Regents Earth Science Name

Regents Earth Science
Sedimentary Rocks
Time ______
Name ___________________
Date Started ________________
Due date _________ Period ___
Sedimentary Rock Lab
Equipment: sedimentary rock collection #13-24, hand lens, ESRT, text book
Objective: to practice classifying, identifying and describing various environments of formation
Environment of formation: example: rock salt is formed when halite dissolved in water is
precipitated or evaporated. This evaporation could occur in a hot-dry area such as Rock Salt
Flat at Bonneville, Utah.
Observe each of the rocks with a hand lens. Note grain size, presence of shells or other
characteristics in which to give a clue to the origin of formation. Show your notes below:
13. _______________________________________________________________________
15. _______________________________________________________________________
16. _______________________________________________________________________
17. _______________________________________________________________________
18. _______________________________________________________________________
19. _______________________________________________________________________
20. _______________________________________________________________________
21. _______________________________________________________________________
22. _______________________________________________________________________
23. _______________________________________________________________________
24. _______________________________________________________________________
Questions: Please answer all questions in complete sentences. Use the index of the text to
find out about particular rocks, as well as the ESRT. Use on-line resources. Example Google
the terms “dolomite formation”…all kinds of great information will be revealed!
1. Chert is composed of “chemically–precipitated silica”. Describe why Stone Age humans
used this rock. ______________________________________________________________
2. What is the range of sizes of quartz that composes siltstone (ESRT p.7)?
3. Describe the texture of coquina (from the ESRT p.7).
4. Describe the environment for the formation of a conglomerate. _____________________
5. Sample #17 and #18 are both sandstones. Which sample probably originated closest to the
mouth of a river? Explain your reasoning. ________________________________________
6. Describe the environment for the formation of argillaceous shale.
7. Describe the environment for the formation of bituminous shale.
8. Dolomitic limestone and dolostone are common rocks in the Pittsford area. Describe the
environment of formation for dolostone. ________________________________________
9. Travertine and gypsum are both chemically formed sedimentary rocks. Which one will
bubble with dilute HCL? Explain your reasoning _________________________________