Beg, Borrow and Steal Unit VII Review

United States History
Hinsdale Central High School
Date_____________ Period_________
Beg, Borrow and Steal Unit VII Review
1. What songs were used to describe the following eras in American History?
a. The 1920s
b. The Great Depression
c. The New Deal
2. What word best describes the 1920s?
3. What changed the landscape the most in the 1920s?
4. What happened to the standard of living for most Americans during the 1920s?
5. What were signs of the superficial prosperity in the 1920s?
6. What was the work force like for many women in the 1920s?
7. What event convinced many Americans that the US was on the brink of a communist
8. Who were the three Republican Presidents of the 1920s?
9. Name four sport heroes of the 1920s?
10. Why did nativism increase in the 1920s?
11. How did the population shift in the 1920s?
12. Name three ways families changed in the 1920s?
13. Who was a flapper?
14. How did high school change in the 1920s?
15. What demonstrated a battle ground between new morals and manners in the 1920s?
16. What was the significance of Sacco and Vansetti in the 1920s?
17. What was the Harlem Renaissance?
18. Who were members of the Lost Generation?
19. What were signs of economic trouble in the 1920s?
20. Why did American farmers have a surplus of crops after World War I?
21. What was the result of overproduction for the farmers during the 1920s?
22. What happened on Black Tuesday – Oct 29, 1929?
23. Why didn’t President Hoover do more to help the nation’s sick economy?
24. At the worst part of the Depression, what was the employment rate?
25. What was the Dust Bowl?
26. What did farmers who were victims of the Dust Bowl do?
27. Describe Roosevelt’s first Hundred Days in office?
28. What was Roosevelt’s first bold action when he became presidents?
29. Who did Roosevelt get many of his ideas to fight the Great Depression from?
30. What were the three Rs of Roosevelt’s New Deal programs?
31. What was the purpose of Roosevelt’s Fire Side Chats?
32. Give an example of
a. A relief program
b. A recovery program
c. A reform program
33. Name three New Deal programs that still endure today?
34. What was the greatest success of the New Deal?
35. What ended the Great Depression?