Indiana University South Bend Libraries Strategic Plan January 2014 - June 2017 Goals 1: Increase discoverability and access to quality collections. 1.1 Grow library digital collections. 1.2 Identify and remove barriers to the discovery and use of information in both the virtual and physical library environments. 1.3 Build, assess, and preserve quality collections that support existing and emerging academic programs. Actions: A Enhance access, delivery and preservation of the institution's distinct resources and assets Actions: Uncover user obstacles in locating information through use studies and analytics Actions: Review, evaluate, and weed entire collection Increase access to streaming media titles utilizing stable delivery platforms Improve way finding and information retrieval (virtually and physically) based upon data Ensure electronic resource availability Ensure web is responsive to all platforms and mobile devices Develop an appropriate, high quality collection of ejournals and ebooks to support the curriculum Continuously monitor, update and assess web pages and libguides for accuracy, completeness and currency Indicators: -Identified stable streaming media platform -Increase in number streaming media titles -Growth of digitized local collections -Greater efficiency in managing electronic resources, including reduced backlog -Survey results -Interlibrary loan data Indicators: -Barriers identified and plan to remove/solve implemented -Improved wayfinding during followup testing -Results/reports from usability studies -Number of web pages and libguides reviewed and updated annually -Libraries’ website provides optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices Explore user-driven models of acquisitions to meet the changing academic environment Evaluate collections’ ability to support existing and emerging academic programs Update collection policies Establish subject specific and preservation collection policies Indicators: -Weeding/withdrawal plan and timetable developed -Percentage of sections/areas weeded -Percentage of collection assessed and analyzed -Number of collection policies updated/written that align with campus teaching and programs -Pilot of user driven acquisitions completed, yielding purchase patterns and projected budgetary impact 2: Foster student and faculty success through teaching, learning and engagement. 2.1 Improve the visibility, expertise and services of subject librarians. 2.2 Cultivate student and faculty engagement with the Libraries. 2.3 Deliver reference and research assistance to meet changing user needs and expectations. 2.4 Determine the resources, space and service needs of our students and faculty. Actions: Create welcoming environments and facilities for all users Actions: Determine the level of reference queries beyond the desk Actions: Form an active Library Student Advisory Council Pilot new ways to connect with students and faculty Create a central repository for recording transactions Conduct space use study and recommend improvements Offer student internships in conjunction with academic units Evaluate reference/research service quality, hours, and provision Survey faculty and students analyze results and take actions 1. Actions: Increase awareness of library instruction, consultation services, libguides and subject-specific resources Design and implement training program for subject librarians Identify library research intensive courses to better target course related instruction Develop services that support the integration of library content and expertise into courses Indicators: -Increase in consultations, course related instructions and libguides -Growth of library presence in courses -Pre and post evaluation of skill and knowledge levels of subject librarians -Reported department and faculty contacts as compiled in subject librarian annual report -Number of research intensive courses identified and subject librarians involved. Partner with student groups to provide events/programs Continue participation in Bridge and other programs Promote library awards to students Indicators: -Number of student internships -Attendance and evaluations of events/programs -Participation rate and requests in programs -Enhanced appearance and functionality of study rooms, workspaces, bathrooms and lobby -Number of Higher Learning Commission grants -Increase in library award applications -Positive user feedback Examine and implement best practices for delivering reference and research assistance Indicators: -Richer, accessible data repository -Accurate tracking and analysis of reference queries -User feedback -Reference models/best practices reviewed and piloted Indicators: -Formation and activities of Student Advisory Council -Space use data collected -Space use priorities identified -Easier to navigate facilities -Increased data/feedback about faculty and students needs -Usability data -Survey results 3: Advance scholarship, the research enterprise and new publishing models. 3.1 Lead scholarly communications and media digital preservation initiatives on campus. 3.2 Develop and grow the digital repository of scholarship produced by the university. 3.3 Increase faculty and student awareness about open access, copyright, and authors rights. 3.4 Explore opportunities to advance faculty research. Actions: Establish a scholarly communication program on campus Actions: Capture student research, theses, publications, and creative works in Scholarworks Actions: Conduct environmental scan of faculty participation and interest in open access initiatives Actions: Investigate usefulness of establishing an Author ID scheme Inform campus of digitization/ preservation initiatives and national open access mandates Host campus journals using Scholarworks Develop a series of workshops, guides, and videos on scholarly communication issues Offer altmetrics workshops and consultations Facilitate campus media inventory and processing efforts for Media Digitization and Preservation Initiative (MDPI) Foster a culture of self-archiving among faculty to grow the scholarly repository Establish library as the first stop for copyright inquiries Promote subject librarians’ expertise and research support to faculty Prepare talking points for subject librarians Explore opportunities to collaborate on research projects with faculty Identify and promote open access, peer-reviewed publications Participate in planning of the IU Digital Master plan and its implementation at the campus level Increase participation in records management among campus departments Develop metadata creation service for faculty and departments Indicators: -Established Scholarly Communications Program and goals -Completion of MDPI media inventory -Well coordinated shipment and receipt of media sent to IUB -Metadata service created and marketed to faculty -Active participation in the planning of the IU Digital Master Indicators: -Number of student works in Scholarworks -Percentage of digital master thesis sent to Library -Number of online journals in Scholarworks -Percentage of faculty participating in open access -Increase in number and diversity of departmental records received Indicators: -Completion of environmental scan -Number of questions fielded about author rights and copyright -Number of visits to Scholarly Communications libguides -Number of meetings attended -Number of workshops and participants -Number of videos viewed -Talking points distributed and discussed -Open access publications highlighted on website Indicators: -Author ID feasibility and interest study completed -Number of altmetrics workshops and consultations -Number of faculty research queries -Number of faculty librarian research collaborations 4: Tell our stories effectively by documenting and promoting the value of the Libraries. 4.1 Highlight the Libraries’ role in student and faculty success. 4.2 Increase student and faculty awareness of resources and services. 4.3 Increase use of WERC by surrounding communities and schools. Actions: Refocus library Speaker series to spotlight student and faculty research Actions: Actions: Implement and partner with K-12 community outreach programs Promote library services at Welcome Week, IT event, Undergraduate Research Conference, etc. Issue a monthly newsletter centered on the Libraries’ role in student success Inform administrators and campus community of library’s role in faculty and student successes Extensively promote five electronic resources a year Investigate the feasibility and interest in programming that highlights collections and diversity resources Promote collections through outreach plan, displays and new book list Actively acquire testimonials from students, student workers, and faculty of positive impact of the Libraries Indicators: -Program attendance -Number of testimonials -Newsletters read - interview data Continue outreach with Student Services and student groups with an eye toward future collaborations Indicators: -Increase in media equipment checkouts -Increase in circulation -Increase in resource use -Number of visits and visitors to tables at events -Use of tutoring and other student services in the library -Number of visits to new book guide -Number of new or extended collaborations -Number of activities promoting collections and diversity resources Identify and target home schooling groups Develop LibGuides that highlight and recommend WERC and other resources Indicators: -WERC participation in outreach programs -Increase in library cards issued at WERC -Increase in circulation at WERC -Increase in questions at WERC -Increase in turnstile count at WERC -Number of outside tours and requests for services at WERC -Number of visits to WERC libguides 5: Cultivate a responsive and innovative organization focused on service excellence. 5.1 Invest in professional and continuing education. 5.2 Engage librarians and staff in planning, workflow analysis, evaluation, and assessment. 5.3 Improve internal communication and sharing of information, decisions, and documents. 5.4 Recognize outstanding contributions and celebrate success. Actions: Identify and provide opportunities for professional and staff development Actions: Continuously monitor training needs Actions: Gain a greater understanding of communication issues Actions: Create an employee recognition program Determine and apply more efficient ways to communicate and share information Communicate and recognize innovation that is happening across the Libraries Provide staff development on internal processes Identify and implement ways to celebrate departmental and library wide achievements Establish a formal process for sharing professional development experiences Maintain budgets for registration and travel Broaden participation in campus committees Indicators: -Number of workshops, site visits, conferences and webinars attended -Formal process to share information established -Money allocated and spent on professional development -Increase in library representation on campus committees and groups Synchronize projects among departments to improve work flow Improve the accuracy, timeliness and usefulness of statistical reports Accurately gather collection and use data in order to make good decisions Develop and revise policies, procedures and operations to improve efficiencies Indicators: -Assessment training attendance -Greater knowledge about assessment -Annual survey of training needed -Statistics reports -Workflow and procedures welldocumented for cross departmental units -Streamlined and improved workflows recommended and implemented -Team and committee evaluations and reports demonstrating enhanced process and workflow Establish staff suggestion and feedback mechanisms to improve library operations and services Ensure unit goals and objectives are integrally linked to the Library’s strategic initiatives Institute student worker exit interviews Indicators: -Survey of staff indicates higher satisfaction with communication -Clearer procedures and protocols for sharing news and files -Student exit interview process instituted -Greater knowledge among staff about library operations and departmental issues Indicators: -Employee recognition program established -System to celebrate innovation and achievement in place 6: Ensure fiscal health through responsible stewardship. 6.1 Maximize collection funds. 6.2 Develop and implement an array of fundraising strategies to attract external funding. 6.3 Continually review positions, services, and programs to ensure effective expenditure of funds. Actions: Pursue opportunities to increase access with reduced expenditures Actions: Form Library Advisory board to assist with fundraising and donor cultivation Actions: Review position descriptions annually to ensure responsibilities of positions meet the library needs and goals Establish criteria for adding subscriptions and databases Conduct annual review of serials/databases and make informed decisions Cultivate campus financial support for new and emerging academic programs Increase collections budget Indicators: -Annual review of serial/database subscriptions in place including review of cost/use analysis -Criteria for adding subscriptions and databases established -Low use serials identified -Increase in collection budget May 7, 2014 Develop a multi-year fundraising plan with priorities and specified targets Work with Development to cultivate existing and potential donors Pursue grant opportunities to support digitization of special collections Attend fundraising workshops to learn new approaches Indicators: -Retention rate of existing library donors -Number of new donors -Formation of Library Board -Established plan, funding priorities and targets -Amount raised through outside sources -Workshops attended Conduct baseline workload analysis of staff and librarians and make recommendations Implement ongoing measurement of programs and services Indicators: - Percentage of positions reviewed -Percentage of student job descriptions completed -Baseline workload analysis completed -Recommendations for position revisions submitted -Comparative and trend analysis of library services reported