MAAC_Minutes_20130925 - Manitoba Mopar Association

Call to order by Jim Penzowal@ 7:00PM
No Apparent Agenda
A motion was made to adopt minutes from last meeting as read by R.Cabel( secretary),as forwarded by
Reid Dewbury.No Questions about the last minutes, motion was voted, passed and adopted.
No response was given by Manitoba Mopar Association. Ray Cabel was asked to approach Mopar
Association as regards to "The Letter”. Ray was agreeable and will approach his car club executive with
Chairman's Report;
Jim Penzowal said he took the summer 2013 off MAAC duty to enjoy the season. He was in attendance
at the Manitoba Legislature for Collector Car Plate program rollout.
Past Chairman's Report;
Bob Chubala did not take the summer off and had lots of car affiliated news about Collector Car Plate
Program (MPIC&MAAC).Bob also ran Collector Car Appreciation Day with help of MAAC Clubs, some
MAAC executive members and Car Club volunteers.
C.C.A.Day 2013 incoming funds from MPIC were $2500 and Piston Ring for $1500.No Pony Corral, this
Other expenses are perhaps, still forthcoming? Budget figures will be published later when all numbers
are in.
Third Annual Collector Car Appreciation Day was a big success as we( Manitoba car people) were
recognized for the second year of recognition by S.E.M.A..
The Three Large Manitoba Events that stood out were;
(1) 2013 Collector Car Appreciation Day-successful event
(2) Super Run 2013 in Brandon
(3) Gimli Car Show with Denis Gage
MPIC has asked if MAAC would take on the responsibilities for acting as judges for the new Collector Car
plate program basic requirements, although MPIC would have the final determination on total eligibility.
There are three basic requirements:
(1) 25 years or older model vehicles
(2) Minimum $5000.00 value
(3) Safetied and Registered Vehicles
Multi-vehicle plate is not here yet, and a guaranteed value appraisal program would still need to be setup
Jim P.--announced Collector Car Appreciation Day 2013 turned into a great success despite the initial
rainy start. Thanks to Bob Chubala and his helpers.
Ray Cabel (secretary) made a motion for MAAC to buy a digital recording device for recording minutes as
members sometimes talk very fast. Dave Brown seconded the motion ,it was passed with a majority
member clubs approval. Noted Ray was to test the device and a maximum amount of $200.00
Gary Glowa( Safety/Legislation) mentioned that work continues on the legal aspects of the Vehicle
Inspections Handbook with Lucille McCloughlin from Manitoba government. Bob Chubala mentioned
that Lucille wants MAAC input at these meetings. Invitation to meetings was forwarded to MAAC by the
government. Gary got a call about foreign car lighting, no DOT/CMVSS standards for these vehicles.
Bob Chubala indicated that Kevin Cameron with the province was melding our information and the
governments’. All this information will be developed into the new blended version of the Vehicle
Inspections Handbook.
Bob Chubala mentioned also that it had indeed been a very quiet summer for car people and vehicle
inspections. He credited these results partially on that the new police chief and other traffic officers
have other priorities. Also recent retirements at MPIC have had positive outcomes.
New people coming into MPIC as put forward by Russ Damens may have helped as well.
Murray Brown reported that MAAC organization had $41,008.35 in the bank. .
New incoming money from the Collector Car Appreciation Day 2013 amounted to $2500 from MPIC
and $1500 from Piston Ring. The new membership application forms are forthcoming within a couple
months time. There are in total 44 car clubs represented in MAAC with 1857 members.
Question was asked as to whether the dues were going up as per the old constitution. Jim Penzowal
said more study would have to go into an October Executive meeting but commented that he did not
see the need to increase member dues at this time. The executive will report back to our MAAC
members at the October meeting.
Reid Dewbury commented on the New MAAC constitution (2013) currently comprises some 13 pages.
Policies may have to be established for committees. It’s ready to present to executive and then on to
MAAC membership. There was conversation started by Jim P. as to whom and what supporter’s roles
might be. Which groups might be allowed?
Gino expressed that some very small clubs might get cheaper dues via their member numbers or
grouping, borderline road vehicle associations.
Murray Brown (under New Business) made motion that we accept PayPal online transactions.PayPal –
easier payments can be linked with check or credit card. Dues could be paid online virtually immediate
and very conveniently. Relatively painless method with 3.9% built-in fee, transaction fee is 50 cents
Effective Date for PayPal method of payment should be slated for Dec.1, 2013.
Motion made by Murray Brown, seconded by Gino, voted and carried by a majority of members.
Collector Car Plate program, Bob Chubala asked the MAAC executive if he could lead the administration
portion of this program for the MAAC organization. The executive had no qualms about handing this
project over to Bob. World of Wheels 2014 should be the rollout for Collector Car Plate (March 14, 2014
to April 1, 2014).
MPIC will have to tracking sheets for the program and the final approval of all signers/customers for this
plate. The Public Utilities Board will be presented the C.C.plate program for approval October 4-15 of
this year.
Conversations were had concerning Collector Car package and all it might entail. Canadian Black book
values and Old Car Value Guide would be basis for evaluations.
Bob C. mentioned that the package being forwarded by MPIC would amount to about 56% of what
you’re paying now.
Gino mentioned that would likely be the case on a $30,000 evaluation but what might a $60,000 valued
vehicle be paying?
A $4000 value on a motorcycle and a $5000 value of cars are minimum values.
Kit cars also hit the grey area, example Dynacorn bodied recreation cars (Mustangs? Camaros?) have
manufacturer legally valid VIN numbers.
Good weather and not daily driver vehicles are just some of the known limitations. However there are a
number of grey areas of concern that Bob Chubala will bring back answers upon further discussions with
A discussion was had regarding Murray Browns motion to get a free credit card reader. Positives were
that eliminate fuel/time constraints for clubs, more convenient, easier record keeping ability. Some
negatives were that some clubs might not show up, some executives require 2 signatures on outgoing
Motion put forward by M.Brown seconded by Reid Dewbury and voted on and passed by a majority.
New Business;
Look into online Skype or other online video conferencing. Gerald Huhtala indicated he would look into
this as an option for us.
Jim Penzowal attended the Parks Canada show lead by MCAAC( Al Holmberg).It was a very good show.
Russ Damens talked about the good work, namely scholarships awarded to worthy students by the
Brandon Car Clubs. Four $250 awards were handed out in June 2013 by Chrome Addicts, Brandon and
Area Car Enthusiasts. Also the Brandon car clubs hosted SUPER RUN 2013 (Western Canada Nationals)
which was a great event.
Gino mentioned that the Fab Fifties Car club had a good event but with less cars. The reduced number of
cars might have been caused by the weather.
Final night for Pony Coral
Toy Run again hosted by the MSRA
Meeting adjourned at (9:30PM) by J.P.
July 12 2013 the long waited for Collector Plate Program was announced for Collector Vehicle owners in
the Province of Manitoba. If you were not present at the September M.A.A.C. meeting, here is an
update for you. The plates will be available March 1st 2014. M.A.A.C. has been asked to be part of the
Administration Process for the program. This entails Clubs/Members being set up in the various parts of
the Province to qualify the vehicles not only in their clubs ..but private individuals. There will be a full
information clinic that will be facilitated by MPI and M.A.A.C. in the near future. Your job will be very
simple to qualify a vehicle. Two criteria to qualify the vehicles for the program will be required. They
1)Vehicle must be 25 years of age or older
2) Must have a minimum value of $5000.00
Once you establish these, an application form will be filled out with basic information, stamped, and the
owner can then proceed to their local MPI agent to order the plates. Very simple.
I would ask each club to supply a minimum of 3 people that will be able to facilitate this service. A
general meeting will be set up once we have our people in place. I ask that every club/rep make the
October 30th meeting,( Location to be determined) to further discuss and get the process put into
place.If you would like to email me with representative's names and contacts prior to the meeting..
please do so.I know a lot of you will have questions....I will be able to answer all of your questions at the
October meeting. Thank you. I look forward to working with all of you on this great program.
We are pleased to announce that we will continue the Genuine Hot Rod Hardware Chop Shop featuring
Gene Winfield in nine shows this season. The kickoff last year was a hit and added a new dimension to
the shows that drew significant attention. Gene Winfield has agreed to come back and work his topchopping magic at the following nine shows.
New Orleans
Kansas City
As with last year, we will need to work as a team to continue to make this feature a huge draw. We are
providing the display, the celebrity, the sponsor, all of the tools, supplies, jack stands and welding
I am very excited to have the 2014 Piston Ring World of Wheels included on the list of cities that will be
hosting custom car builder Gene Winfield at our show next year.I am seeking a vehicle/ owner that will
supply a vehicle that will be featured in Gene Winfield's Genuine Hot Rod Hardware Chop Shop and
have it's top chopped by the ultimate custom car builder. Your vehicle will be worked on live at the show
starting Friday Night and finishing Sunday afternoon. This will be a once in a lifetime experience for
some lucky local car owner in Manitoba. If you have a project that is under construction and would like
to have Gene chop your top...and be involved in the process, I urge you to contact me as soon as
possible. There is a cost attached to this build/chop ,so if you are interested in getting more information
on this great opportunity or wish to book your car,please contact me at this email. Don't hesitate to be
part of something historic and cool!
Bob Chubala
Piston Ring's World of Wheels
Cyclerama 2014