Curriculum Statement Review ToR_ Mathematics

Terms of Reference
Technical Assistance (TA) for the development of a Mathematics Curriculum
Statement to meet the requirements of the revised Cook Islands Curriculum
The Cook Islands Curriculum Framework (CICF) is the guiding document for
teaching and learning programmes in schools in the Cook Islands. The CICF was
written in 2002 and reviewed and edited in 2012. The result is a document that
refocuses curricula in the Cook Islands to provide opportunities for each school to
reflect their own unique communities and respond to the learning needs and
aspirations of their students. It indicates the knowledge that is valued by the society
concerned and outlines planned and structured learning experiences whereby that
knowledge is imparted and new knowledge constructed. It is the basis of teaching
and learning programmes provided by all schools.
With the review of the curriculum framework, each curriculum document will also
need to be reviewed and, where required, rewritten to meet the intent and
requirements of the new curriculum framework document. The purpose of this work
is to review the current Mathematics Curriculum, and, using the outcome of that
review, to develop a revised curriculum statement that meets the intentions and
requirements of the new CICF.
1. Implementing Agency
The Cook Islands Ministry of Education will coordinate the development of all
curriculum statements in accordance with the CICF 2015.
2. Background and Justification
The Education sector of the Cook Islands aims to create success pathways for all
learners from early childhood through to adulthood as documented in its Education
Master Plan for 2008 – 2023. To ensure we are meeting the needs of our learners
and preparing them for a range of future pathways, we must have a Curriculum
Framework and individual curriculum statements that recognize the unique nature
of the Cook Islands and its people, and also acknowledge our role as both regional
and international citizens.
The work of this review will, in particular, support the outcomes of the following
areas of the Education Master Plan:
Taku Ipukarea Kia Rangatira: strengthening Maori language, culture,
perspectives, aspiration and providing a firm foundation for engagement
with the wider world.
Learning and Teaching: providing equitable access to quality learning and
the experience of success through a range of programmes that meet
individual needs and celebrate individual talents.
Technical Assistance (TA) is sought to facilitate the review of the current
Mathematics Curriculum document, consult on the findings and recommendations
and draft a revised curriculum document in response.
The development of this request responds directly to the Education Master Plan
and the related Social Sector goals of the National Sustainable Development Plan
3. Objectives of the project.
A review of the current Mathematics Curriculum document in terms of
relevancy and content and the requirements and intent of the new
Consultation with all stakeholders on the findings of the review and
development of the Mathematics Curriculum document.
Recommendations on particular resources or professional development
that would be required to support the new curriculum.
4. Expected Outcomes
Desk Study of current document.
Quantitative and qualitative review of the current Mathematics Curriculum
in relation to the revised CICF.
A report on the findings and recommendations.
Draft of the new Mathematics Curriculum document.
Recommendations of resources and professional development support.
5. Description of Services
The designated Technical Assistant will be required to:
 Research in consultation with MoE, schools and other stakeholders on the
implementation of the current Mathematics curriculum and the opportunities
it provides for student learning.
 A gap analysis of the current Mathematics Curriculum and the requirements
and intent of the revised curriculum framework.
 Development and presentation of suggested approaches of the new
curriculum document to identified stakeholders.
 Drafting of a revised Mathematics curriculum statement based on the
agreed approach.
6. Monitoring and Evaluation
Agreed milestones and timelines will be developed with the TA prior to the
commencement of the project. Any adjustment to this will be by negotiation with
the Secretary of Education through the supervising officer, Director of Learning
and Teaching.
7. Approximation of Costing
Daily professional fees commensurate with the qualifications and experience
required for successful completion of the project.
Should the TA be contracted from outside the Cook Islands, the following costs will
also be considered:
- return airfares (beginning and end of contract only)
8. Characteristics of the Technical Assistant
Skills: The specific skills required are the ability to:
Evaluate the impact of strategies over a longitudinal timeframe.
Consult with a wide range of stakeholders and amalgamate a wide range of
Use a strategic approach and focus on outcomes.
Qualifications: At least a first degree in Education or Mathematics with
support of the other. Further qualifications in education, particularly
mathematics, curriculum and pedagogy would be an advantage.
Experience: Experience in evaluation and community consultation.
Experience in curriculum development. Sound understanding of Cook Islands
education context.
9. Scope
The TA will be contracted under the Ministry of Education’s standard contract for
provision of services. The TA will work in consultation with the numeracy advisors
and, where possible, other Learning and Teaching advisors. An ability to work
across cultures and operational levels is essential.
Expressions of Interest for this work are now being sought from suitably qualified
and experienced individuals.
Expressions of Interest should indicate:
- Approach to the work
- Timeframes and availability
- Indication of professional fees
A Curriculum Vitae and covering letter should also be included.