Minutes of the Archives Hub Steering Committee 23 April 2013 Attending: Joy Palmer (JP) Jane Stevenson (JS), Lesley Richmond (LR)(Chair), Cathy Williams (CW), Pete Johnston (PJ), Kevin Ashley (KA), Graeme Milne (GM), Victoria Peters (VP), Bill Stockting (BS) In attendance: John Harrison (JHa) (by invitation), Bethan Ruddock (BR) (minutes) Apologies: Mike Mertens, John Hodgson, Paul Watry, Mike Webb SC = Steering Committee 1) Minutes of last meeting and matters arising JS updated the Steering Committee on the outstanding actions from the September 2012 meeting: 3: Impact measurement: being implemented. The Archives Hub has a new team member (Jane Ronson) starting in June, and work will progress faster once she is in post, including the ‘impact’ questionnaire to contributors. The Hub team are working on: referral figures; changing ‘contact’ link in the utility bar to generate an email to repository; creating stats reports for contributors using Google analytics. KA suggested that Mimas as a whole could help with this impact work. JP mentioned that changes to how services are required to report to Jisc means Mimas work on impact will be rethought. **Action: JP to discuss with Mimas cross-service team 6: API: ready to test. Steve Tattersall (ST) to take forward. Impact of EAD Editor on contributors: not had time to explore this as yet. Impact report: done. Lookups for EAD Editor: JS: will return to this in item 4 Hub front page: this has been changed, and now says ‘UK’. Other text changed and links added to add richer information to the homepage. Detailed description link: progressing – will happen as part of or after centralization. 2. Archives Hub Report JS explained that the usage statistics have been affected by exposure to Google. This has led to higher page views, but many page views are from google searches and are instant ‘bounces’. JS has been looking to find new measure of ‘quality’ interaction. Currently we are classing this as people who stay for 30 seconds or longer. JS explained that the full report on Hub survey is on Hub website, under archivists – value (http://archiveshub.ac.uk/value/) JS noted that it is interesting to see that for 1st time users digital content is as important as coverage. SC agreed that this reflects their recent experience. JP mentioned the Ithaka ‘Supporting the Changing Research Practices of Historians’ report and encouraged the SC to read it. (http://www.sr.ithaka.org/research-publications/supporting-changingresearch-practices-historians) JS drew the SC’s attention to the recent ‘using archives’ guide, which she wrote as result of going to teach students. Not asking ‘how to search’ but what to do after that. Took feedback from discussion on archives-nra. The guide has been highlyviewed with favourable feedback. JS was asked to clarify incomplete labels on the first-time user graph on p6 of the SC report. The first incomplete label should read ‘I carried out a search via a search engine, looking for subject-based information; the second ‘I carried out a search via a search engine, looking for archives.’ KA reminded the Hub team to make sure to include feedback and impact of ‘using archives’ in any feedback to Jisc, and see if Jisc can put a monetary value on time saved. JHa gave a demonstration of the new model for the centralized Archives Hub. The SC recommended that the Archives Hub team explore the possibility of visualizations in the future – (related some discussion around search and explore as two different ways into the Hub). KA asked why the Hub code is on github: just for preservation, or do we actively want user engagement? And suggested that if we do want developer engagement, we will need to work to engage and encourage the community, perhaps with hackathons. **Action: JS & JHa to think about how to encourage developer interaction with code, once next version is complete PJ asked if we will push data enhancements back to users? JHa said that the software will enable, but not enforce this. **Action: JS to investigate how to approach this 3. The Archives Hub and Jisc bibliographic services JP directed attention to section 1 in SC report, & distributed questions for SC consideration. She gave overview and background to Resource Discovery Optimisation Review (RDOR). There was concern over the narrow definition of ‘resource discovery’ in the RDOR, and over the methodologies used. There was concern that the use cases were too library-focused. JP: fairly happy with recommendations, but appreciate methodology & focus problematic JP asked is this the right grouping (Archives Hub, Copac, Zetoc, SUNCAT) for a joined-up strategy? The Committee did not feel that it was. KA suggested that the Hub might sit better with more content-focused services such as Jorum, BUFVC, MediaHub. The SC finds phrase ‘the national collection’ problematic. The SC asked if they can feed back their reactions to Jisc. **Action: JP to look into the best way to communicate this to Jisc. Will liaise with Andy McGregor then talk to LR. Will circulate and sign. JP asked the SC what they thought the impact would be of a high-level, central Steering Committee for bibliographic services, and what that would mean for individual service steering committees. The SC agreed that this could potentially mean loss of expertise, and might result in the Hub being ‘shoehorned’ into a bibliographic services role that might not be the best fit. KA suggested that there would still be scope for services to consult with stakeholders and the community through ‘friends of…’ type initiatives, and that the Hub might be a more ‘natural’ fit to be grouped with services such as Jorum, BUFVC, Mediahub etc. **Action: JP and JS to consider best fit. The question of commercial partnerships was raised, and KA suggested that the Hub already has commercial partners, through those commercial organisations who contribute their descriptions to the Hub. The role of TNA in promoting unified archive discovery was raised, and CW updated the SC on the status of the new TNA catalogue, and how TNA can best work with sector partners. **Action: Agreed a joined-up approach to archives discovery across the UK is a good thing and this should be carried forwards. 4. Archives Hub Development Priorities: discussion on priorities and areas for development going forwards (see ‘Archives Hub Development Priorities’ document) JS asked for feedback on whether the SC thought these were a correct set of priorities, and what the SC thought the benefits of developing each area might be. The SC agreed these priorities and areas for development in general. Specific comments on areas for development: Growing data coverage: agreed as priority, based on user feedback More descriptions of digital archives. Suggestion that the Hub run a feature on a digital archive, to promote these. Hub to encourage inclusion of more digital material in descriptions. More options for exploring the Hub, including visualisations. Encourage use of Hub API Allow download of descriptions in different formats, and use of reference management software. **Action: BR to investigate mapping citations to reference management software APE: SC congratulated JS on getting involved, and asked JS to keep them informed about status and progress of contributing Hub data to APE Investigate use of local thesauri, user tagging, and text mining Continue to monitor opportunities for Linked Data work Add ability to view Hub descriptions in RDA **Action: JS, PJ, JHa to discuss 5) Date of next meeting: Agreed 6 months: September/October 2013 Hub team to email with suggested dates. Meeting closed 16.06