Foundation Certificate/Diploma in Coaching

Foundation Certificate/Diploma in Coaching - Stephen Paul 2014/15
What is coaching?
“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance.
It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.” (Gallwey)
Coaching is a new and emerging discipline which has caught the imagination and no doubt, business
acumen, of many business development professionals and therapists. It can be defined as a professional
relationship with a client in a developmental and creative process that facilitates in maximizing potential,
both personal and professional.
This coaching programme will work with the therapeutic paradigm of participants and aims to help each
individual to develop effectively and uniquely as a coach from their own frame of reference.
Foundation Certificate in Coaching skills
To enable participants to develop a practical understanding of the key theories of
coaching and coaching psychology and a foundation in the practice of coaching.
Learning Outcomes
Develop an understanding of the theory of coaching and coaching psychology
Develop a knowledge of a range of coaching interventions
Develop the ability to lead and reflect on coaching practic
Indicative Content
Coaching theory and principles
Psychological approaches
The coaching relationship
Key coaching competencies
The use of self
Motivation and human potential
Reflection on self and practice
Ethical considerations
The pattern of the programme with include the following elements:
Check in to include personal reflections
Application of theory
Skills input
Coaching Practice
Reflections on practice
Foundation Certificate/Diploma in Coaching - Stephen Paul 2014/15
Details of Assessment
The assessment is in two parts:
A learning journal summary
A case study
Journal Summary –
In the journal summary you will reflect on your learning through the course
1) Your personal development and use of self
2) Your reflection on the coaching theory and skills you have studied
1,500 words Pass/Fail and 80% attendance required
Case Study 2,000 words
The case study is your opportunity to demonstrate that you have developed an
understanding of what coaching means as a professional approach for
professional and personal development.
In your case study you will need to:
Critically reflect on a minimum of three coaching sessions with one
Demonstrate an reflective understanding of both coaching theory
and skills
Reflect on ethical considerations.
Demonstrate a basic competency in coaching
Guidelines will be given for each assessment
Foundation Certificate/Diploma in Coaching - Stephen Paul 2014/15
Each session will start at 9.30am and finish
by 4.30pm
Week I
What is coaching
Reflective exercise
Coaching Theory and practice
Reflective exercise
Skills input
Practice session in triads
Practice session in triads
Week 4
Check in
The inner and outer game
Week 2
Check in
Coaching Psychology
Reflective exercise
Skills input
Reflective exercise
Skills input
Practice session in triads
Practice session in triads
Week 5
Check in
Coaching and therapeutic practice
Week 3
Check in
The use of self and the coaching
relationship (Continued next column)
Reflective exercise
Skills review
Practice session in triads
Next steps in professional practice
Foundation Certificate/Diploma in Coaching - Stephen Paul 2014/15
Learning resources:
Core text:
Whitmore J. (2002) Coaching For Performance: Growing People, Performance and Purpose (3rd Edition)
Nicholas Brealey Publishing Ltd
Recommended texts:
Association for Coaching & Passmore J (2010 ) Leadership Coaching: Working with Leaders to Develop
Elite Performance, Kogan Paul
Buckley A & Buckley C (2006) Coaching and Mental Health (Essential Coaching Skills and Knowledge)
Cox, E, Bachikovra,T &Clutterbuck,D (2010) The Complete Handbook of Coaching. Sage
Gallwey T W (1974) The Inner Game of Tennis, Random House
Gallwey T W (2000) The Inner Game of Work - Focus, Learning, Pleasure, and Mobility in the Workplace ,
Random House
Jones, G. & Gorell, J. (2009) 50 Top Tools for Coaching. A complete toolkit for developing and empowering
people. London. Kogan Page.
Martin, C. (2001) The Life Coaching Handbook. Everything you need to be an effective life coach.
Carmarthen. Crown House.
Palmer S & McDowall A (eds) (2010)The Coaching Relationship (Essential Coaching Skills & Knowledge)
Rogers J (2008) Coaching Skills: A Handbook OUP
Starr J (2007) The Coaching Manual: The Definitive Guide to the Process, Principles and Skills of Personal
Coaching , Prentice Hall
Thew, M & McKenna J (2008) Lifestyle Management in Health and Social Care John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Whitmore J. (2002) Coaching For Performance: Growing People, Performance and Purpose (3rd Edition)
Nicholas Brealey Publishing Ltd
Williams P (2007), The history and evolution of life coaching. Therapist as life coach, an introduction for
counselors and other helping professionals, W.W. Norton & Co. New York
Foundation Certificate/Diploma in Coaching - Stephen Paul 2014/15
Diploma in Personal and Life coaching
To enable participants to develop competency in the professional practice of personal and
life coaching
Learning Outcomes
Develop a reflexive understanding of the theory of coaching and coaching
Develop competency in the professional practice of coaching
Evaluate the effectiveness of coaching sessions
Successfully integrate coaching in professional practice
Indicative Content
Coaching theory and principles
Psychological approaches
The coaching relationship
Key coaching competencies
The use of self
Emotional intelligence/Personality Types and Preferences
Psychology of leadership
Motivation and human potential
Reflection on self and practice
Use of supervision
Professional Practice
The pattern of the programme with include the following elements:
Check in to include personal reflections
Application of theory
Skills input
Coaching Practice and supervision
Reflections on practice
Foundation Certificate/Diploma in Coaching - Stephen Paul 2014/15
Details of Assessment
The assessment is in two parts:
A learning journal summary
A case study
Journal Summary – In the journal summary you will reflect on your learning
through the course
3) Your personal development and use of self
4) Your reflection on the coaching theory and skills you have studied
1,500 words Pass/Fail and 80% attendance required
Case Study 2,000 words
The case study is your opportunity to demonstrate that you have developed
competency in professional practice in personal and life coaching
In your case study you will need to:
Critically reflect on acoaching relationship with one individual
Demonstrate an reflective understanding of both coaching theory
and practice
Reflect on ethical considerations.
Demonstrate a competency in coaching
Demonstrate the use of supervision to develop your practice
Guidelines will be given for each assessment
Foundation Certificate/Diploma in Coaching - Stephen Paul 2014/15
Course structure:
There will be 4 taught sessions.
Each session will start at 9.30 and finish by 4.30
Each participant will also receive one coaching session of 75 minutes.
Week 6
Counselling Psychology- further dimensions
The use of supervision
Practice session in triads/Supervision
Week 7
Check in
Emotional Intelligence and coaching
Reflective exercise
Practice session in triads/Supervision
Week 8
Check in
Further skills and tools for coaching practice
Reflective exercise
Practice session in triads/Supervision
Week 9
Check in
Coaching and professional practice
Reflective exercise
Skills review
Practice session in triads/Supervision
Next steps in professional practice
Foundation Certificate/Diploma in Coaching - Stephen Paul 2014/15
Learning resources:
Association for Coaching & Passmore J (2010 ) Leadership Coaching: Working with Leaders to Develop
Elite Performance, Kogan Paul
Bluckert, P., (2006) Psychological Dimensions to Executive Coaching, Oxford:OUP
Buckley A & Buckley C (2006) Coaching and Mental Health (Essential Coaching Skills and Knowledge)
Cox, E, Bachikovra,T &Clutterbuck,D (2010) The Complete Handbook of Coaching. Sage
Gallwey T W (1974) The Inner Game of Tennis, Random House
Gallwey T W (1985) Inner Game of Winning, Random House
Gallwey T W (2000) The Inner Game of Work - Focus, Learning, Pleasure, and Mobility in the Workplace ,
Random House
Jones, G. & Gorell, J. (2009) 50 Top Tools for Coaching. A complete toolkit for developing and empowering
people. London. Kogan Page.
Kroegor, O. & Thuesen, J. (1988) Rype Talk. The 16 Personality Types that determine how we live, love and
work. New York. Dell Publishing.
Martin, C. (2001) The Life Coaching Handbook. Everything you need to be an effective life coach.
Carmarthen. Crown House.
Palmer S & McDowall A (eds) (2010)The Coaching Relationship (Essential Coaching Skills & Knowledge)
PELTIER, B. (2010) The Psychology of Executive Coaching: Theory and Application. 2nd Ed. Hove.
Rogers J (2008) Coaching Skills: A Handbook OUP
Starr J (2007) The Coaching Manual: The Definitive Guide to the Process, Principles and Skills of Personal
Coaching , Prentice Hall
Stober,R,D, Grant,A,M (2006) Evidence Based Coaching Handbook- Putting Best Practice to Work for Our
Clients. Wiley
Thew, M & McKenna J (2008) Lifestyle Management in Health and Social Care John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Williams P (2007), The history and evolution of life coaching. Therapist as life coach, an introduction for
counselors and other helping professionals, W.W. Norton & Co. New York