thirteen of the many -

The great Franklin Delano “FDR” Roosevelt (1882-1945), the 32nd President of the United States (19331945), had been informed (by his staff) that the equally great Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, KG,
OM, CH, TD, PC, DL, FRS, Hon. RA (1874-1965), the two time Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
(1940-45 and 1950-55), was a “drunk that would be unreliable and incompetent” as the newly elected
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 1940.
That he would become one of the greatest wartime leaders of the 20th century (along with “FDR”) and
that he would develop a personal and a political relationship with the United States of America’s “FDR”
which would save Europe from the murderous military actions of Hitler et al. remained to be discovered.
Churchill was born into the aristocratic family of the Duke of Marlborough.
(The “Duke of Marlborough” [geographically referring to Marlborough, Wiltshire, England] is a title in
the “Peerage of England” [all peerages created within the Kingdom of England before the “Act of Union”
in 1707].
The first holder of the title was John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, 1650-1722: the “dukedom” was
created by Queen Anne of England [who ruled England from 1702 to 1714] in 1702.
[It should be noted that “the ranks of English peerage”, from the highest to the lowest rank, are “Duke”,
“Marquess”, “Earl”, “Viscount”, and “Baron.”]
It should be noted that John Churchill was an English soldier and statesman whose career encompassed
the reigns of five monarchs through the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Originally, his “earldom” was
given to him for his “services rendered to the crown” by William III of England [who ruled England from
1650 to 1702] in 1560.)
Churchill’s father was Lord Randolph Churchill, a politician. His mother was the American socialite,
Jennie Jerome, the daughter of American millionaire, Leonard Jerome.
Churchill academic record was, in general, poor to less than adequate.
As an army officer, Churchill served in British India, in the Sudan, in the Second Boer War (1899-1902),
and in the First World War (1914-1918).
(Churchill’s years of service were from 1895 to1900 and from 1902 to 1924. His highest military rank
was that of a “Lieutenant-Colonel.”)
(The “Second Boer War”, fought between the “British Empire” and the Dutch Boer republics of the
“South African Republic” and the “Orange Free State”, ended in a British victory and the annexation of
both Dutch African states. And, both states were eventually incorporated into the “Union of South
Africa” as a dominion of the “British Empire” in 1910.
[The “Second Boer War” and the “First Boer War” (1880-1881) are collectively known as the “Boer
The causes or origins of the “Boer Wars” were the result of a conflict between the “Boers” and the
“British Empire” over which “white” nation would control the lucrative gold mines of the
“Witwatersrand”: this “conflict of ‘oligarchic’ interests” covered a time period of well over 100 years.]
The “Wars” resulted in approximately 200 thousand total casualties [“black” and “white” soldiers and
“black” and “white” civilians on both sides of the conflict] over a period of 12 years, from 180-1902.”)
In 1908, Churchill married Clementine Hozier (1885-1977). She was a “life peeress” and politician in her
own right. They had five children: Diana, Randolph, Sarah, Marigold, and Mary.
Among Churchill’s many awards, he achieved the “Order of Merit.”
(The “Order of Merit” [OM] is a dynastic order [of knighthood] recognizing service in the armed forces,
science, art, literature, or for the promotion of culture.)
Churchill was a prolific writer: he wrote several books which included a novel, two biographies, three
volumes of memoirs, and several histories. Two particular works of note were his “The Second World
War” and his “A History of the English-Speaking Peoples.” In 1953, he received the “Nobel Prize in
Literature” for his “mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant oratory in
defending exalted human values.”
Before becoming Prime Minister of England, Churchhill had served [in British politics] for several years:
this serve included numerous political and cabinet positions.
The “Battle of Britain” [BB] was Adolph Hitler’s attempt at English genocide!
(The name for this event, the BB, was taken from one of Churchill’s speeches to the “House of
Commons”: “….the Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin.”)
The BB was an air force conflict between the “German Air Force” or “Luftwaffe” and Britain’s “Royal Air
Force” (RAF) over the United Kingdom’s airspace during the summer and autumn of 1940: from July 10
to October 31. The battle involved extensive area bombing and artillery fire for a total of 123 days: it
was designed to be the “prelude” to Operation Sea Lion, a proposed amphibious and airborne invasion
of Great Britain.
“Operation Sea Lion” was Nazi Germany’s plan to invade the United Kingdom during World War II. In
order for it to be executed by the Nazi, it required “air and naval superiority” over the “English Channel”
[an arm of the Atlantic Ocean which separates southern England from northern France and that joins
the “North Sea” to the Atlantic Ocean]. It is the smallest of the shallow seas which are located around
the continental shelf of Europe: the “English Channel” covers an area of approximately 29 thousand
square miles.
Due to the defeat of Nazi Germany, “Operation Sea Lion” was never executed.
The BB was the largest and most sustained aerial bombing campaign to that date: from July 10th,
“coastal shipping convoys and shipping centers” (such as Portsmouth) “were the main targets.”
Approximately a month later, the air attacks shifted their focus to RAF airfields and RAF infrastructure.
Eventually, the Nazi resorted to attacking areas of political significance: these were the so-called “terror
bombing tactics” which were designed to frighten the English into surrendering to the “Master Race.”
The Nazi failed to achieve its objective of destroying Britain’s air defenses or of forcing Britain to
negotiate an “armistice” or of forcing Britain to surrender: the number of total causalities, both military
and civilian, could have been as much as 65 thousand human beings.
Approximately, 40 thousand civilians were murdered in the city of London alone.
The BB was considered the first major defeat for the Nazi, and it is viewed to be one of the crucial
turning points of World War II: the victory of the BB helped Churchill to eventually convince “FDR”
(along with the Japanese attack on “Pearl Harbor” [on December 7, 1941] to enter the war.
And, the United States of America entered the Second World War on December 8, 1941, and along with
its Allies, it sent the Nazi and its puppet states to their rightful place in the “Christian Hell”: in the place
designated for all those who wish to keep “purifying the human race.”
Thank you, Sir Winston Churchill, although of English peerage (of a privileged class), for your efforts in
saving the international many in the World War II years of the 1940’s and for becoming an Honorary
Citizen of the United States (1963) along with Raoul Wallenberg (1981), William Penn (1984), Hannah
Callowhill Penn (1984), the great Mother Teresa (1996), Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roche Gilbert du Motier
(2002), and Casimir Pulaski (2009).
(An “Honorary Citizen of the United States” is one who is [humbly] selected for “exceptional merit” and
who is generally a non-citizen. Seven exceptional individuals have so been honored by the people of the
United States of America.)
Post Script:
With the defeat of European Nazism at the end of the Second World War (1939-1945) by the “Ally
Powers” or the “Allies” (which were led by the United States of America), one of the most repressive and
deadly movements in modern history was stopped. Its ideology (which was represented by the Nazi
Party [1920-1945] and Nazi Germany [1932-1945] is a variety of “fascism” that incorporated the
ideology of “racism” and of “anti-semitism.”
Nazism was specifically designed to draw “workers” away from “communism” and into “Volkisch
German Nationalism.” It is a form of elitist, rightist, extremism which postulated that the “Aryan master
race” of Europe was “the proper and only leader of society”: anyone else was designated as “inferior”
and as “unnecessary” to the point of “pan-genocide.”
(Pease see e-article “50” on this website for more information concerning the Nazi and Nazi Germany.)
“Apartheid” (“aparthood”) is the “Afrikaans” (a “West Germanic language” which is spoken natively in
South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe and it may be considered as a “daughter language” to
the Dutch) word for a system of “racial segregation” which was enforced through the “National Party”
(NP] governments of South African from 1948 to 1994. That is, the rights of the majority “black”
inhabitants of South Africa were violently “suppressed” and the rights of the minority “white”
inhabitants were unfairly “enhanced” by a racially dominated (i.e. “white”) and entirely elitist NP.
Therefore, “Apartheidism” may be considered as one of the many “brothers” and “sisters” of
contemporary Nazism. For example and one of the many “brothers” of Nazism, the “oligarchic”
corporation of Lonmin plc is a producer of platinum group metals operating in the Bushvelt Igneous
Complex of South Africa. And, it has two “multi-shaft” mining operations in the Marikana and the
Limpopo Regions of South Africa, respectively.
(The “Bushvelt Igneous Complex” [BIC] is a large layered igneous intrusion within the Earth’s crust which
has been tilted and eroded and has outcrops around what appears to be the edge of a great geological
basin [i.e. “the “Transvaal Basin”]. It contains some of the richest ore deposits in the world: besides the
platinum group metals, it holds vast quantities of iron, tin, chromium, titanium, and vanadium.
Originally, the site was discovered by Gustaaf Adolf Frederik Molengraaff [1860-1942] in 1897: he was a
Dutch geologist, biologist, and explorer. He became an authority on the geology of South Africa and the
geology of the Dutch East Indies.)
Lonmin plc is a public company (LSE: LMI, JSE: LOLMI) which was founded in 1909. It is headquartered
in London, England, UK. Its net annual income was 321 million in 2011. It employs approximately 28
thousand people (2011). And, its “key” executives are Roger Phillimore (Chairperson), Ian Farmer (CEO),
and Alan Ferguson (CFO).
On August 16, 2012, in the miners’ strike in Rustenburg (Marikana Region), 34 miners were murdered
and 78 miners were wounded: and, the Nazi-like “South African security forces” [the willing “familiars”
of the “oligarchic” Lonmin plc] characterize the shootings as “self-defensive” in nature.
The “Apartheid era” is here again: the “elitist, extremist, white minority” (in the guise of Lonmin plc)
has dictated that its employees are to work for less than an adequate wage within extremely unsafe
working conditions.
(It should be noted that the “Marikana Massacre” of August 16th occurred within the context of a
growing disagreement between the “National Union of Mineworkers” [NUM] and its rival, the
“Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union” [AMCU]. The AMCU is demanding change now
while the NUM has been neutralized as a change agent by the Nazi-like, Lonmin management and
ownership structure.)
The miners were asking for an increase in salary of about 1 thousand USDS per minor per month as well
as significantly safer working conditions: Imagine the South African many asking for a living wage and
safer working conditions?
“Do they think that they are ‘white? ‘ Before you know it, they will want to be a ‘Chairperson of the
Board’ or a ‘Chief Executive Officer’ or a ‘Chief Financial Officer’ or even, ‘God Forbid’, an Owner!”
Do you think that these overly compensated racists, Phillimore, Framer, and Ferguson, are afraid of
losing their positions? These modern racists of the “white”, extremist minority will never, never learn:
they do not even realize or even care to realize that Nelson Rolihlahia Mandela, the father of South
African equality among “the black and the white” races, is still alive.
Lastly and another example of one of the many “sisters” of Nazism may be found in the rightist, elitist,
extremist, “contemporary” movements within the American nation: see e-articles “5”, “13”, “15”, “17”,
“26”, “29”, “30”, “32”, “39”, “40”, “41”, “45”, “49”, “51”, “55”, “56”, “61”, “65”, “67”, “68”, “73”, “75”,
“78”, and “79” on this website.
That is, the American few (along with their willing “familiars”) are purposely and systematically
transforming the American representative democracy into a privately owned, “oligarchic” political
system ruled by a council of “delusional” elitists: and, “indifferentocide” is their method “to control and
to purify” the American and international many.
Beware of the treasonous ALEC and its like (i.e. the Nazi-like, “right-libertarian”, American, Christian
extremists who wish to impose their “distorted and antiquated” social values upon the many.
(It should be noted that the stories of the “oligarchic” and parasitic privileged classes have been
presented by a number of notable authors: by Charles John Huffam Dickens [“The Adventures of Oliver
Twist” and “A Christmas Carol”]; by Eric Arthur Blair [“Nineteen Eighty-four” and “Animal Farm”]; by
William Neal Harrison [“Roller Ball Murder”]; by Stephen Edwin King [“The Running Man”]; and,
recently, by Suzanne Collins in a series of three novels for young adults [Her trilogy consists of “The
Hunger Games”, “Catching Fire”, and “Mockingjay.”]: although they are works of fiction and science
fiction, the stories are based upon actual, dysfunctional societies of the past and the present.
See e-articles “2” and “3” on this website for information concerning the political and the economic
systems of the American and the international few.)
To hell with the “oligarchs” (the American few and the European few who emotionally and financially
supported the Nazi and the international “isolationists” who thought that as long as the Nazi extremism
did not affect them directly, “all was well”) and their willing “familiars” (Hitler, the Luftwaffe, the “Axis
Powers” [or the “Axes”], the NP, “Big” mining and Lonmin plc, the ALEC, and all those who simply
watched or all those who are currently watching as the helpless and the innocent were and are being
“purified” by the American and by other global, self-proclaimed “Master Races”),