8th November 2013 Dear Parents Term continues to move apace and it is very difficult to believe that we are approaching the festive season. Rehearsals for the Christmas plays are well under way and songs and carols already abound from a number of classrooms. We are very much looking forward to the school’s first Shakespearean production for many years. The glimpses of the rehearsals I have witnessed have been very impressive and so those fortunate to be in the audience will enjoy Macbeth. Our rugby teams continue to perform impressively indeed all but one were successful in the fixtures against Millfield last Wednesday. Not to be outdone, to their credit just before half term the Under 11 Girls Hockey Team qualified for the National Finals. On the music front the Junior Lunchtime Concert on Tuesday was delightful and tonight the Chamber Choir takes the public stage for the first time this year at the Long Ashton Remembrance Concert – something I am much looking forward to. Senior School Information Evening, Monday 11th, 6.30pm, Charlton Hall We are hosting the information evening on Monday. You will be aware that it is an event designed to assist parents as they determine future senior schools. A small panel of experts will offer objective advice before answering questions. Thereafter parents may wish to take away literature on a large variety of senior schools. They may also find it useful to talk to the speakers in an informal setting. Mrs Isabel Tobias, Headmistress of The Redmaids’, and Mr Stephen Holliday, Headmaster of QEH will be joining us as will two recent Charltonians. The event will take place in Charlton Hall. Any parents and their children are very welcome however, it is perhaps best suited for those in Years 5 - 8. Supper is available at school for those pupils attending. It is to be hoped that the evening will be well supported as the information gained will be extremely useful. Car Parking It is with some regret that I feel it necessary to write about the behaviour of drivers in and around school. My observation is however, that many vehicles are travelling too quickly down the drive and around school. I am also aware of more than one occasion when drivers have become unnecessarily aggressive towards one another in the car park. The drive is long and it is tempting, particularly when under pressure, to drive quickly. It is however, narrow, something that is unlikely to change, and it is perhaps busier than people anticipate. Please allow good time for your journey and be mindful that we would rather the children were slightly late than there be an accident on the drive. Please also respect the needs of other vehicles on the drive. We do our best to keep everyone in and around the car parks safe. There are always young children, be they siblings or pupils at the school, in proximity to these facilities and the reality is that they are by nature unpredictable. For this reason I stress the importance of driving in these areas with due diligence. As role models for the children it is also vital that we conduct ourselves in a civilised manner. Vehicles should be parked in respect of other road users and in regard of the traffic management instructions. Drivers should also demonstrate patience and respect for another. I believe the close and happy nature of our community is something very special if not unique to The Downs. I feel uncomfortable relating this message but I do so in the belief that you will all share my desire to keep our children safe and to protect the harmony of our community. Finally, I very much appreciate that travel times are being adversely affected by the road works in Barrow Gurney. My understanding is that this work will be completed in January. In the meantime we realise that delays are sadly inevitable and so please do not become overly concerned by being unavoidably late into school. Independence As I have mentioned I believe that The Downs is an unusually close school community, something in which I delight. Within this supportive environment it is nevertheless vital that the children become increasingly independent as they move through the school. Given the nature of the school this is achieved in a very safe and nurturing environment where help is quickly at hand. The children need to develop the skills and habits of independent learning at a reasonably young age as these can then be honed as they progress through the school. We should be mindful that the senior schools expect their pupils, not the parents, to take responsibility for their learning. We appreciate that the younger children in the Pre-Prep enjoy the security of being escorted into and out of school. As they move towards Year Three however, they should generally be able to come into school and organise their belongings without much guidance. The younger children in the Prep School (Year 4) might need some assistance coming into school at the beginning and end of the week when they have many bags to manage, however, more often they should be encouraged to organise themselves. By Year 5 the children should be largely independent as they come to school. Whilst I have presented a guideline there are no definite landmarks in the development of the children’s independence but it is important for parents to ‘let go’ and encourage the children to take increasing responsibility for themselves at school. You will be aware that staff from both the Pre-Prep and the Prep school patrol the ‘drop off’ points at the beginning and end of the day. It should be noted that we do not want children walking into school in front of Charlton House, the path at the back of the house being significantly safer. Admissions You will be pleased to learn that there remains a great deal of interest in the school. We do little to advertise to the external market, rather we largely rely on recommendation by word of mouth and so I am very grateful for your significant, dynamic support. Specifically we currently have six places left for the Reception Year 2014. We have one place in both Years One and Two and a Waiting List for Year 6. I do not present these figures to be smug but rather to alert parents of the need to register siblings in the near future if they wish to be sure of a place in the school. We will always try and give priority to siblings but you will appreciate this becomes very difficult once a year group is full. Please be assured that despite the healthy interest in The Downs it would be very unusual for us to have more than 18 children in a class. Furthermore, whilst we have ambitions to develop the school’s facilities we do not have ambitions to become a much larger school. Mrs Laura Hart As I wrote in my last letter Mrs Hart will be going on maternity leave in April 2014. I am now pleased to relate that in her absence Mrs Karen Peters will be taking over as the 2H Class Teacher. Previous to becoming a Teaching Assistant at The Downs Mrs Peters was for 12 years a Year One/Two Class Teacher at St Ursula’s and so she has much experience to bring to the classroom. Already well known to the children and many parents, Mrs Peters will begin teaching some lessons with Mrs Hart in January and take over as the Class Teacher at half term for the rest of the academic year. Mrs Hart will remain in assistance until the Easter Term concludes. Mrs Peters is firm, fair and friendly in her approach to teaching and we are very confident in her ability to nurture but challenge the children in her care. Mrs Jane Blair Mrs Blair has proved an excellent member of the Art Department for a good number of years. She has particularly encouraged the development of ceramics in the school and she has often nurtured the Art Scholars towards success at their senior schools. Sadly Mrs Blair will be leaving us at the end of term as she is moving to Wales. I am sure that you will join me in wishing her well in the future. In the meantime she will teach at The Downs until the end of term. Finally We were delighted to welcome the Reception Year parents to the first Headmaster’s Supper of the year. We look forward to seeing Year One and Two parents on the 15th November. It is to be hoped the weather is kind to us and we all enjoy Bonfire Night tomorrow. Kind regards Marcus Gunn