Списък на публикациите с участието на гл.ас. д-р Екатерина Крумова Статия в списание с импакт-фактор 1. Pashova, S., L. Slokoska, E. Krumova, M. Angelova. Induction of polymethylgalacturonase biosynthesis by immobilized cells of Aspergillus niger 26. Enzyme Microbiol. Technol. 1999, 24, 535-540 IF 1.517 2. Pashova, S., L., Slokoska, P., Sheremetska, E., Krumova, L., Vassileva, M. Angelova. Physiological aspects of immobilized Aspergillus niger cells producing polymethylgalacturonase. Process Biochem. 1999, 35, 15-19. IF 0.874 3. Dolashka-Angelova P., Stevanovic S., Dolashki A., Angelova M., Pashova S., Krumova E., Serkejieva J., Zacharieva S., Voelter W. Structural and functional analyses of glycosylated Cu/Zn-SOD from the fungal strain Humicola lutea 103, cultivated in copper stress conditions. Biochem. Biophys Res Com, 2004, 317, 1006-1016 IF 2.904 4. Sokmen M., M. Angelova, E. Krumova, S. Pashova, S. Ivancheva, A. Sokmen, J. Serkedjieva. In vitro antioxidant activity of polyphenol extracts with antiviral properties from Geranium sanguineum L. Life Sci. 2005, 76, 2981-2993. ISSN: 0024-3205 IF 2.512 5. Gocheva, Y., Krumova, E., Slokoska, L., Miteva, J., Angelova M. Cell response of Antarctic and temperate strains of Penicillium spp. to different growth temperature. Mycol. Res. 2006, 110, 1347-1354. IF 1.860 6. Krumova, E., Dolashka-Angelova, P., Pashova, S., Stefanova, L., Van Beeumen, J., Vassilev, S., M. Angelova Improved production by fed-batch cultivation and some properties of Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase from the fungal strain Humicola lutea 103. Enzyme Microb Technol 2007, 40, 524-532. ISSN: 0141-0229 IF 2.638 7. Krumova, E., Dolashki, A., Pashova, S., Dolashka-Angelova, P., Stevanovic, S., Hristova, R., Stefanova, L., Voelter, W., M. Angelova. Unusual location and characterization of Cu/Zncontaining superoxide dismutase from filamentous fungus Humicola lutea. Arch. Microbiol. 1 2008, 189, 121-130 ISSN: 0302-8933 IF 2.374 8. Krumova, E., Pashova, S., Dolashka, P., Stefanova, Tz., M. Angelova. Biomarkers of oxidative stress in the fungal strain Humicola lutea under copper exposure. Process Biochem 2009, 44, 288–295; DOI 10.1016/j.procbio.2008.10.023 ISSN: 1359-5113 IF 2.444 9. Gocheva Y., Tosi S., Krumova E., Slokoska L, Miteva J., Vassilev S., Angelova M. Temperature downshift induces antioxidant response in fungi isolated from Antarctica. Extremophiles 2009, 13, 273–281, 1431-0651 ISSN: 1431-0651 10. IF 2.317 Julia Serkedjieva*, Tsvetanka Stefanova, and Ekaterina Krumova A Fungal Cu/Zn- Containing Superoxide Dismutase Enhances the Therapeutic Effi cacy of a Plant Polyphenol Extract in Experimental Infl uenza Virus Infection Z. Naturforsch. 65c.,419-428(2010); received December 9, 2009/January 13, 201 IF 0.953 11. Kostadinova N., Krumova E., Tosi S., Pashova S., Angelova M.. Isolation and identification of filamentous fungi from island Livingston, Antarctica. Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 2009, 23, 267-270. IF 0.291/09 12. Serkedjieva1 J. , T. Stefanova1, E. Krumova1 and L. Tancheva2 PROTECTIVE ЕFFECT OF POLYPHENOL-RICH EXTRACT ON ACUTE LUNG INJURY IN INFLUENZA VIRUS INFECTED MICE Biotechnology & Biotechnological EquipmentVolume 23, Number 3 2009 IF 0.291/09 13. Georgiev M., Abrashev R., Krumova E., Demirevska K., Ilieva M., Angelova M. 2009, Rosmarinic acid and antioxidant enzyme activities in Lavandula vera MM cell suspension cultures: a comparative study. Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 159: 415-425. IF 1.643 14. Tosi S., Kostadinova N., Krumova E., Pashova S., Dishliiska V., Spassova B., Vassilev S., Angelova M. Antioxidant enzyme activity of filamentous fungi isolated from Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica. Polar Biol. 2010, ISSN 0722-4060 (Print) 1432-2056 (Online) IF 1.445 15. Miteva-Staleva J., Stefanova T., Krumova E., Angelova M. Growth-phase related changes in reactive oxygen species generation as a cold stress response in Antarctic Penicillium strains, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 2011, 25, Number 4 2 IF 0. 76 16. Abrashev R., Krumova E., Dishliska V., Eneva R., Engibarov S., Abrashev I., Angelova M. Differential effect of paraquat and hydrogen peroxide on the oxidative stress response in Vibrio cholera NON O1 26/06 Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2011, 25, Number 4 IF 0. 76 17. Krumova E. , Pashova S., Dolashka-Angelova P. and Angelova M. Adaptive response of Humicola lutea to copper exposure Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2011, 25, Number 4 IF 0. 76 18. Krumova E., Stoitsova T., Paunova Ts., Pashova S., Angelova M. Copper stress and filamentous fungus Humicola lutea 103: Ultrastructural changes and activities of key metabolic enzymes.Canadian Journal of microbiology, 2012, 58(12): 1335-1343 IF 1.363 19 . Krumova E., Abrashev R., Miteva-Staleva J., Pashova S., Angelova M. Regulation of superoxide dismutase synthesis in Humicola lutea cells under Cu2+ stress conditions. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 2012 (in press). IF 0.210 Глава от книга 20. Kostadinova N., Krumova E., Stefanova T., Dishliyska V., Angelova M. Transient cold shock induces oxidative stress events in Antarctic fungi. In Oxidative Stress/Book 3, eds. Volodymyr I. Lushchak and Oksana Stoliar, InTech, 2012, p. 75-99, ISBN 978-953-510553-4. Статия в международно списание без импакт-фактор 21. Stefanov R., E. Krumova, M. Angelova, P. Dolashka, W. Voelter and Z. Zachariev (2006) Artificial Insemination of Sheep and Cow with Semen Treated by Cu/ Zn-superoxide Dismutase from the Fungal Strain Humicola lutea 103. W J Zoology, 1, 1, 36-39 Статия в национално издание без импакт-фактор 22.Gocheva, Y., E. Krumova, L. Slokoska, V. Gesheva, M. Angelova. Isolation of filamentous 3 fungi from Antarctica. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 2005, 58, 4, 403-408. ISSN: 1310-1331 Статии отпечатани в сборници 23.Angelova, M, S. Pashova, E. Krumova, J. Serkedjieva. Evaluation of the superoxide scavenging activity of plant polyphenol extracts with antiviral potency. 3rd Tannin Conference, July 20-25,1998, Bend, Oregon, Eds. Gross, G.G., R. W. Hemingway, T. Yoshida, рр 5-6. 24. Simeonov, I., E. Chorukova, M. Angelova, S. Popova, E. Krumova, Neural Network Modelling of a Batch Biotechnologycal Process, International Scientific Conference UNITEX’01, 22-23 November 2001, Gabrovo, Vol 1, 185-190 (in Bulgarian). 25. Krumova E., Abrashev R., Kostadinova N., Dishlijska V., Miteva-Staleva J., Pashova S., Vasilev S., Spasova B., Stephanova L., Angelova M. Novel cold-active antioxidant enzymes from Antarctic fungi, 2012, New trends in microbiology, р. 291-305. ISBN: 978-954-92882-16. 26. Kostadinova N., Krumova E., Pashova S., Miteva-Staleva J., Abrashev R., Tosi S., Stoitsova S., Manasiev J., Angelova M. Cold-stress adaptation in Antarctic fungi, 2012, New trends in microbiology, р. 159-175. ISBN: 978-954-92882-1-6. Общ импакт-фактор – 27.916 4 Абсракти от конференции, публикувани в международни списания с импакт- фактор Julia Serkedjieva, Ekaterina Krumova, Tsvetanka Stefanova, Ljubka Tancheva Pulmonary protection of a plant polyphenol extract in influenza virus-infected mice Journal: Journal of Infection - J INFECTION , vol. 59, no. 6, pp. S426-S426, 2009 Serkedjieva J., Krumova E., Stefanova T. Nikolova N., Angelova M. Antioxidant and radical scavenging activity of a plant polyphenol-rich extract in the murine experimental influenza virus infection. Antivir Res 2006, 70, 1, A50-A51. ISSN: 0166-3542 5