SYLLABUS School Subject Class / Semester : SMP 1 KUDUS : Science / Biology : VII / 1 Standard of Competence : 3. To Understand the natural phenomenon by using scientific procedure Learning Activity Basic Competence 3.1 To observe an object systematical ly to get some information of biotic and abiotic natural phenomeno Material Activity Biotic and Abiotic Natural Phenome non observing natural phenomenon of biotic and *abiotic object in the environment Classroom Meeting V V V Structured Assignment Evaluation Independent Assignment Indicator Differentiate the biotic and abiotic natural phenomenon based on an observation *Arrange scientific method step and mention the scientific attitudes *Conduct qualitative observation And *Conduct quantitative observation Time Technique Instrument Xamples Observation Observatio nal work sheet Observe the comparisat ion of biotic and abiotic natural phenomen on! Written test Essay Performanc e tes Performanc e test Procedural working test Learning Resources Character Building Interactive Get knowledge science book, Curious worksheet, environment confident Observe two type of plant, compare the physical characteris tic and their activity. Get knowledge Curious confident appreciative of work and achievement of other Make a table of compariso n from that plant! Get knowledge Curious confident appreciative V *Conduct experiment systematicaly Performanc e experiment Procedural working test of work and achievement of other Get knowledge Curious confident appreciative of work and achievement of other Microsco pe oKnowing the part of the mi oKnowing function of each part of microscope 3.2.To Apply a microscop e and other tools to observe a living phenomen on V V *Conduct experiment systematicaly Product result test Identificati on test Performanc e experiment Procedural working test Mention the part of the 6x 40’ microscope and their function! V essay oObserving the preparat by using microscope oPracticing how to make a specimen oHandling and taking care microscope V V Work safety oKnowing information about safety work To describe the function of each part of microscope To use microscope in the appropriate way To make a specimen V 3.3 To apply safety work on doing some observatio To identify part of microscope V Written test Performanc e test Performanc e test Procedural working test Procedural working test Correctly Curiosity Thinking of work and achievement of other Get knowledge microscope, Curious preparat confident appreciative of work and achievement of other Science interactive book, Observe the preparat and draw it on the worksheet paper logically Critically Creativel y Inovative y Procedural working test *Knowing the right way in handling and taking care microscope performanc e e test To observe the laboratory rules Observatio n test *To hold, bring Observation worksheet Practice What should you do in the laboratory! 4 x40 Science interactive book; laboratory apparatus, worksheet Industryousness Safely Becarfull y Curiosity Critically n to know the natural phenomen on and handle devices and materials safely Knowing information about symbol that draw on the chemical substance bottle To handle the laboratory apparatus safely *To do the first aid in laboratory Product result test Performanc e test Performanc e test Observatio n test Written test students worksheet students worksheet *To describe the hazardous materials Do the right procedure to handle a microscope ! What will you do if you get fire in laboratory students worksheet What is the meaning of this symbol? To identify symbol in the laboratory V test Multiple choice a.. easy to burn b. toxic c. fragile d.corrosive creativel y innovativ ely. Standard of Competence : 6. To Understand the variation of living things Learning Activity Basic Competence 6.1 To identify the characteris tic of living things Material Activity Characteris tic of living things o Observing the characteri stic of living things in the environm ent o Collecting informati on about the characteri stics of living things based on observatio n o Observing the difference s among plant, Classroom Meeting Structured Assignment V V V Evaluation Indicator Independent Assignment To identify the character istics of living things To make report about character of living things based on the observati onal result Time Technique Instrument Written test Multiple choice Product result test Identification test Written test Essay Xamples The statement below have a connection with the character of living things, except… a. breath b. grow and develope c. eat d. can move to other place Choose 3 living things and identify the characteristics of them! 6 x 40’ Learning Resource s Science interactiv e book, student worksheet . School garden Character Building critically creatively innovativel y honesty correctly Write 2 characteristics of living things that distinguish plant, animal, and human! animal, and human 6.2.To describe the diversity of life system from cell to organism Organizatio n of life o Observing cell and tissue by using microscop e o *Compari ng both animal and plant cell V To distingui sh the character istic of plant, animal, and human To describe the variation of cell based on an observati on using microsco pe Product result test Procedural working test Fill in the blanks ........... is an organelle where food is converted into energy Written test V *To Product compare result test both animal and plant Practise test cell Essay V o Observing organs To describe kinds of tissue Describe the 6 X40’ variation of cell shape that you are observed in the microscope!! Science interactiv e book; observatio nal worksheet , preparat Seriously responsib le full curiously And found in...........cell Describe the characteristic of cell that construct the palisade tissue! Written test Observe the flower in the and organ system in human and plant based on the cells that construct them Written test V o Finding the concept of cells, tissue, organ and organ system 6.3 to classify living things based on their characteris tics Classificati on of living things o Identifyin g the specific character of an organisms Essay school garden and give the organ name that construct the flower! V To describe variation of organs and organ systems based on an observati on To know the relations hip of cells, tissue, organ and organ system To distingui sh living things based on their specific character istics confident confident Explain the relationship between cells, tissue, organ and organ syste Prosuct result test Observatio n test Observe fish and bird. Find their specific character, like... a. habitat b. organ for moving c. body surface 6 X40’ Science interactiv e book, worksheet , school garden Correctly V o Finding informati on about the important things to classify living things o Classifyin g living things based on their specific character o Classifyin g organisms based on their similarity in a group V V To describe the importan tace the classifica tion of living things Understa nd the meaning and taxonom y level of living things , also how to giving name them in appropri ate way To understa nd the rules of binomial nomencl ature To make the comparis on of Written test Performanc e test Written test essay student worksheet multiple choice why living things need to be classified? Observe the living things in the environment and classified them based on their characteristics! *The correct writing for the scientific name of corn is…. a. b. c. d. Essay Written test Essay Written test Critically Creatively Innovative ly Correctly Curiosity curiousity Zea mays Zea Mays zea mays Zea mays Make a table comparation of special characteristics in the 5 kingdom system Explain the method to use determination key Acknowledged by, Principle of SMP 1 Kudus H.Oky Sudarto,SPd NIP. 19571016 197803 1 004 specific character in the 5 kingdom system *Using determin ation key to classify organism Blora , January 2011 Science-Biology Teacher Dra Sri Winarni NIP. 19640810 200701 2 013 correctly Standard Competency : 6.1. Understanding the diversity of living thing Learning Activity Basic Competence Material To identify the properties of living things Character istic of living things Activity Contrasting the phenomeno n between living thing and non living thing Classroom Meeting √ Identifying the √ characteristi c of living things that are not be found in non living thing Structured Assignment Evaluation Independent Assignment Indicator Time Technique Students are able to: to contrast the phenomen on between living thing and non living thing to identify the characteris tic of living things that are not be found in non living thing Written Test Written test Instrument Multiple choice Multiple choice Xamples The following statement has the corelation with the characteristic of living things, except .... recieving and responding to stimulus growing and developing needed the specific temperature all can move When you touch the Mimosa pudica’s leaves, it will close. This phenomenon indicates the characteristic of. . .. respiration irritability excretion reproduction 4x 40’ Learning Resources Science Students Book Student worksheet Paper Fish, frog, or another sample of organism http://plantsinm .edu/ Lam Peng Kwan, Eric Y K Lam. Biology Matters, G.C.E.’O’ Level Marshall Cavendish Education Joan Fong, Lower Secondary. Science Matter Express/Normal A. Workbook. Marshall Cavendish Education. 2008. Singapore. Joan Fong, Lower Secondary. Character Building Accuracy Relationship Independently Objectively Tolerance Discipline Curiosity Responsibility Confidently Writing a report about the characteristi c of living things √ Differentiati ng the characteristi c of plants and animals √ to write a report about the characteris tic of living things to differentia te the characteris tic of plants and animals Performan ce Test Observation Sheet Written test Essay Choose 3 kinds of living things, classify them based on their characteristic and write the report! Write two differences about the characteristic of plants and animal! Science Matter Express/Normal A. Matters. Marshall Cavendish Education. 2008. Singapore Standard Competency Basic Competence Material to identify the properties of living things Character istic of living things : 6. Understanding the diversity of living thing Learning Activity Classroom Activity Meeting Contrasting the phenomeno n between living thing and non living thing √ Evaluation Structured Assignment Independent Indicator Technique Assignment Students Written are able Test to: to contrast the phenomen on between living thing and non living thing Instrument Samples Multiple choice The following statement has the corelation with the characteristic of living things, except .... recieving and responding to stimulus growing and developing needed the Time Learning Resources 4x 40’ Science Students Book Student worksheet Paper Fish, frog, or another sample of organism http://plantsinmotion. Lam Peng Kwan, Eric Y K Lam. Biology Matters, G.C.E.’O’ Level Marshall Cavendish Education Joan Fong, Character Building Accuracy Relationship Independent y Objectively Tolerance Discipline Curiosity specific temperature all can move Identifying the characterist ic of living things that are not be found in non living thing to identify the Written characteri test stic of living things that are not be found in non living thing √ Writing a report about the characterist ic of living things Differentiat ing the characterist ic of plants and animals √ √ to write a report about the characteri stic of living things to differentia te the characteri stic of plants and Performan ce Test Multiple choice Observation Sheet When you touch the Mimosa pudica’s leaves, it will close. This phenomenon indicates the characteristic of. . .. respiration irritability excretion reproduction Choose 3 kinds of living things, classify them based on their characteristic and write the report! Write two differences about the Lower Secondary. Science Matter Express/Normal A. Workbook. Marshall Cavendish Education. 2008. Singapore. Joan Fong, Lower Secondary. Science Matter Express/Normal A. Matters. Marshall Cavendish Education. 2008. Singapore Responsibili y Confidently animals Written test Essay characteristic of plants and animal!