Professional Development Analysis Tool

Performance Development Analysis Tool
This tool is designed to help you identify available workshops and on-line courses to
consider as you are using the Professional Development Worksheet to develop your
Action Plan.
Performance Development
Managing Employee Performance (on-line)
PATHways to Success: Supervisory Best Practices for
Managing Employee Performance
Hiring Supervisors: Strategies for New Employee
Success (Online)
Goal Setting
Designs for Effective Decision Making
Now, Discover Your Strengths
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills (on-line)
Problem-Solving for Supervisors (on-line)
Hiring Supervisors: Strategies for New Employee
Success (Online)
Communication Skills for Managers
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills (on-line)
Leading Up – Strategies for Succeeding with Your
PATHways to Success: Supervisory Best Practices for
Managing Employee Performance .
Hiring Supervisors: Strategies for New Employee
Success (Online)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Coaching for Success 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Managing Motivation
Corresponding Courses
11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16
Performance Development Analysis Tool
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Employee & Organizational Development
Human Resources
Yearly Performance
17, 18, 19,
20, 21
22, 23, 24,
Assertiveness Training
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Communication Skills for Mangers
Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills (on-line)
PATHways to Success: Supervisory Best Practices for
Managing Employee Performance
Assertiveness Training
Goal Setting
Designs for Effective Decision Making
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills (on-line)
Positive Management of Performance Problems (online)
Performance Development Analysis Tool
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PATHways to Success: Supervisory Best Practices for
Managing Employee Performance
Employee & Organizational Development
Human Resources
Performance Management (Statements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Do you use Performance Management with your employees to develop new skills or just as a tool when
improvement is needed? Where is the line that is crossed between development and discipline? Do
you include your employees in the creation of their goals? As a supervisor your job is to develop your
employees and help them reach their fullest potential. The experiences you give them to help them
grow contribute to a positive and motivating environment where they feel appreciated and valued. The
following workshops will help you understand what performance development is and how it can be used
to maximize potential:
Managing Employee Performance (on-line Train Traq # 1003)
PATHways to Success: Supervisory Best Practices for Managing Employee Performance
Hiring Supervisors: Strategies for New Employee Success (on-line Train Traq # 2112304)
Coaching for Success (Statements 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
Supervisors often function under the misconception that coaching is a tool to be used when employees
fail to meet expectations. In reality, coaching is a collaborative process where clear expectations are set
and agreed upon by the employee and the supervisor. Through coaching, the supervisor provides the
information, resources, guidance and feedback necessary for employees to meet and go beyond those
defined expectations. The following workshops will help you understand the coaching process, how to
create collaborative action plans based on employee strengths, and how to set SMART goals:
Goal Setting
Designs for Effective Decision Making
Now, Discover Your Strengths
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills (on-line Train Traq #2111260)
Problem-Solving for Supervisors (Train Traq # 1007)
Hiring Supervisors: Strategies for New Employee Success (on-line Train Traq # 2112304)
Managing Motivation (Statements 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)
Many would argue that motivation comes from within and a supervisor is not able to force an employee
to become motivated. Whereas this is true, supervisors can create an environment that leads to
inspired and motivated employees. Do your employees feel valued? Do you know what makes them
preform to the best of their abilities? The following workshops give supervisors key skills necessary for
creating an environment that will motivate employees and help them realize that they are valuable
contributors to the organization:
Leading Up – Strategies for Succeeding with Your Boss
Communication Skills for Managers
Performance Development Analysis Tool
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Employee & Organizational Development
Human Resources
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills (on-line Train Traq # 2111260)
PATHways to Success: Supervisory Best Practices for Managing Employee Performance
Hiring Supervisors: Strategies for New Employee Success (on-line Train Traq # 2112304)
Feedback (Statements 17, 18, 19, 20, 21)
Does your feedback focus on future performance expectations or does it just emphasize failure? Are
you confident enough to confront issues head on or do you hope that issues will just go away? Do
employees contribute during feedback sessions? Feedback is one of the most valuable tools that you
can possess as a supervisor. When done correctly, feedback leaves the employee with clear
expectations for future behavioral changes. When done incorrectly, feedback can lead to employee
dissatisfaction and costly turnover. The following workshops will help you become confident in the
feedback process by assisting you in communicating in a manner that reaches the employee and
providing feedback that does not linger in the past but encourages positive behavioral changes:
Assertiveness Training
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Communication Skills for Managers
Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills (on-line Train Traq # 2111260)
PATHways to Success: Supervisory Best Practices for Managing Employee Performance
Yearly Performance Evaluations (Statements 22, 23, 24, 25)
Does the thought of the yearly evaluation meeting make you break out in a cold sweat? Are your
employees often surprised when they receive their yearly feedback? Do you just focus on performance
evaluation once a year or do you see it as a year-long process? The yearly performance evaluation
process should not be unpleasant for the employee or the supervisor. The following workshops give
you the skills that you need to implement a performance evaluation process that spans throughout the
Assertiveness Training
Goal Setting
Designs for Effective Decision Making
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills (on-line Train Traq # 2111260)
Positive Management of Performance Problems (on-line Train Traq # 1004)
PATHways to Success: Supervisory Best Practices for Managing Employee Performance
Performance Development Analysis Tool
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Employee & Organizational Development
Human Resources