Brüssel, den 2. Juli 2015 161. PRÄSIDIUMSSITZUNG DES EUROPÄISCHEN AUSSCHUSSES DER REGIONEN – 7. JULI 2015 – PUNKT 6 C) PLANUNG DER AdR-AKTIVITÄTEN 2015: AUSWÄRTIGE UND AUSSERORDENTLICHE TÄTIGKEITEN DES EUROPÄISCHEN AUSSCHUSSES DER REGIONEN IM JAHR 2015 Vorlage des Generalsekretärs ZUR BESCHLUSSFASSUNG COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 1/33 DE VERMERK FÜR DIE PRÄSIDIUMSMITGLIEDER DES AUSSCHUSSES DER REGIONEN 161. PRÄSIDIUMSSITZUNG DES EUROPÄISCHEN AUSSCHUSSES DER REGIONEN – 7. JULI 2015 – Punkt 6 c) der Tagesordnung Auswärtige und außerordentliche Tätigkeiten des Europäischen Ausschusses der Regionen 2015 Einführung Gemäß der Regelung Nr. 012/2014 über die Sitzungen und Tätigkeiten der Mitglieder des Europäischen Ausschusses der Regionen und nach Kenntnisnahme der Stellungnahme der Kommission für Finanz- und Verwaltungsfragen (CAFA) genehmigt das Präsidium zu Anfang des Jahres die allgemeine Planung der Sitzungen und thematischen Tätigkeiten der Arbeitsorgane, Fraktionen, gemischten beratenden Ausschüsse, Arbeitsgruppen und sonstigen politischen Gremien des Ausschusses. Diese umfasst eine Schätzung der Kosten für jede der aufgeführten Tätigkeiten. Einige Sitzungen und Tätigkeiten bedürfen allerdings der vorherigen Genehmigung durch das Präsidium. Das Präsidium fasst unter Berücksichtigung der verfügbaren Haushaltsmittel und nach Kenntnisnahme der Stellungnahme der Kommission für Finanz- und Verwaltungsfragen einen entsprechenden Beschluss. In folgenden Fällen ist die vorherige Genehmigung durch das Präsidium und die CAFA zwingend vorgeschrieben: 1. für auswärtige Sitzungen der Plenarversammlung im Rahmen eines Gipfeltreffens der Regionen und Städte (Regelung 012/2014 Artikel 1 Absatz 2), 2. für auswärtige Sitzungen von Arbeitsgruppen (a.a.O., Artikel 1 Absatz 8), 3. für auswärtige Sitzungen sonstiger politischer Gremien (a.a.O., Artikel 1 Absatz 9), 4. für Ausnahmen von den allgemeinen Regelungen für die Durchführung von Sitzungen (a.a.O., Artikel 1 Absätze 1-9), 5. für Tätigkeiten, deren Kosten die zu Beginn des Jahres zugewiesenen Mittel überschreiten (a.a.O., Artikel 4 Absatz 3), 6. für zusätzliche, in der Regelung 012/2014 nicht aufgeführte Tätigkeiten (ebenda, Artikel 4 Abs. 4), 7. für mehr als drei Redner bei auswärtigen Sitzungen und Seminaren mit einer Höchstgrenze von fünf Rednern (siehe Präsidiumsbeschluss vom 30. März 2011, R/CdR 141/2011). In der Tabelle auf den folgenden Seiten sind auswärtige bzw. außerordentliche Tätigkeiten aufgeführt, die für 2015 geplant sind und für die nach der Regelung eine vorherige Genehmigung vorgeschrieben ist. Aus Gründen der Transparenz ist eine Aufschlüsselung der geschätzten Ausgaben für jede der COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 2/33 Tätigkeiten beigefügt. Bei Tätigkeiten, die nach der Regelung 012/2014 zusätzlich zu begründen sind, werden außerdem die von den Sekretariaten vorgelegten Begründungen aufgeführt. Eine allgemeine Übersicht über die geplanten auswärtigen und außerordentlichen Tätigkeiten (laufendes Programm) wird von der Verwaltung ständig aktualisiert und ist ab 2015 im Intranet des AdR zugänglich. VORSCHLAG: Die Präsidiumsmitglieder werden gebeten, die in der folgenden Tabelle aufgeführten Tätigkeiten zu billigen. * * COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 3/33 * Liste vorab genehmigungspflichtiger neuer Tätigkeiten Art der Sitzung Rechtsgrundlage Zuständig Sitzungen der Arbeitsgruppe 1. Sitzung der Regelung CIVEX Taskforce 012/2014 AdR-Ukraine Art. 1 Abs. 8 Sitzungen sonstiger politischer Gremien Sitzung des Regelung CIVEX CORLEAP012/2014 Präsidiums mit Art. 1.9 anschließender und 4.4 Konferenz 1 2 3 4 5 6 Datum Veranstaltungsort Voraussichtlich 4. September 2015 Ukraine 18. September 2015 Eriwan, Armenien Mitglieder (Haushaltslinie 1004)1 Verdolmet- Kabinen schung (Haus(Haushaltsli haltslinie nie 1402)2 214)3 Redner (HL 1422)4 Sachverständige (HL 1422)5 Dritte (HL 2541)6 Ausnahmegenehmigung der CAFA / des Präsidiums erforderlich Bemerkungen --- 4 128 € Ja Genehmigung der auswärtigen Sitzung, einschließlich der Kabinenmiete, erforderlich Ja Genehmigung der auswärtigen Sitzung eines sonstigen Gremiums und der in Reg. 012/2014 nicht vorgesehenen zusätzlichen Tätigkeit erforderlich. 10 430 € 14 495 € 7 500 € 3 000 € (7 Mitglieder, 1 Tag) (5 Kabinen, 2 Slots + Reisekosten) (5 Kabinen) (3 Redner, 1 Tag) 8 940 € 14 495 € --- (6 Mitglieder, 1 Tag) (5 Kabinen, 2 Slots + Reisekosten) (6 Personen) € 3 000 1 079 € (3 Redner, 1 Tag) (1 Sachverständiger, 1 Tag) --- Für 2015 wurden die durchschnittlichen Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten der Mitglieder mit 1 490 EUR pro Mitglied pro Tag veranschlagt. Zusätzlich wird eine Zulage für zweitägige Sitzungen in Höhe von 303 EUR pro Teilnehmer angesetzt. Für 2015 wurden die Kosten für die Verdolmetschung gemäß den Richtlinien des SCIC und des EP zur Zahl der für die gewählte Sprachenregelung erforderlichen Dolmetscher auf 446 EUR pro Slot pro Dolmetscher geschätzt, wobei bei auswärtigen Sitzungen 1,25 Slots für die Reise hinzukommen. Die Zahl der Dolmetscher pro Kabine kann je nach Sprachenregelung variieren. Bei den Berechnungen wurde im Allgemeinen davon ausgegangen, dass bei sechs oder weniger Kabinen jede Kabine mit zwei Dolmetschern und bei sieben oder mehr Kabinen jede Kabine mit drei Dolmetschern besetzt ist. Die durchschnittlichen Kosten für die Miete von Dolmetschkabinen wurden mit 1 500 EUR pro Kabine pro Sitzungstag veranschlagt. Die durchschnittlichen Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten von Gastrednern wurden mit 1 000 EUR pro Redner veranschlagt (Tarif Economy-Flex plus Vergütungen). Die durchschnittlichen Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten der Sachverständigen der Berichterstatter wurden mit 1 079 EUR pro Sachverständigen veranschlagt (Tarif Economy-Flex plus Vergütungen). Die durchschnittliche Kostenerstattung für Dritte, die an Tätigkeiten des AdR teilnehmen, wurde mit 688 EUR pro Person veranschlagt (Erstattung des Flugscheins der Economy-Klasse und der Hotelübernachtung). COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 4/33 Art der Sitzung Rechtsgrundlage Zuständig Datum Veranstaltungsort Mitglieder (Haushaltslinie 1004)1 ARLEM – Sitzung der Fachkommission nachhaltige Entwicklung Regelung 012/2014 Artikel 1.9 Dir. E / E3 Oktober 2015 (vorbehaltlich Bestätigung) Sardinien (vorbehaltlich Bestätigung) 47 680 € 19./20. September 2015 Mailand (IT) Allgemeine themenspezifische Veranstaltungen Regelung Dir. D Gemeinsame 012/2014 Veranstaltung Art. 2.1 AdR/EK Europe in my CityWeltausstellung Mailand 7 (32 Mitglieder, 1 Tag) Verdolmet- Kabinen schung (Haus(Haushaltsli haltslinie nie 1402)2 214)3 --17 394 € (6 Kabinen, 2 Slots + Reisekosten) 12 551 € 8 139 € (7 Mitglieder, 2 Tage) (2 Dolmetscher Studienreise, 5 Dolmetscher Konferenz) Redner (HL 1422)4 Sachverständige (HL 1422)5 Dritte (HL 2541)6 3 000 € --- 28 896 € (3 Redner, 1 Tag) --- --- Ausnahmegenehmigung der CAFA / des Präsidiums erforderlich Ja (42 Personen) --- --- Ja Bemerkungen Genehmigung der auswärtigen Sitzung eines sonstigen Gremiums erforderlich NB: In Erwartung der Änderung der ARLEMGeschäftsordnung hinsichtlich der Zusammensetzung der Kommissionen (momentan maximal 40 Mitglieder, die gleichermaßen die Mittelmeerpartnerländer und die EU vertreten7. Genehmigung der Ko-Veranstaltung einer allgemeinen themenspezifischen Veranstaltung erforderlich Ref. Beschluss über die Zusammensetzung und Finanzierung der ARLEM, vom AdR-Präsidium am 14. Februar 2012 genehmigt (R/CdR 39/2012 Punkt 14) und die ARLEM-Geschäftsordnung, Artikel 5 (CDR65342013_00_00_TRA_TCD). COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 5/33 Art der Sitzung Rechtsgrundlage Zuständig Datum Veranstaltungsort Mitglieder (Haushaltslinie 1004)1 Themenspezifische Veranstaltungen der Fachkommissionen und der Fraktionen Auswärtige Sitzung Regelung EVP 21. Madrid 119 200 €8 der EVP-Fraktion 012/2014 Oktober (ES) (80 Mitglieder, "Für wirksame EUArt. 2.2 2015 1 Tag) Investitionen in den und 4.3 Städten und Regionen" Auswärtiges Seminar der Fachkommission NAT ENVE-Seminar "Kreislaufwirtschaft" 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Regelung 012/2014 Artikel 2.2 NAT Regelung 012/2014 Artikel 2.2 ENVE 18. Juni 2015 Gaia (PT) Z.E.10 29. September 2015 Brüssel Z.E.13 Verdolmet- Kabinen schung (Haus(Haushaltsli haltslinie nie 1402)2 214)3 21 074 €9 (7 Kabinen, 1 Slot + Reisekosten) Z.E.11 18 000 € (technisch und audiovisuell) ---- Redner (HL 1422)4 Sachverständige (HL 1422)5 Dritte (HL 2541)6 Ausnahmegenehmigung der CAFA / des Präsidiums erforderlich Bemerkungen 5 000 € --- --- Ja Z.E.12 ---- Ja Genehmigung der die vereinbarten Mittel für thematische Tätigkeiten übersteigenden zusätzlichen Sitzung erforderlich Genehmigung des zusätzlichen Redners erforderlich Z.E.16 ----- Ja (5 Redner, 1 Tag) 4 000 € (4 Redner, 1 Tag) Z.E.14 ---- Z.E.15 Die Anfang 2015 der EVP-Fraktion für thematischen Tätigkeiten zugewiesenen Mittel beliefen sich auf 47 680 €. Da die verfügbaren Dolmetscherkabinen nicht den EU-Standards entsprechen, ist eine Ausschreibung für freiberufliche Dolmetscher erforderlich. Bereits in der Haushaltsplanung vorgesehen. Bereits in der Haushaltsplanung vorgesehen. Bereits in der Haushaltsplanung vorgesehen. Bereits in der Haushaltsplanung vorgesehen. Bereits in der Haushaltsplanung vorgesehen. Bereits in der Haushaltsplanung vorgesehen. Bereits in der Haushaltsplanung vorgesehen. COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 6/33 Genehmigung des Wechsels der Haushaltsmittel von einer auswärtigen Sitzung (gestrichen) zu einem zusätzlichen Seminar erforderlich Art der Sitzung Rechtsgrundlage Zusätzliche Tätigkeiten CORLEAPRegelung Anhörung zur 012/2014 Republik Moldau Art. 4 Abs. 4 Zuständig Datum Veranstaltungsort CIVEX Oktober 2015 (vorbehaltlich Bestätigung) November 2015 (vorbehaltlich Bestätigung) Juni/Juli 2015 (vor behaltlich Bestätigung) Brüssel 7. Subsidiaritätskonferenz Regelung 012/2014 Art. 4 Abs. 4 Dir. E / E2 Sensibilisierungsmaßnahmen für Subsidiarität/ Schulung regionaler Parlamente / Exekutive Regelung 012/2014 Art. 4 Abs. 4 Dir. E / E2 Sensibilisierungsmaßnahmen für Subsidiarität/ Schulung regionaler Parlamente / Exekutive Regelung 012/2014 Art. 4 Abs. 4 Dir. E / E2 COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 7/33 September/ Oktober 2015 (vorbehaltlich Bestätigung) Flämisches Parlament in Brüssel Auswärtig (Ort vorbehaltlich Bestätigung) Auswärtig (Ort vorbehaltlich Bestätigung) Mitglieder (Haushaltslinie 1004)1 Verdolmet- Kabinen schung (Haus(Haushaltsli haltslinie nie 1402)2 214)3 4 470 € 2 676 € (3 Mitglieder, 1 Tag) (3 Kabinen, 1 Slot) 59 600 € 10 704 € (40 Mitglieder, 1 Tag) (6 Kabinen, 2 Slots) 1 490 € 5 798 € (1 Mitglieder, 1 Tag) (2 Kabinen, 2 Slots + Reisekosten) 1 490 € 5 798 € (1 Mitglieder, 1 Tag) (2 Kabinen, 2 Slots + Reisekosten) --- --- Redner (HL 1422)4 Sachverständige (HL 1422)5 Dritte (HL 2541)6 Ausnahmegenehmigung der CAFA / des Präsidiums erforderlich Bemerkungen --- Ja Genehmigung der zusätzlichen Tätigkeit erforderlich 10 320 € Ja Genehmigung der zusätzlichen Tätigkeit, einschließlich der Kostenerstattung für Dritte, erforderlich Genehmigung der zusätzlichen Tätigkeit, einschließlich der Kostenerstattung für Dritte, erforderlich 3 000 € 1 079 € (3 Redner, 1 Tag) (1 Sachverständiger, 1 Tag) 10 000 € --- (10 Redner, 1 Tag) --- 3 000 € (15 Personen) --- (3 Redner, 1 Tag) --- 3 000 € (3 Redner, 1 Tag) 2 064 € Ja (3 Personen) --- 2 064 € (3 Personen) Ja Genehmigung der zusätzlichen Tätigkeit, einschließlich der Kostenerstattung für Dritte, erforderlich Art der Sitzung Rechtsgrundlage Zuständig Datum Veranstaltungsort Seminar "Die Zukunft der Kohäsionspolitik – von Modellen zu Ideen" Regelung 012/2014 Art. 4 Abs. 4 Dir. E / E2 2. Oktober 2015 (vorbehaltlich Bestätigung) Brüssel Mitglieder (Haushaltslinie 1004)1 2 121 € Verdolmet- Kabinen schung (Haus(Haushaltsli haltslinie nie 1402)2 214)3 --2 676 € (7 Mitglieder, zusätzliches Tagegeld) (3 Kabinen, 1 Slot) --- --- Redner (HL 1422)4 Sachverständige (HL 1422)5 Dritte (HL 2541)6 3 000 € --- 8 256 € (3 Redner, 1 Tag) Ausnahmegenehmigung der CAFA / des Präsidiums erforderlich Ja (12 Personen) Bemerkungen Genehmigung der zusätzlichen Tätigkeit, einschließlich der Kostenerstattung für Dritte, erforderlich im Rahmen der COTERSitzung EER-Infotag 2017 Regelung 012/2014 Art. 4 Abs. 4 Dir. E / E2 Seminar über die Unterstützung der Internationalisierung von KMU Regelung 012/2014 Art. 4 Abs. 4 Dir. E / E2 Europa 2020 – Sitzung mit den Beauftragten für das Europäische Semester Gemeinsame Veranstaltung AdRCoM-GD ENER auf dem Forum 2015 Urbanisierungspart nerschaft EU-China Regelung 012/2014 Art. 4 Abs. 4 Dir. E / E2 Regelung 012/2014 Art. 4 Abs. 4 Dir. E / E2 COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 8/33 Dezember 2015 (vorbehaltlich Bestätigung) November 2015 (vorbehaltlich Bestätigung) 5. November 2015 (vorbehaltlich Bestätigung) 29. Juni 2015 Brüssel --- --- --- 2 064 € Ja (3 Personen) Brüssel Brüssel Brüssel 2 980 € 2 676 € (2 Mitglieder, 1 Tag) (3 Kabinen, 1 Slot) 7 450 € 3 568 € (5 Mitglieder, 1 Tag) (4 Kabinen, 1 Slot) 4 470 € --- (3 Mitglieder, 1 Tag) --- --- --- 2 752 € Ja (4 Personen) --- --- --- --- --- Ja 3 000 € --- 2 064 € Ja (3 Redner, 1 Tag) (3 Personen) Genehmigung der zusätzlichen Tätigkeit, einschließlich der Kostenerstattung für Dritte, erforderlich Genehmigung der zusätzlichen Tätigkeit, einschließlich der Kostenerstattung für Dritte, erforderlich Genehmigung der zusätzlichen Tätigkeit erforderlich. Genehmigung der zusätzlichen Tätigkeit, einschließlich der Kostenerstattung für Dritte, erforderlich Art der Sitzung Rechtsgrundlage Zuständig Datum Veranstaltungsort Konferenz "Die Zukunft der grenzübergreifenden Kooperation in Europa" Zusätzliche Sitzung der Europa-2020Monitoringplattform des AdR Regelung 012/2014 Art. 4 Abs. 4 Dir. E / E2 13. November 2015 Brüssel Regelung 012/2014 Art. 4 Abs. 4 E2 – Europa 2020 9. Juli 2015 Brüssel ARLEM – Treffen mit libyschen Vertretern Regelung 012/2014 Art. 4 Abs. 4 Dir. E / E3 9. Juli 2015 Brüssel 17 Mitglieder (Haushaltslinie 1004)1 7 450 € (5 Mitglieder, 1 Tag) Verdolmet- Kabinen schung (Haus(Haushaltsli haltslinie nie 1402)2 214)3 --7 136 € (4 Kabinen, 2 Slots) 0€ 3 568 € (5 Mitglieder, Erstattung im Rahmen der Plenartagung) (4 Kabinen, 1 Slot) 0€ 2 676 € (10 Mitglieder, Erstattung im Rahmen der Plenartagung) (3 Kabinen, 1 Slot) Redner (HL 1422)4 Sachverständige (HL 1422)5 Dritte (HL 2541)6 1 000 € --- 2 064 € (1 Redner, 1 Tag) (3 Personen) --- --- --- --- Ja --- --- --- 688 € Ja Der Ko-Vorsitzende der ARLEM wird als Vertreter Dritter eingeladen. Die Kostenerstattung der libyschen Bürgermeister erfolgt durch die Europäische Kommission. COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 9/33 Ausnahmegenehmigung der CAFA / des Präsidiums erforderlich Ja (1 Per17 son) Bemerkungen Genehmigung der zusätzlichen Tätigkeit, einschließlich der Kostenerstattung für Dritte, erforderlich Genehmigung der zusätzlichen Tätigkeit (unmittelbar nach der Plenartagung) erforderlich Genehmigung der zusätzlichen Tätigkeit einschließlich der Kostenerstattung für Dritte erforderlich 1st meeting of the CoR-Ukraine Task Force 4 September 2015 (date tbc) Ukraine Requesting consumer/service: Date of the request: DTC, CIVEX 28 April 2015 Framework for the proposal/initiative 1.1 Title of the proposal/initiative CoR-Ukraine Task Force Inaugural Meeting 1.2 Nature of the initiative/proposal Meetings of working groups (Regulation 012/2014, Article 1.8) 1.3 Objectives, connection with the Annual Management resolution/decision/regulation, expected result and impact Plan, with a CoR The objective of the Task Force will be to support Ukraine in its efforts through the reform process by enhancing and strengthening the role of local governance and local democracy, as well as territorial cooperation between Ukrainian LRAs and the EU. 1.4 Duration and timing of financial and/or human resource impact One day event Estimated human resource impact of the proposal/initiative The Task Force shall be supported by the secretariat of the CIVEX commission. Estimated financial impact of the proposal/initiative BL 1004 - Members: 7 members: € 10 430 BL 1402 - Interpreting services: 5/5 interpretation regime full day + travel costs: € 14 495 BL 1422 – Expert assistance related to consultative work – speakers: 3 speakers: € 3 000 BL 2541 – Third parties: 6 persons: € 4 128 Insgesamt: 32 053 EUR COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 10/33 CORLEAP Bureau meeting, followed by a conference 18 September 2015 Yerevan, Armenia Requesting consumer/service: Date of the request: DTC, CIVEX 28 April 2015 Framework for the proposal/initiative 1.1 Title of the proposal/initiative CORLEAP Bureau Meeting (Rule 8(2) CORLEAP RoP) 1.2 Nature of the initiative/proposal Meetings of other political bodies (Regulation 012/2014, Article 1.9) Additional activities (Regulation 012/2014, Article 4.4) 1.3 Objectives, connection with the Annual Management resolution/decision/regulation, expected result and impact Plan, with a CoR At its meeting the CORLEAP Bureau shall take stock of CORLEAP activities under the Action Plan 2014-2015 and shall approve a new CORLEAP Action Plan 2016-2017 (Rule 5(2) CORLEAP RoP). The CORLEAP Bureau meeting will be followed by a conference. 1.4 Duration and timing of financial and/or human resource impact One day event Estimated human resource impact of the proposal/initiative CORLEAP secretariat will be in charge of organising the event on the CoR's side. Estimated financial impact of the proposal/initiative BL 1004 - Members: 6 CORLEAP CoR members: € 8 940 BL 1402 - Interpreting services: 5/5 interpretation regime full day + travel costs: € 14 495 BL 1422 – Expert assistance related to consultative work – speakers: 3 speakers: € 3 000 Total: € 26 435 COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 11/33 ARLEM – Meeting of Commission for Sustainable Territorial Development October 2015 (tbc) Sardinia (tbc) Requesting consumer / service: Date of the request: UNIT E 3 6 May 2015 Framework for the proposal/initiative 1.1 Title of the proposal/initiative Meeting of ARLEM's commission for sustainable territorial development, probably to be held outside Brussels (the ARLEM secretariat received several expressions of interest to host an ARLEM meeting). 1.2 Nature of the initiative/proposal ARLEM members decided at the 6th ARLEM plenary meeting held on 15 December 2014 in Antalya, Turkey, to merge the two ARLEM commission into one commission named "Commission for Sustainable Territorial Development". This commission is to meet once in 2015 to discuss the two thematic reports of ARLEM (on "A sustainable urban agenda for the Mediterranean region" and on "Employment and regional development in the Mediterranean region"). 1.3 Objectives, connection with the Annual Management Plan, with a CoR resolution/decision / regulation, expected result and impact One ARLEM commission meeting per year is explicitly mentioned in the management plan. The work of ARLEM is regularly highlighted in CoR opinions and resolutions, e.g. recently in the Opinion "Neighbourhood at the Crossroads: Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2013" which was adopted on 3-4 December 2014 (CIVEX-V-048). Regular meetings are expected to continue and strengthen ARLEM as a political assembly and the reports to be treated at this meeting are expected to maintain and raise ARLEM's profile as a credible representative of local and regional authorities in the Southern Neighbourhood vis-à-vis the European Commission, the European External Action Service, the Union for the Mediterranean and other key stakeholders. 1.4 Duration and timing of financial and /or human resource impact Meeting of one day in October2015 (date to be confirmed) Estimated human resource impact of the proposal/initiative ARLEM Secretariat COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 12/33 Estimated financial impact of the proposal/initiative BL 1004 - Members: 32 ARLEM CoR members: € 47 680 BL 1402 - Interpreting services: 6/6 interpretation regime full day + travel costs: € 17 394 BL 1422 – Expert assistance related to consultative work – speakers: 3 speakers: € 3 000 BL 2541 – Third parties: 42 persons (40 ARLEM members from Mediterranean countries and 2 experts of ARLEM rapporteurs): € 28 896 Total: € 96 970 COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 13/33 Joint event CoR-EC – Europe in my city – EXPO 19 and 20 September 2015 Milan (IT) Requesting consumer/service: Date of the request: DCPE- UNIT D1-D2 27 May 2015 Framework for the proposal/initiative 1.1 Title of the proposal/initiative "EU cities and regions for a sustainable urban food policy - local solutions for global challenges". Joint event promoted by CoR in cooperation with the European Commission ( JRC) in the context of EXPO- the Universal Exposition (EXPO) 2015, taking place in Milan from 1 May to 31 October 2015, under the theme of "Feeding the Planet Energy for Life". The event is labelled as "Europe in My city" Local Event and it is organised in the context of the decentralised local events of the European Committee of the Regions, held in partnership with regional and local authorities and their national associations (the event in Milan is supported by ANCI – the national association of Italian municipalities and cities and by EC and EPIOs office in Milan). The initiative will be organised at EU pavilion – EXPO. 1.2 Nature of the initiative/proposal Public conference addressing: a CoR delegation (President, first Vice-president, selection of NAT, COTER and ENVE members); members of the European Parliament; representatives of national associations of cities, municipalities and regions- all 28 Member States (invited by CoR, attending at their own expenses) ; a select list of Italian stakeholders (Italian national delegation at CoR; Italian Ministry of Agriculture; Italian cities- selected and invited by ANCI in the context of ANCI activity in EXPO; City of Milan); partners of the Urban Food Policy Pact (28 city representatives- invited to attend). The conference will be divided in three round tables: a high level political session; a presentation of best practises and a session dedicated at the financial instruments for a sustainable urban development. During the morning the CoR delegation will visit the EXPO to liaise with expositors and network among local and regional authorities present and also the EU pavilion-tour of "Alex&Sylvia". A networking lunch with representatives of EU and national and regional authorities is planned at the EU pavilion. 1.3 Objectives, connection with the Annual Management Plan, with a CoR resolution/decision/ regulation, expected result and impact Main objectives of the initiatives are: presenting the contribution of EU cities and regions at Milan Charter, drawing on CoR's resolution on sustainable food (to be adopted in July 2015) and CoR opinions adopted in last few years and finalise the signature of Milan Charter by the CoR at the Italian pavilion. COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 14/33 Sharing local experiences, models and proposals of EU cities and regions and their national associations to shape an urban sustainable development strategy in the face of global nutrition challenges. 1.4 Duration and timing of financial and/or human resource impact Two day event, study visit on 19 September and seminar on 20 September 2015 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Estimated human resource impact of the proposal/initiative DCPE- D1-D2 - staff devoted to Decentralised local events, staff of cabinet and of NAT, COTER and ENVE- tbc Estimated financial impact of the proposal/initiative BL 1004 - Members: 7 members: € 12 551 BL 1402 - Interpreting services: 2 interpreters study visits, 5 interpreters conference: € 8 139 BL 1422 - Expert assistance related to consultative work - speakers: € 0 BL 1422 - Expert assistance related to consultative work - experts: € 0 BL 2541 –Service providers: € 10 000 18 Total: EUR 30 690 18 Communication costs (media partnership agreement; audio visual coverage, signage, publications, etc.; catering costs; COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 15/33 EPP external group meeting "Making EU investments work in regions and cities" 21 October 2015 Madrid (ES) Requesting consumer/service: Date of the request: EPP group 11 June 2015 Background information/Motivation The CoR's EPP group wishes to organise a second external group meeting in the framework of the European People's Party 2015 Statutory Congress in Madrid. The title of the event is "Making EU investments work in regions and cities". As the proposed size of the event exceeds the available budget for members' reimbursement that was attributed to the EPP group under its envelope for thematic activities in the beginning of this year, preliminary authorisation of the Bureau, after consultation of CFAA, is needed for the organisation of this event. Framework for the proposal/initiative 1.1 Title of the proposal/initiative EPP external group meeting "Making EU investments work in regions and cities" 1.2 Nature of the initiative/proposal Thematic activities of the political groups (Regulation 012/2014, Article 2.2), and activities exceeding the budget granted at the beginning of the year (Regulation 012/2014, Article 4.3). 1.3 Objectives, connection with the Annual Management resolution/decision/regulation, expected result and impact Plan, with a CoR The event contributes to the CoR priorities for 2015-2020 adopted at the last plenary session and with the 2015 working programmes of the COTER and ECON commissions in particular. The meeting entitled "EPP 2015 Statutory Congress – Making EU investments work in regions and cities" is a flagship initiative of the EPP CoR Group's support to President Juncker's Investment Plan. The EPP CoR Group, in conjunction with the European People's Party, has developed an event which will offer a platform for the CoR and its EPP CoR members to involve themselves in the implementation of the EU's investment plan. The success of this plan relies on local and regional authorities being fully involved in its implementation hence we feel that all our members must be informed and have the opportunity to discuss with one another opportunities in reaching this end. The topics that will be discussed range from the EU funds, financial instruments, delivering jobs and growth to the practical involvement of local and regional authorities in realisation of the investment projects. COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 16/33 The EPP CoR Group meeting in Madrid will be a great opportunity for promoting not only the work of our members but also the role of the CoR. The regional and local representative from Spain will be invited to attend the meeting. The event itself is envisaged to take place as part of the official European People's Party 2015 Statutory Congress. The congress is attended by the most important EPP representatives from throughout Europe including the key EU institutions leaders as well the heads of state and government. For this reason alone it is imperative that the CoR represented by our members has a voice to exert a political impact in this event and we feel this external meeting is crucial to getting across the message of local and regional authorities. As the largest group at the CoR, it would be remiss not to make the effort to maximise the potential positive impact of this meeting and as such wish to invite all our members. This event as explained plays a very important role in guiding the political trajectory of our party and a political group at the CoR. Last but not least, the EPP has contributed to the substantial savings of the CoR budget in 2014 by: not organising the 2014 annual group meeting in Brussels, attendance of only 3/4 of all members at the meeting on 30 January 2015; attendance of only ca 66% of all members at the meeting on 22 May in Milan. These savings all contributed to allow the CoR to frontload the January and part of February 2015 events from last year's budget. 1.4 Duration and timing of financial and/or human resource impact Two day event. Estimated human resource impact of the proposal/initiative The EPP group secretariat will be in charge of organising the event. Estimated financial impact of the proposal/initiative BL 1004 - Members: 80 CoR EPP members: € 119 20019 BL 1402 - Interpreting services: 8/7 interpretation regime 1 slot + travel costs: € 21 07420 BL 214 – Meeting rooms: technical and audiovisual: € 18 000 BL 1422 – Expert assistance related to consultative work – speakers: 5 speakers: € 5 000 Total: € 163 274 19 20 Budget attributed at the beginning of 2015 to EPP group for thematic activities was € 47 680. As available interpretation booths do not meet EU standards, a call for tender for freelance interpreters should be issued. COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 17/33 External seminar NAT commission 18 June 2015 Gaia (PT) The NAT Commission asks for authorisation to reimburse 4 external speakers instead of 3. The local organisers do not have any means to reimburse the 4th speaker on top of the already relatively high costs for the organisation of an external meeting. The participation of the 4th speaker, with specific knowledge on the subject is essential for the organisation of the seminar. ENVE seminar on "Circular economy" 29 September Brussels This year the ENVE Commission will not organise an external meeting. Instead, it would like to replace its external meeting by a conference on "Circular Economy" on 29 September 2015 in Brussels, the day after the scheduled commission meeting (28 September). COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 18/33 CORLEAP Hearing on Moldova October 2015 (tbc) Brussels Requesting consumer/service: Date of the request: DTC, CIVEX 28 April 2015 Framework for the proposal/initiative 1.1 Title of the proposal/initiative Hearing on Moldova, joint event with the Congress 1.2 Nature of the initiative/proposal Additional activities (Regulation 012/2014, Article 4.4) CORLEAP and Congress will organise a joint event on Moldova, presenting the Congress monitoring mission on local and regional democracy in the country. 1.3 Objectives, connection with the Annual Management resolution/decision/regulation, expected result and impact Plan, with a CoR Based on the cooperation agreement between the Congress and the CoR and having in regard the successful previous cooperation in the area of EaP policy, CORLEAP and Congress will organise a joint hearing on Moldova devoted to the presentation of the Congress report on Moldova. Moldova signed an Association Agreement with the EU in 2014. The Association Agreement with the EU has clauses devoted to the regional policy and the development of democracy on the local level in Moldova. 1.4 Duration and timing of financial and/or human resource impact Half a day. Estimated human resource impact of the proposal/initiative CORLEAP secretariat will be in charge of organising the event on the CoR's side. Estimated financial impact of the proposal/initiative BL 1004 - Members: 3 members: € 4 470 BL 1402 - Interpreting services: 3/3 interpretation regime half a day: € 2 676 BL 1422 – Expert assistance related to consultative work – speakers: 3 speakers: € 3 000 Total: € 10 146 COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 19/33 7th Subsidiarity Conference November 2015 (tbc) Flemish Parliament, Brussels Requesting consumer / service: Date of the request: UNIT E2 6 May 2015 Framework for the proposal/initiative 1.1 Title of the proposal/initiative 7th Subsidiarity Conference 1.2 Nature of the initiative/proposal It is organised by the CoR on a biennial basis to gather all relevant players in monitoring the principle of subsidiarity in Europe. It is the most important event on subsidiarity at EU level. The CoR organises its subsidiarity conferences together with an external partner region/institution that hosts the event. This year the event is hosted by the Flemish parliament. 1.3 Objectives, connection with the Annual Management Plan, with a CoR resolution/decision / regulation, expected result and impact Revised subsidiarity monitoring strategy adopted by the CoR Bureau on 2 May 2012/ Subsidiarity Annual Work Programme 2015 1.4 Duration and timing of financial and /or human resource impact 1 full day (November 2015) – Venue: Flemish parliament in Brussels Estimated human resource impact of the proposal/initiative E.2 staff – subsidiarity team – Directorate E – President Cabinet – Press unit Estimated financial impact of the proposal/initiative BL 1004 - Members: 40 CoR members: € 59 600 BL 1402 - Interpreting services: 6/6 interpretation regime full day: € 10 704 BL 1422 – Expert assistance related to consultative work – speakers: 10 speakers: € 10 000 BL 2541 – Third parties: 15 persons: € 10 320 Total: € 90 924 COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 20/33 Subsidiarity Awareness Raising / Training for Regional Parliaments / executives June/July and September/October 2015 (tbc) External (place tbc) Requesting consumer / service: Date of the request: UNIT E 2 6 May 2015 Framework for the proposal/initiative 1.1 Title of the proposal/initiative Subsidiarity awareness raising/Training for regional parliaments/executives 1.2 Nature of the initiative/proposal Raise awareness and provide information/training on subsidiarity monitoring in regional parliaments – external meeting. 1.3 Objectives, connection with the Annual Management Plan, with a CoR resolution/decision / regulation, expected result and impact Revised subsidiarity monitoring strategy adopted by the CoR Bureau on 2 May 2012/ Subsidiarity Annual Work Programme 2015/ Conclusions of the 6th Subsidiarity Conference in Berlin/ Conclusions of the Subsidiarity Workshop in June 2014 1.4 Duration and timing of financial and /or human resource impact 1 day, June/July 2015 (tbc) – Venue: tbc Estimated human resource impact of the proposal/initiative E.2 staff – subsidiarity team Estimated financial impact of the proposal/initiative Per training: BL 1004 - Members: 1 CoR member: € 1 490 BL 1402 - Interpreting services: 2/2 interpretation regime full day + travel costs: € 5 798 BL 1422 – Expert assistance related to consultative work – speakers: 3 speakers: € 3 000 BL 2541 – Third parties: 3 persons: € 2 064 Total per training: € 12 352 Total for two trainings: € 24 704 COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 21/33 Seminar: "The Future of Cohesion Policy – From Models to Ideas" 2 October 2015 (tbc) Brussels Requesting consumer / service : Date of the request: UNIT E 2 6 May 2015 Framework for the proposal/initiative 1.1 Title of the proposal/initiative Seminar "The Future of Cohesion Policy – From Models to Ideas" 1.2 Nature of the initiative/proposal Third seminar forming part of the research and reflection project on the future of Cohesion Policy as stated in the Bureau decision CdR 5242/2014, item 6d). 1.3 Objectives, connection with the Annual Management Plan, with a CoR resolution/decision / regulation, expected result and impact According to Bureau decision CdR 5242/2014, item 6d), workshops with experts and COTER members will be set up in parallel to the drawing-up of the study on the Future of Cohesion Policy, in order to provide additional input and to facilitate a discussion with COTER members. This workshop would be organised three times (the first one took place in December 2014, two additional ones are planned in 2015), in connection with the COTER commission meetings. 1.4 Duration and timing of financial and /or human resource impact 2 October 2015 (tbc). This activity is planned as a half-day event taking place either the day of the COTER meeting or the day before – Venue: Brussels Estimated human resource impact of the proposal/initiative CoR staff will be in charge of the organisation. Estimated financial impact of the proposal/initiative BL 1004 - Members: 7 CoR members, only per diem: € 2 121 BL 1402 - Interpreting services: 3/3 interpretation regime, 1 slot: € 2 676 BL 1422 – Expert assistance related to consultative work – speakers: 3 speakers: € 3 000 BL 2541 – Third parties: 12 persons: € 8 256 Total: € 16 053 COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 22/33 EER 2017 Info Day December 2015 (tbc) Brussels Requesting consumer / service: Date of the request: UNIT E 2 6 May 2015 Framework for the proposal/initiative 1.1 Title of the proposal/initiative EER 2017 Info Day 1.2 Nature of the initiative/proposal The EER 2017 Info Day will serve to present the fundamental aspects of a convincing and sustainable EER strategy to potential applicants for the EER 2017 call for applications. It will be targeted primarily at the regional offices in Brussels and involve speakers from the CoR administration, EER partner institutions and organisations, as well as practitioners from successful EER regions. 1.3 Objectives, connection with the Annual Management Plan, with a CoR resolution/decision / regulation, expected result and impact The EER Info Day aims to increase the visibility of the 2017 call for applications and to attract and support applicants in the run-up to their EER applications in accordance with CoR Bureau decision 4057/2014, item 7. 1.4 Duration and timing of financial and /or human resource impact Half-day event in December 2015 (tbc) – Venue: Brussels Estimated human resource impact of the proposal/initiative CoR staff will be in charge of the organisation. Estimated financial impact of the proposal/initiative BL 1004 - Members: n/a BL 1402 - Interpreting services: n/a BL 1422 – Expert assistance related to consultative work – speakers: n/a BL 2541 – Third parties: 3 persons: € 2 064 Total: € 2 064 COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 23/33 Seminar on internationalisation support for SME's November 2015 (tbc) Brussels Requesting consumer / service: Date of the request: UNIT E 2 6 May 2015 Framework for the proposal/initiative 1.1 Title of the proposal/initiative Seminar on internationalisation support for SMEs 1.2 Nature of the initiative/proposal The workshop will focus on the implementation of the tenth principle of the Small Business Act for Europe ("Encourage SMEs to benefit from the growth of markets"), demonstrating the potential of the EER scheme to encourage local and regional authorities to take ownership of the SBA principles by highlighting good practice examples from EER and other regions and establishing a dialogue between the CoR, the European Commission, local and regional authorities, and stakeholders. It is in line Decision 4057/2014, item 7, of the CoR Bureau on the Review of the EER scheme. 1.3 Objectives, connection with the Annual Management Plan, with a CoR resolution/decision / regulation, expected result and impact The workshop will contribute to political priority I. "Deliver on Europe 2020" regarding economic recovery and job creation, and to priority V. "A strong CoR in a new Europe", as it will showcase the role of regional and local authorities in implementing the tenth SBA principle and promoting multilevel governance in SME policy. At the same time, it contributes to implementing Decision 4057/2014, item 7, of the CoR Bureau on the Review of the EER scheme, by encouraging local and regional authorities to contribute to the implementation of the Small Business Act in their territories. 1.4 Duration and timing of financial and/or human resource impact Half-day event in November 2015 (tbc) - Venue: Brussels Estimated human resource impact of the proposal/initiative CoR staff will be in charge of the organisation. COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 24/33 Estimated financial impact of the proposal/initiative BL 1004 - Members: 2 CoR members: € 2 980 BL 1402 - Interpreting services: 3/3 interpretation regime, 1 slot: € 2 676 BL 1422 – Expert assistance related to consultative work – speakers: n/a BL 2541 – Third parties: 4 persons: € 2 752 Total: € 8 408 COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 25/33 Europe 2020 – Meeting with European Semester Officers 5 November 2015 (tbc) Brussels Requesting consumer / service: Date of the request: UNIT E2 6 May 2015 Framework for the proposal/initiative 1.1 Title of the proposal/initiative Meeting with European Semester Officers 1.2 Nature of the initiative/proposal It's for the Europe 2020 Platform to liaise with the European Semester Officers, seconded in all European Commission Representations to help the country's relevant stakeholders to take part in the Semester more actively. It will involve a selected group of ESOs from selected countries (on the day of other ESO meetings in Brussels), and the Steering Committee of the Platform. 1.3 Objectives, connection with the Annual Management Plan, with a CoR resolution/decision / regulation, expected result and impact Encouraging and supporting the involvement of local and regional authorities in the European Semester, by supporting the Officers in their empowerment actions. This is related to the Athens Declaration and the Europe 2020 Platform current Working Programme, as presented to the Bureau on 18 March 2015 (involving the LRAs in the European Semester, diffusing multilevel governance, diffusing good practices, monitoring developments on the ground). 1.4 Duration and timing of financial and /or human resource impact Half a day - 5 November (tbc) – Venue: Brussels Estimated human resource impact of the proposal/initiative E.2 staff – Europe 2020 Platform's Steering Committee Estimated financial impact of the proposal/initiative BL 1004 - Members: 5 CoR members: € 7 450 BL 1402 - Interpreting services: 4/4 interpretation regime, 1 slot: € 3 568 BL 1422 – Expert assistance related to consultative work – speakers: n/a BL 2541 – Third parties: n/a Total: € 11 018 COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 26/33 Joint CoR-CoM-DG ENER event at the 2015 EU – China Urbanisation Forum 29 June 201521 Brussels Requesting consumer / service: Date of the request: UNIT E2 6 May 2015 Framework for the proposal/initiative 1.1 Title of the proposal/initiative Joint CoR-CoM-DG ENER event at the 2015 EU-China Urbanisation Forum 1.2 Nature of the initiative/proposal This event will be one of the 6 subfora organised, under the umbrella of the EU-China Urbanisation Forum. In order to attract the attention of their PM, the Chinese Mission suggested as general theme "Investing in cities". They would like to introduce the element of Chinese banks and financers investing in EU cities, on top of the present topic of EU companies supporting sustainable urbanisation in Chinese cities. This event will focus on the internationalisation of the Covenant of Mayors (CoM). There are plans to open a CoM regional secretariat in China, and the Covenant has been looked at with vivid interest by the Chinese authorities as a good example to follow to spread cooperation among cities in the field of climate change and urbanisation. 1.3 Objectives, connection with the Annual Management Plan, with a CoR resolution/decision / regulation, expected result and impact The outcome of the discussions may feed into a CoR own-initiative opinion on the future of the Covenant of Mayors. Presence of the rapporteur of this opinion (to be appointed on 4 May) is therefore envisaged. Objectives: 21 to present the Covenant as a tool for further cooperation between European and Chinese cities, and to promote involvement of Chinese local and regional authorities in the CoM to explore possibilities for involving Chinese local and regional authorities in the debate about the future of the Covenant of Mayors to explore if and how the Covenant model could be replicated in China; to share experience in moving towards sustainable, integrated and efficient solutions in the area of urban management between cities representatives to show the Covenant as a unique example of multi-level governance success in the field of climate and energy Due to a delay in planning, this event was only validated by CFAA at its meeting on 17 June 2015, validation by the CoR Bureau is therefore requested ex post. COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 27/33 1.4 to explore different funding options for sustainable energy actions and investments, including joint funding measures. Duration and timing of financial and /or human resource impact 2.5 hours in JDE 51 - 29 June 2015 a.m. - Venue: Brussels Estimated human resource impact of the proposal/initiative E2 staff (Covenant of Mayors team) The Covenant of Mayors Office (CoMO) European Commission DG ENER staff Estimated financial impact of the proposal/initiative BL 1004 - Members: 3 CoR members: € 4 470 BL 1402 - Interpreting services: To be provided by DG ENER BL 1422 – Expert assistance related to consultative work – speakers: 3 speakers: € 3 000 BL 2541 – Third parties: 3 persons: € 2 064 Total: € 9 534 COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 28/33 Conference "The Future of Cross-border Cooperation in Europe" 13 November 2015 Brussels Requesting consumer / service: Date of the request: UNIT E 2 6 May 2015 Framework for the proposal/initiative 1.1 Title of the proposal/initiative Conference "The Future of Cross-border Cooperation in Europe" 1.2 Nature of the initiative/proposal European-wide conference co-organised with the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), the Congress of Local and Regional Powers of the Council of Europe and the European Commission – DG Regional and Urban Policy. The intention is to discuss the future of cross-border cooperation (CBC) in general, not only with regard to EU programmes, but also the added value of CBC for border regions and for the cross-border territorial integration, growth and jobs, better cooperation with neighbouring States and between third countries, better use of futures chances (energy, health care, public services, education, modern means of communication etc.) and the overcoming of existing obstacles. 1.3 Objectives, connection with the Annual Management Plan, with a CoR resolution/decision / regulation, expected result and impact The mission of the EGTC Platform of the CoR is, inter alia, to provide factual information about multilevel governance and cross-border aspects of the EU legislation and policies (cfr. Bureau decision R/CdR 397/2010 item 6). The priorities of the EGTC Platform for 2015 and 2016 include explicitly the cooperation with the AEBR (cfr. Bureau decision R/CdR 1517/2015 point 6). The Cooperation Agreement between the CoR and the Congress of Local and Regional Powers of the Council of Europe (Ref. CDR 149/2009 pt. 8) foresees common activities between the two institutions. The CAFA has authorised a complementary co-organised workshop on the EGTCs and the European Territorial Cooperation programmes which will take place on 12 November and will be complementary to this conference. . 1.4 Duration and timing of financial and /or human resource impact 13 November 2015. Whole day event. - Venue: Brussels Estimated human resource impact of the proposal/initiative CoR staff will be in charge of the organisation. COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 29/33 Estimated financial impact of the proposal/initiative BL 1004 - Members: 5 CoR members: € 7 450 BL 1402 - Interpreting services: 4/4 interpretation regime, 2 slots: € 7 136 BL 1422 – Expert assistance related to consultative work – speakers: 1 speaker: € 1 000 BL 2541 – Third parties: 3 persons: € 2 064 Total: € 17 650 COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 30/33 Additional Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform Steering Committee meeting 9 July 2015 Brussels, European Committee of the Regions Requesting consumer/service: Date of the request: Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform, Unit E2 27 May 2015 Framework for the proposal/initiative 1.1 Title of the proposal/initiative Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform 1.2 Nature of the initiative/proposal During the Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform Steering Committee meeting of 7 May 2015, the first of the new CoR mandate, members asked to hold a supplementary meeting on 9 July, taking as an opportunity the final day of the plenary session, in which the annual workshop of the Platform is also scheduled. 1.3 Objectives, connection with the Annual Management Plan, with a CoR resolution/decision/ regulation, expected result and impact This meeting will help the Steering Committee to better supervise the implementation of the working programme of the Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform, in particular, by discussing the evolution of the 2015 European Semester so far in view of the 6th Monitoring Report of the Platform, to be published in October. This meeting is also to discuss more on how the 2020 platform and European Semester work can be integrated into the ECON Commission, and how work between the two can be more integrated and harmonised. 1.4 Duration and timing of financial and/or human resource impact This is a 1 hour 15 minutes event (13:30-14:45) on 9 July, in Brussels, taking place just after the plenary meeting and immediately before the Platform's workshop. Estimated human resource impact of the proposal/initiative Unit E 2 (Europe 2020 team in particular) will be in charge of organising the event on the CoR's side. COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 31/33 Estimated financial impact of the proposal/initiative BL 1004 - Members: 5 members: € 0 BL 1402 - Interpreting services: 4/4 interpretation regime: € 3 568 BL 1422 - Expert assistance related to consultative work - speakers: no speakers: € 0 BL 1422 - Expert assistance related to consultative work - experts: € 0 BL 214 - Technical equipment and installations (Booths): € 0 BL 2541 - Third parties: 0 persons: € 0 Total: € 3 568 COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 32/33 ARLEM – meeting with Libyan representatives 9 July 2015 Brussels The CoR President (in his capacity as co-chair of ARLEM) will organise a meeting between 5 mayors from Libya and 10 CoR members on 9 July, the day of the plenary session. This meeting follows on the request of Commissioners Hahn and Mogherini and takes place in the context of the current revolution in Libya and its new status of observer within the UfM and therefore ARLEM. CoR members will already be in Brussels for the plenary session, no additional costs Libyan mayors will be reimbursed by the European Commission The ARLEM co-chair will be reimbursed by the CoR as a third party representative Interpreting costs (max. 3 languages) to be covered by the CoR. _____________ COR-2015-03204-06-01-NB-TRA (EN) 33/33