ALGEBRA 1 HONORS LESSON PLAN Date September 1-5 Essential Question(s) What is the process for solving and graphing an inequality or an equation? What techniques are available to prove that you have solved a linear equation and how do you use them? Measureable Objective Students will be able to create, solve, and justify algebraic equations and literal equations using algebraic properties Learning Goal Students will be able to justify solution steps of equations, create and solve equations/inequalities using multiple strategies, and summarize constraints for inequalities. Benchmarks MAFS.912.N-Q.1.2 (DOK 2) Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. MAFS.912.N-Q.1.3 (DOK 2) Identify appropriate units of measurement to report quantities. Determine the limitations of different measurement tools. MAFS.912.A- SSE.1.1.a: (DOK 2) Interpret parts of an expression, such as terms, factors, and coefficients. Create equations and inequalities in one variable to model real world situations. MAFS.912.A- CED.1.1: (DOK 2) Create equations and inequalities in one variable and use them to solve problems. Include equations arising from linear functions and inequalities MAFS.912.A- CED.1.4: (DOK 1) Rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. ( Literal Equations) MAFS.912.A-REI.1.1 (DOK 3) Explain each step in solving a simple equation as following from the equality of numbers asserted at the previous step, starting from the assumption that the original equation has a solution. Construct a viable argument to justify a solution method using algebraic properties. MAFS.912.A-REI.2.3 (DOK 2) Solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable, including equations with coefficients represented by letters. Higher Order Questions What properties could we use to find a solution? What mathematical language, definitions, and properties can you use to solve the equation Is there a different way to solve this equation? Create a solution pathway to solve the problem. Justify the use a specific algebraic property. Interpret the results of a mathematical situation. Design a word problem to illustrate the equation Formulate an equivalent equation. Vocabulary Expression, Terms, Factors, Coefficients, Constant, Like Terms, Distributive Property, Literal equations, Properties of Equality, Compound Inequalities, Conjunctions (and), Disjunctions (or) ALGEBRA 1 HONORS LESSON PLAN 1. Holiday Labor Day Daily Agenda 9-2 Students will learn to solve a multistep equations using algebraic properties 1. Bell Ringer –I have five consecutive even integers whose sum is zero. What are they? (you do) 2. Cornell Notes – Variables with equations on both sides(we do) 3. Homework Red Page 161 (4-26 even)( you do) Black 4 Comprehension Check-Compare and contrast the difference between solving equations with variables on both sides and solving equations with variables on just one side. Use illustrations and words. ( you do) Daily Agenda 9/3 –Students will learn to solve equations with variables on both sides using algebraic properties 1. 2. 3. 4. Daily Agenda 9-1 Bell Ringer – Create a word problem that has the solution of -4. (you do) Go over Homework ( we do ) Spring board Lesson activity 2 Lesson 2.2 we do) Homework – Spring Board 2.3 Comprehension Check – Explain why there is more than one way to solve a multi-step problem. Be sure to use examples to justify your explanation. ( you do) Daily Agenda 9/4 Students will learn special types of equations using algebraic properties and Cornell notes 1. Bell Ringer –I have five consecutive even integers whose sum is zero. What are they? (you do) 2. Cornell Notes – Variables with equations on both sides(we do) 3. Homework Red Page 162 30-50 even and 54) you do) Black 4. Comprehension Check-Compare and contrast the difference between solving equations with variables on both sides and solving equations with variables on just one side. Use illustrations and words. ( you do) Daily Agenda- 9/5 Students will learn how to solve equations with variables on both sides and special equations using algebraic properties and rally robin. 1. Bell Ringer –Mini Quiz (we do) 2. Review Homework you do) 3. Rally Robin Worksheet 3.4 red workbook ALGEBRA 1 HONORS LESSON PLAN 4. Comprehension Check-Assess yourself on your overall of equations? Explain why you give yourselves that ranking. (you do) ESOL/ESE ACCOMODATIONS Visual Aids, Concrete Objects, Gestures, Repetitions Written Outline, Copy of Notes Small Group Instruction Incorporation of LEP student’s Culture & Language Verbal and Written Directions Hands on Activities Request of Text in Student’s Language Correlation With ESOL/ESE Resource Personnel Cooperative Groups Peer tutoring Use of Dictionary Avoidance of Idioms Copies of Notes Summarize & Review Frequently Student Translator Reading Aloud Questions Preferential Seating Extended Time READING BENCHMARKS LACC.8.5.SL1.1 LACC.8.5.SL1.2 LACC.8.5.SL1.3 LACC.8.5.SL1.4