Survey Flow Overview for Partners Once a company agrees to

Survey Flow Overview for Partners
Once a company agrees to participate and we select an organization champion, that champion has three
tasks: (1) complete the organization champion survey, (2) nominate HR participants and (3) nominate
organization experts.
This document outlines the flow of surveys, starting with the organization champion. This is only
intended to provide a high level overview.
1. Organization Champion Interface: This interface provides some instructions and an overview for
champions. Eventually we will embed training videos and other supporting materials here for
the organization champions. There are three critical links in this interface:
a. Organization Champion Survey – this survey gathers some basic demographics about
the organization unit (name, age, profit vs. non-profit, etc.)
b. HR Participant nominations – this link allows champions to nominate as many HR
participants as they desire. Note that each HR participant over 10 incurs a fee to cover
survey and administrative costs.
c. Organization Expert nominations – this link allows organization champions to nominate
organization experts who are knowledgeable in several key areas to complete short (1015 minute) expert surveys.
2. HR Participant Interface: This interface provides some basic instructions to HR participants,
including suggested people to nominate as raters as well as the HR participant self-evaluations.
a. Associate Rater nominations - this link allows the HR participant to nominate up to 20
associates as raters. These associates could be HR associates, non-HR associates such as
line managers or individuals from another business function, the HR participant’s direct
manager, any subordinates, any external customers with whom the HR participant
interacts, and so forth.
b. HR self-evaluation survey – the HR person evaluates own competencies and answers a
set of questions about individual background and experience.
3. Associate Rater survey: this is the survey that each associate rater completes for the HR
participant. The rater evaluates the same competencies and also answers some questions
about the individual HR person and the HR department’s performance.
4. Organization Expert Surveys: these are the short 15 minute organization expert surveys
designed to collect more detailed data on the performance and operations of the organization
a. Human Resource Expert Survey
b. Finance Expert Survey
c. Strategy Expert Survey
d. Mergers and Acquisitions Expert Survey
e. Innovation Expert Survey
f. Information Management Survey
Figure showing flow and survey instruments. Boxes represent people. Triangles represent actions
people take. Numbers in parentheses correspond to the document numbers.