SUBJECT TEACHER - Holy Cross Catholic High School

Holy Cross Catholic High School
Post Title:
English Teacher & Literacy Co-ordinator
Main Pay Scale + TLR 2.1 (£2560)
Responsible to
(a) Head of English Department
(b) Assistant Headteacher (Teaching & Learning)
“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full”
Holy Cross is a Catholic High School established by the Catholic Community of the Chorley
Deanery under the trusteeship of the Liverpool Archdiocese to work in partnership with
parishes and parents to provide the best possible education for our young people between the
ages of 11 and 16, building on the foundations laid in Primary School and preparing for their
future development at the Catholic Sixth Form College or other post-sixteen establishment or
in the world of employment and training.
We stand for a rich Catholic tradition which is based on the Gospels and in the person and
teaching of Jesus who is the fullest expression of mankind.
We recognise and endeavour to serve the needs of all members of the school community academic, spiritual, moral, social and physical. We acknowledge in particular the needs of
those who are disadvantaged in any way.
We value the importance of fostering and developing the potential of each person in justice
and equality and in educating each pupil as a whole person, made in the image and likeness of
God. We encourage all of them to accept a curriculum, which is challenging of contemporary
society and to play their part in it. We believe in the pursuit of excellence, not only in
academic studies, but in all that has to do with life.
This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and
expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment
Areas of Responsibility:
Description of role
 To lead, manage and develop Literacy throughout the school
 To develop a coherent Literacy policy based on sound academic research
 To play an active role in the promotion and development of the Accelerated Reader programme
and the Learning Resource Centre
 To develop the use of ICT to support and enhance the teaching of Literacy
 To lead, develop and enhance the classroom practice of teaching staff and teaching assistants
through coherent CPD
 To monitor the marking and assessment of Literacy in the school
 To monitor and evaluate the impact of Literacy strategies on students in the school
 To systematically track students’ progress and levels of Literacy in KS3 and KS4
 To report to the Assistant Headteacher (Teaching & Learning) regularly on progress in Literacy
 To play a strategic and operational role in helping the school to achieve the Basic Skills Quality
Strategic development
 Take responsibility for the development and implementation of the whole school policy for
 Use national, local and school management data to monitor standards of achievement across the
school in Literacy
 Monitor the progress made towards achieving Literacy targets and use this information to plan
future developments
 Collaborate with staff on short, medium and long term planning to develop Literacy in relation
 Resources
 Continuous professional development of staff
 Aims of the school, including its policies and practices
 Challenging targets for improvement
 Manage strategic development across identified areas of the curriculum
Teaching and learning
 Plan and monitor coverage, continuity and progression in Literacy throughout the school
 Collaborate with Assistant Headteacher (Teaching & Learning) on clear policies and practices for
assessing, recording and reporting on standards of Literacy
 To support Assistant Headteacher (Teaching & Learning) in evaluating the teaching and learning
of Literacy
Effective and efficient deployment of staff and resources
 Establish resource and staff requirements for Literacy and inform the Assistant Headteacher
(Teaching & Learning) of costs and priorities
 Distribute resources to meet the Literacy objectives of the school
 Ensure the effective and efficient management of learning resources for Literacy
Other professional requirements
 Establish and maintain effective working relationships with professional colleagues and other
subject leaders to develop cross curricular links and creative approaches to learning
 Participate in meetings with professional colleagues and parents in respect of the duties and
responsibilities of the post
 Be aware of the need to take responsibility for your own professional development
 Play a full part in the life of the school community, to support its distinctive mission and ethos
and to encourage staff and pupils to follow this example
 Undertake any other duty as specified by Head teacher not mentioned in the above
This job description may be amended at any time following discussion between the Headteacher
and member of staff, and will be reviewed annually.
Areas of Responsibility:
To consistently plan and deliver ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ lessons to the students at Holy Cross
Catholic High School
2 To promote engagement, resilience, self-confidence, collaboration and independence through
classroom teaching
3 To assist the Head of department in meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum or
examination syllabus and ensure all students are thoroughly prepared for public examinations
4 To adhere to schemes of work and assessment procedures to ensure a consistent approach to
teaching and learning within a department
5 To set homework in accordance with the schools Homework Policy
6 To ensure that lessons take into account the full range of ability of the students in classes
taught and to make appropriate use of information and support from the SEND department
7 To involve students in making choices about their learning and to help students develop
towards independence in their learning
8 To monitor the progress of individual students using the school’s tracking systems. To analyse
strengths and learning needs and to agree learning targets with students
9 To provide students with regular and constructive feedback on their progress through
discussion and the marking of work
10 To keep accurate and informative records in line with school and department policy on
assessment and recording
11 To ensure continuity and progression in the curriculum for each student within and across Key
12 To create a classroom environment which supports and stimulates learning. This will include
the efficient organisation of resources and the display of students’ work
13 To liaise with other subject teachers where appropriate in order to promote a cross-curricular
approach to learning
14 To plan lessons that, where possible, promote the development on literacy and numeracy skills
15 To work as part of a departmental team, reviewing and developing the curriculum and
producing resources to support learning for the full ability range, and to attend the regular
department meetings
16 To support other members of the department and school community through the sharing of
skills and experience
17 To write reports to parents in accordance with the school’s Assessment, Recording and
Reporting Policy
18 To attend the Parents’ Evenings and provide parents with information relating their child’s
progress and how to improve their level or grade
19 To take part in performance management processes in accordance with school policy
20 To carry out any such other reasonable duties in connection with subject teaching that may be
required by the Headteacher of the school
The successful applicant will be subject to an Enhanced DBS disclosure.