For your Biome Project

Biome Project
Due date: Jan12.2015
Dear Students,
It is time for our first project of the year. In science we have been learning about
different plant adaptations and how they adapt to different biomes. For your Biome Project:
You will choose one of the 3 major biomes: Tundra, Desert, or Tropical Rain Forest.
Then choose a format for your project.
Select from one of the acceptable formats for this project:
1. A PowerPoint presentation
2. A poster or a trifold poster
Directions: To create a poster/power point depicting your chosen biome, you will include:
1. 3 animal species and how they adapt to their environment
2. 3 plant species and how they adapt to their environment (include different plant adaptations
for your biome, for example:
Desert plant adaptation: plants store water in their stems and leaves, waxy coated leaves do
not loose water, some plants have roots that grow deep/wide into the ground, spines help
plants shade and they do not loose water
Tropical rainforest plant adaptation: Some plants like liana are climbing woody vines that drape
rainforest tress to reach the canopy, many leaves have drip tips to enable rain drops to run off
quickly, many plants live on the surface of other plants, especially the trunk and branches, and
some trees have wide-spreading stilt roots that support the trees in tidal mud.
Tundra plant adaptation: plants are usually small with hairy stems and small leaves, roots are
short and grow sideways
3. A map locating your Biome
4. The climate, precipitation, seasons, and relevant information that makes this Biome unique.
5. Show the location on the blank world map.
6. Why this Biome is important to our ecosystem.
7. Five interesting facts about this biome.
Research Directions: Use your science folder, computer, library and resources at home to
thoroughly research your biome. Again, you should be an expert on your biome Please
remember that plagiarism (copying another person’s words down and claiming them as your
own) is illegal.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT start this project the night before it is due. You will not have adequate
time to construct the poster and that will be reflecting your grade. Do not print off text from
the internet and glue it on your on your on your project. When you present your project to the
class, it is your responsibility to know what you are talking about! You may make note cards but
you should be an expert on your chosen biome.
Attached is a rubric that I will use to grade the project.
If you have any question/comments/concerns, please feel free to contact me at
Have fun with this!
Sr. ArshiaNaheed,
Dec 18, 2014