I. Components of the CN 68 General List of Airmail Services

CEP C 1 GT 2015.2–Doc 3a
(POC C 1 TG 2015.2–Doc 3a)
Committee 1 (Supply Chain Integration)
Transport Group
Follow-up work on the discontinued CN 68 General List of Airmail Services
Memorandum by the International Bureau
(Agenda item 3a)
CN 68 General List of Airmail Services.
§§ 1 to 14 and Annex 1
Decision expected
The Transport Group is asked to take note of progress.
§§ 6 to 14 and Annex 1
Components of the CN 68 General List of Airmail Services
The CN 68 list essentially consists of three components:
Part A: information specific to each member country/designated operator (DO), intended for use by
other member countries/designated operators (this section contains 21 questions, some of them multipart);
Part B: information relating to internal air conveyance rates; and
Part C: lists of airmail dispatches sent to and received from each designated operator, intended to be
used for transit planning purposes.
Decisions taken by the Transport Group at earlier meetings
On 28 October 2013, the International Bureau (IB) presented an update on the ongoing work to modernize the CN 68 General List of Airmail Services (POC 2013.2–Doc 3h). Subsequently, the IB presented a
document at the April 2014 meeting (POC C 1 TG 2014.1–Doc 3c). It also gave an oral update at the fourth
meeting of the Transport Group on 27 October 2014.
At the 28 October 2013 meeting, the Transport Group took the following decisions:
The majority of members agreed to discontinue publishing section A (21 questions) of the CN 68.
It was agreed to publish the current internal airmail conveyance rates and their recent history on the
UPU website in a simple format.
It was also agreed to further explore, in conjunction with the Postal Technology Centre (PTC), the
possibility of using PREDES data to enable origin designated operators to see lists of dispatches to
each designated operator, for all categories and classes of mail.
The Transport Group agreed with the International Bureau's recommendations to modernize the
CN 68 General List of Airmail Services and asked the Chair to inform the POC accordingly at its plenary
meeting on 31 October 2013. The International Bureau would further examine the relevance of the questions
contained in section A of the existing CN 68 General List of Airmail Services.
Japan, Chair of the Transport Group, presented document POC 2013.2–Doc 3h at the 2013.2 POC
plenary meeting, and the Plenary agreed with the Transport Group's recommendations to modernize the
publication in the manner proposed.
Follow-up of the decisions
The relevant questions in part A have been transferred to the Letter Post Compendium; these questions figure under "Other information – Question 39 – Airmail". This decision was taken in consultation with
the International Bureau letter post specialist, who felt that the questions should be retained in the Letter
Post Compendium as they could be useful for member countries. The remaining questions that have
become obsolete have been deleted.
Concerning part B, the IB has arranged to place current and recent historical internal air conveyance
information on the website at www.upu.int/en/activities/transport/about-transport.html. The information on the
UPU website will contain information, by year, for the past three years.
As regards part C, the PTC has developed a tool/report based on its Quality Control System (QCS),
which will assist origin designated operators in consulting suitable transit operators to plan their transit
operations. The tool will support transit planning for all mail categories (A – priority/air, B – S.A.L., C – nonpriority/surface, D – priority by surface), for all mail classes (U – letter post , C – parcel post, E – EMS, T –
empty bags). It can be used to support planning for both open and closed transit. However, it should in no
way be seen as replacing consultation between origin and transit operators.
The information will be automatically updated monthly. Origin DOs seeking to find potential transit DOs
for a specific destination will be able to use the tool/report. It will pave the way for the use of PREDES data
by origin designated operators to view the dispatch series for each designated operator for all categories and
classes of mail. Dispatch series that are not relevant for transit planning based on the mail class or the origin
IMPC code will be excluded. This report will be made available via QCS.
As earlier indicated at the 2013.2 POC (POC 2013.2–Doc 3h), the information in the report is not commercially confidential – in the same way as the list of dispatches in the current CN 68 is not commercially
confidential. For example, the document would show the number of dispatches for a given time period, but
not the volume (i.e. kilogrammes) of mail or the carrier (i.e. airline) used.
Annex 1 contains an extract of the CN 68 Inbound Dispatch Series Report showing dispatches being
sent to Bhutan from all origins.
Work to be done
The IB plans to complete the work on the CN 68 list of dispatch series for use by origin DOs seeking
transit arrangements by the end of 2016. This includes:
User testing;
Documenting DO/IB processes to administer the system;
Developing user guide for DOs to use the system;
Advising DOs of the availability of the tool/report via IB circular (to be approved by the Chair of the
Transport Group).
The tool/report will also be incorporated into the Postal Transport Guide and the Trainpost module on
The work to modernize the CN 68 General List of Airmail Services will be complete once the work
explained in paragraphs 12 and 13 has been carried out. The IB will update the Transport Group on the progress at its next meeting.
Berne, 29 September 2015