The Versions

The Septuagint (LXX)
Dines, J.M., The Septuagint (London: T&T Clark, 2004) [Readable introduction for
students, including placing it within its historical context].
Dorival, Harl, & Munnich, La Bible grecque des Septante (Paris: Éditions du Cerf /
Éditions du C.N.R.S., 1988) [The most up-to-date scholarly introduction and
discussion of all issues – sadly, already out of print, but online at:].
Hengel, M. The Septuagint as Christian Scripture: Its Prehistory and the Problem of
Its Canon (Old Testament Studies; T & T Clark, 2002). [On the early Christian
Jellicoe, Sidney, The Septuagint and modern study (Oxford: Clarendon P., 1968). [An
updating of the information in Swete (below). Highly technical]
Jobes, Karen H. and Moises Silva, Invitation to the Septuagint (Grand Rapids, Mich.;
Carlisle: Baker Books: Paternoster, 2000) [The latest introduction to LXX, aimed
at students or those new to the field]
Swete, H.B., An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek (Cambridge, 1900) [The
classic essay on the Septuagint by H.B. Swete, one of the significant critical
scholars of the LXX text.]
Pietersma, A. & B.G. Wright (eds), NETS: A New English Translation of the Septuagint
(New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000) [A new translation, in
accordance with the NRSV. Commentaries on the translation will follow in the
Brenton, Lancelot Charles Lee 1844. The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament,
According to the Vatican Text, Translated into English: with the Principal Various
Readings of the Alexandrine Coy, and A Table of Comparative Chronology. 2 vols.
London: Bagster. [Until NETS, the only complete translation still in print; now
in 1 volume]
Harl, M. (general editor), La Bible d’Alexandrie: traduction du texte grec de la Septante
(Paris: Cerf, 1986). [Excellent commentary series in French, still in progress but
so far covering: v. 1. La Genese / intr. et notes par Marguerite Harl [et al.] -- v. 2.
L’Exode / intr. et notes par Alain Le Boulluec et Pierre Sandevoir -- v. 3. Le
Levitique / intr. et notes par Paul Harle et Didier Pralon -- v. 4. Les Nombres /
intr. et notes par Gilles Dorival [et al.] -- v. 5. Le Deuteronome / intr. et notes par
Cecile Dogniez et Marguerite Harl -- v. 6: Jesus (Josue)/ par Jacqueline MoattiFine -- v.7: Les Juges/ par Paul Harle -- v. 9: Premier Livre des Regnes/ par
Bernard Grillet et Michel Lestienne -- v. 17: Les Proverbes/ par David-Marc
d'Hamonville -- v. 23.: Les Douze Prophetes, 4-9/ par Marguerite Harl et al.]
Brock, S.P., A Classified Bibliography of the Septuagint (ALGhJ 6; Leiden: Brill, 1973).
Dogniez, C., Bibliography of the Septuagint (1970-1993) (VTSuppl. 60; Leiden: Brill,
Studies on the Language
Bernard A. Taylor, The Analytical Lexicon to the Septuagint (Zondervan, 1994). more
of a parsing guide than a lexicon. It provides an English gloss and parses (in
alphabetical order) all words found in Rahlfs's Septuaginta.
Johan Lust, Erik Eynikel, and Katrin Hauspie (eds.), Greek-English Lexicon of the
Septuagint (Revised edition; American Bible Society, 2004). This work has
entries for every work found in Rahlfs's Septuaginta. This revised one-volume
edition brings together the revised text of the first volume published in 1992,
and the slightly reworked text of the second part published in 1996.
Takamitsu Muraoka, A Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint (Peeters, 2009). This
recently completed lexicon is by far the best lexicon of the LXX available as it
provides far more than just English glosses and parsing. Based on the Göttingen
Septuagint where available.
Edwin Hatch, Henry A. Redpath, A Concordance to the Septuagint: and the other Greek
Versions of the Old Testament - Including the Apocryphal Books (Second edition, two
volumes in one; Includes Muraoka, "Hebrew/Aramaic Index"; Baker Academic,
H. St. J Thackeray, A Grammar of the Old Testament in Greek: According to the Septuagint.
Vol. 1: Introduction, Orthography, and Accidence (Cambridge University Press,
1909; reprint G. Olms, 1978). This classic is difficult to find. may
have it used. You may also want to check Eisenbrauns or Dove Books.
F. C. Conybeare, Grammar of Septuagint Greek: With Selected Readings, Vocabularies, and
Updated Indexes (Hendrickson; reissue edition, 2001). A reprint of Selections
from the Septuagint (1905), this work includes and introduction to the LXX, a
grammar section primarily covering accidence and syntax, followed by selected
readings with in-depth introductions and full textual and grammatical notes.
Interlinear Issues
Brock, S.P., The Phenomenon of the Septuagint, OTS 17 (1972) 11-36.
Brock, S.P., “Aspects of Translation Technique in Antiquity,” Greek, Roman and
Byzantine Studies 20: 69-87.
Brock, Sebastian P. "To Revise or Not to Revise : Attitudes to Jewish Biblical
Translation." Septuagint, Scrolls and Cognate Writings., 301-38. Atlanta:
Scholars Pr, 1992.
Joosten, Jan, “Reflections on the ‘Interlinear Paradigm’ in Septuagintal Studies,” in
Voitila, Anssi and Jutta Jokiranta (eds.) Scripture in Transition: Essays on
Septuagint, Hebrew Bible, and Dead Sea Scrolls in Honour of Raija Sollamo
(SJSJ, 126; Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008), 163–178.
T. Muraoka, “Recent Discussions on the Septuagint Lexicography with Special
Reference to the So-called Interlinear Model,” in Die Septuaginta. Texte,
Kontexte, Lebenswelten (ed. M. Karrer and W. Kraus; Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr
[Paul Siebeck], 2008) 221-235
Pietersma, A., “A New Paradigm for Addressing Old Questions: The Relevance of the
Interlinear Model for the Study of the Septuagint,” in Bible and Computer, (ed. J.
Cook; Leiden, 2002), 337-64.
Targum (Aramaic)
Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon: http://
Alexander, Philip S., “Jewish Aramaic translations of Hebrew Scriptures,” in Mikra
(1988), pp. 217-253.
Clarke, Ernest G., 'The Bible and Translation: the Targums', in J.C. Hurd and B.H.
McLean (eds.), Origins and Method (Sheffield: JSOT, 1993), pp. 380-393.
Le Deaut, Roger, Inroduction `a la litterature targumique (Rome: Institut biblique
pontifical, 1966).
McNamara, Martin, Targum and Testament (Shannon: Irish University Press, 1972).
Brederek, Emil, Kondoranz zum Targum Onkelos (Giessen: BZAW 9, 1906).
Dalman, Gustaf, Aramäisch-Neuhebräisches handwörterbuch zu Targum, Talmud,
und Midrash (GØ ttingen: 1938)
Dalman, Gustaf, Grammatik des jò disch-palestinischen Aramäisch (Leipzig: 1905).
Grossfeld, Bernard, Concordance of the First Targum to the Book of Esther. (Chico, CA:
Scholars Press, 1984).
Jastrow, Marcus, A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the
Midrashic Literature [2 vols.] (Pardes Publishing House, 1950).
Jeitteleles, Judah, Mebhoh ha-Leshon ha-Aramith (Prague: 1813).
Kasovsky, Chayim Yehoshua, Otsar Leshon Targum Onkelos: Konkodantsyah:
Meyusedet alha Targum she-Nidfas be-Berlin (Jerusalem, Israel: Hotsaat
Sefarim a. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha Universitah ha-Ivrit, Bet le-Rabonim beAmerikah, 1986).
Kasovsky, Chayim Yehoshua, Otsar ha-Milim (Jerusalem, Israel: 1933).
Kaufman, Stephen A, A Key-word-in-coxtext Concordence to Targum Neofiti: a
Guide to the Complete Palestinian Aramaic Text of the Torah (Baltimore, MD:
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993).
Moor, Johannes Cornelis de., A Billingual Concordance to the Targum of the Prophets
(Leiden and New York, NY: E.J. Brill, 1995-).
Sokoloff, Michael, A Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Byzantine
Period (Ramat Gan, Israel: Bar Ilan University Press, 1990).
Van Zijl, J.B., A Concordance to the Targum of Isaiah: Based on the Brit. Mus. Or. Ms.
2211 (Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1979).
Diez Macho, Alejandro, 'A Fundamental Manuscript for an Edition of the Babylonian
Onqelos to Genesis', in M. Black and G. Fohrer (eds.), In Memoriam P. Kahle,
BZAW 103 (1968), pp. 62-78.
Drazin, Israel, Targum Onkelos to Deuteronomy: An English Translation of the Text
with Analysis and Commentary (New York, NY: Ktav Publishing House, 1982).
Drazin, Israel, Targum Onkelos to Leviticus: An English Translation of the Text with
Analysis and Commentary (New York, NY: Ktav Publishing House, 1994).
Etheridge, J.W., The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch,
with Fragments of the Jerusalem Targum from the Chaldee (New York, NY:
Ktav Pub. House, 1968).
Feldman, Emanuel (ed.), Hamisheh Humshe Torah Ari'el [The Ariel Chumash: Rashi,
Onkelos, sources, analysis: Targum Onkelos translator Yitzhak Frank]
(Jerusalem: United Israel Institutes, 1997).
Grossfeld, Bernard and Aberbach, Moses, Targum Onkelos to Genesis: A Critical
Analysis Together with an English Translation of the Text. (New York, NY:
Ktav Publishing House, 1982).
Grossfeld, Bernard and Aberbach, Moses, Targum Onqelos on Genesis 49: Translation
and Analytical Commentary (Missoula, MT: Scholars Press for the Society of
Biblical Literature, 1976).
Grossfeld, Bernard, Targum Onqelos to Exodus (Wilmington, DE: M. Glazier, 1988).
Grossfeld, Bernard, Targum Onqelos to Genesis (Wilmington, DE: M. Glazier, 1988).
Grossfeld, Bernard, The Targum Onqelos to Deuteronomy (Wilmington, DE: M.
Glazier, 1988).
Grossfeld, Bernard, The Targum Onqelos to Numbers (Wilmington, DE: M. Glazier,
Sperber, Alexader, The Bible in Aramaic, Vol. 1: The Pentateuch According to Targum
Onqelos (Leidin: 1959).
Sperber, Alexander, The Bible in Aramaic: Based on Old Manuscripts and Printed
Texts (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1993).
The Peshitta (Syriac Old Testament)
Brockelmann, Carl, Lexicon Syriacum (2d ed.; 1928).
Sokoloff, Michael. A Syriac Lexicon: A Translation from the Latin, Correction, Expansion,
and Update of C. Brockelmann's Lexicon Syriacum (Piscataway: Gorgias, 2009).
Payne Smith, R. and Payne Smith J., Theusarus Syriacus
Payne Smith, J. Compendious Syriac Dictionary.
Borbone, P. G. & et. al., The Old Testament in Syriac According to the Peshitta Version:
Concordance, Vol. 1 (Pentateuch. Leiden: Brill, 1998).
Dirksen, P. B. An Annotated Bibliography of the Peshitta of the Old Testament (Leiden:
Brill, 1989).
Brock, Sebastian P., The Bible in the Syriac tradition (Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2006).
Brock, Sebastian P., “Towards a History of Syriac Translation Technique,” Orientalia
Christiana Analecta 221 (1983): 1-14.
Flesher, Paul V. M., Targum and Peshitta. Volume 2. Targum Studies (Atlanta: Scholars
Press, 1998).
Maori, Yeshayahu, The Peshitta Version of the Pentateuch and Early Jewish Exegesis
(Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1995).
Mulder, M. J., “The Use of the Peshitta in Textual Criticism,” in La Septuaginta en la
Investigacion Contemporanea. Textos y Estudios "Cardenal Cisneros" 34. 37-53. (Madrid,
Szpek, Heidi M., “On the Influence of the Septuagint on the Peshitta,” CBQ 60, 2
(1998): 251-266.
Weitzman, M. P. The Syriac Version of the Old Testament: An Introduction (Oriental
Publications, 56; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999).
Weitzman, M. P., “The Interpretative Character of the Syriac Old Testament,” in
Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Volume 1, Part 1 Antiquity (ed. Magne Sæbø;
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1996), 587-611.
Van Peursen, Wido Th., Language and Interpretation in the Syriac Text of Ben Sira: A
Comparative Linguistic and Literary Study (Monographs of the Peshit̀£ta Institute,
Leiden. Studies in the Syriac versions of the Bible and their cultural contexts 16;
Leiden: Brill, 2007).
Williams, P. J., “On Matching Syriac Words with Their Greek Vorlage,” in Foundations
for Syriac Lexicography I (ed. A. Dean Forbes and David G.K. Taylor.
Perspectives on Syriac Linguistics 1; Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2005), 157–66.
Williams, P. J., Studies in the Syntax of the Peshitta of 1 Kings (Monographs of the
Peshitta Institute, Leiden 12; Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2001).
Winter, Michael M., “The Origins of Ben Sira in Syriac,” Vetus Testamentum 27 (1977):
237–253, 494–450.
Latin (Vulgate and Vetus Latina)
Biblia Sacra iuxta latinam vulgatam versionem ad codicum fidem, iussu Pii PP. XI,
Pii PP. XII, Ioannis XXIII, Pauli VI, Ioannis Pauli PP. II, cura et studio
monachorum Abbatiae Pontificiae Sancti Hieronymi in Urbe Ordinis Sancti
Benedicti edita. Textus ex interpretatione Sancti Hieronymi. Romae: Libreria
Editrice Vaticana, 1926-1995. 18 vols.
Robert Weber, ed., Biblia sacra: Iuxta Vulgatam versionem, Rec. et brevi apparatu
instruxit Robertus Weber. Stuttgart: Württembergische Bibelanstalt, 1969. 2
volumes (3d ed.; Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft 1983).
J.E. Lowe, Church Latin for Beginners. London: Burns Oates & Washbourne
Ltd., 1933. Fourth edition.
H. P. V. Nunn, An Introduction to Ecclesiastical Latin. Eton: Alden &
Blackwell Ltd., 1952. Third edition reprint.
W. E. Plater and H. J. White, A Grammar of the Vulgate. Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1926.
Pierre-Maurice Bogaeret, "Versions, Ancient (Latin)," in The Anchor Bible
Dictionary. New York: Doubleday, 1992. Vol. VI, pp. 799-803.
B.F. Westcott, "The Vulgate," in William Smith, ed., Dictionary of the Bible, rev.
and ed. by Horatio B. Hackett. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1981
reprint. Vol. IV, pp. 3451-3482.
H.J. White, "Vulgate," in James Hastings, ed., A Dictionary of the Bible.
Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1902. Vol. IV, pp. 873-890.