Patient Group meeting held 22.12.14

Shakespeare House Patient Participation Group
Meeting held 22nd December 2014
Minutes of meeting
Present: Hazel, Rick, Tim, Lea, Wendy (receptionist) and Maryanne
Apologies: Pauline and Jan
The attendance form was completed and Rick chaired the
Review the minutes of previous meeting held 24.11.14 The
following amendments were made to the minutes and were
subsequently agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
Item 2 Review the minutes of previous meeting held 17.10.14 –
Minuets to be replaced by minutes.
Agenda items have not been following in order when a doctor
attends the meeting. In future, the agenda will include a doctor slot
to enable correct recording of any updates.
Matters arising
6.2 Prescriptions – How do patients get their prescriptions
synchronised? The group felt it would be helpful if patients knew
who to contact to enable their prescription to be synchronised.
Sharon Fuller is the non-clinical lead for prescriptions and is able to
synchronise a prescription and have it checked by the doctor. This
saves time for both the patient and the practice.
Medication Reviews – The group felt that many patients do not
understand how or when their medication is reviewed.
The group gave examples of how patients have had their medication
changed without knowing anything about it until they collect from
the pharmacy. Discussion followed that doctors could avoid a lot of
frustrated patients by informing patients of any drug changes either
verbally or in writing. Maryanne was of the understanding that the
practice did inform patients of any changes but will feed back to the
All agreed that prescriptions would be an informative future
newsletter article. Maryanne to share views with the Partners and
provide feedback at next meeting.
The group would like to see a list of staff with their roles allocated as
this could be helpful to patients. Maryanne to incorporate this into
the next newsletter.
6.1 Prescription Costs – Maryanne confirmed that the doctors will
provide 2 monthly prescriptions to patients who have ongoing
medication providing the patient has attended regular review.
6.3 Friends and Family Test – an update – The survey is now
available in each surgery. Some surveys are also posted to patients.
The survey is also available on line (
Results will be published early January and will be presented at the
next patient group meeting.
5 Patient Enhanced service Update:
5.1 The newsletter was approved by the group and will be
published ASAP.
Complaints – Two complaints were shared:
4.1 Patient upset that a doctor could not perform a blood test,
offered an appointment with HCA or could have gone to hospital.
Patient felt the doctor could have done it rather than have to come
back again.
4.2 One patient has been removed from surgery list due to
upsetting behaviour.
Patient Group were supportive of the practice actions.
The complaints procedure was reviewed; an updated copy will be
circulated to members for final approval prior to the next meeting.
Main points shared:
Current protocol is a standard document utilised by many of
the North Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group practices
Some felt it was not user friendly to patients who had a
learning problem – however there is information about an
advocacy group who can help this group of patients.
The document should be in various languages
The document might not be received very well by someone
who was very upset.
Any Other Business:
5.1 Rick and the group appreciated Wendy attending the meeting
5.2 Flu Vaccination – please can the practice ensure flu vaccination
appointments are on the system as soon as possible as patients like to
have their flu vaccination quickly. Maryanne explained how in the
past vaccines have failed to arrive when promised and the practice
has had to cancel many appointments. The practice policy is to wait
until the flu vaccines arrive and then open the appointment slots.
Date of next meeting: 19th January 2015 at 2.30pm in the
Practice Manager’s office