RWJENF Alumni Association

RWJENF Alumni Association
Board Meeting
5 June 2013
9 AM-1:00 PM CT
Reconvened 6 June 2013
8-9 AM
Reconvened 7 June 2013
8-9 AM
Presiding: Kate Malliarakis,
Members Present: June 5, 2013: June Chan, Ann Cary, Debra Toney, Debra Honey, Nancy Ridenour, Fran Roberts, Joyce
Batcheller, Vickie Niederhauser, Andi Williams, Mary Kay VanDriel, Stacey Ezell
Members Present: June 6, 2013: Kate Malliarakis, Ann Cary, Nancy Ridenour, Joyce Batcheller, Vickie Niederhauser, Mary
Kay VanDriel; Debra Honey; Andi Williams; Visitors: Suzanne Boyle, Joan Marren
Members Present: June 7, 2013: Kate Malliarakis, Ann Cary, Nancy Ridenour, Joyce Batcheller, Vickie Niederhauser, Mary
Kay VanDriel, Debra Honey, Andi Williams
Kate Malliarakis
1 May 2013 Minutes accepted as circulated
Board of Directors will send individual welcome
e-mails to new fellows.
Need to think critically how to attract candidates
from practice
o Speak at AONE, public health,
meetings, informatics, etc.
Presiding Called to order: 9:00 am CT June 5, 2013
Minutes: 1 May 2013
Kate Malliarakis
and June Chan for
Mary Newell
NAC Update: new cohort selected in Chicago; larger
number of applicants from schools of nursing
compared to practice setting. The pool of candidates
was impressive. Joyce verified that CNOs are being
pressured to respond rapidly to change and cutting
Andi Williams/
Linda Cronenwett
Creating a strong pool is important to the alumni
NPO Update: Dave Altman in Brussels for 18 month
assignment. He is accessible to the program. During
this application cycle, there were several instances
with more than one member from the same
organization in the applicant pool. Linda reported that
the current fellows schedules are intense and will be
difficult to include alumni activities.
Dan and Ed from CCL did a brainstorming
session with board on getting input from alumni
Linda suggested regional “mentoring” to
introduce fellows to other leaders in the area.
Board will develop Ad Hoc Peer Mentoring
Committee with strategic plan to connect alumni
with current fellows
Work with CCL to incorporate RWJENF Alumni
Association into current fellow sessions for each
cohort each year top expose them to the
Kate Malliarakis
Leadership Consultation Calls
Evaluation data of first call is lukewarm;Yet the
majority of attendees would recommend this
experience to other fellows. Need to consider if
will continue to fund this. Currently have $7,500
budgeted. Kate will be on the next call to
Kate Malliarakis
Executive Committee
a) Review and Develop Strategic Goals
Progress on goals reviewed. We are on target.
o Kate will bring to next board meeting
revised strategic goals for 2014.
Kate contacted people from ballot to have them
on committees and prepared draft committee
profile. Committee Roster revised as attached.
o Need to identify Vice Chairs
o Need to increase membership
o Need to increase the communication
b) Review Committee assignments 2013-2014:
Kate reported that MaryJoan Ladden has posed
the following questions: 1) How is the alumni
association assisting the Foundation 2) Why
do we charge dues? 3) How do we further the
future of nursing report and goals? 4) Can
alumni association be mentors to future
nursing leaders, including ENF Fellows? What
mentoring do we do?
Linda Cronenwett asked: Is there a reason why
alumni want to have a separate organization vs
being alumni?
c) Calendar of events
Debra Toney
Kate Malliarakis
Finance Committee
a) Proposed budget
b) Membership: Vickie reviewed powerpoint
outlining membership data. Trends identified:
initial large membership penetration with
slump in past 5 years; trending upward again.
Joyce recognized that this is the 15th year
anniversary of alumni.
regarding what we are doing.
o Develop a social marketing campaign
How do we re-engage alumni with current
o Plan alumni meeting in conjunction
with current fellows meetings.
o Invite Terry Fulmer to meet with
o Need to capitalize on the leadership
potential of the ENF alums.
o Create mechanism for communicating
o activities
o Consider doing an Annual Report
o Include recruitment for committees in
Dues notice. This will include
information about Committee schedule
and responsibilities for transition to
office. Kate and Ann Cary will work
on this
o Stacey will forward cohort schedules to
the board
Current balance $142,045.03. Proposed
Operating Budget of $192,080.03 (includes
$50,000 RWJ grant). Kate will revise based on
strategic discussion of board.
Collect stories of accomplishments; such as
membership on boards and plan an anniversary
Need to establish benchmarks for membership:
75-85% suggested
Joyce Batcheller
Kate asked: Is there a need for dues?
Ann: Is the alumni association a member
organization or a given?
Joyce asked if we can obtain sponsors to cover
costs of leadership programming.
Joyce suggested we consider developing
notecards and other items for branding and for
Program Committee
a) Determine date and location for Alumni
Meeting: Graduating fellows are free not
scheduled Feb-Sept of 2014
b) Discuss theme: revitalization; idea of
c) Establish Committee template for planning
Coordinate alumni conference around dates that
include current fellows. The final year of the
fellowship is less scheduled.
 Coordinate with cohort graduation
 Sponsor a luncheon (2014 date is September 1719)
 June 2014 in Chicago; Possible speakers and
o Marilyn Tavvener; Conversations with
Marilyn Chow; Terry Fulmer; Nursing
Leadership Role in an Identified Big Issue.
Disruptive Technology. John Lumpkin
organized Living by Numbers conference.
o Mary Kay and Debra Honey will work with
Joyce to develop theme.
Ask Martha Farmer to consult with us on
Mary Newell
Nominating Committee
No report
Ann Cary
Bylaws Committee:
Review in September
Publish current article as circulated. Include a
call for Future articles and information on Fellow
activities on the Future of Nursing Report.
Nancy Ridenour
Nursing Legacy Endowment: Nancy reported on
2003 cohort endowment established at the Illinois
Prairie Community Foundation. Would like to have
the ENF Board be the spending authority instead of
current Nursing Legacy Fund Committee of Nancy
Ridenour, William Cody, and Maxine Proskurowski.
Joyce noted that their cohort also donated funds to the
student nurses association fund.
Ann Cary reviewed bylaws: does not require a
bylaws change if an ad hoc committee to accept
gifts and distribute gift income is developed.
Motion: Establish ad hoc committee called the
Nursing Legacy Fund. This ad hoc committee
consists of a member of membership committee,
Finance Committee Chair, with President-Elect
as Chair.
Motion passed unanimously
Ann Cary will work with Nancy to develop
language to amend the endowment agreement
with the Community Foundation.
Mary Kay will follow-up on status of the
donations to the student nurses association fund.
June 6th Discussion
Strategic Discussion Centered around the following
 Communications: social media;
 Member Engagement: individual welcome
from Board; Welcome from President;
 Program
 Financial Viability
 Seed Grants
 Engage with RWJ communications firm to
discuss social media strategies;
 Mary Kay will share software on communication
planning with Ann Cary; they will develop a
communications strategy
 Request that members provide suggestions
regarding website to Andi
 Ask group today for feedback on the 5 areas:
communication, member engagement, program,
Joan Marren
Suzanne Boyle
Joan Marren and Suzanne Boyle asked to speak to
board regarding regional meetings in northeast.
Requested that Board consider financial support for
this regional networking. Discussion ensued
regarding how to measure effectiveness of the
financial viability, seed grants
Goal of 75-85% member penetration
Ask participants to sign up to contact cohort
members to join Alumni Association. Vickie
will assign Board liaison for each cohort year.
Vickie will contact them with information and
Kate will send out e-mail to all alumni
summarizing this event.
Membership sub committee will develop
strategic plan for targeting current cohorts for
alumni membership
Follow-up letter thanking those who have paid
Andi will check on providing access to CCL
website for new members
Seek feedback on what we have done: CCL
membership; books
Send all alumni executive summary to all alumni
of what alumni association is doing and
encourage membership
Mentoring/Colleague Connection: Ann
Cashion will be asked to lead this plan
Seed Grants: Debra Honey and Fran Roberts
will develop plan for seed grants.
Andi will circulate report of first meeting. Suzanne
Boyle will submit a final report of the 2nd meeting.
Joan is the contact person for future discussions.
activity. Their goal is to focus on transformational
leadership and mentoring.
June 7th Meeting
Committee Structure: Need Vice Chairs for standing
committees. Vickie suggested a bylaws change to
create an Engagement Committee. Need to engage
the important critical mass of nursing leadership
created by the ENF. Need to bring alumni together to
support the work.
Each Chair of standing committees will recruit a
member as vice chair
Motion: Create ad hoc Engagement Committee
responsible for Communication, Membership,
and Seed Grants. Develop bylaws change for
next membership meeting to make Engagement
Committee a standing committee of the
Motion Passed.
Program Committee will work with Andi to
overlap with other ENF programs. Dave Altman
would like to be included in the planning of a
meeting to revitalize and envision the future of
the Alumni Association. CCL facilitators could
assist us. Develop updates of participants prior
to the meeting to highlight activities of Fellows.
Kate will check with MaryJoan regarding the
$50,000 grant from RWJ and the idea of Alumni
seeking sponsors for programming. RWJ
communicates with CCL that the ENF program
is a flagship program of the Foundation.
Mary Kay and Deb Toney will explore with Andi
the establishment of a 501(c)3.
Discussion regarding seeking sponsorship. Andi
reported that CCL has sponsors. Recommend
consider becoming a 501(c)3.
What is the relationship between CCL and the
Alumni? Kate suggested we engage with CCL in the
rebranding effort.
What is our strategy for our next Alumni Program?
Big name speaker vs small group work; Summit with
other organizations; interprofessional activities; Have
a combination of keynote speaker with small group
facilitators to have discussions.
Suggested format for program: a hybrid consisting of
first day small group, 2nd day keynote with larger
group, 3rd day small group. Participants could choose
any combination of the 3 days.
September meeting: Current Fellows arrive on Sept.
8th. NAC is arriving on Sept 11. Terry Fulmer can
attend Alumni meeting the afternoon of the 12th. The
Board and the NAC can meet for dinner on the 12th.
Some 2012 Fellows will be available as well.
Morning of 13th opportunity for breakfast with new
fellows. Small group discussions of leadership
challenges for 2013 cohort on 13th..
Will schedule a phone conversation with Dan
from Continuum to discuss the rebranding
activities with the goal of sharing the information
with the Alumni Association.
Terry Fulmar will come to our September Board
meeting in the afternoon. We will take a picture
and do a story about transition.
Alumni Board: meet 8:30-5 on the 12th;
Dinner activities on 12th will include
programming with NAC
End at 1:00 on 13th; Board can schedule flights
home after 1:00 on 13th.
Kate Malliarakis
Next Call:
Board Meeting: July 3, 2013 @ 3 pm ET
2013 Schedule Board Meetings
Aug 7; 3 pm ET; Sept 12, 8:30 to 5 pm ET face
to face meeting Greensboro;
Oct 2; Nov 6; Dec 4 @ 3 pm ET
Kate Malliarakis
Need to gather testimony regarding positive
outcome of this alumni program. (note several
participants of the program agreed to provide
Put a regular article in the newsletter regarding
Meeting Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 1:00 pm on June 5th.
Adjourned at 9 am on June 6th. Meeting
adjourned at 9 am on June 7th
Nancy Ridenour
Notes respectively submitted