
Location update scheme based on LRU paging
in Wireless M2M Communication.
Samruddhi Thawkar#1, Shivani Harde*2
Computer Science and Engg. Department, G. H Raisoni College
Digdoh Hills , Nagpur , India.
G. H. Raisoni college of Engg, For Womens
Shraddha park , hingna-wadi road , Nagpur , India.
Abstract— In this paper, we discuss energy and memory
efficient location update scheme for wireless M2M
communication. To avoid call dropping it is essential that
location of mobile user should be traced successfully.MTC sever
track the location of MTC device only when new nodes are added
into parsing tree. Based on LRU paging technique, we will
propose optimally removing the access nodes from tree to
minimize memory cost and energy cost.
Keywords— Location update, LRU paging, memory managing.
communication between wired and wireless devices. It
represents future where everyday objects and surrounding
environment are managed through variety of devices,
communication networks
In this paper, we propose energy and memory efficient
location update scheme in which MTC server track the
location of each MTC device but does not know the mobility
pattern in advance. Variety to be of wireless access networks
exist in future, the proposed location update scheme is
designed to be independent of wireless access networks.
Our major contribution include the following, Based on
LRU paging technique we will optimally prune the parsing
tree whenever appropriate. Note that size of tree grows with
time but the memory size of MTC device is finite and may not
be as large as smart phone. The rest of the paper is organized
as follows. Background is covered in Section II. In Section III,
we present techniques for location updates. Section III
represents paging algorithm and their discussion. Section IV
include conclusion.
Wireless M2M research communication is a young
research field. In cellular networks, by sensing the signal
strengths and listening to broadcast messages, a mobile device
could know the identity of the closest base station. Location
update and paging are key components for idle-mode mobility
management. Location update schemes could be movementbased, timer-based, distance-based, profile-based, state-based,
or velocity-based. The distance-based schemes achieve better
performance compared to movement-based schemes and timer
based schemes. Some proposed location update schemes
suggested that a mobile user should register its location only
when it enters some predefined cells, referred to as reporting
centers. Mao and Douligeris proposed buffering location
update messages until a call arrives. In this paper, we
explicitly take the memory constraints of MTC devices into
consideration. Instead of random walks over a graph with
cycles, our work is based on the LRU paging technique over
trees. To the best of our knowledge, the latter is not used in
the previous works on location update.
Managing of location information is vital issue in mobile
computing systems. The task of tracking the location of
mobile terminals is known as location management. Location
update occurs when a user moves from one location area to
another. Various location update techniques which are
implemented are as follows:
A. Profile- based strategy
According to this strategy, the system maintains a
sequential list of the most likely places where each user is
located. The list is ranked from most to least likely place
where a user is found. When a call arrives for a mobile, it is
paged sequentially in each location within the list. When a
user moves between location areas in this list, no location
update is required. The list may be provided by the user or
may be based on each user’s past calling history.
In personal communication system (PCS), there is high
user density and high mobility, it is expected that registration
will incur a large amount of radio link signaling traffic. So,
the main objective of this strategy is to reduce the signalling
traffic on radio link by increasing the intelligence within fixed
network. The main limitation of this strategy is that the
mobility pattern is known in advance, and if mobility is
known in advance then there is no need of location update.
location update is necessary only when device move out of the
coverage range.
the required page must be loaded into memory. Some page
replacement algorithms are presented:
B. Group registration strategy
Group Registration (GR), which efficiently reduces the
location registration cost by reporting location changes to the
HLR for multiple mobile terminals (MTs) in a single location
update request message. Specifically, the IDs of the MTs
newly moving into an LA are buffered and sent to the HLR
for location update in the route response message of the next
incoming call to any MT in the LA. To reduce high volume of
signalling traffic, group registration is proposed. The proposed
strategy is not benefit for user’s with extremely high CMRs.
A. The First-In-First-Out(FIFO)
The first disadvantages is if a page is used frequently in
several time periods, it will be identified as the last or oldest
page, ultimately, and may be selected to be moved out from
the memory, while there is a considerable probability for
urgent need to it then the selection will be inefficient and the
removed page must be reloaded into memory immediately.
Another disadvantage for this algorithm relates to this fact that
increasing the memory frames designated for a process can
yield to a lower page fault ratio.
C. Parsing tree for Information-Theoretic Location Update
The MTC device maintains a parsing tree and a queue,
which is initially empty. A parsing tree is a well-known data
structure in the field of source coding. Let γ be the maximum
number of nodes in a parsing tree due to memory constraints.
Each node in the parsing tree has an index and a label. In
particular, I is the index of the M2M location area in which
the MTC device resides when node i is added into the parsing
In addition, each node in a parsing tree contains an array
of α pointers. Each pointer neither points to a child of the node
or is a null pointer. A MTC device maintains two pointers,
which are called root and current state. The root pointer
always points to the root node of the parsing tree. At time
zero, the current state pointer also points to the root node of
the parsing tree. Note that a MTC device performs location
updates only when new nodes are added into the associated
parsing tree. Therefore, the location update cost is reduced.
This technique overcomes the limitation of above two
strategies i.e. the mobility pattern is not known in advance and
is independent of wireless access networks.
B. Not Recently Used (NRU)
The politic considered in NRU, is that a page without any
change, during its residence in primary memory, can be
known as a desirable page to be expelled from the memory.
This algorithm uses two status bits named Reference bit (R)
and Modification bit (M). These bits are contained in each
page table entry, and the algorithm initializes them with zero,
for all pages. When a page is referred to or its contents change,
R or M will be set, respectively. These bits must be updated
for each page referring, it is essential that they be set by the
When there is a need to replace a page with a new one, first,
it is attempted to find a page without any reference(R=0).If no
such this page was found, a page with R=1, preferably with
M=0 (without change) will be selected. The reason for such
this selection is that removing pages with change (M=1),
impose a secondary memory rewriting overhead.
D. Adaptive Location Management Strategy Combining
A new adaptive scheme in which an optimal distancebased update threshold is selected not only as a function of the
cal to-mobility ratio, but also as a transitional directivity index
ω; a new parameter introduced to give some measures of the
mobile’s travelling patterns.
Its advantage becomes even more significant when the
theoretically determined “ideal” optimal threshold is not
obtainable due to certain restrictions imposed by the network
during times of high system loading.
During a program execution, some data are required to be
loaded into the primary memory. In the memory management,
based on paging mechanism, the required data are entered to
the memory as pages contents. When a required page is not
found in memory, a page fault event is occurred. In this case,
C. Least Recently Used (LRU)
The idea behind this algorithm is based on this fact that the
pages widely used in the last few instructions, will be used
heavily again, in the next few ones. And, in contrast, the pages
that have not been used for long times, will probably remain
unused afterward. So, this algorithm selects a page that its last
usage is before all other resident pages.
This algorithm has a suitable performance, as a
disadvantage, it is difficult and expensive to implement. The
best way to implement LRU is using stack. In this case, each
invoked page is inserted on top of stack. So the pages that
have most usage, recently are put on the stack top as shown in
In this paper, we have introduced a novel energy-andmemory efficient location update scheme for wireless M2M
communications. In comparison with periodically registering
to the MTC server, it is more efficient for a MTC device to
perform location updates only when new nodes are added into
The novel energy and memory efficient location update the corresponding parsing tree. Based on the theory of random
walks over trees, we have studied optimally pruning the
scheme for wireless M2M communication is proposed. A
parsing tree to minimize the expected value of the sum of the
major method to managing the memory space and distributing
memory cost and the energy cost for a MTC device.
the limited space among the applications to be executed was
A major method to managing the memory space and
the memory segmentation. But, because of external
the limited space among the applications to be
fragmentation phenomenon which yielded to apparently
executed was the memory segmentation. But, because of
wasting the memory space, this method was replaced with the
external fragmentation phenomenon which yielded to
paging method.
apparently wasting the memory space, this method was
Least Frequently Used (LRU) has been known as the most
replaced with the paging method.
efficient algorithm. Now, location update is done through
Future work include jointly optimizing energy efficient
buffer based, which has limited amount of memory space and
update scheme based on LRU paging for efficient call
as soon as it gets full it results in congestion and call dropping.
delivery and to avoid traffic congestion.
For efficient call delivery location update can be done
based on LRU paging, which is dynamic memory and is
provided according to requirement of user.In LRU, the least
recent used node is removed and new node is added. Of all the
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