Scene 1- Christmas music on Mom & Dad sleep on one side of


Scene 1- Christmas music on

Mom & Dad sleep on one side of stage, Valery on other side

Music off, Lights on

Valery wakes up realizes its Christmas and get excited

Carol: Oh my God! It’s Christmas Eve

Runs to mom and dad shake them, mom and dad startled, dad falls off “bed”

Carol: Mom! Dad! Wake up!!! Its Christmas Eve, we have to go to church for the Reveil, the rele the thing at church at night for Christmas and they sing and stuff

Mom: Haha cheri its called Reveilon!

Carol: oh Reveilon, oh! Can we open our presents before we leave? Please!!!

Dad: Of course darling

Family sits opening Christmas presents and are smiling laughing, hugging etc

Mom: (handing a present to daughter) Here you go my princess

Dad: Merry Christmas!

Carol: Thanks mom and dad! It’s beautiful

Mom: Pas perde’l non!

Carol: No way, I’m not gonna perde it, I’m gonna wear it forever I promise

Carol hugs parents.

Carol: thanks again! Is it time for go to l’eglise yet?

Mom: Yes, oh garde! C’est l’heure pour nous aller! Faire vite met rad sou nous

Dad: Ok let’s go, en alle!

Walks white back door.

Lights off, move car chairs to middle of stage, place steering wheel on chair.

Lights on, parents walk out commentating on church service and the plays etc.

Carol: What a great service that’s why I love Christmas!

Dad: En alle lacaye nou

Gets in car and drive

Mom: Comment ou te reme service lan Carol?

Carol: I loved it mommy, all the gifts and I got money and I –

Dad: Non c’est pas ca maman ou mande’ew Carol, comment ou te reme service lan? What did you learn?

Mom: Carol, cheri, you have to remember Christmas is not just about receiving presents, c’est pas seulement recevoir cadeau, it’s about giving. God gave us the greatest gift of all, and what’s that?

Carol: MONEY?!

Dad: Oh Lord! Non Carol, Bon Dieu bye nou petit lil Jesus Christ, c’est le plus grand cadeau que le monde recevoir. (turns towards her) Li c’est comfort nou, li c’est protectuer nou, li c’est…

Mom: JEAN!!! ATTENCION!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dad turns around quickly in shock, everyone screams. Lights off

Put blood on Valery, chairs on ground.

Carol: Aw ouch! (crying)

Lights on


Lights off

15 years later

Table, chair, and chair in front of it. Office setting. Carol walks in to her office.

Secretary: Hello Miss Carol, Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noel!

Carol: EHHHH no pas dit san

Secretary: Oh desole tistis, mais mwe te vel prends rest journee off, ou connais c’est noel et petit mwe lacaye bien mal, seule rasion mwe la c’es pour fair cob pour operacion li, mwe bye 24 sou 24, 24/7 im here with you, a woman with no Christmas spirit, who is angry at the whole world for no reason!

Carol: No reason! NO REASON!!! You know nothing about me, ou pa connais’m , ou pas connais vye’m,

Ou met alle lacay ou, pas jamn retourne, YOUR FIRED!!! Go watch your loved one die, Cause that was my Christmas!

Secretary: SATAN!!!

Secretary runs out crying. Carol has a temper tantrum and throws all Christmas decoration on floor and in garbage.

Carol: I can’t do this anymore, mwen pas kab la. I have to get out of here! Fom alle. Bam al prends coat mwen.

Homeless men with bell asking for change.

Man passes by gives change to homeless man 1 but not two and walks out to side door.

Generous man: sorry I don’t have any more change Merry Christmas!

Carol comes out of office with coat on towards homeless men.

Homeless man1: Hey why don’t you ask her, mande fille sa! (Points to Carol)

Carol: (sees bums) Hey get away from my business, vagabon! Making my business look bad, retire corps la, ap faire la tou santi.

Homeless man 2: Just besoin ti change madame s’il vous plait, mwen pas manger tout journee.

Carol: Sa pas regardem! A fet garde ou. Mwen pas maman, mwen pas papaw. Change what? You need to change! Ret la ap bour! Tafiateur!

Homeless man 1 shakes in disapproval.

Carol walks away towards the crowd down the aisle with nose stuck up in the air.

Homeless man 2: tafiateur?! Takes bottle out of brown paper bag, c’est pas meme liqueur non, c’est malta oui… gader yon satan!

Homeless man 1: sorry brotha, main ou met prends pam. (while walking after Carol) Que Bon Dieu Beni ou, bagay yo ap changer pour yon jour frère mwen.

Homeless man 2: (looks in shock) Merci, merci anpil.

As Carol walks down aisle she will be picking on audience.

Audience: Merry Christmas!

Carol: Merry Christmas WHAT?! Bahumbug!!!! (storms out of room)

Lights off. Set up house scene.

Scene 4

Carol comes home thru side door

Carol: Ohhh, mwen rayi epok sa yo. Nonsense Noel!

Carol takes off jacket and sits pulls out a bottle of barboncourt, knock on down

Caroler: Hello, we’re carolers, here to sing a Christmas song for you! Hit IT!

All Carolers: WE WISH YOU A MERRY Chris—

Carol pushes carolers out door and slams it closed

Carol: Ou baba moun ca yo pas kite, mwe brale dormer mwe paqa prends sa encore

Carol goes into bed. Sound effects on, Carol looks around starled, sound effects louder, lights flash on and off homeless man is standing there

Carol: WHOAAAAA Ca Wap fey La homeless venir lacaye mwe pour tie’m pur tit change, m’ap rele police!

Homeless 1: I am not homeless

Carol: Yes I see that now you’re a murder, a thief!

Homeless 1/angel: No, im an angel, mwe c’est yon ange (takes off jacket, and shows wings)

Carol: Oh no!!!!! Mwe pa kab mourir. Parce que mwe gen yon business meeting lundi matin,mwe fek commencer vive, lets reschedule this whole death thing, 30 years from now?

Homeless 1/angel: no, this needs to be done now, you failed your tests

Carol: tests, what test? I didn’t study, wat test is it?

Homeless1/angel: I’ve been watching you all day, why didn’t you give money to the homeless man? Ou pas gen charite. Pour qui ca ou femer porte sur chanteur yo? Secretaire ou fidele depuis plusiers annee, mais yon seule jour ou pas te kab kit’l gainer pour li ale prends swen petit lil.

Come see the consequences of your cruelty Carol.

Angel grabs her arms, snap fingers. Lights off and on with them towards the side. Secretary with docter

Doctor: I’m sorry Miss, there is nothing I can do, it you don’t have the money to pay we can’t do the operation.

Secretary: But I got fired today..

Doctor: I’m sorry (walks away)

Secretary: God help me! Aide’m bon Dieu! (Secretary crys quietly)

Carol looks in angst

Angel: Ca C’est Noel 2010, en ale ouer Noel 2015.

Lights off, secretary stands in front of grave, tombstone in middle of stage

Lights on

Angel: tout mauvais cent ou te fais, li tier ou avant l’heure, garde enterrement ou..

Carol: kot tout moun?! Valuer moun mwe connais!

Angel: Seulement secretaire ou venir, ou kite petit li mourir et seule li men ki venir enterre ou.

Carol: Oh non! Ou pas comprende, mwe pas yon mauvias mon c’est pas fault pamn. C’est fault Bon

Dieu,li ti sippose protégé nou

Angel: c’est seule ca ou sounjer? Et ca parent te dernier dit ou?

Carol looks at angel, angel snaps fingers, lights off, set up car

Accident Scene

Carol: Oh non, mwe pas veule ouer sa, mwe vive sa chaque noel

Mom: Carol, cheri, you have to remember Christmas is not just about receiving presents, c’est pas seulement recevoir cadeau, it’s about giving. God gave us the greatest gift of all, and what’s that?

Carol: MONEY?!

Dad: Oh Lord! Non Carol, Bon Dieu bye nou petit lil Jesus Christ, c’est le plus grand cadeau que le monde recevoir. (turns towards her) Li c’est comfort nou, li c’est protectuer nou

Carol turns away in horror

Angel: FREEZE!

Lights off, everyone off stage back to bedroom scene

Carol: Oh mwe nan chamber mwe encore, ou ouer Bon dieyu pat la pour protecteur nou, konku papa’m te dit


Carol realizes

Angel: Et barrette sa? ou pas jemn perdu’l mais c’est pas seulemnt barette lan maman te vle ou sere, c’est levangli

Carol: Mwe blie, mwe pab beli encore, fom changer! Map changer!

Beat drops

Carol runs off and puts on her dress with barrette and goes to each scene.

Angel turns to audience, while Carol acts out scene

Angel: Carol te kinbin mots lui. Lui te changer. She began to give to the homeless and charities all over the world.

Carol walking to the homeless man and giving a hug and money and screaming merry Christmas while homeless man looks scared and terrified then freezes. Then goes scene with secretary.

Carol: (grabs child and spins him around screaming) You’re alive

Child: (screams) I was never dead you crazy, mean lady.

Carol: I’m sorry; I promise I will never be mean again!

Carol gets up and looks speaks to secretary

Carol: I’m so sorry; you are a wonderful worker and a great friend. I want to help you, I would love to pay for the your son’s surgery, m’ap paye pour operation petit lan

Secretary: have you been drinking? Ou sou?

Carol: sou nan Bon Dieu petit! Joyeaux noel!

Angel: By next Christmas, Carol had became the head singer of the Caroling group.

Carol comes to the front and begins singing everybody joins in
