No Child Left Behind Highly Qualified Teachers

Charity Holliday
CheRise Burk
LeAndra Dick
Purpose of Education Reform
“… to provide students with the opportunity to
become responsible citizens, to contribute to their
own economic well-being, and to that of their
families and communities, and to enjoy productive
and satisfying lives.”
- Basic Education Act (Goal)
What is different about this reform effort?
The Expectations!
All children achieving at high levels
Increase in level of intellectual demand on the student
and the performance required to demonstrate
A system is designed to produce exactly what it produces . . .
If we continue to do what we’ve always done, we’ll
continue to get what we’ve always gotten.
“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the
learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with
a world that no longer exists.”
- Eric Hoffer
Organization of No Child Left Behind
Title I
Improving the Academic Achievement of the
Title II Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High- Quality
Teachers and Principals
Title III Language Instruction for Limited English
Proficient and Immigrant Students
(Used to be Title VII – Bilingual Program)
21st Century School / Safe - Drug Free Schools
Promoting Informed Parental Choice and
Innovative Programs (Used to be Title VI – Innovative Programs)
Title VI Flexibility and Accountability
Title VII Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native
Title VIII Impact Aid
Title IX General Provisions
Title X Education of Homeless Children and Youths
Title IV
Title V
ESEA Core Team / Stakeholder
Participation Topic Teams
• Assessments
• Teacher Quality
• Funding
NCLB Adequate Yearly Progress Elements
• ALL students “proficient” by 2014
• Separate, measurable goals in reading and
mathematics -- State Uniform Bars
• Separate, measurable objectives/disaggregated
data and goals for:
All Children
Racial/Ethnic Groups
Students with Disabilities (Special Education)
Students with Limited English Proficiency (ELL)
Students from Low-Income Families
Faces of our students
•No Child Left Behind challenges us to accelerate our
progress and increase our capacity to help students
with the greatest learning needs.
Testing Criteria
High Stakes Testing
Teach to Test vs Test to Teach
1 – No
Left Behind
Be the same
for all children
Be aligned with state standards and provide coherent information about student
Performance = Basic, Proficient, and Advanced
Be valid, reliable, and consistent with technical standards
Involve multiple measures of achievement including higher order thinking skills
and understanding
Provide reasonable adaptations and accommodations for children
with disabilities
Annual English proficiency assessment for all LEP students
NAEP: Biennially/ grades 4 & 8 only/ 1000 students per state/ reading and
mathematics/ 90 minute assessment/ Only if USDE
pays cost of administration
Accountability Models
“As with any sound accountability model, states
must first identify their desired outcomes,
develop a set of indicators to measure those
outcomes, evaluate the reliability and validity of
the measures, create incentives for individuals
and institutions to take part (honestly) in the
system and develop a system of continuous
improvement (not just annual assessments).”
(Venezia 6)
State’s Responsibility
Within the accountability system there are
several major units of performance,
accountability and reporting.
States can:
Monitor progress
Identify relative performance of one group as
compared to another
Provide instructional targets and incentives
Allocate resources
Assess progress and provide information.
Assessment = “High Stakes
Many states and school districts
mandate testing programs to gather
data about student achievement over
time and to hold schools and students
accountable. Certain uses of
achievement test results are termed
"high stakes" if they carry serious
consequences for students or for
educators. Schools may be judged
according to the school-wide average
scores of their students. High school-
A Test of Basic Skills
Assessment of Student
Grade 3 Reading
Performance: Recall and
comprehend important
Grade 4 Reading
Learning Target:
Compare and contrast
elements of text.
Grade 3 Math
Demonstrate math
computation skills.
Grade 4 Math
Learning Target: Define
problems by identifying
the question(s) to be
answered and by
identifying the known
information, missing
information, and/or
extraneous information.
Test-measurement principles, and legal
rulings affirming many of those principles,
specify that a test intended to measure what
a student has learned should be a fair
measure of the curriculum and instruction to
which the students have been exposed.
If, after all, a test is intended to serve as a
true measure of what students are learning
in class, then that test should cover material
that is actually taught.
Arthur L. Coleman
Communication With
No Child Left Behind
Highly Qualified Teachers
• All teachers teaching CORE Academic Subjects must be
“highly qualified” by 2005-2006
• CORE Academic Subjects means English, Reading, Language Arts,
Mathematics, Science, Foreign Languages, Civics and Government,
Economics, Arts, History, and Geography
Highly Qualified means:
• Full State Certification or passed teacher licensing exam and
hold a license to teach
• Certification or licensure requirements has not been waived on
an emergency, temporary, or provisional basis
No Child Left Behind
Highly Qualified Teachers
Existing Teachers:
• Bachelor’s Degree
• Full State Teaching Certification
• Demonstrate Competence
– hold National Board certification in the core academic subject(s)
assigned to teach, OR
– be endorsed in the core academic subject(s) assigned to teach, OR
– for unendorsed certificate holders, have a degree, major, or the
equivalent of a major in the core academic subject(s) assigned to teach
– Have a satisfactory annual evaluation based upon a uniform State
standard of evaluation. (Washington in RCW 28A.405.100(1-5), RCW 41.59.010 through
41.59.170, 41.59.10, 41.59.920, RCW 28A.405.10 and WAC 392-191-010 (1-7) OR
– demonstrate competency through the same avenue for new teachers
Demonstrate Competence in Core
Academic Subject Area
• For Endorsed Certificate Holders:
– Endorsement Competencies
– SBE Endorsement Related Assignment Chart
• For CTE Certificate Holders:
– A degree, major or equivalent of major in the core academic subject, OR
– Passed the PRAXIS II in the core academic subject, OR
– (HOUSSE) Been evaluated as satisfactory in the core academic subject
based on criteria identified in RCW 28A.405.100 and WAC 392-191-010
and the process described in WAC 392-191
• For Standard or Continuing (Unendorsed) Certificate Holders:
– Same as CTE certificate holders, OR
– Hold National Board Certification in core academic subject area
No Child Left Behind
Highly Qualified Teachers
New Teachers:
• Bachelor’s Degree
• Elementary: Pass a basic skills competency assessment as well as
demonstrated competence in areas of reading, mathematics and writing
and other areas of elementary curriculum
Secondary: Pass a basic skills competency assessment as well as
demonstrated competence in academic subjects in which the teacher
teaches (endorsements)
• Full State Teaching Certification
Communication with Parents (Cont.)
• Parents must be informed
of their option to transfer
their child to another
eligible school,
availability of
supplemental services
available, and how they
can participate in the
improvement process
No Child Left Behind
Parents Right to Know
Requires districts to annually notify parents of their right to
request information on the professional qualifications of their
child’s teachers.
Licensing and certification for grade level and subject
Emergency or other provisional status
B.A. major and graduate degrees
Paraprofessionals and qualifications (if serving the child)
Requires districts to notify parents if students have a teacher
for 4 weeks that is not “highly qualified.”
Funding provided for teacher improvement
Benefiting teachers for their improvement
Schools receiving/losing rewards/funds for passing/failing
The real question….
– Does Money matter?
Funding for teacher
• “President Bush's 2004 budget proposal
includes a commitment of more than $4 billion
in federal funding to help states prepare,
recruit and retain teachers in order to meet the
highly qualified teacher requirements”
• Funding is given to the school district where
they are able to choose where it is given out.
“The district has the option to spend
as much as 50% of its funds in
supporting its teachers.”
Benefiting our teachers
 “President Bush proposed a $500 million
Teacher Incentive Fund for states and
school districts that choose to reward
effective teachers. This Teacher Incentive
Fund would provide a $5,000 award to
approximately 100,000 teachers across
the country”
Failing Schools
2 years
3 years
School has to provide supplemental education services
for students.
4 years
Students have the choice to transfer to a different school.
District will take “corrective action” to improve the school
(new curriculum and new staff)
5 years
Receive governance action and may turn into a charter
school or receive staff restructuring.
Blue Ribbon Award
Who gets it?
-“The No Child Left Behind-Blue
Ribbon Schools Award honors
public and private K-12 schools that
are either academically superior in
their state or that demonstrate
dramatic gains in student
 How does a school get it?
“40% of their students from disadvantaged
backgrounds make a significant improvement in
student performance and the schools that score in the
Does money really matter?
“Behind this charge seems to be the assumption that a flood
of money can solve the problem of academic achievement,
an assumption that, if it were true, would give Washington, D.
C., which spends nearly $14,000 a year on every student,
some of the best schools in the country. The truth is,
Washington, D.C.'s schools spend at the top but achieve at
the bottom. That city is spending at least $350,000 a year for
one classroom of kids, and that city's children have the
lowest NAEP scores in the nation in reading, the lowest
NAEP scores in math. Money is not the be-all and end-all in
-Mrs. Cheney
OSPI Website
Title I/Washington State:
ERIC (Educational Resources
Information Center):
NCES (National Center for
Education Statistics):
Federal Register
United States Department of Education
Council of Chief State School
Northwest Regional Educational
What Works Clearinghouse
Study collections