Additional ESL Resources

ESL Planning Guide Grade 4 Quarter 2
In 2014, the Shelby County Schools Board of Education adopted a set of ambitious, yet
attainable goals for school and student performance. The District is committed to these
goals, as further described in our strategic plan, Destination 2025.
By 2025,
● 80% of our students will graduate from high school college or career ready
● 90% of students will graduate on time
● 100% of our students who graduate college or career ready will enroll in a
post-secondary opportunity.
In order to achieve these ambitious goals, ESL teachers must collectively work with
general education teachers to provide our students with a sound foundation in the
English language as well as high-quality, College and Career Ready standards-aligned
instruction. Acknowledging the need to develop competence in literacy and language as
the foundations for all learning, Shelby County Schools developed the
Comprehensive Literacy Improvement Plan (CLIP). The CLIP ensures a quality
balanced literacy approach to instruction that results in high levels of literacy learning for
all students, across content areas. Language and literacy development is recognized as
a shared responsibility of all of a student’s teachers. Destination 2025 and the CLIP
establish common goals and expectations for student learning across schools and are
the underpinning for the development of the ESL curriculum planning guides.
Designed with the teacher in mind, the ESL curriculum planning guides focus on literacy
teaching and learning, which include the development of foundational skills and
instruction in reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language. This planning guide
presents a framework for organizing instruction around WIDA Standards, grade-level
content, and the TN State Standards (CCR) so that every ELL student acquires English
and develops literacy skills that will enable him or her to meet or exceed requirements
for college and career readiness. The standards define what to teach within specific
grade bands, and this planning guide provides guidelines and research-based
approaches for implementing instruction to ensure students achieve their highest
 A standards-­­based curriculum, performance-­­based learning and assessments,
and high quality instruction are at the heart of the ESL Curriculum guides. ESL
teachers will use this guide and the standards as a road map for English
Language Development.
 The Newcomer/Readiness curriculum provides additional guidance and
resources for new immigrant students and those with interruptions in formal
education. Newcomer/Readiness materials are designed for use in the first 6 to
9 weeks of enrollment.
ESL Planning Guide Grade 4 Quarter 2
How to Use the
Curriculum Planning
Our collective goal is to
ensure our students graduate
ready for college and career.
This will require a
comprehensive, integrated
approach to literacy instruction
that ensures that students
become college and career
ready readers, writers, and
communicators. To achieve
this, students must receive
literacy instruction aligned to
each of the elements of
effective literacy program seen
in the figure to the right. To
enhance ELL access to
instructional tasks requiring
complex thinking match the
linguistic complexity and
instructional support to the
students’ level of proficiency. (Gottlieb, Katz, and Ernst-Slavit 2009)
This curriculum guide is designed to help teachers make effective decisions about what
literacy content to teach and how to teach it so that, ultimately, our students can reach
Destination 2025. To reach our collective student achievement goals, we know that
teachers must change their instructional practice in alignment the with the three College
and Career Ready shifts in instruction for ELA/Literacy. We should see these three
shifts in all SCS literacy classrooms:
(1) Regular practice with complex text and its academic language.
(2) Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary
and informational.
(3) Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction.
Additional time, appropriate instructional support, and aligned assessments will be
needed as ELL acquire both English language proficiency and content area knowledge.
The TN Standards for Foundational Skills should be used in conjunction with this guide.
ESL Planning Guide Grade 4 Quarter 2
English Language
English language learners communicate for
Social and Instructional
Social and Instructional purposes within the
Standard 1
school setting
English Language
English language learners communicate
The language of Language
information, ideas and concepts necessary for
Standard 2
academic success in the content area of
Language Arts
English Language
English language learners communicate
The language of
information, ideas and concepts necessary for
Standard 3
academic success in the content area of
English Language
English language learners communicate
The language of Science
information, ideas and concepts necessary for
Standard 4
academic success in the content area of Science
English Language
English language learners communicate
The language of Social
information, ideas and concepts necessary for
Standard 5
academic success in the content area of Social
The Five WIDA English Language Development Standards
Standard 1 recognizes the importance of social language in student interaction with peers and teachers
in school and the language students encounter across instructional settings. Standards 2– 5 address the
language of the content-driven classroom and of textbooks, which typically is characterized by a more
formal register and a specific way of communicating (e.g., academic vocabulary, specific syntactic
structures, and characteristic organizational patterns and conventions).
ESL Planning Guide Grade 4 Quarter 2
Throughout this curriculum guide, teachers will see high-quality texts that students should be
reading, as well as some resources and tasks to support teachers in ensuring that students
are able to reach the demands of the standards in the classroom. In addition to the resources
embedded in the map, there are some high-leverage resources around each of the three
shifts that teachers should consistently access:
The TNCore Literacy Standards
The TNCore Literacy Standards (also known as
the College and Career Ready Literacy
Teachers can access the TNCore standards, which are featured throughout this
curriculum map and represent college and career ready student learning at each
respective grade level.
Shift 1: Regular Practice with Complex Text and its Academic Language
Student Achievement Partners Text Complexity
Teachers can learn more about how to select complex texts (using quantitative,
qualitative, and reader/task measures) using the resources in this collection.
Student Achievement Partners Academic Work
Teachers can copy and paste a text into this tool, which then generates the most
significant Tier 2 academic vocabulary contained within the text.
Shift 2: Reading, Writing and Speaking Grounded in Evidence from the Text
Student Achievement Partners Text-Dependent
Questions Resources:
Teachers can use the resources in this set of resources to craft their own textdependent questions based on their qualitative and reader/task measures text
complexity analysis.
Shift 3: Building Knowledge through Content-Rich Non-fiction
Student Achievement Partners Text Set Projects
Teachers can use this resource to learn about how to sequence texts into “expert
packs” to build student knowledge of the world.
ESL Planning Guide Grade 4 Quarter 2
Additional ESL Resources:
Shelby County ESL weebly: password: SCS-­­ESL
WIDA: See: Download library
North Carolina Transformed MPIs provide excellent examples of how the CCR standards may be broken down to align
with WIDA ACCESS student ability levels. The MPIs may be transformed to fit individual student needs within your
classroom Click on Transformed MPIs/ ELAs
NJDOE Model ELA Curriculum:
examples of how MPIs are used within a unit plan.
provides additional
WIDA ELP Search: This form allows educators to search for strands of model performance indicators from the
WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards, 2007 Edition. Please remember you are encouraged to
transform the elements of the MPIs to fit your local curricular goals.
Reading A-­­Z provides additional materials to use with Close Reads and within Literacy Stations.
https://www.readinga-­­ (ESL teachers must have a password provided by the ESL program)
ESL Planning Guide Grade 4 Quarter 2
Beginning with quarter 2, the first story in each quarter’s planning guides will have Model
Performance Indicators (MPIs) embedded to illustrate how standards may be
deconstructed for differentiation. As these are Model Performance Indicators, thestrands are to
be used as an example, and may be transformed to best suit the needs of students within your classroom.
Teachers are encouraged to view the MPIs within the first story of each quarter to then
reference additional MPIs in order to continually scaffold instruction throughout the year
within whole group and small group instruction, as well as Literacy Stations.
An entire transformed MPI in all four domains as provided by North Carolina DPI for Reading
Literature 1.3 Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story using key details.
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Transformed ELA MPIs:
ESL Planning Guide Grade 4 Quarter 2
ESL Planning Guide Grade 4 Quarter 2
Quarter 2
Essential questions: What steps must be taken to cite evidence from the text when making a point or stating a
claim? What steps must be taken when formulating a summary? Why is it important to be able to determine the
main idea of an informational text?
Lesson 10
ELL Reader: The Life of Jackson Pollock
Genre: Biography
Biography (RL.4.1, RL.4.2, RL.4.5, RL.4.10; RI.4.1, RI.4.2, RI.4.3, , RI.4.5, RI.4.7, RI.4.8, RI.4.10)
Jose! Born to
RI.4.4 Determine meaning of domain-­­specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topics or subject area.
Dance to the
Target Skill: Author’s Purpose
Target Strategy: Analyze/Evaluate
Foundational Skills (RF.4.3a, RF.4.4a, RF.4.4b)
Decoding: Vowel + r in Multi-­­syllable Words
Fluency: Intonation
Speaking and Listening Skill (SL.4.1a, SL.4.1b, SL.4.1c, SL.4.1d, SL.4.2, SL.4.4, SL.4.5, SL.4.6)
Speaking/Listening Skill: Recount an Experience
Language (L.4.1f, LF.4.2d, L.4.3a, L.4.3c, , L.4.4c, L.4.5a, L.4.5c, L.4.6)
L.4.4a Use context (e.g., definitions, examples, or restatements in text) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
Target/Academic Vocabulary: border, debut, discouraged, hauling, mournful, permission, stubborn,
toured, towered, triumph
 Domain Specific Vocabulary: watercolor, mural, canvas, artist, studio
 Multi-­­syllable Vocabulary: photographer, triangles, luckily
 Vocabulary Strategies: Prefix ab-­­, shades of meaning
 Grammar Skill: Pronouns
(W.4.1a, W.4.1b, W.4.1d, W.4.2a, W.4.2b, W.4.2c, W.4.2d, W.4.2e, W.4.3e, W.4.4, W.4.5, W.4.6, W.4.7, W.4.8,
W.4.9a, W.4.9b, W.4.10) With guidance and support from peers and adults, apply all phases of the writing
process (planning, revising, and editing) to create a clear and coherent piece of writing.
ESL Planning Guide Grade 4 Quarter 2
ESL Grade 4 Planning Guide
Quarter 2
Essential questions: What steps must be taken to cite evidence from the text when making a point or stating
a claim? What steps must be taken when formulating a summary? Why is it important to be able to determine
the main idea of an informational text?
Lesson 11
from Katrina
ELL Reader: The Big Dangerous Wave
Genre: Informational Text
 Reading
Complex Texts
Informational Text
(RI.4.1, RI.4.2, RI.4.3, RI.4.4, RI.4.5, RI.4.6, RI.4.7, RI.4.8, RI.4.9, RI.4.10)
Target Skill: Text and Graphic Features
Target Strategy: Infer/Predict
Foundational Skills
(RF.4.3a, RF.4.4a, RF.4.4b)
 Decoding: Compound Words
 Fluency: Phrasing: Punctuation
 Speaking and Listening
(SL.4.1a, SL.4.1c, SL.4.1d, SL.4.4, SL.4.5, SL.4.6)
Speaking/Listening: Paraphrasing
(L.4.1g, L.4.2d, L.4.3b, L.4.3c, L.4.4a, L.4.4b, L.4.6)
Target/Academic Vocabulary: ancient, condense, experience, predict, rage, rapidly, registered,
rotating, source, whirling
Domain-­­Specific Vocabulary: tsunami, Richter scale, tectonic plates
Multi-­­syllable Words: dangerous, measurement, volcanoes
Vocabulary Strategies: Suffixes, -­­ful, -­­less,-­­ness, -­­ment
Grammar: Frequently Confused Words
(W.4.1a, W.4.1b, W.4.1c, @.4.1d, W.4.2a, W.4.6, W.4.7, W.4.8, W.4.9b, W.4.10)
On page 13, the author writes: “People who live along the ocean need to be ready for
tsunamis.” Imagine that you lived in a place that could have a tsunami. What would you do to
prepare for the tsunami? How do you think this would help you keep safe?
(ELL BLM page 6)
Writing Mode: Opinion Writing
Writing Form: Persuasive Paragraph
Focus Trait: Ideas
Research/Media Literacy Skills: Conduct a Research Project
ESL Planning Guide Grade 4 Quarter 2
ESL Grade 4 Planning Guide
Quarter 2
Essential questions: What steps must be taken to cite evidence from the text when making a point or stating
a claim? What steps must be taken when formulating a summary? Why is it important to be able to determine
the main idea of an informational text?
Lesson 12
The Earth
ELL Reader: A New Name for Lois
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reading Complex
Historical Fiction
(RL.4.1, RL.4.3, RL.4.4, RL.4.7, RL.4.10; RI.4.1, RI.4.7, RI.4.10)
Target Skill: Sequence of Events
Target Strategy: Visualize
Foundational Skills
(FR.4.3a, RF.4.4a, RF.4.4b)
Decoding: Base Words and Endings
Fluency: Rate
Speaking and Listening
(SL.4.1a, SL.4.1c, SL.4.1d, SL.4.2, SL.4.3, SL.4.4, SL.4.6)
Speaking and Listening: Paraphrase Information in Diverse Media
(L.4.1b, L.4.1g, L.4.2d, L.4.3a, L.4.3c, L.4.4c, L.4.5c, L.4.6)
Target/Academic Vocabulary: constructed, crushing, debris, possessions, rubble, slab, tenement,
timbers, trembles, wreckage
Domain-­­Specific Vocabulary: snapped, roar, smash, slab, sprayed, shook, rubble
Multi-­­Syllable Words: constructed, tenement, possessions
Vocabulary Strategies: Synonyms
Grammar Skill: Possessive Nouns
(W.4.1a, W.4.1b, W.4.1c, W.4.1d, W.4.7, W.4.8)/W.4.9a. W.4.10)
On page 14, the author states that Lois “knew how to stay focused and get the job done.” What
qualities did Lois need to have in order to “get the job done”? Explain your answers, giving
examples from the story. (ELL BLM page 6)
Writing Mode: Opinion Writing
Writing Form: Problem-­­Solution Composition
Focus Trait: Ideas
ESL Planning Guide Grade 4 Quarter 2
ESL Grade 4 Planning Guide
Essential questions: How does charting the story elements help a reader to understand and analyze the
structure of a story? What makes a character memorable? How does identifying a story’s theme help the reader
understand the story? What impact does a character have on the plot of a story?
Lesson 13
Journal: four
Months at
the Bottom
of the World
Cold, Cold
ELL Reader: A Visit to Antarctica
Genre: Narrative Nonfiction
Reading Complex Texts
Narrative Nonfiction
(RL.4.1: RI.4.1, RI.4.2, RI.4.3, RI.4.4, RI.4.5, RI.4.6, RI.4.7, RI.4.9, RI.4.10)
Target Skill: Sequence of Events
Target Strategy: Summarize
Foundational Skills
(FR.4.3a, RF.4.4a, RF.4.4b)
Decoding: Recognizing Common Word Parts
Fluency: Phrases: Pauses
Speaking and Listening Skill
(SL.4.1a, SL.4.1b, SL.4.1c, SL.4.1d, SL.4.2)
Speaking/Listening Skill: Discuss to Compare and Contrast Accounts
(L.4.1c, L.4.2c, L.4.2d, L.4.3c, L.4.4a, L.4.4b, L.4.5a, L.4.6)
Target/Academic Vocabulary: alert, concluded, display, fractured, graceful, huddle, standards,
stranded, vision, weariness
Domain Specific Vocabulary: continent, scientist, equator, research stations
Multi-­­syllable Vocabulary: explorer, faraway, hemisphere
Vocabulary Strategies: Greek and Latin Word Parts: spect, struct, tele, vis, anti
Grammar Skill: Modal Auxiliaries
(W.4.1a, W.4.1b, W.4.1c, W.4.1d, W.4.4, W.4.9a, W.4.9b, W.4.10)
On page 11, the author points out that tour companies hire naturalists and wildlife experts as guides. What
do naturalists and wildlife experts do? How do you think these people help the tourists receive a better
understanding of the area? Explain your answer, giving examples from the text. (ELL BLM page 6)
Writing Mode: Opinion Writing
Writing Form: Persuasive Letter
Focus Trait: Voice
ESL Planning Guide Grade 4 Quarter 2
ESL Grade 4 Planning
Essential questions: How does charting the story elements help a reader to understand and analyze the
structure of a story? What makes a character memorable? How does identifying a story’s theme help the reader
understand the story? What impact does a character have on the plot of a story?
Lesson 14
The Life and
Times of the
The Dove
and the Ant
ELL Reader: Arthropods Everywhere!
Genre: Informational Text
Reading Complex
Informational Texts
(RL.4.2, RL.4.3, RL.4.9, RL.4.10; RI.4.1, RI.4.2, RI.4.3, RI.4.4, RI.4.5, RI.4.7, RI.4.8, RI.4.10)
Target Skill: Text and Graphic Features
Target Strategy: Question
Foundational Skills
(RF.4.3a, RF.4.4a, RF.4.4b)
Decoding: Recognizing Suffixes
Fluency: Stress
Speaking and Listening Skill
(SL.4.1a, SL.4.1c, SL.4.1d, SL.4.2, SL.4.4, SL.4.5)
Speaking/Listening Skill: Listen to/make connections
(, L.4.2d, L.4.3a, L.4.3b, L.4.5b, L.4.6)
Target/Academic Vocabulary: chamber, excess, exchanges, obstacles, reinforce, scarce, social,
storage, transfers, transport
Domain Specific Vocabulary: tarantula. Millipede, South American mantis
Multi-­­syllable Vocabulary: exchanges, obstacles, reinforce
Vocabulary Strategies: Prefix: exo-­­; Suffixes: -­­able, -­­ible
Grammar Skill: Participles
(W.4.1a, W.4.1b, W.4.1c, W.4.1d, W.4.4, W.4.5, W.4.6, W.4.7, W.4.8, W.4.9b, W.4.10)
How are millipedes and centipedes similar, and how are they different? How did the text help you see
how these two arthropods live? Explain how the illustrations and other graphics help you to understand
the differences between millipedes and centipedes. Use examples from the text to explain your answer.
(ELL BLM page 6)
Writing Mode: Opinion Writing
Writing Form: Persuasive Essay: Prewrite
Focus Trait: Organization
Research/Media Literacy Skills: Take notes and categorize information
ESL Planning Guide Grade 4 Quarter 2
ESL Grade 4 Planning
Essential questions: How does charting the story elements help a reader to understand and analyze the
structure of a story? What makes a character memorable? How does identifying a story’s theme help the reader
understand the story? What impact does a character have on the plot of a story?
Lesson 15
Ecology for
Spring Rain,”
ELL Reader: A Father’s Garden
Genre: Fiction
Reading Complex
Texts Fiction
(RL.4.5, RL.4.10; RI.4.1, RI.4.2, RI.4.3, RI.4.4, RI.4.5, RI.4.6, RI.4.8, RI.4.9, RI.4.10)
Target Skill: Main Idea and Details
Target Strategy: Monitor/Clarify
Foundational Skills
(RF.4.3a, RF.4.4a, RF.4.4b, RF.4.4c)
Decoding: Three-­­syllable Words
Fluency: Expression
Speaking and Listening Skill
LS.4.1a, SL.4.1b, SL.4.1c, SL.4.1d, SL.4.2, SL.4.4, SL.4.5)
Speaking/Listening Skill: Summarize Ideas
(L.4.1b, L.4.2d, L.4.3a, L.4.4a, L.4.4b, L.4.4c, L.4.5a, L.4.6)
Target/Academic Vocabulary: affect, banned, directly, habitats, organisms, radiation, species, traces,
variety, vast
Domain Specific Vocabulary: greenhouse, concentrate, required
Multi-­­syllable Vocabulary: directly, habitats, organisms, radiation, variety
Vocabulary Strategies: Using context; using words parts
Grammar Skill: Irregular Verbs
(W.4.1a, W.4.1b, W.4.1c, W.4.1d, W.4.4, W.4.5, W.4.6, W.4.7, W.4.8, W.4.9b, W.4.10)
On pages 9 and 10, the author chooses the family home to have David’s father teach him about
flowers. How does this setting affect what and how David learns? Would the greenhouse have
been a more interesting setting? Why or why not? Explain your answers, giving examples from
the story. (ELL BLM page 6)
Writing Mode: Opinion Writing
Writing Form: Persuasive Essay: Draft, Revise, Edit, Publish
Focus Trait: Ideas
Research/Media Literacy Skills: Conduct a Research Project
ESL Planning Guide Grade 4 Quarter 2
ESL Grade 4 Planning
Essential questions: How does charting the story elements help a reader to understand and analyze the
structure of a story? What makes a character memorable? How does identifying a story’s theme help the reader
understand the story? What impact does a character have on the plot of a story?
Lesson 16
ELL Reader: A Dangerous Trip
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reading Complex
Historical Fiction
(RL.4.1, RL.4.2, RL.4.3, RL.4.4, RL.4.7, RL.4.10; RI.4.1, RI.4.2, RI.4.3, RI.4.7, RI.4.10)
Target Skill: Compare and Contrast
Target Strategy: Monitor/Clarify
Foundational Skills
(RF.4.3a, RF.4.4a, RF.4.4b, RF.4.4c)
Decoding: Sound/Spelling Changes
Fluency: Rate
Speaking and Listening Skill
(SL.4.1a, SL.4.1c, SL.4.1d, SL.4.2, SL.4.4, SL.4.5, SL.4.6)
Speaking/Listening Skill: Report on a Text
(L.4.1c, L.4.1d, L.4.2d, L.4.3a, L.4.3c, L.4.4a, L.4.5a, L.4.5b, L.4.6)
Target/Academic Vocabulary: churning, defended, deserve, escorted, relied, reputation, satisfied,
situation, swelled, worthy
Domain Specific Vocabulary: oxen, yoke, reins, prairie schooner
Multi-­­syllable Vocabulary: reputation, satisfied, situation
Vocabulary Strategies: Figurative Language;
Suffixes: -­­ed, -­­ing
Grammar Skill: Adjectives
(W.4.3a, W.4.3b, W.4.3c, W.4.3d, W.4.4, W.4.8, W.4.9a, W.4.10)
On page 3, the author states that “Mrs. Ambrose knew the trip would be long and difficult.” Why
then do you think Mrs. Ambrose wishes to make the trip? Do you think the family made the
right decision? Why or why not? Explain your answer, giving examples from the story. (ELL BLM
page 6)
Writing Mode: Narrative Writing
Writing Form: Descriptive Paragraph
Focus Trait: Ideas
ESL Planning Guide Grade 4 Quarter 2
ESL Grade 4 Planning
Essential questions: How does charting the story elements help a reader to understand and analyze the
structure of a story? What makes a character memorable? How does identifying a story’s theme help the reader
understand the story? What impact does a character have on the plot of a story?
Lesson 17
The Right
Dog for the
Job: Its Path
from Service
Dog to Guide
Rescue Dogs
ELL Reader: Taking Care of Animals
Genre: Narrative Nonfiction
Reading Complex
Narrative Nonfiction
(RI.4.1, RI.4.2, RI.4.3, RI.4.4, RI.4.5, RI.4.9, RI.4.10)
Target Skill: Sequence of Events
Target Strategy: Summarize
Foundational Skills
(RF.4.3a, RF.4.4a, RF.4.4b)
Decoding: More Sound/Spelling Changes
Fluency: Intonation
Speaking and Listening Skill
(SL.4.1a, SL.4.1b, SL.4.1c, SL.4.1d, SL.4.2, SL.4.3, SL.4.4)
Speaking/Listening Skill: Literature Discussion
(L.4.1b, L.4.2d, L.4.3a, L.4.3c, L.4.4a, L.4.4b, L.4.6)
Target/Academic Vocabulary: ceremony, confesses, confidence, disobey, foster, graduate, patiently,
performs, reward, symbol
Domain Specific Vocabulary: veterinarian, calf, lungs, hoof, bandage, X-­­ray machine
Multi-­­syllable Vocabulary: ceremony, confidence
Vocabulary Strategies: Prefix: dis-­­
Suffixes: -­­ion, -­­ation, -­­ition
Grammar Skill: Adverbs
(W.4.1a, W.4.1b, W.4.1c, W.4.3a, W.4.3b, W.4.3c, W.4.3e, W.4.4, W.4.7, W.4.8, W.4.9b, W.4.10)
On page 12, the author describes what it takes to become a vet. What qualities must a farm vet
have to be successful? What kind of person do you think would consider a career as a rural
veterinarian? Explain your answer, giving examples from the selection.
(ELL BLM page 6)
Writing Mode: Narrative Writing
Writing Form: Friendly Letter
Focus Trait: Voice