Program Evaluation 2014 - Magoffin County Schools

Magoffin County Schools
Annual Program Evaluation 2014
Program evaluation conducted by:
Bronna Francis, Director of Special Education and Gifted Program
Mary Jane McDaniel, Gifted Program Coordinator
May 29, 2014
Overall Student Progress for Elementary Students
1. Student progress for elementary academic and general intellectual students has been
monitored informally using student grades, Discovery Scores, teacher consultation, and
available classroom teacher testing data.
2. Student progress for elementary leadership, dance, art, drama, music, and creativity students
has been monitored informally using classroom teacher consultation, out of school recitals,
dance team competitions, ILP activities for 6th grade, and GT class activities including mock trial
and puppetry.
More consistent monitoring of student progress is necessary in all areas especially nonacademic areas.
o For academic and general intelligence – formally evaluate and document individual
student growth using Discovery Scores, STAR Tests, LDC modules, and K-Prep Tests.
o For non-academic areas - set goals with students at the beginning of the year during
GSSP meeting. Goals may include dance competitions, solos in school programs, speech
competitions with 4-H, individual learning projects, club participation, etc… Check goals
during winter and spring progress report meeting with students. Document student
Overall Student Progress for Middle School Students
1. Student progress for middle school students has been monitored informally by looking at
student grades, Discovery Scores, and meeting with students to discuss ILP/college and career
goals usually including their area of giftedness.
2. Student progress for middle school non- academic student has been measured informally by
meeting with students to discuss student participation in activities that have allowed growth
and ILP college career goals which may include area of giftedness.
More consistent monitoring of student progress is necessary in all areas especially nonacademic areas.
o For academic and general intelligence – formally evaluate and document individual
student growth using Discovery Scores, STAR Tests, academic team, and K-Prep Tests.
Set individual goals at the beginning of the year during GSSP meeting. Check goals
during winter and spring progress report meeting with students. Document student
o For non-academic areas - set goals with students at the beginning of the year during
GSSP meeting. Goals may include dance competitions, solos in school programs, speech
competitions with 4-H, individual learning projects, club participation, academic team,
etc… Check goals during winter and spring progress report meeting with students.
Document student achievements.
Overall Student Progress for High School Students
1. Student progress for academic and general intellectual high school students has been monitored
informally by check schedules to see if students are participating in advanced classes and
checking student grades. Students met with GT Coordinator to discuss goals and
clubs/organizations which allowed growth in identified areas.
2. Progress for non-academic area high school students has been monitored by meeting with
students to see which clubs/organizations and classes have allowed growth in the identified
areas and how they feel they have grown.
More consistent monitoring of student progress is necessary in all areas especially nonacademic areas.
o For academic and general intelligence – formally evaluate and document individual
student growth using K-Prep Tests as available. Set individual goals at the beginning of
the year during GSSP meeting including grades, ACT goals, involvement in classes, clubs,
organizations, and competitions which allow for growth. Check goals during winter and
spring progress report meeting with students. Document student achievements.
o For non-academic areas - set goals with students at the beginning of the year during
GSSP meeting. Goals may include dance competitions, Big Sandy Idol, speech
competitions with 4-H or school organizations, individual learning projects, club
participation, etc… Check goals during winter and spring progress report meeting with
students. Document student achievements.
Parent and Faculty Attitude Toward the Gifted and Talented Program
1. The plan to collect parent and faculty attitudes toward the GT Program was to use the survey
tool on the GT Webpage.
 FOCUS AREA: Better advertisement of survey.
 PLAN FOR UPCOMING YEAR: Have survey available for parents before student testing
begins. Place a link to the GT Parent and Faculty Surveys on the District Webpage and on
the Infinite Campus message board. Classroom teachers must access Infinite Campus
daily to complete student attendance. Send a One-Call to parents of GT Students.
Student Attitude Toward the Gifted and Talented Program
The results of surveys of gifted students for 2014 are as follows:
Question 1: Rate your attitude toward the gifted program on a scale from 1 – 5 with 5 being the highest
rating and 1 being the lowest rating.
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Score 5
Question 2: Rate the curriculum and instruction for gifted student in the regular classroom from 1 – 5
with 1 being that the classroom teacher does not meet instructional needs of GT student and 5 being
that the classroom teachers meets the instructional needs of GT Student.
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Question 3: What do you see as strengths of the gifted program?
Doing Puppet Play – 4 responses
Activities in class
I learn about more things in gifted and talented.
You learn a lot in gifted – 2 responses
It teaches me more than my regular classes.
Helps intellectual students express their knowledge.
We do a lot of activities.
You get to practice what you are best at doing.
I like how we learn and have fun – 2 responses
Score 5
Good times to spend with your friends.
Puppets help with stopping bullying.
Making new friends and learning new things about people.
Interacting with other (people, kids, and students) –4 responses.
Learning and doing fun projects.
I see doing gifted more often as a strength.
Everything – 4 responses
Interacting with ideas; educational – 3 responses
We all work together.
Helps students get the attention they need at their grade level.
You to learn things you wouldn’t usually get to learn.
The nice teacher.
I liked the court scene and the puppet show.
I liked having fun for being smart.
I learned extra about subjects I am taught.
It taught me things I did not know.
To show my talents.
The courthouse.
Everything is amazing. Being able to show our talents.
I love the experiments.
That it has activities for each area of gifted.
To show you the way.
That we did a lot of different things.
It helps you in your needs in school.
Question 4: What changes would you like to see?
Nothing -6
More plays
More activities - 2
Volunteer - 2
More trips - 7
N/A - 2
Spend more time in gifted and talented - 3
More often classes -6
Keep more hours
Classroom teachers trying to work harder to help students learn.
I would like to see no changes right now.
Nothing it’s perfect -2
Interacting with even more children.
More educational purposes
More puppet activities
More time to practice
It’s fine the way it is.
What I want to change is I would only like people that are in for being smart not for art,
More science
More projects
It’s perfect the way it is I like it.
More math -2
The standards to be in gifted.
More kids able to learn.
Question 5: In what ways could community involvement be included in the gifted education program
during the next school year?
Help raise money for homeless people.
Raise money for the poor -2
Help pick up trash on the side of the road/community/highway - 12
Volunteer -6
To help in buildings around town.
The community could help on projects.
It could be public once a month.
Smarter challenges
Helping do more projects
Recycling Club/Program - 5
Shows for community - 2
Could teach us about our community.
We could go to the nursing home.
Earth Day we could plant trees.
Memorial Day clean up grave yards.
Give out food.
Show other grades what we do in gifted and talented so they’ll look forward to it.
Other comments, concerns, or ideas:
I really enjoyed doing everything.
 PLAN FOR UPCOMING YEAR: The survey results will be shared with Site Based Counsels and
Gifted and Talented Screening and Placement Committee to help plan services for gifted
Cost Effectiveness
All of State Gifted Funding has been used for GT Coordinator Salary.
Funding is need for PD for GT Coordinator and PD for classroom teachers.
Funding is needed for supplies for students.
Funding is needed for state required testing material necessary for Gifted Screening.
Funding is needed for school based extra-service time teachers to help with monitoring and
serve as a liaison between teachers and GT Coordinator.
Overall Program Personnel Credentials
Direct services are provided by certified gifted and talented teacher as required by state regulations.
Classroom teachers have been sent e-mails or given materials during teachers meetings which provide
information concerning identification and services for gifted students.
Policies and Procedures Ensure School Personnel Report to
Policies ensure that personnel report to parents by means of Gifted Student Service Plans and Progress
Reports. This Annual Program Evaluation will be placed on webpage for parent inspection.
Data Collected in Annual Program Evaluation is Utilized in the
School/District Instructional Planning Process
1. This Annual Program Evaluation will be provided to site base counsels at each school for use in
planning services for gifted students.
2. This Annual Program Evaluation will be provided to school district for CDIP planning process.
Future Program Direction and Modification
More consistent monitoring of student progress is necessary in all areas especially nonacademic areas for elementary students.
 PLAN FOR UPCOMING YEAR: For students identified in academic areas and general
intelligence – formally evaluate and document individual student growth using
Discovery Scores, STAR Tests, K-Prep Tests.
o For non-academic areas - set goals with students at the beginning of the year during
GSSP meeting. Goals may include dance competitions, solos in school programs, speech
competitions with 4-H, individual learning projects, club participation, etc… Check goals
during winter and spring progress report meeting with students. Document student
More consistent monitoring of student progress is necessary in all areas especially nonacademic areas for middle school students.
o For academic and general intelligence – formally evaluate and document individual
student growth using Discovery Scores, STAR Tests, K-Prep Tests. Set individual goals at
the beginning of the year during GSSP meeting. Check goals during winter and spring
progress report meeting with students. Document student achievements.
o For non-academic areas - set goals with students at the beginning of the year during
GSSP meeting. Goals may include dance competitions, solos in school programs, speech
competitions with 4-H, individual learning projects, club participation, etc… Check goals
during winter and spring progress report meeting with students. Document student
More consistent monitoring of student progress is necessary in all areas especially nonacademic areas for high school students.
o For academic and general intelligence – formally evaluate and document individual
student growth K-Prep Tests as available. Set individual goals at the beginning of the
year during GSSP meeting including grades, ACT goals, involvement in advanced classes,
clubs, organizations, and competitions that allow for growth. Check goals during winter
and spring progress report meeting with students. Document student achievements.
o For non-academic areas - set goals with students at the beginning of the year during
GSSP meeting. Goals may include dance competitions, Big Sandy Idol, speech
competitions with 4-H or school organizations, individual learning projects, club
participation, etc… Check goals during winter and spring progress report meeting with
students. Document student achievements.
FOCUS AREA: Better advertisement of parent and teacher surveys.
 PLAN FOR UPCOMING YEAR: Have GT Survey available for parents before student K-Prep
testing begins. Place a link to the GT Parent and Faculty Surveys on the District Webpage
and on the Infinite Campus message board. Classroom teachers must access Infinite
Campus daily to complete student attendance. Send a One-Call to parents of GT
FOCUS AREA: Report used in school/district instructional planning process.
o This Annual Gifted Program Evaluation report will be provided to site base counsels at
each school for use in planning.
o This Annual Gifted Program Evaluation will be provided to school district for CDIP
planning process.
FOCUS AREA: Cost Effectiveness/Budget
o Funding is need for PD for GT Coordinator and PD for classroom teachers.
o Funding is needed for supplies for students.
o Funding is need for state required testing material necessary for Gifted Screening.
7. FOCUS AREA: Community Involvement
 PLAN FOR UPCOMING YEAR: Gifted students and GT Coordinator will use results from
surveys as they plan for community involvement projects in each school.