Name: _____Kaveone Ragland_______________________

Name: _____Kaveone Ragland_______________________
Directions: What do you know about winter weather?
Use the information you find at the Web
site below to complete the statements on this page.
Write the correct word or words on the blank lines in
each sentence.
Web Resources:
All About Winter Storms
1. Winter storms get their energy from the clash of two ___ from the clash of warm air and cold air
2. In North America, most winter storms form when cold, dry air from _ Canada __ _______________
interacts with warm, moist air from _____________________________________________.
3. The point where two air masses meet is called a _ It is called a front _ 35 mph sustained winds _____
5. Winter storms usually start along a ___ during the first winter ___________________________________ front.
Something to Think About: How does your family prepare for storms?
Learn More: Go to Interactive Weather Maker at
and learn Rain, hail, sleet, sunshine, and snow are all factors of weather, which humans have no control over
how to make it snow!
how much of a change in temperature is needed to make it snow?
__ blood pressure plays a part on the bladder _______________
What was your Equator Temperature?_ 85 degrees _______ What was your Poplar Temperature?___ Right now for Poplar
Bluff, MO 23°F Partly Cloudy skies Relative humidity is the term used to measure water vapor in a gaseous mixture, Toda
What was your relative humidity?_____ Bluff, MO 23°F Partly Cloudy skies Relative humidity is the term used to measure
water vapor in a gaseous mixture, Toda ____________
What were your results?_______ First I have never used the crap. Second It's a marketing ploy for people who know nothing
about paint _______________________________________________
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