1. Do you think evolution happens? If so, how? 1. No I do not 2. I think over time a species starts to do something more and more until it’s a habit for all of the species. 3. At the beginning of the earth single celled organisms kept evolving until they end up as humans and other creatures of the earth. 4. I think it happens with certain things, like dinosaurs and alligators 5. The big bang theory was how everything got here but I believe God created man 6. Right now, Im actually really conflicted between evolution and the Bible. I love science, and I am strong in my religion so i am torn and i think that this unit will be good for me. 7. I’m not really sure. My mind’s not really set on one thing. If I have to answer the question though I’d have to say that i do believe that something put us here and something created this all. Whether that “God” or something else, I don’t know. But I definitely don’t think it was made in 7 days like the Bible says. I think it took billions of years to create all of this. I also don’t believe that Adam and Eve just popped onto earth one day. I believe that something started all of this with like a flower of an insect and evolution did the rest. 8. 2. If there are conflicts between religion and science, what do you think they are? 1. Religion thins everything came from a god, but science thinks everything came from a lot of different processes. 2. Evolution vs. Creation is a hot debate in the world today 3. Who is right? Evolution or Religion 4. Evolution says that everything today has evolved from other creatures, life starting with the creation of the universe with the big bang. Whereas most religions say that one or more gods created everything at one time. 3. Where did humans come from and how do you think humans got here? God created Adam and Eve. We were all in the premortal life preparing to live here on Earth, then crossed the veil when we were born. I think we came from heaven in the pre-mortal life and we were put here by him as a kind of “test” or learning time to become better. Humans evolved from somebody to adapt of land environment. We evolved from prehistoric animals and which evolved from bacteria. 4. In what ways are we similar to other living organisms on this planet? Were able to adapt in this world in order to survive. We need the same basic things, food, water, and reproduction I order to contribute as a species. Our bone structure is similar to many animals. We seek to eat and survive. 5. In what ways are we different? We look differently, act differently, and our bodies work differently Humans are more complex thoughts then animals because were created like God. We are able to not only adapt ourselves but also the world around us to meet are needs. We have a sol, the ability to think deeper about things and we are civilized. The fact that God created us in his image separates us from the rest us the species on Earth. No clue 6. If there are conflicts between religion and science, what do you think they are? I really don't know. I feel like if you would have asked me this question 5 years ago, i would have violently argued that god made humans. I think one problem is that people think that you can only have one, and the other is wrong. I think this is false. I know that many prominent members of my religion and others are very active in the scientific community, and some make it their profession. I think that a healthy balance of both science and religion leads to the most understanding of the universe, and that both can and should have a place in our lives. I also think that there are things that science cannot explain, and many things will probably remain unknown to us in our lives on Earth. 7. Where did humans come from and how do you think humans got here? I don’t really want to say if I think it does or doesn’t happen, because I don’t really know. What I believe is that it’s possible some species today have changed from species a long time ago, but I don’t believe that humans are just descendants of apes. I know that humans are a lot like other primates, but I don’t think we are biologically related to apes or other primitive humanoids. We evolved from Apes. I, however, don’t have any idea on how we got here.In what ways are we different? 8. In what ways are we similar to other living organisms on this planet? We have opposable thumbs like apes. We have similar bone structure to some birds and we have similar webbing in our fingers and toes like other kinds of animals. I think that we humans are very different from other organisms, acting consciously and making decisions that don’t pertain to animal instincts. That said, we still occupy animal bodies, and so share DNA patterns and instincts. Just like animals, we have the urges to eat, drink, sleep and reproduce. However, we are not solely governed by these urges like animals, but act at a higher level of thinking, decision making and inventing. 9. In what ways are we different? We stand on 2 legs as opposed to 4 like most creatures. We live on land as opposed to water like fish. We grow hair mainly on out head, not our whole body. Etc….