Thursday, April 3, 2014 Agenda




Tuskegee University Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning ( TUFCTL)

Professional Development Intensive (PDI) Workshop

Faculty Collaborative Presentations

Facilitated by

The Tuskegee University Faculty

M. Javed Khan, Ph.D.

Professor & Department Head

Aerospace Science Engineering Department

Chadia Affane Aji, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Mathematics Department

Gerald D. Griffin, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Biology Department

Thursday, April 3, 2014 Agenda

9:00 – 9:05 AM – Greetings/Welcome Dr. Jo Ann Sumbry, Director/TUFCTL

9:05 – 10:10 AM - Session I: Dr. Gerald D. Griffin

Strategies for identifying and creating sources of student motivation

Student motivation is a critical ingredient for success in any baccalaureate course. A central theory in the science of motivation is Deci’s and Ryan’s self-determination theory. This theory posits that if students have an enhanced sense of autonomy, competence, and relatedness, then they will have high levels of motivation to learn. The present workshop will be divided into main sessions focusing on enhancing student motivation via Course-Based Research Experiences (CREs). This interactive session will provide methods by which instructors can better discern motivating factors of students. The session will conclude with a group discussion on best practices to create and assess motivational sources in the course.

10:10 – 10:20 AM Break/Door Prizes

10:20 – 11:50 AM - Session I – Continued - Dr. Gerald D. Griffin

Relating student motivation to a course-based research experience

This session will focus on defining critical components of a CRE and incorporating motivational factors into authentic research in a university course. Additionally, this session will allow for brainstorming on how to integrate multiple disciplines into a CRE.


P. 1 – PDI by: Drs. Khan, Aji, and Griffin – April 3 , 2014



Tuskegee University Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning ( TUFCTL)

Professional Development Intensive (PDI) Workshop

Faculty Collaborative Presentations

11:50 – 12:00 Noon Evaluation

12:00 Noon Adjourn for Lunch


1:30 pm – 3:00pm - Session Two – Dr. Chadia Affane Aji and Dr. M. Javed Khan

Hybrid, blended, and Flipped Modalities of Instruction

Many universities and colleges have adopted the digitally mediated learning and teaching environment.

This workshop will introduce hybrid, blended, and flipped modalities of instruction using digital technology.

3:00 – 3:10 PM – Break/Door Prizes

3:10 – 4:20 PM – Continued - Dr. Chadia Affane Aji and Dr. M. Javed Khan

Using Software Applications for Developing Video Lessons

The second part of the workshop will introduce the various software applications for developing video lessons for the students in a blended or flipped class environment.

4:20 PM – 4:30 PM Evaluation

4:30 PM Closing Remarks

We hope that you enjoyed attending each Professional Development Intensive (PDI) session, and we look forward to seeing you at our next scheduled PDI for tomorrow, April 4 th , 2014. Please visit our website @ for upcoming PDI Workshops.

Thank you,

~Tuskegee University Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning~


P. 2 – PDI by: Drs. Khan, Aji, and Griffin – April 3 , 2014
