Weather Hazards Wildern School Geography Department GCSE Scheme of Work OCR B 2014 Theme; Weather Hazards Key Question and Learning Objectives Teaching and Learning Activities Resources Differentiation PPT LA; to have writing frame/questions to help compare the distribution patterns Tropical storms Willy willies Time Learning Focus & Key words Assessment 1 To identify and locate the global distribution of climatic hazards To critically evaluate the factors affecting the specific global distribution patterns of climatic hazards Introduce unit of work – explain where it sits in GCSE Geography Starter; What are hazards- students to identify the different types of natural hazards? Watch the Awe and wonder clip Awe and wonder clip OCR text book Compile list of bard of hazards featured Main; To locate the hazards on to their map. Page 134, Hurricanes (tropical storms) 3.4.3 a Page 145, drought Plenary; World map Climatic Hazards Distribution Hurricanes Tropical storms Drought Tropical storms Willy willies Written explanation/comparison of climatic hazards distribution patterns. Weather Hazards Wildern School Geography Department GCSE Scheme of Work OCR B 2014 Theme; Weather Hazards Pupils to discuss and record in to their books a comparison between the similarities and differences between distribution of drought and tropical storms around the globe. Key Question and Learning Objectives Teaching and Learning Activities 2 To explore the formation of tropical storm. To examine the patterns between global location and factors affecting the formation of tropical storms. Resources Differentiation Time Starter; Animaniacs LA; Animaniacs movie- recap terminology of the Movie annotations hydrological cycle. Pupils to update their glossary. sheet to add to hurricane diagram Show clips of hurricane footage. Hurricane Pose questions; How and why do hurricanes footage form? Pupils have to link this to their global distribution. Main; A3 giant matching activity of the formation of a hurricane on the board. A3 matching activity Learning Focus & key words Climatic Hazards Distribution Hurricanes Tropical storms Drought Tropical storms Willy willies Altitude Eye Humid Assessment Annotated diagram of hurricane Weather Hazards Wildern School Geography Department GCSE Scheme of Work OCR B 2014 Theme; Weather Hazards 3.4.3 b Plenary; Students to annotate a diagram of a hurricane to explain what is happening and how it forms. Key Question and Learning Objectives To explain the causes and effects of Hurricanes in MEDC’s To critically evaluate the management of hurricanes in Teaching and Learning Activities Diagram of hurricane w/s Resources Differentiation Time 3/4 Starter; U2 and Green Day Saints video. U2 and Green Day clip Main; Students to complete a Case study file card for Hurricane Katrina. This will need to include information on causes, effects and management (SEEP). CS movie Learning Focus & key words Assessment Causes LA; information Effects sheet to use to Management complete file Disaster card along with Levees student notes. Prediction Preparation Affluence Infrastructure Completion of file card to peer assesses. Weather Hazards Wildern School Geography Department GCSE Scheme of Work OCR B 2014 Theme; Weather Hazards MEDC’s Students will take notes for each section while watching the CS movie on Katrina. 3.4.3 c Plenary; File card Pop quiz Pop quiz based on facts surrounding Hurricane Katrina. Sandy - 2012 -sandy-in-photos/100395/ Key Question and Learning Objectives To understand the ways in which people Teaching and Learning Activities Resources Differentiation Time 5 Hurricane Hunters Starter; LA – Pair up with more able for a mixed Learning Focus & key words Predict Prepare Protect Assessment By outcome Weather Hazards Wildern School Geography Department GCSE Scheme of Work OCR B 2014 Theme; Weather Hazards can predict, prepare and protect for weather hazards. Students to watch second half of CS movie on Katrina. Main; Students to record methods of prediction/tracking for hurricanes; radar, satellite, hurricane planes etc. To evaluate the sustainability of different management strategies. ability activity Katrina movie Students will become experts on one method of preparation and protection e.g. Boarding up windows Emergency kits Education Systems of public warning. 3.4.3 e Differentiated questions t o the pairs during activity Sustainability Causes Effects Management Disaster Clips and info packs Students will watch a series of clips as a class then be allocated information on their method. They will then need to champion their method and explain to the class why it is sustainable. Plenary; Flash sustainability meter Key Question and Learning Objectives Teaching and Learning Activities Time Sustainability meter Resources Differentiation Learning Focus & key words Assessment Weather Hazards Wildern School Geography Department GCSE Scheme of Work OCR B 2014 Theme; Weather Hazards To identify the global distribution of drought. To examine the seep causes and climatic conditions leading to periods of drought. 3.4.3 b 6 Starter; Definition- what is drought? What is famine? PPT Give students a map of countries affected by drought. OCR textbook Using the IPod/mini mics students to record explanation of location for one drought affected country. Ipod/mini mic Main; Card sort of causes of drought- sort in to SEEP. Plenary; Students to develop explanation for 3 or more cards. Great videos: what is drought? nment/environment-natural-disasters/landslidesand-more/droughts/ La nina & El nino SEEP card sort Distribution By outcome Evapotranspiration Drought Precipitation Famine Climate Region Originates Environmental Technology Weather Hazards Wildern School Geography Department GCSE Scheme of Work OCR B 2014 Theme; Weather Hazards Key Question and Learning Objectives To critically assess the SEEP factors that lead to periods of drought. Teaching and Learning Activities 7 Starter; Show clip of 1984 drought in Ethiopia Then show clip of 2000-2001 And 2006 to date To compile a case study of one climatic hazard event in an LEDC. Resources Differentiation You tube clip 1984 Ethiopian drought (Michael Korem Burke) Case study sheet Time Discuss causes linking back to last lesson on You tube drought. clip Ethiopian Main; drought 2000-2001 Using pages 146-147 in the OCR GCSE and 2006- Learning Focus & key words Assessment Distribution By outcome Evapotranspiration Drought Precipitation Famine Climate Region Originates Weather Hazards Wildern School Geography Department GCSE Scheme of Work OCR B 2014 Theme; Weather Hazards 3.4.3 c textbook pupils are to compile a case study to explain the SEEP factors that explain why Ethiopia is affected by periods of drought. Plenary; Peer assess case study sheets now PPT Ethiopian drought Ethiopian drought 2008 Infographic East African drought Case study sheet OCR GCSE textbook Pg 146-147 Key Question and Learning Objectives Teaching and Learning Activities Resources Differentiation Learning Focus & key words MA – Peer Keywords: Time To revise for end 8/9 Starter – Revision mind mapping PPT Assessment H/W Weather Hazards Wildern School Geography Department GCSE Scheme of Work OCR B 2014 Theme; Weather Hazards of unit exam Main – Students to create a mind map and or revision cards with a maximum of 30 words on each. Reflective Learners Plenary – Hot seating/ You say we pay keywords Card discussion, revision All used in unit Pupils revise at home and reflect on strengths and weaknesses in revision lesson Self managers End of unit exam Starter – Students to individually revise from case study cards Main – Students sit there end of unit exam (25 marks) Plenary – Peer asses exam responses with a study buddy. Weather Hazards Wildern School Geography Department GCSE Scheme of Work OCR B 2014 Theme; Weather Hazards