Personality Traits and Attitudes
Abrasive Absent-minded Accepting of differences Accurate Action-oriented Active Adaptable Addictive Personality Adventurous Affected by others’ feelings Affectionate Aggressive Alert Alienated Aloof Ambitious Anal-retentive Analytical Angry Annoying to others Anxious Apathetic Apologetic Apprehensive Approachable Approval Seeker Argumentative Arrogant Articulate Assertive Athletic Avoidant Calm Careful Chill Closed-minded Competitive Complainer Confident Conforming Conscientious Conservative Contradicting Controlled Cooperative Courteous Creative Critical of Others Critical of Self Critical Thinker Curious Demanding of self Demanding of others Dependable Dependent upon friends Depressed Desirable Detailed Determined Distractible Dominant Down-To-Earth Driven Easily Confused Easily Frustrated Easily Hurt Economically Affluent Economically Challenged Efficient Emotional Emotionally Stable Empathetic Empty inside Energetic Enthusiastic Envious Expect to be treated poorly Expedient Experimenting Expressive Extraverted Extreme Failure Fear Abandonment Fear of Failure Flexible Forgetful Forthright Forward-looking Frank Friendly Grateful Happy-Go-Lucky Helpful High Maintenance Honest Idealistic Ill/Sick Imaginative Impulsive Directions:Bold/Underline/Highlight all that apply. Indecisive Quick Independent Radical Inferior Rational Inhibited Relaxed Insightful Religious Insomniac Reserved Intellectual Respected by Others Intelligent Respectful Introvert Respectful of Authority Intuitive Rugged Inventive Scientific-Minded Irritable Self-Accepting Jealous Self-Assured Kind Self-Pressured Learning Dependency Self-Sufficient Less Intelligent Sends mixed signals Liberal Sensitive Logical Serious Lonely Shrewd Love-aholic (in love with being in Shy love) Low Maintenance Slow Manipulative Sophisticated Methodical Stable Motivated Stereotypical Need For Achievement Straight-Forward & Direct Negative Attitude Submissive Neurotic Successful Non-conformist Suspicious Novelty Seeker Tactful Open-minded Tense Oppositional Thorough Orderly Timid Organized Tolerant Original Tough-Minded Outgoing Traditional Overprotective Trusting People pleaser Trust issues Perfectionist Uncontrollable Persistent Uncontrolled Persuasive Understanding Politically Conservative Undesirable Politically Liberal Uptight Poor Self Discipline Venturesome Powerful Victim Like Practical Vulnerable Precise Warm Prepared Weak Procrastinator Workaholic Progressive Worrier Psychotic