEP and needs English
language development services
• Procedures for student placement.
• Assessment for continued eligibility
and exit.
Online resources and tools
Title VI, 34 C.F.R. §100.3; Lau v. Nichols, 414
U.S. 563 (1974); Castañeda v. Pickard, 648
989 (5th Cir. 1981); RCW 28A.642.010.
All Districts With One or More LEP
Please indicate if no LEP students have
been identified.
District or Building Level
⧠ B. A description and evidence of the
services provided for LEP students to
address both of
the following:
1. English language development.
2. Meaningful access to content (e.g.,
instructional coaching, evidence that
graduation and
in-grade retention rates are
comparable to non-LEP students,
⧠ C. Evidence that the teacher(s) who
design, provide, oversee, and evaluate
English language
development services are qualified or
receive ongoing training adequate to
implement the
district’s program. Evidence can include
ELL/ESL endorsements, documentation
of ongoing
training relating to the delivery of ELL
services, etc.
⧠ E. Evidence that all paraeducators who
assist in providing English language
services instruct under the direct
supervision of a qualified teacher and
receive ongoing
training relating to the delivery of ELL
⧠ F. N/A – The district has not identified
any LEP students.
All Districts that Do NOT Receive Title
III or TBIP Funding
All districts that are not being
reviewed for TBIP/Title III must
complete the following items. Please
indicate if no LEP students have been
District or Building Level
⧠ G. Student files with completed
home language survey, placement
test, annual language proficiency
assessment score sheets, etc.
• For on-site reviews, upload
documentation from 2 students
at each of the buildings selected
for review and any ALE or
online program.
• For desk reviews, upload
documentation from 2 students at
an elementary school,
middle/junior high school, high
school, ALE or online program,
and alternative school, where
⧠ H. Evidence of the process and criteria
the district uses to evaluate the
effectiveness of the
district’s English language development
services and to modify services as needed
summary of evaluation, meeting minutes,
⧠ I. N/A – The district has not identified
any LEP students.
CPR 2015-16
Civil Rights ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program Monitor
National Origin and Immigration Status
The district accepts a variety of documents to
establish a student’s age and residency. It does not
discourage or prevent a student from enrolling
because he or she lacks a birth certificate or has
records indicating a foreign place of birth.
The school district does not inquire about a student
or parent’s U.S. citizenship status or immigration
status. If the district requests a student’s or
parent’s social security number, the district (1)
informs the individual that disclosure is voluntary,
(2) provides the statutory basis for why the district
is requesting the number, and (3) explains how the
district will use the number.
Online resources and tools
Title VI, 34 C.F.R. §100.3; RCW 28A.642.010;
Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982).
District or Building Level
⧠ A. A copy of all district or building
student enrollment materials and forms.
⧠ B. A copy of the district’s enrollment
policy and procedure (WSSDA’s
3120/3120P or
CPR 2015-16
Civil Rights ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program Monitor
Course and Program Enrollment
The district does not discriminate in the
counseling and guidance of students. The
district at
least annually reviews disaggregated course
and program enrollment data to identify
potential disparities based on sex, race, ELL
status (English language learners), and
disability (special education and Section
504). The review should include honors and
advanced placement
courses, career and technical education,
highly capable programs, physical
education, online programs, specialized
programs, etc. If a disparity is identified,
the district takes action to ensure that the
disproportionality is not the result of
Online resources and tools
Title IX, 34 C.F.R. §106.36; Section 504, 34
C.F.R. §104.34; Title VI, 34 C.F.R. §100.3;
28A.640.020 and 28A.642.010; WAC 392190-010.
District or Building Level
⧠ A. A description of the process the
district uses to annually review
disaggregated course and program
enrollment data at each building to identify
potential disparities based on sex, race,ELL
status, and disability.
⧠ B. Evidence of implementation of the
above process for the 2014–15 or 2015–15
school year. Evidence can include meeting
minutes, a summary of data review and
analysis, etc.
⧠ C. If disparities were identified, describe
the district’s plan to address the disparity and
provide evidence that the district is
implementing the plan, such as evidence of a
root cause analysis and a review of
counseling practices, identification and
selection of students, recruitment materials
and strategies, course scheduling, etc.
⧠ D. N/A – No disparities were identified
(CPR monitors may cross reference with
OSPI course enrollment data).
CPR 2015-16
Civil Rights ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program Monitor
Student Discipline
The district does not discriminate in the
discipline of students. The school district at least
annually reviews disaggregated discipline data,
including suspensions and expulsions, to
identify potential disparities based on sex, race,
ELL-status (English language learners), and
disability (special education and Section 504). If
a disparity is identified, the district takes action
to ensure any disproportionality is not the result
of discrimination.
Discipline data, analytics, resources, and tools
Title VI, 35 C.F.R. §100.3; Section 504, 34
C.F.R. §104.4; Title IX; 34 C.F.R. §106.31; RCW
28A.640.010; RCW 28A.642.010; and WAC 392190-048.
District or Building Level
⧠ A. A description of the process the
district uses to annually review
disaggregated student discipline data at
each building to identify potential
disparities based on sex, race, ELL
status, and disability.
⧠ B. Evidence of implementation of the
above process for the 2014-15 or 2015-16
school year.
Evidence can include meeting minutes, a
summary of data review and analysis, etc.
⧠ C. If disparities were identified, describe
the district’s plan to address the disparity
and provide evidence that the district is
implementing the plan, such as evidence of
a root cause analysis and review of
disciplinary policies and practices.
⧠ D. N/A – No disparities were identified
(CPR monitors may cross reference with
OSPI discipline data).
CPR 2015-16
Civil Rights ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program Monitor
Instructional Materials
The school district’s instructional materials
policy and procedure includes a process to
evaluate and eliminate bias pertaining to sex,
race, creed, religion, color, national origin,
veteran or military status, sexual orientation,
gender expression or identity, disability, or the
use of a trained dog guide or service animal in all
textbooks and instructional materials. The
instructional materials committee uses
appropriate screening criteria to identify and
eliminate such bias.
Sample bias checklist
RCW 28A.640.020 and 28A.642.010; WAC 392190-055.
District Level
⧠ A. A copy of the district’s
instructional materials policy and
procedure (WSSDA’s 2020/2020P
or equivalent).
⧠ B. Evidence that the district reviews
all instructional materials for bias.
Evidence can include
a completed bias checklist for the most
recent curriculum adoption, meeting
minutes, etc.
CPR 2015-16
Civil Rights ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program Monitor
Student Athletic Interest Survey
The school district administers the OSPI student
athletic interest survey at least once every
three years at each building that offers athletics.
Survey results are disaggregated and analyzed by
sex and by building. Athletic interest survey tool
Title IX, 34 C.F.R. §106.41; RCW 28A.640.020;
WAC 392-190-030, 392-190-035, 392-190-040,
and 392-190-045.
District or Building Level
If your district operates, sponsors or
provides interscholastic, club or
intramural athletics, submit the
following items.
⧠ A. A copy of the student athletic
interest survey instrument and the date it
was last
⧠ B. A summary of the athletic interest
survey results disaggregated by sex and
by building.
⧠ C. N/A – No Athletics
CPR 2015-16
Civil Rights ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program Monitor
Accommodating Student Interests and
Each building that offers an athletic program
equally accommodates the interests and
of male and female students as demonstrated
in 1 of the following ways:
•The ratio of male/female student enrollment is
substantially proportionate to the ratio of
male/female student athletic participation,
•The school has a history and continuing
pattern of program expansion for the
underrepresented sex, or
•The school’s current program effectively
accommodates the interests and abilities of
the underrepresented sex as demonstrated
by the athletic interest survey and other
requests for specific sports.
Athletic opportunities worksheet and online
Title IX, 34 C.F.R. §106.41; RCW
28A.640.020; WAC 392-190-030, 392-190035, 392-190-040, and 392-190-045.
District or Building Level
If your district operates, sponsors or provides
interscholastic, club or intramural athletics, submit
the following items.
⧠ A. Complete and submit the CPR athletic opportunities
Excel worksheet. Download a ZIP file
with the worksheet and instructions here:
⧠ B. For on-site reviews, upload information for each
high school and middle/junior high school
selected for review.
⧠ C. For desk reviews, upload information for any 2 high
schools and 2 middle/junior high
⧠ D. N/A – No Athletics
CPR 2015-16
Civil Rights ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program Monitor
Annual Athletic Evaluation
The district provides equal opportunities and
benefits for male and female students to
participate in athletics. Each building that offers
an athletic program conducts an annual
evaluation of its athletic program to ensure that
the overall benefits and treatment of the boys’ and
girls’ athletic programs are comparable,
considering the following factors:
• Accommodation of interests and abilities
• Coaching and tutoring
• Equipment and supplies
• Scheduling
• Facilities
• Medical services and training
• Publicity and awards
• Travel and per diem
Outside sources of funding and donations are
acceptable, so long as they do not result in
disparities between the girls’ and boys’
programs. If fundraising or donations result in
an inequity along gender lines, the district
must correct it using its own funds if needed.
Athletic evaluation worksheets and online
District or Building Level
If your district operates, sponsors or
provides interscholastic, club or
intramural athletics, submit the
following items.
⧠ A. Evidence that the district annually
evaluates the girls’ and boys’ athletic
programs at each
building. Evidence can include dated and
completed team, building, and district
available on OSPI’s Equity & Civil
Rights website.
⧠ B. If the athletic evaluation for the
2014-2015 school year identified
disparities that favor
one sex at any building, provide a
description of the district’s plan to
address the disparity and
evidence of implementation. Evidence
can include meeting minutes, emails,
reports, etc.
Title IX, 34 C.F.R. §106.41; RCW 28A.640.020;
WAC 392-190-030, 392-190-035, 392-190-040,
and 392-190-045.
⧠ C. Evidence or a description of the
process the district uses to ensure that
fundraising, donations, and booster clubs
do not result in disparities that favor one
sex over
another. Evidence can include a booster
club and fundraising policy with explicit
consideration of sex equity, a
description of district’s process to
balance funding between girls’ and
boys’ programs, etc.
⧠ D. N/A – No Athletics