HR Policy and Compliance Analysis Tool

HR Policy and Compliance Analysis Tool
This tool is designed to help you identify available workshops and on-line courses to
consider as you are using the Professional Development Worksheet to develop your
Action Plan.
HR Policy and Compliance
Leave Practices
Discrimination and
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11
Position Descriptions 12, 13, 14,
and Hiring
16, 17, 18,
19, 20
Progressive Discipline
21, 22, 23,
24, 25
Time Keeping
26, 27, 28,
HR Policy and Compliance Analysis Tool
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Corresponding Courses
Leave Policies and Procedures
Time Off issues for Supervisors (on-line)
Family Medical Leave Act – FMLA
Fostering Respect in a Diverse Workplace
Preventing Sexual Harassment Supervisory Overview
ADA for Supervisors and Faculty (on-line)
Creating a Discrimination-Free Workplace (on-line)
Introduction to Diversity and Inclusion (on-line)
Sexual Harassment: What Supervisors Need to Know
Position Descriptions and Hiring Procedures
Effective Hiring Practices (on-line)
Ethics (on-line)
Position Descriptions (on-line)
Hiring Supervisors: Strategies for New Employee
Success (on-line)
Workers Compensation Procedures
Progressive Discipline
Ethics (on-line)
Fair Labor Standards Act – FLSA Timekeeping
Employee & Organizational Development
Human Resources
29, 30, 31
Time Off Issues for Supervisors (on-line)
Leave Practices (Statements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
What types of leave are available to employees at Texas A&M University? How do you know which type
of leave should be approved? These workshops introduce you to the knowledge required for handling
issues of leave management:
Leave Policies and Procedures
Time Off Issues for Supervisors (on-line Train Traq # 2001)
Family Medical Leave Act - FMLA
Discrimination and Harassment (Statements 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
Can you recognize situations that qualify as discrimination or harassment? Do you know what to do
when faced with these situations? Supervisors are required to take action when encountered with
instances of discrimination or harassment. In fact, Texas A&M is not the only entity that can be held
liable; supervisors can be held personally liable for not taking action. The following workshops will help
you create an inclusive and welcoming environment free from discrimination and harassment and give
you the resources to address situations of discrimination or harassment if they occur:
Fostering Respect in a Diverse Workplace
Preventing Sexual Harassment Supervisory Overview
ADA for Supervisors and Faculty (on-line Train Traq # 2111125)
Creating a Discrimination-Free Workplace (on-line Train Traq # 99002)
Introduction to Diversity and Inclusion (on-line Train Traq #2111243)
Sexual Harassment: What Supervisors Need to Know (on-line Train Traq # 1006)
Position Description and Hiring (Statements 12, 13, 14, 15)
Are you finding the right person for the job? Establishing a well-defined position description will help
you generate a pool of qualified applicants, while following the approved hiring process will help ensure
that you adhere to ethical hiring procedures that in accordance with State and Federal law. The
following workshops will give you the foundational knowledge necessary to be successful in the hiring
process at Texas A&M:
Position Description and Hiring Procedures
Effective Hiring Practices (on-line Train Traq # 2111264)
Ethics (on-line Train Traq # 99001)
HR Policy and Compliance Analysis Tool
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Employee & Organizational Development
Human Resources
Position Descriptions (on-line Train Traq #11008)
Hiring Supervisors: Strategies for New Employee Success (on-line Train Traq #2112304)
Workers Compensation (Statements 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)
How safe is your work environment? Supervisors are responsible to maintain safe standards at work,
but what do you do if someone gets hurt? This workshop outlines the steps you must follow if an
employee is injured on the job and the benefits available to that employee:
Workers Compensation Procedures
Progressive Discipline (Statements 21, 22, 23, 24, 25)
Did you know that Texas A&M has a systematic disciplinary process for supervisors to follow that holds
employees accountable to their performance? The following workshops give you the knowledge you
need to manage disciplinary actions and work towards successful outcomes for the employee and Texas
A&M University:
Progressive Discipline
Ethics (on-line Train Traq # 99001)
Time Keeping (Statements 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31)
The concept of time keeping is relatively simple: employees are compensated for the time that they
work. However, the process is intricate and can be confusing. These workshops help to define time
keeping issues so you can make sure your employees are given the appropriate compensation they are
Fair Labor Standards Act – FLSA Timekeeping
Time Off Issues for Supervisors (on-line Train Traq# 2001)
HR Policy and Compliance Analysis Tool
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Employee & Organizational Development
Human Resources