ECE SENIOR PROJECT APPLICATION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, FIFTH WEEK* OR IMMEDIATELY AFTER YOU HAVE REGISTERED FOR 320/325 (WHICHEVER IS SOONER) *For senior projects starting in the Fall, application are due 5th week of Spring quarter. For senior projects starting all other quarters applications are due the 5th week of the preceding quarter Complete the application, attach a copy of your resume and an unofficial transcript (from Bronco Direct). Return the application package to the Department Office (9-407) Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________ Bronco ID: ______________________________ Current Quarter: __________________ CPP Email (only): ________________________ Telephone #: _____________________________ Your answers to the following questions will be used to determine your eligibility for enrollment in senior project. Submitting false or misleading information will drop you from the course or may earn you a grade of F. An answer of NO for any of the questions does not automatically disqualify you for admission. Each case will be decided on an individual basis. 1) I have attempted the GWT: YES NO 3) I have completed ECE 341/L (Highlight courses on your unofficial transcript) YES NO 4) I have completed or currently am enrolled in 320 or 325/L (Highlight course(s) on your unofficial transcript) YES No, I am signed up to take the GWT on ________________ 2) My Cal Poly Pomona GPA is: ________________________ My overall GPA is: _________________________________ I plan to graduate: Quarter _________ My degree(s) will be: B.S. in Electrical Engineering NO Year _________ B.S. in Computer Engineering PROCEDURES: Return your completed application to the department office with a copy of an unofficial transcript and a resume. Faculty will review each application. Students meeting the requirements will be given a Senior Project Contract. Students will go to instructors and find their own project. The Senior Project Contract will be kept in the Department Office. You may not switch advisors, choose wisely! If you decide you cannot continue with the instructor, you will be dropped or receive a grade of F and you may have to wait until the following Fall to be on a project. STUDENT SIGNATURE: _________________________________ Revised: (3/2012) Faculty Review _____________