PAYMENT OF SALARY Salary shall be payable by monthly instalments in arrears by direct credit transfer. PLACEMENT ON SCALES (i) On first appointment to any scale, the incremental point shall be determined by the employer, taking due regard of relevant knowledge, experience, skills and qualities of the employee. (ii) Following a break in service, an employee reappointed to the same grade with the same employer shall be entitled to placement in that grade at an incremental point at least equivalent to the point achieved prior to the break. INCREMENTAL PROGRESSION An employee shall be entitled to one increment on 1 September following appointment, promotion or regrading and each year subsequently provided that the employee has three months' or more service with the University on that date, subject to the maximum of his or her scale and to satisfying appropriate criteria for progression. No increment shall be withheld in respect of any year of service unless the service in that year has been declared unsatisfactory by the University. The University is not precluded from counting a period or periods of secondment or unpaid leave from a post as 'service in post' where it considers that to be appropriate. Without prejudice to the employee being treated as if she had not been absent from her post in pursuance of sections 66, 71, and 106 of the Employment Rights Act 1996, a period of absence because of pregnancy or confinement shall count for incremental purposes if either, it was provided for in the employee's conditions of service or, throughout the period the employee enjoyed a right to return to work under the said provisions of the said Acts of 1978 and 1975. SALARY SCALES Changes to salary scales will be communicated to staff on an annual basis following notification and approval by the University Board of Governors. PROGRESSION Progression within grade Progression within each pay range will depend in part on an individual’s length of service in the grade and in part on an assessment of their contribution; although staff will have a normal expectation of annual progression to the top increment of their grade, subject exceptionally to established procedures for dealing with performance problems. The incremental date is 1 September. Normally three months service must be completed for a member of staff to be eligible for an increment. Where a member of staff is appointed to the post after 1 June s/he will become eligible for their first increment on 1 September 15 months later. If, in exceptional circumstances only, for reasons of equity, the Head believes more than one increment should be paid, a full business case, endorsed by the SMT level manager, should be made to the Director of Human Resources or nominee. If a member of staff has had a significant period of absence during the last year the increment will be paid unless the previous year’s appraisal has been unsatisfactory. Progression between grades It is expected that the Grading Review Procedure will be the normal procedure for progression between grades where duties and responsibilities have changed. However, progression between grades may occur outside this procedure, as outlined below. Career development grades There will be roles where it is known in advance that the level of duties, required skills and/or knowledge for a post is likely to develop. For example, there may be a development or trainee grade that leads to a higher career grade. A training or developmental period would normally be used to reach the required standard to perform the duties which had been evaluated at the higher level. The duties undertaken during this development period would be graded accordingly. Once the higher level duties can be performed successfully, the role holder can be confirmed into the career grade. Ability to perform the higher level duties may be dependent on completing a course of study or gaining a professional qualification. In these circumstances, the fact that the postholder could normally expect to progress to the higher grade would be reflected in the advertisement of the post. The normal expectation of progression would also necessitate an evaluation of the applicant’s potential to progress to be made at the selection stage of the recruitment process. It would normally be expected that a postholder would progress within and to the top of the development/trainee grade before being considered for placement on the career grade. However, where a role holder is able to show that he/she is working at the higher level ie the career grade, before he/she has reached the top of the trainee or development grade, he/she may ask for a review of grade as described in the Grading Review Procedure above. It may also be the case that individuals appointed to the University might be appointed straight to the career grade if they possess the required qualifications/experience and are competent to fulfil the duties of the career post. TEMPORARY WORKING AT A HIGHER LEVEL A member of staff who, for any reason other than the annual leave of another member of staff, is called upon by his/her manager to undertake the full duties and responsibilities of a higher graded post for a continuous period of at least four weeks, is entitled to receive a salary in accordance with the grading of the post temporarily occupied. The salary to be paid in such circumstances is the salary that would apply were the member of staff promoted to the higher graded post. Once the qualifying period of four weeks has been satisfied, the higher salary will be paid with effect from the first day on which the officer was required to undertake the duties and responsibilities of the higher post. Where part of the duties and responsibilities of the higher graded post are undertaken by a member of staff outside the scope of his/her post over an extended period, or where the additional duties and responsibilities are exceptionally onerous, the University may consider granting an appropriate honorarium. The benefits of all decisions of the University Board regarding salaries will be applied to staff who have left the service of the University between the effective date and the date upon which the decision is made. The benefits will only be paid upon written request to the Director of Finance being received within three months of the decision being made. The Director of Finance is authorised to deduct from salaries (subject to the employee's agreement) the following: (i) subscriptions from members salaries for subsequent payments to trades unions recognised for the purpose of collective bargaining; (ii) payment for University car parking permits; (iii) arrangements made from time to time under SAYE schemes or similar savings or benefits schemes. For the purposes of calculating one days pay a day's pay will be 1/365th of the annual salary.