L4-BCC-028-20110901 7 September 2011 Linac4 Beam Coordination Committee - Meeting 28 held on 1st September 2011 Present: Giulia Bellodi; Franck Borgnolutti; Christian Carli; Alessandro Dallocchio; Klaus Hanke; Lutz Matthias Hein; Mark Jones; Ioan Kozsar; Jean-Baptiste Lallement; Alessandra Lombardi; Bettina Mikulec; Antony Newborough; David Nisbet; Uli Raich; Suitbert Ramberger; Benoit Riffaud; Federico Roncarolo; Carlo Rossi; Lars Soby; Maurizio Vretenar; Thomas Zickler. 1. Minutes of the last meetings The minutes of BCC-27 are approved. 2. Follow-up of action items No update. 3. Introduction (C. Carli). The modification of the transfer-line layout, started in spring 2011, is due to several reasons: Mismatch between ordered power converters and quadrupole parameters. Improved beam dynamics with first bending further downstream. Incompatibility between Y vacuum chamber and H-type magnets initially foreseen (now, 3 shorter bends instead of 2). The optics was changed matching a new design of the magnets. Integration and design is on-going. All the needed equipments are defined. It is now important to confirm the minimum beam pipe diameter. 4. Optics (A. Lombardi). The horizontal 70° bending is now done with 3 bends instead of 2 in order to use shorter H bends and avoid interference with the beam pipe. The 2.5 m vertical step slope was reduced from 28° to ~15° in order to decrease the maximum integrated gradient of the adjacent quadrupoles from 4 T to 1.8 T. The nominal beam quality, flexibility and sensitivity are unchanged seen from PSB. Steering sensitivity, commissioning strategy and dispersion control still need to be studied. In L4Z, the “forward method reconstruction” improves the accuracy on the emittance evaluation from profile measurements in presence of space charge (3 SEMGrids needed with 0.3-0.5 mm resolution). 4.1. Discussion F. Roncarolo remarks that one more SEMGrid is needed for the emittance measurement in L4Z wrt what was before and says that a resolution of 0.5 mm can be achieved. A. Lombardi says that with a 0.3 mm resolution, the emittance could be estimated with 5% accuracy. 5. Design office (B. Riffaud). The layout and naming is now frozen. The transfer line was divided into 6 zones: 1. From last PIMS module up to first bending. 2. The 70° bending area (made of the 3 H bends). L4-BCC-028-20110901 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 September 2011 From the last H bend up to the first vertical bend. The vertical step. Between the second bend of the vertical step up to BHZ20. L4Z, from the first 70° H bend up to the L4 dump. The design is detailed for every zone. The design of the supports is on-going and will be finalized once the interface with equipments will be frozen. The magnet apertures foreseen (100 mm) for steerers and L4T quadrupoles and the requirements for the beam do not allow using a standard vacuum chamber. The additional cost for construction of a special chamber with inner and outer diameter of 95 and 98 mm is a bit less than 1 kCHF per meter. The decision to keep the foreseen 100 mm magnet aperture and to construct special vacuum chambers is taken (outside magnets and where easily possible, a standard chamber with inner diameter of 100 mm will be used). The beam instrumentation interfaces have to be frozen as soon as possible. 5.1. Discussion B. Mikulec and F. Roncarolo say that a BCT in the L4Z, before the dump, is missing in the layout. C. Carli asks if we could use 1 T jack instead of 2.5 T. B. Riffaud answers that the only advantage of changing the jack type could be a gain in space. 6. Magnets (F. Borgnolutti, T. Zickler). The interference between the beam pipe and the initial 35° bending led to change the design of the transfer line and to use 3, lighter, smaller and less expensive 23.3° bends instead of 2. The magnet parameters are presented and summarized in the following table. Integrated field 0.78 T.m Bending angle 23.33° Length 1.03 m Mass 1504 kg Width 800 mm Max current 672 A A new quadrupole design fitting the power converters parameters was presented in July. The aperture is 50 mm radius as planned, and the integrated gradient had been reduced from 4 T to 1.8 T. The main magnet parameters are the following: Nom field: 1.8 T; Nom peak current: 119.6 A; Max RMS current: 9.2 A; Inductance: 2 6mH; Resistance @ 20°c : 0.279 Ω. The design report is in preparation. The first magnet should be available at CERN beginning of 2013. The steerer magnet design is identical to the Linac4 steerer (100*100 mm) and 2 prototypes are made using different type of steel to study dynamic effects. They were measured 2 weeks ago and the results will be presented by M. Buzio. The bending magnet width of the design presented is slightly larger than the one of the previous version to ensure that the Y-shaped vacuum chamber fits. The L4-BCC-028-20110901 7 September 2011 implication is the slightly less margin is available for the “line of sight” in the vertical step. M. Jones and J.-P. Corso will verify that there is still sufficient margin. T. Zickler pointed out that the beam optics has to be frozen very soon, otherwise the magnets for the transfer-line cannot be delivered anymore according to the project schedule. The engineering specifications of the 3 magnets will be issued and follow an approval process. 6.1. Discussion D. Nisbet says that the inductance of the new bending magnets is 50% higher than what he was expecting. The initial understanding was that 3x ‘short dipoles’ would be electrically identical to 2x ‘long dipoles’. In the design presented, for the inductance parameter 3x ‘short dipoles’ = ~3x ‘long dipoles’, thus a 50% increase in inductance (61 mH instead of 44 mH). It should be OK and there is still some margin. A. Lombardi says that we should keep some margin on the maximum field. D. Nisbet answers that we could gain some margin working on the pulse length or other parameters. 7. Power supplies (D. Nisbet). The list and the status of the power converters needed for the transfer-line magnets is presented. In order to fit the new quadrupole design parameters, the power converters will be upgraded using new technology capacitors. At present, the modules still fit in the available space in the racks. The cost increase of the modification is negligible and it will be standardize to all Linac and TL magnets. The invitation to tender is about to be lunched and the production should start in March 2012. The power converters design remains unchanged for the steerer magnets, and the bending ones should be compatible with the new magnet design. 7.1. Discussion D. Nisbet says that monitoring the bending current to 0.5% (necessary if we want a hardware interlock on the bendings) is not foreseen and requires a specific development estimated to 1 FTE.Year. M. Vretenar asks what could be the effects of increasing the aperture of the bending. T. Zickler made clear that increasing the gap will increases the required ampere-turns respectively the current to be delivered by the power converter. D. Nisbet says that the main limitation does not really come from the maximum current but from the RMS current. There is a discussion on increasing the number of turns of the coil in addition to a possible gap increase. This increases the inductivity (some margin) and decreases the required (peak and very likely rms as well) current. A. Lombardi asks to get, as soon as the magnet design is finished, the field margin wrt nominal field. 8. Diagnostics (F. Roncarolo). The type and number of every diagnostics needed for the transfer-line are summarized in the following table: L4-BCC-028-20110901 7 September 2011 MONITOR TYPE Quantity L4T LINE BCT 7 BLM 6 SEM GRIDS 3 (H+V) BPM 12 BSM 1 L4Z LINE WS or SEM GRID 1 (H+V) BCT 1 The BCTs will be identical to the one installed in the LEBT. The acquisition synchronicity with the distributor needs FPGA code update. BPMs design is identical for all Linac4. The diameter is 100 mm and the length about 250 mm. A 50 ns pulse length beam position measurement is foreseen. Old BPM (17 in the L2 TL) could be replaced for standardizing the electronics. The SEM Grids design is identical to Linac4. The pulse length should be limited to 100 µs to preserve to devices. A new electronics under development will be tested at the 3 MeV test stand. The BLM electronic is under design. Special screened cables will be used to avoid EM noise. Cabling is on stand-by, waiting for the final beam optics and BLM locations. There are plans to develop a Laser stripping monitor. This requires separating the Hfrom the neutral (laser-stripped) H0 with a bending magnet equipped with a Y shaped vacuum chamber. This can be done either using the chamber of the first horizontal bending magnet (monitor to be installed in the L4Z line) or by installing a Y shaped chamber in a bending further downstream (chamber could be installed already now to add the monitor later) as well. Software development is ongoing. 9. AOB. No AOB. Jean-Baptiste Lallement Next meeting: 13 October 2011, room 6-R-12.