Automatically Detect and Recognize Text in Natural Images Automatically Detect and Recognize Text in Natural Images This example shows how to detect regions containing text in an image. It is a common task performed on unstructured scenes, for example when capturing video from a moving vehicle for the purpose of alerting a driver about a road sign. Segmenting out the text from a cluttered scene greatly helps with additional tasks such as optical character recognition (OCR). The automated text detection algorithm in this example starts with a large number of text region candidates and progressively removes those less likely to contain text. To highlight this algorithm's flexibility, it is applied to images containing a road sign, a poster and a set of license plates. On this page… Step 1: Load image Step 2: Detect MSER Regions Step 3: Use Canny Edge Detector to Further Segment the Text Step 4: Filter Character Candidates Using Connected Component Analysis Step 5: Filter Character Candidates Using the Stroke Width Image Step 6: Determine Bounding Boxes Enclosing Text Regions Step 7: Perform Optical Character Recognition on Text Region Step 8: Apply the Text Detection Process to Other Images References Step 1: Load image Load the image. The text can be rotated in plane, but significant out of plane rotations may require additional pre-processing. colorImage = imread('handicapSign.jpg'); figure; imshow(colorImage); title('Original image') 2 Automatically Detect and Recognize Text in Natural Images Step 2: Detect MSER Regions Since text characters usually have consistent color, we begin by finding regions of similar intensities in the image using the MSER region detector [1]. % Detect and extract regions grayImage = rgb2gray(colorImage); mserRegions = detectMSERFeatures(grayImage,'RegionAreaRange',[150 2000]); mserRegionsPixels = vertcat(cell2mat(mserRegions.PixelList)); % extract regions % Visualize the MSER regions overlaid on the original image figure; imshow(colorImage); hold on; plot(mserRegions, 'showPixelList', true,'showEllipses',false); title('MSER regions'); 3 Automatically Detect and Recognize Text in Natural Images Some of these regions include extra background pixels. At this stage, the letter E and D in "TOWED" combine into one region. Also notice that the space between bricks is included. Step 3: Use Canny Edge Detector to Further Segment the Text Since written text is typically placed on clear background, it tends to produce high response to edge detection. Furthermore, an intersection of MSER regions with the edges is going to produce regions that are even more likely to belong to text. % Convert MSER pixel lists to a binary mask mserMask = false(size(grayImage)); ind = sub2ind(size(mserMask), mserRegionsPixels(:,2), mserRegionsPixels(:,1)); mserMask(ind) = true; % Run the edge detector edgeMask = edge(grayImage, 'Canny'); % Find intersection between edges and MSER regions edgeAndMSERIntersection = edgeMask & mserMask; figure; imshowpair(edgeMask, edgeAndMSERIntersection, 'montage'); 4 Automatically Detect and Recognize Text in Natural Images title('Canny edges and intersection of canny edges with MSER regions') Note that the original MSER regions in mserMask still contain pixels that are not part of the text. We can use the edge mask together with edge gradients to eliminate those regions. Grow the edges outward by using image gradients around edge locations. helperGrowEdges helper function. [~, gDir] = imgradient(grayImage); % You must specify if the text is light on dark background or vice versa gradientGrownEdgesMask = helperGrowEdges(edgeAndMSERIntersection, gDir, 'LightTextOnDark'); figure; imshow(gradientGrownEdgesMask); title('Edges grown along gradient direction') 5 Automatically Detect and Recognize Text in Natural Images This mask can now be used to remove pixels that are within the MSER regions but are likely not part of text. % Remove gradient grown edge pixels edgeEnhancedMSERMask = ~gradientGrownEdgesMask & mserMask; % Visualize the effect of segmentation figure; imshowpair(mserMask, edgeEnhancedMSERMask, 'montage'); title('Original MSER regions and segmented MSER regions') 6 Automatically Detect and Recognize Text in Natural Images In this image, letters have been further separated from the background and many of the non-text regions have been separated from text. Step 4: Filter Character Candidates Using Connected Component Analysis Some of the remaining connected components can now be removed by using their region properties. The thresholds used below may vary for different fonts, image sizes, or languages. connComp = bwconncomp(edgeEnhancedMSERMask); % Find connected components stats = regionprops(connComp,'Area','Eccentricity','Solidity'); % Eliminate regions that do not follow common text measurements regionFilteredTextMask = edgeEnhancedMSERMask; regionFilteredTextMask(vertcat(connComp.PixelIdxList{[stats.Ecc entricity] > .995})) = 0; regionFilteredTextMask(vertcat(connComp.PixelIdxList{[stats.Are a] < 150 | [stats.Area] > 2000})) = 0; regionFilteredTextMask(vertcat(connComp.PixelIdxList{[stats.Sol idity] < .4})) = 0; % Visualize results of filtering figure; imshowpair(edgeEnhancedMSERMask, regionFilteredTextMask, 'montage'); title('Text candidates before and after region filtering') 7 Automatically Detect and Recognize Text in Natural Images Step 5: Filter Character Candidates Using the Stroke Width Image Another useful discriminator for text in images is the variation in stroke width within each text candidate. Characters in most languages have a similar stroke width or thickness throughout. It is therefore useful to remove regions where the stroke width exhibits too much variation [1]. The stroke width image below is computed using thehelperStrokeWidth helper function. distanceImage = bwdist(~regionFilteredTextMask); % Compute distance transform strokeWidthImage = helperStrokeWidth(distanceImage); % Compute stroke width image % Show stroke width image figure; imshow(strokeWidthImage); caxis([0 max(max(strokeWidthImage))]); axis image, colormap('jet'), colorbar; title('Visualization of text candidates stroke width') 8 Automatically Detect and Recognize Text in Natural Images Note that most non-text regions show a large variation in stroke width. These can now be filtered using the coefficient of stroke width variation. % Find remaining connected components connComp = bwconncomp(regionFilteredTextMask); afterStrokeWidthTextMask = regionFilteredTextMask; for i = 1:connComp.NumObjects strokewidths = strokeWidthImage(connComp.PixelIdxList{i}); % Compute normalized stroke width variation and compare to common value if std(strokewidths)/mean(strokewidths) > 0.35 afterStrokeWidthTextMask(connComp.PixelIdxList{i}) = 0; % Remove from text candidates end end % Visualize the effect of stroke width filtering figure; imshowpair(regionFilteredTextMask, afterStrokeWidthTextMask,'montage'); 9 Automatically Detect and Recognize Text in Natural Images title('Text candidates before and after stroke width filtering') Step 6: Determine Bounding Boxes Enclosing Text Regions To compute a bounding box of the text region, we will first merge the individual characters into a single connected component. This can be accomplished using morphological closing followed by opening to clean up any outliers. se1=strel('disk',25); se2=strel('disk',7); afterMorphologyMask = imclose(afterStrokeWidthTextMask,se1); afterMorphologyMask = imopen(afterMorphologyMask,se2); % Display image region corresponding to afterMorphologyMask displayImage = colorImage; displayImage(~repmat(afterMorphologyMask,1,1,3)) = 0; figure; imshow(displayImage); title('Image region under mask created by joining individual characters') 10 Automatically Detect and Recognize Text in Natural Images Find bounding boxes of large regions. areaThreshold = 5000; % threshold in pixels connComp = bwconncomp(afterMorphologyMask); stats = regionprops(connComp,'BoundingBox','Area'); boxes = round(vertcat(stats(vertcat(stats.Area) > areaThreshold).BoundingBox)); for i=1:size(boxes,1) figure; imshow(imcrop(colorImage, boxes(i,:))); % Display segmented text title('Text region') end 11 Automatically Detect and Recognize Text in Natural Images Step 7: Perform Optical Character Recognition on Text Region The segmentation of text from a cluttered scene can greatly improve OCR results. Since our algorithm already produced a well segmented text region, we can use the binary text mask to improve the accuracy of the recognition results. ocrtxt = ocr(afterStrokeWidthTextMask, boxes); % use the binary image instead of the color image ocrtxt.Text ans = LE» 12 Automatically Detect and Recognize Text in Natural Images HANDICAPPED PARKING SPECIAL PLATE REQUIRED UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLES MAY BE TOWED AT OWNERS EXPFNSE Step 8: Apply the Text Detection Process to Other Images To highlight flexibility of this approach, we will apply the entire algorithm to other images using thehelperDetectText helper function. Process image containing three posters. languageImage = imread('posters.jpg'); boxes = helperDetectText(languageImage); % Visualize the results figure; imshow(languageImage); title('Posters with different languages') hold on for i=1:size(boxes,1) rectangle('Position', boxes(i,:),'EdgeColor','r') end 13 Automatically Detect and Recognize Text in Natural Images Below, we will process an image containing three license plates. License plates usually have white or gray background with a darker text color. This requires that the edges are grown in the opposite direction. Additionally, the maximum eccentricity threshold must be adjusted since license plate characters are relatively thin. Both of these parameters can be supplied to the helper function. plateImage = imread('licensePlates.jpg'); eccentricityThreshold = 0.995; boxes = helperDetectText(plateImage,'TextPolarity','DarkTextOnLight',.. . 'MaxEccentricity', eccentricityThreshold, 'SizeRange', [200,2000]); figure; imshow(plateImage); title('License plates'); hold on for i=1:size(boxes,1) rectangle('Position', boxes(i,:),'EdgeColor','r') end 14 Automatically Detect and Recognize Text in Natural Images References [1] Chen, Huizhong, et al. "Robust Text Detection in Natural Images with Edge-Enhanced Maximally Stable Extremal Regions." Image Processing (ICIP), 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2011. 15