
General Assembly Meeting
February 20, 2014
G-24 McEwen Hall, 5:30pm
Call to Order
a. Roll Call
b. Approval of the Minutes
c. Concerns of the Audience
Consent Agenda
a. Jefferson Dedrick for Assistant Speaker
b. Andrew Kopf for Budget and Appropriations Committee
c. Megan McNeil for Budget and Appropriations Committee 1
d. Connor Hoffman for Rules CommitteeP
e. Council for Exceptional Children for Acknowledgement2
f. Badminton Club for Provisional Recognition
g. Delta Phi Epsilon for Re-Acknowledgement
h. Fredonia for St. Jude for Re-Charter
i. Delta Mu Delta Honor Society for Re-Acknowledgement
j. Envied Xpression for Re-Acknowledgement2
k. Fredonia Trombone Choir for Re-Acknowledgement
l. Alpha Lambda Delta for Re-Acknowledgement
m. Release Request for Sister Circle for $387.50 from Allocations
n. Release Request for Fredonia Trombone Choir for $593.00 from Allocations
o. Release Request for Sigma Gamma Phi for $1,000.00 from Allocations
p. Release Request for NASU for $215.00 from Allocations
q. Release Request for Figure Study Sessions for $687.50 from Allocations
r. Release Request for Figure Study Sessions for $412.50 from Allocations
s. Release Request for Music Therapy Club for $331.98 from Allocations
t. Release Request for Some Like it Hot for $1,000.00 from Allocations
u. Reallocation Request for Blackhorse Rugby for $3,000.00 from line 6110-12 to 634212
v. Reallocation Request for Blackhorse Rugby for $400.00 from line 6110-12 to 6342-12
a. Judicial Branch
i. Chief Justice Jordan Nicholson
b. Legislative Branch
i. Speaker of the Assembly Justin Dickerson
ii. Assistant Speaker of the Assembly
c. Executive Branch
i. President Antonio Regulier
ii. Vice President Hughdean Blake
iii. Student Comptroller Kyle Stolt
iv. Executive Departments
a. Chair of Public Relations
b. Chair of Student Relations
c. Chair of Community Relations
d. Chair of Environmental Affairs
e. Chair of Diversity Relations
Special Orders
General Orders
Unfinished Business
New Business
- Motion made to make appointment effective in March
- Motions made pending reception of doctrine, doctrines received
General Assembly Meeting
February 13, 2014
G-24 McEwen Hall, 5:30pm
Call to Order
a. Roll Call
Justin Dickerson: I hereby call this meeting of the General Assembly to order at 5:30pm. Hello,
my name is Justin Dickerson and I am the Speaker of the Assembly. I will begin by taking
Monica White –Present
Kristin Beck –Excused
Jennifer Hildebrand – Excused
Jefferson Dedrick – Present
Meghan Bartok – Present
Caity Minihane – Present
Tracy Halloran – Present
William Sattelberg – Present
Katelynn White – Present
Connor Hoffman—Present
Jason Burgos – Present
Abigail Dry – Present
Kaitlyn Hayes – Present
Kevin Traiman – Present
Maguette Ndiaye – Present
Sara Bartz – Absent
Ellie Brion – Excused
Jillian Burgess – Absent
Anthony Mercedes – Present
Christopher Sanchez –Absent
Justin Cunningham – Present
Patrick Kennedy – Present
Justin Shanley – Absent
Justin Dickerson – Present
Constituted Groups:
Art Forum – Present
Fred ASSIST – Absent
Black Horse Rugby – Absent
BSU – Present
Club Hockey – Present
Club Ultimate Frisbee – Absent
Ethos – Present
FRS – Present
Intramurals – Present
Jazz Workshop –Present
Lacrosse – Present
LU – Present
Leader – Excused
Orchesis – Present
PAC – Present
Percussion Guild –Present
Pride Alliance – Present
Sound Services –Excused
Spectrum – Present
SOTA – Absent
STEPS – Present
WNYF – Present
WSU – Present
Approval of the Minutes
Justin: Justin Cunningham?
Justin Cunningham: I have a change to the minutes. I would like to add my name. I was present
for both the attendance and the adjournment, so I’d just like to add my name in there.
Justin Dickerson: Ok, my bad.
Justin Cunningham: No problem. I yield.
Justin Dickerson: Is there anything else for the approval of the minutes? Seeing none, I seek a
motion. Maggie?
Motion made by Maggie Ndiaye to approve the minutes from February 6 th, seconded by Justin
Cunningham. Is there any further discussion? Seeing none, we will move into a vote. All in favor,
please say “aye,” all opposed, please say “nay.” Any abstentions? In the opinion of the chair the
aye’s have it and the minutes are so approved.
Concerns of the Audience
Justin: Moving down to concerns of the audience. Are there any? Alright, moving down to the—
oh, sorry.
Lindsay: Harry Potter Club was not listed.
Justin: Um, no, you’re next.
Lindsay: Oh, ok.
Justin: You’re good.
Lindsay: Ok, sorry.
Justin: No problem, do you yield?
Lindsay: Yes.
10. Consent Agenda
a. Erin Dorozynski for Rules Committee
b. Jefferson Dedrick for Rules Committee
Blue Devils Roller Girls for Acknowledgement
Harry Potter Club for Acknowledgement
Philosophical Society for Provisional Recognition
Deutsch Club for Provisional Recognition
Sport Management and Exercise Science Club for Re-Acknowledgement
American Marketing Association for Re-Charter
Communication Disorders Student Society for Re-Charter
Club Lacrosse for Re-Constitution
Brother to Brother for $333.90 from Allocations
Brother to Brother for $1,166.10 from Allocations
Fredonia Radio Systems for $2,400.00 from line 6210-14 to line 6310-14
Writer’s Ring for $1,000.00 from Allocations
Kappa Delta Pi for $1,000.00 from Allocations
*letters “g” and “n” are absent
Justin: Would anyone like anything off of the consent agenda? Remember, “off” goes under my
report and “tabled” does things that go to next week. Jefferson?
Jefferson: I move to take letters “g” and “n” off.
Justin: Ok. Anything else?
Motion made by the Budget & Appropriations and Rules Committees to pass letters “a” through
“f”, “h” through “m”, and “o”, seconded by Jason Burgos. Is there any further discussion?
Seeing none, we will move into a vote. All in favor, please say “aye,” all opposed, please say
“nay.” Any abstentions? In the opinion of the chair the aye’s have it and the letters are so passed.
Justin: So, if you are here representing Erin Dorozynski, Blue Devils Roller Girls, Harry Potter
Club, Philosophical Society, Deutsch Club, American Marketing Association, Communication
Disorders Student Society, Brother to Brother, or Kappa Delta Pi, you are free to leave. Quietly,
11. Reports
a. Judicial Branch
i. Chief Justice Jordan Nicholson
Justin: Chief Justice Jordan Nicholson is not here; does anyone care to deliver his report? Ok.
Legislative Branch
i. Speaker of the Assembly Justin Dickerson
Justin: Hello. Welcome back to the General Assembly on another lovely Thursday. I forgot a
form in my office and Jefferson couldn’t find it because I probably lost it. So, here are pieces of
paper that I’m going to send around. Actually, Jefferson is going to come grab them and he’s
going to send them around, because essentially, your group—if you are here representing a
constituted group, you’re gonna put your group’s name. If you are a rep, you’re gonna put your
real name. And then you’re gonna mark down whether you want paper or electronic minutes so
that I don’t have to cut down a tree every time I make a general assembly agenda, and then if you
want your electronic minutes, you’re gonna write your email down, and if you don’t want
electronic minutes down just write “paper”. So, to review, paper, “I want paper minutes”,
electronic, “I want electronic minutes,” and then also write your email. Don’t say “electronic” and
then grab a paper one every week because I’m literally going to have one for every group that will
be here, one for every person that wanted paper minutes. So, please be clear on that because we’re
trying to save the environment here. Does anyone have any questions about that? Alright. So,
we—if you are a class representative then you are required by the Constitution to do two things.
Number one, you have to go to Budget and Appropriations week and attend one budget meeting.
Our comptroller, Kyle Stolt, is going to have a schedule for you all. It will be posted next week.
Essentially, you will have to look at that and find a time that works for you. When you come to
that meeting, make sure you sign in with Kyle, If you do not attend those meetings, you will be
sent to court. Um, second of all, you have to go to GA day, which I will let you all know right
now—it is going to be Sunday, March 30th, at 11AM. This is the most important general assembly
meeting that will happen this year. This is when you approve the $2.1 million budget that the
Student Association has. So, all class reps are required to be there. If you cannot make it, you have
to have an excuse absence from both me and Kyle; no one of us can excuse you. So, if you can’t
be there, you have to tell us both why and it better be a good reason because it is a very important
meeting. Um, yea, so that meeting is going to take place on Sunday at 11AM. Um, Vince may or
may not be buying pizza and pop, we’ll see. But, it is a very important meeting; all of the
constituted groups are also required to attend that meeting in order to finalize their budgets. We, as
a general assembly, have to vote on these budgets to make sure we leave with the constituted
groups being as happy as they possibly can because we love our constituted groups very much. So,
make sure that you are present. Anyone have any questions? If you are a constituted group and
you have questions, it’d be a good time for that too. Yes?
Rep: Where exactly is that meeting? Here?
Justin: That meeting is going to be held upstairs in McEwen—oh gosh. Vince, what room is that?
Vince: 209.
Justin: 209. The big room that we do Summit in, ‘cause you all don’t fit in this room. Yea. Does
anyone have anymore questions about GA day? IF you are a constituted group, please make sure
that your group has everything taken care of for GA day and B&A week. And for my final piece
of information, I have selected an Assistant Speaker! You can clap, that’s fine. Congratulations to
Jefferson Dedrick who will be going through Rules next Monday. Um, so, yea, for those of you
can count weeks, that means that nobody else submitted one, but that’s alright ‘cause I think he’ll
do great. If anyone has any questions, um, he will be going through Rules Committee next
Monday. If you have any lingering questions that you would like to ask the next potential Speaker
of the Assembly, next Monday at 5 o’clock in g103a, come and ask some questions. You do not
have to be a rep to ask questions at this meeting. So, if you are just a normal person who wants to
make sure that this guy isn’t crazy, go for it. Does anyone have any questions about anything
whatsoever? Yes?
Patrick: Uh, we took two letters off of the consent agenda, and they’re under your report now. So,
I move to table letters, well formerly they were “g” and “n” from the consent agenda.
Motion made by Patrick Kennedy to table Sports Management and Exercise Science Club and
Writer’s Ring to the next meeting of the general assembly, seconded by James Hobbs. Is there any
further discussion? Seeing none, we will move into a vote. All in favor, please say “aye,” all
opposed, please say “nay.” Any abstentions? In the opinion of the chair the aye’s have it and the
letters are so tabled.
Executive Branch
i. President Antonio Regulier
Antonio: I don’t get a clap? Oh, ok. Hello everyone. Hi. No? Alright, so I have a few things on
the agenda for today. Um, the first one, I received a few letters of intent, and I am still looking
for some more. I will list to you guys the positions available. Right now, for executive
departments, we have public relations, environmental affairs, diversity relations, student relations,
and community relations. So, those are the positions that are still available for anyone who is
looking to apply. If you are interested, please email me a letter of intent at
If you are interested in an executive committee position, the positions are transfer, international
rep, academic departments, off-campus living, Greek life, and club sports. Once again, if you are
interested, email me at I am still looking for people to fill these spots and
I’m looking up until Friday at 12pm and then we will close the application process and then I’ll
come back to you guys with reports of missing applications if there’s a space available and then
people can apply for those. Moving on, um, we’re still working on the General Education
revisions. Uh, Fredonia is taking a new initiative to kind of reprogram and change their general
education CCC requirement in order to make it more approving and more acceptable to students,
and more accessible in terms of how you can identify with the programs. Um, with that being said,
there are three working groups in which I wanted to be a representative on and I haven’t gotten
word back yet from Rob Deemer. Now, he is the chair of the senate. If you guys feel that it is
necessary to…(?)… on these working groups—and I’ll identify the groups. They are E-portfolio,
the non-major and major introduction courses, and the first-year transitional courses. If you feel
that a group is important, please email Rob Deemer. His email is It
is important for you guys to voice your concerns of how the curriculum should be driven, and
especially as students, that you guys have a voice and have a say. So, if you guys feel that it is
necessary to say that, please email him. Moving on, yesterday I was fortunate to attend the college
council in which we discussed future plans—oh are you gonna write it down?
Justin: Yea.
Antonio: Robert, “R-o-b-e-r-t”, period, Deemer, “D-e-e-m-e-r” at Fredonia dot… you got it.
College council, we were able to view the new science building, which, I have to tell you guys, is
beautiful. Um, it has a lot of great aspects to it. I think the science majors will have a lot of fun
with it. I look forward to you guys seeing it, it will be opening in the fall. Yea, you should be
excited! It’s exciting, big things on campus, woohoo! And last but not least, I do plan on coming
back next week with a report of what was said at the college council and the more detailed aspects
of what we said so you guys can know and be knowledgeable about that as well. Um, give me a
week, I’ll come back with that report, ‘cause it was yesterday. And last but not least, who in here
as read The Leader today? Ok, just two people? Does anyone know what happened with The
Leader today? Yea?
Mark: Um, basically the last cartoon, the “Lampoon”, pretty much, there was an insulting cartoon
that needed to be addressed. …(?)…didn’t want…(?)…that’s pretty much it. Just read it and you’ll
understand. That’s pretty much it.
Antonio: Yea. So, pretty much what happened was a student designed a cartoon and he used a
word, “homo”. Um, it’s derogatory, yes, but I think you guys have to look at it from different
perspectives in terms of who the student is who wrote it, what he identifies as, and what
perspective was taken with the actual paper itself before we start pointing fingers and start being
aggressive or upset. Tomorrow we are planning to have an inter-board office meeting to discuss
this and we plan on bringing it forward to more people and be knowledgeable about it. That way
we can take the right course of action as opposed to acting in haste. So, can everyone see it?
Group: (lights)
Antonio: Ok. I would like to take back your thoughts on it, so does anyone have anything they
want to address about this?
Anthony: Um, I have a comment.
Justin: Anthony Mercedes?
Anthony: Completely inappropriate. Just like, the way it’s worded. So, please, definitely bring it
up because, you know, it could be derogatory and it could not be, we can’t tell. You get me?
‘Cause of course we have homosexuals and we have heterosexuals, like—no. Just, the wording,
the way it’s written, it’s just completely—like, it’s one of those things where they’re trying to be
like, “You little homo.” You know? Like, no. So definitely, please, let’s do something about that.
Justin: Do you yield?
Anthony: Yes, I yield.
Antonio: Does anyone else have any comments or concerns that they would like to be addressed
at the meeting?
Justin: Is that Kevin?
Kevin: Yea.
Justin: Kevin Traiman.
Kevin: I mean, I think it’s tasteless but I don’t think it’s our place to do anything about it because
it’s The Leader and they chose to publish this. This is their problem and they’re bringing on their
own heat. Um, we are the Student Association; we are not The Leader.
Justin: Do you yield?
Kevin: Yes.
Justin: I’m not sure what your name is.
Mark: Sorry, Mark Cruz, LU. This is—we sponsor this paper, if I’m correct, The Leader, and in
that sense—
Antonio: We do sponsor them as the Student Association, yes.
Mark: —so it affects the students in that sense. This paper does go out to the community too, and
again, depending on the perspective of others that read this—it’s my view that it is offensive to
others. It can spread something that honestly we don’t need and it provides, I feel like, minor
insecurity on our campus just because, if we allow this on campus, it makes it judgmental for other
people that walk around on this campus and it may cause chaos of unknown circumstances.
Justin: Do you yield?
Mark: What?
Justin: Do you yield?
Mark: Oh, yes, sorry.
Justin: Anthony Mercedes.
Anthony: Um, yea, I would agree. I just honestly want to comment on that. We represent our
students and I’m 100 percent certain that there are some students who would not be ok with that.
So, with that, I say it all. Like, The Leader or not, we’re representing our students and we have to
have the minds of our students—well, we have to have our students in mind. So, we should
definitely at least bring it up. Of course, not sgoing into like, “OH, now we’re going to decide how
The Leader is going to be run.” But just bring it up and say like, “Hey, that’s not ok.” So, I yield.
Justin: Kyle Stolt?
Kyle: Um, kind of just going along with what everyone else said, we have safe zones on campus
and we have them for a reason. I feel like publishing something like this is kind of going against
having those resources. So, this is definitely something that should be addressed on Friday. I yield.
Antonio: Any further comments or concerns?
Justin: Tracy Halloran?
Tracy: I would just like to say that, um, it is not only derogatory towards a certain population on
this campus, but also the University Police that certainly are—they do a lot here on campus and
they do a lot for students and for it to shed them in that light as well, I feel like that’s inappropriate
as well.
Justin: Do you yield?
Tracy: Yes.
Justin: Monica White?
Monica: I think this is great because I think it’s bringing a lot of dialogue not only to the groups
but just our intelligent students. I think that a well-drafted letter to the editor would be—this
would be a great time to do that on your outrage. Um, I’m certain these valid points that these
students have brought up would be a wonderful idea. I think contacting your diversity—your
Chief Diversity Officer about educating maybe this person that drafted this “Lampoon” as well,
would be a great idea, maybe talking to this person, asking where the ideas came from, where he is
coming from, why he thought this was funny and appropriate for our newspaper. Maybe he was
coming from a different light. And maybe just asking—if several students begin to ask why he
thought this was funny he would begin to think that we as a campus did not find this funny and we
think this was inappropriate. I yield.
Justin: Kevin?
Kevin: Who drew this? Does it say on there?
Antonio: Aaron Reslink (?)
Kevin: Ok, I yield.
Antonio: Well, with that being said, I will make sure to address all of your concerns and like I
told you guys, to take this with a salt of grain, to understand that there’s different perspectives
which he’s coming from and it might not necessarily be the one you’re seeing, and if you do feel
moved by this, then I think what Monica stated was appropriate, to write a letter to the editor in
chief and let her know how you guys feel about this situation and also to maybe contact Chief
Diversity—I mean Chief Officer of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equality Dr. Boerner and let him
know how you feel about this situation and how, as a campus, we can move forward and progress
and possibly get rid of something like this and not let it happen again on this campus. Um, I thank
you all for your time.
Justin: Are there any questions for President Regulier? Thank you.
ii. Vice President Hughdean Blake
Dean: Alright, spring summit preparation is underway and it’s on schedule I should be finished
with the folders by tonight, hopefully. Um, summit will be this Saturday at 1 o’clock, but if you
know anyone who is a president or a representative for their groups, please tell them to be there by
12:30 for refreshments and so on. We’re currently working on a group program that will be
presented tomorrow at the board meeting and then to the presidents and their secretaries and
representatives on Saturday.
Antonio: What is the name of the program?
Dean: Group Incentive Program. It’s pretty much going to entail us having our groups working
together with themselves, the campus offices, the community, to promote good citizenship and
community service, and leadership, and all of the fun reasons why you should be joining a group
on campus. And that is all.
Justin: Are there any questions for Vice President Blake? Thank you.
iii. Student Comptroller Kyle Stolt
Kyle: Ok guys, we still are kind of over-budget for allocations and con and con, but I’m getting a
couple more requests from groups so that will obviously go down in what was just passed on the
agenda. Um, from Club Hockey, Fred ASSIST, Lacrosse, Orchesis, Percussion Guild, and
Ultimate Frisbee, I still need your availability calendars for B&A week. If I don’t have those
within the next two days, I’ll put you wherever you can fit on the agenda and if you can’t make it
then that’s kind of your fault. Secondly, Lacrosse, I also need your budget and Leader, I need your
budget, so I can review it and get back to you because final budgets are due Tuesday the 18 th. And
B&A week will be Saturday, February 22nd through Friday, the 28th. No paperwork will be
processed because my office will be closed to handle B&A week. Um, we’re still looking for
people to join B&A committee; I have about two people that are interested. If you guys want any
additional info, you can send me a question at sa.compt, that’s c-o-m-p-t
Justin: Are there any questions for Student Comptroller Stolt?
Dean: I just want to say that during B&A week there will be a shortage of secretaries, so once I
get those spots filled in, I am looking for those interested in making some extra money. So, I will
let you know by then, I’ll send out an email. That’s all.
Justin: Do you yield?
Dean: And I yield.
Justin: Are there any further questions? Thank you.
iv. Executive Departments
a. Chair of Public Relations
Justin: Just so you all know, um, the chairs aren’t listed because there’s not technically chairs
right now because we’re between presidents. But when Antonio appoints chairs, we will have
chairs, but for now it’s just kind of whoever he’s got working on things.
Tracy: Hi guys. Um, for those who don’t know me, I’m Tracy. This semester we’re planning on
doing a lot with PR. Um, we really want to get the word out there that SA is here for the groups
that represent us. So, if you’re part of a group and you need PR for any events that you’re doing,
anything that you wanna get out there to the rest of the campus, please let us know. We’d be
happy to help. We’re gonna be focusing a lot on getting connected with the radio stations and the
television stations on campus because we feel like we can get a lot of messages out through those.
And we’re also probably gonna be working on new t-shirt designs because a lot of that fell
through last semester due to changes in office, people were busy, it was a huge rush. So, I’ll let
you know more when I know more. Thank you.
Justin: Are there any questions for the Chair of Public Relations? Thank you.
Chair of Student Relations
Justin: Chair of Student Relations Carl Lam would like you all to know that he has no report.
Chair of Community Relations
Justin: The Chair of Community Relations has left because it’s too late.
Chair of Environmental Affairs
*no report given
Chair of Diversity Relations
*no report given
Antonio: We’re in a transitional period, so, it’s gonna take a week for us to get everyone in place.
There will be reports to come soon.
Justin: Yes?
Rep: I’m…(?)… PR chair for BSU. I just wanted to let everyone know that it’s black history
month, and last semester we came to the front of SA and let you guys know what we do and let
you know that we have events this month. So we have a poetry…(?)…session next Wednesday at
7pm inside Tim Horton’s. And we have other events—we have calendars posted around campus
sp if you guys wanted to come we’d be more than happy to see some of your faces there. And
that’s about it.
Justin: Are there any questions for…(?)…? Thank you. President Regulier?
Antonio: Sorry, I should have said that as well. Yes, it’s black student union—it’s black history
month and we’d like to have you guys start attending some of the events that we have going on.
Um, also I’d like to invite you all to the Chinese New Year Dinner on Sunday at 6pm. It’s in the
multipurpose room, 6pm, $6, Sunday, be there, or be square. It’s gonna be fun. We have a lot of
transfer students on campus and I’d like you to support them and help them be more comfortable
being on campus and being away from home. So if you guys can please come, it’s exciting. This
Sunday, $6, 6pm, in the MPR. That’s it.
Justin: Are there any questions for President Regulier?
Antonio: And tonight is also Vagina Monologues. It’s opening night so if anyone wants to come
to that, please be there. It starts at 7pm I believe. Dean and I will be there and I hope to see you all
there. Thank you.
Justin: Are there any questions?
Mark: Just, um, where do you buy the tickets for that?
Antonio: Oh yea, everything is through the ticket office at the Williams Center. Are you guys
familiar with that? You know where that is? Yes? Ok.
Jefferson: Yea, they’re closed right now.
Antonio: Ohhh yea.
Justin: Any more questions? Thank you.
Special Orders
General Orders
Unfinished Business
New Business
Justin: The chair seeks a motion.
Motion made to adjourn by Jason Burgos, seconded by Anthony Mercedes.
Final Roll Call:
Monica White –Present
Kristin Beck –Excused
Jennifer Hildebrand – Excused
Jefferson Dedrick – Present
Meghan Bartok – Present
Caity Minihane – Present
Tracy Halloran – Present
William Sattelberg – Present
Katelynn White – Present
Connor Hoffman—Present
Jason Burgos – Present
Abigail Dry – Present
Kaitlyn Hayes – Present
Kevin Traiman – Present
Maguette Ndiaye – Present
Sara Bartz – Absent
Ellie Brion – Excused
Jillian Burgess – Absent
Anthony Mercedes – Present
Christopher Sanchez –Absent
Justin Cunningham – Present
Patrick Kennedy – Present
Justin Shanley – Absent
Justin Dickerson – Present
Constituted Groups:
Art Forum – Present
Fred ASSIST – Absent
Black Horse Rugby – Absent
BSU – Present
Club Hockey – Present
Club Ultimate Frisbee – Absent
Ethos – Present
FRS – Present
Intramurals – Present
Jazz Workshop –Present
Lacrosse – Present
LU – Present
Leader – Present
Orchesis – Present
PAC – Present
Percussion Guild –Present
Pride Alliance – Present
Sound Services –Excused
Spectrum – Present
SOTA – Absent
STEPS – Present
WNYF – Present
WSU – Present
Is there any further discussion? Seeing none, we will move into a vote. All in favor, please say
“aye,” all opposed, please say “nay.” Any abstentions? In the opinion of the chair the aye’s have
it and the meeting is so adjourned at 6:02pm.
Rules Minutes
5:00 pm
I. Roll Call
Erin Dorozynski- Present
James Hobbs- Present
Jason Burgos- Present
Michael Greenblatt- Present
Jefferson Dedrick- Present
Kevin Traiman- Present
II. Appointments
Jefferson Dedrick for Assistant Speaker #- Present
Andrew Kopf for Budget and Appropriations Committee #- Present
Megan McNeil for Budget and Appropriations Committee #- Present
NaylaKabir for Freshman Class Representative #- Absent
Connor Hoffman for Rules Committee #- Present
III. Endorsements
IV. Provisional Recognitions
A. Council for Exceptional Children for Re-Provisional Recognition #- Present
B. Badminton Club for Provisional Recognition #- Present
V. Acknowledgements
A. Delta Chi for Re-Acknowledgement- Absent
B. Delta Phi Epsilon for Re-Acknowledgement #-Present
C. Engineering and Physics Society for Re-Acknowledgement- Absent
D. Fredonia Mock Trial for Re-Acknowledgement-Absent
E. Fredonia Woodwind Association for Re-Acknowledgement-Absent
VI. Charters
Criminal Justice Club for Re-Charter-Absent
Financial Management Association for Re-Charter- Absent
Fredonia for St. Jude for Re-Charter #-Present
Fredonia State Pep Band for Re-Charter-Absent
French Club for Re-Charter- Absent
Hillel for Re-Charter- Absent
Improv Collective for Re-Charter- Absent
VII. Constitutions
VIII. General Orders
IX. Unfinished Business
Statute E-8 (Third Reading) #- Present
Delta Mu Delta Honor Society for Re-Acknowledgement (First Tabling) #- Present
Envied Xpression for Re-Acknowledgement (First Tabling) #- Present
Fredonia Trombone Choir for Re-Acknowledgement (First Tabling) #- Present
Alpha Lamda Delta for Re-Acknowledgement (First Tabling) #- Present
College Democrats for Re-Acknowledgement (First Tabling) #- Absent
Compass College Ministries for Re-Acknowledgement (First Tabling)- Absent
X. New Business
XI. Adjournment
Motion Made by Michael Greenblatt to table letter d under appointments a, c, d, e under
acknowledgements a and b under charters d, e, f, g under charters f and g under
unfinished business, seconded by Jefferson Dedrick. Is there any further discussion? All
in Favor please say “aye”, all opposed, say “nay”. Any abstentions? In the opinion of the
chair, the aye’s have it.
II. Appointments
A. Jefferson Dedrick for Assistant Speaker
Jefferson: Hello my name is JeffersonDedrick I am a freshman first year student
technically a sophomore adolescent education and political science major. Now a
freshman rep I served on the university faculty senate as the freshman representative I
served on the student relations committee, and now this is my first week as a member of
rules. I am very interested in learning about the office of the speaker, to get to help out a
little bit and have a chance to help out a little more and that is why I’m here.
Justin: Are there any questions?
Erin: Why do you want to be the assistant speaker?
Jefferson: Uhhh Well that’s a good question and I think that it’s the same question as why
I wanted to be rep of freshman class why I wanted to be freshman class president and
why I wanted to do anything mostly because I enjoy it. I enjoy helping students in groups
be able to do what they love and uhh I find it very important.
Erin: What are your long term and short-term goals?
Jefferson: Well my short term are short because its only a semester long position so short
term I want to learn the ropes of the speakership uhm get everything down pact shadow
Mr. Dickerson and understand exactly what this job entails. Long term I would like to run
for the speakership next semester and if the reps of the assembly’s elect me as that
position or not I would like to be a representative.
Erin: So what would you do differently if I was elected speaker? Or really what would
you do at all?
Jefferson: Well I don’t understand the full scope of whatMr. Dickerson does as a speaker
so I couldn’t tell you exactly what I would change but if you get back to me at the end of
the semester I would love to give you a long list of what I would change.
Erin: I’m not interviewing you at the end of the semester. Come on dive in you’ve been a
freshman class rep for a whole semester.
Jefferson: Well I mean were here for the groups that’s our main purpose is to represent
the students and faculty on campus and the community even beyond campus and I think
that is my main focus but obviously I would do every single thing I can do in my power
beyond those 9 office hours as speaker to do everything fast.
James: How do you think you would be capable of spending your time and managing it
with your major as the assistant speaker and then possibly the speaker?
Jefferson: uhm 3 majors isn’t really that impressive it was just something to say they all
overlap. Its not a problem for time management and to get the time I need to get my
school work done as well as my work for the student association. I’ve only been here for
a semester but I like to think that I have been involved in that semester which is why I’m
here now and I like to think that I have handled the time responsibly and I can continue to
do that.
James: How is your knowledge of our constitution?
Jefferson: I have a constitution in my backpack that I carry around I have the constitution
on my tablet and I can search things I’ve read through it once. Kind of a skim because it
is a long document I consider myself very familiar. Oh no now they’re really going to
quiz me. That’s the scope of my knowledge.
Motion has been made by Kevin Traiman for Jefferson Dedrick for assistant speaker to
the general assembly seconded by James Hobbs. Is there any further discussion? All in
Favor please say “aye”, all opposed, say “nay”. Any abstentions? In the opinion of the
chair, the aye’s have it.
B. Andrew Kopf for Budget and Appropriations Committee
Andrew: I would be really interested in joining the budget and appropriations committee
I am currently the treasure for Phi Mu Alpha and I’ve gone in two times this year to
organize things for my group more recently we organized the valentines day dance it was
a big $1300 production 108 people came we had 4 student groups involved and a lot of
the time when I go in as a music major organizing for music groups I get a lot of
awkward questions because there is not a lot of mason involved representation or music
major representation on the budget and appropriations committee. My two majors being
music education and economics so I feel I would be a unique candidate to fill that gap in
the specialization of the representation on the appropriations committee.
Jefferson: Besides being treasurer of phi mu alpha and an economics major do you have
any experience with budget and appropriations?
Andrew: not a lot just all this year and that’s about it.
Kevin: How many credits am I taking?
Andrew: uhhhh 22
Kevin: What year are you?
Andrew: Senior
Kevin: So you will be graduating at the end of this semester?
Andrew: I will graduate in the end of spring 2015 so another year.
Kevin: Will you be joining us for the Budget and Appropriations meeting this week?
Andrew: Yes
Kevin: Are you aware of how many hours this would be out of your schedule?
Andrew: I am aware this is a challenge and I will rise up to the occasion and my classes
that is no issue.
Kevin: Do you have a problem saying no to groups?
Andrew: no I don’t have a problem saying no to a group if it is an inappropriate use of
school funds that’s what it is its not personal and that’s what it is.
Erin: have you familiarized yourself at all with the SA constitution specifically the F
Andrew: yes when I went in I was asked if I had read them and I hadn’t at that point. I
have familiarized myself with them I cannot recite them. But what it seems to me every
time I go in there at best guidelines and when questions come up its pulled up and
everyone reads it I have definitely looked at it enough to make these decisions.
Erin: Besides being a music student what do you think you would bring to the budget and
appropriations committee?
Andrew: Uhm I mean especially recently I’ve been working with multiple groups getting
together I know the vice president is starting a something program that is specifically for
this type of thing and I have just recently done it that in itself is a huge asset for the
budget and appropriations committee.
Erin: Well all I can say that I commend you for going for this again you clearly want to
be involved and though you may not know everything now it is a learning experience and
a learning curve so good luck.
Andrew: Thank you
Motion has been made by James Hobbs to forward Andrew Kopf for appointment budget
and appropriations committee to the general assembly seconded by Jefferson Dedrick. Is
there any further discussion? All in Favor please say “aye”, all opposed, say “nay”. Any
abstentions? In the opinion of the chair, the aye’s have it.
C. Megan McNeil for Budget and Appropriations Committee
Megan: I’m a sophomore public relations major and business minor with a leadership
minor to for a past year in a half I have been trying to get involved with the student
association. I really haven’t really heard anything about how to get involved. I am an
active sister of sigma kappa I had my own budget and had to deal with that. I know how
to use a budget and I feel that with my business minor I can bring some good ideas.
Having two minors I feel that I am very task orientated and I have a good work ethic. I’m
in the honor society Alpha Lambda Delta I am also an active member of Prssaso I am
involved on campus.
Kevin: how many credits
Megan: 16
Kevin: and you will be here for the next two and a half years?
Megan: Yes.
Kevin: I commend you on not being overly ambitious and joining us for b & a week this
semester its something you need experience in.
Megan: I found out about it last minute and I feel that I don’t know enough about it to do
Erin: Hi, have you familiarized yourself with the constitution statutes of SA especially
the F statutes, which are the financial section of the constitution?
Megan: Uhm I haven’t, I didn’t know that I was really supposed to.
Motion made by Jason Burgos to forward Megan McNeil for budget and appropriations
committee to the general assembly seconded by Erin….
Erin: So your clearly very involved member of the student body would you have a
problem saying no to a club on campus?
Megan: no I wouldn’t have a problem saying no.
Erin: would you have a problem saying yes?
Megan: No
Motion has been made by Jason Burgos to forward Megan McNeil for budget and
appropriations committee to the general assembly starting in March seconded by Kevin
Traiman. Is there any further discussion? All in Favor please say “aye”, all opposed, say
“nay”. Any abstentions? In the opinion of the chair, the aye’s have it
D. Connor Hoffman for Rules Committee
Connor: Hello everybody I am Connor Hoffman I am currently a freshman representative
and I am a political science major some of the clubs I’m involved with are mock trial and
I am the current president of college republicans uhm I am a student ambassador and as I
said a representative. I feel that I would be a good addition to the rules committee
because I think that the most important thing for the democracy especially here is for the
groups that are a minority to have minority rights and I understand completely what the
role is in the opposition sometimes.
Jason: How many credits are you taking?
Connor: 15
Erin: are there any questions that you have had on your mind that we should have asked?
Connor: Not specifically because I’m not familiar enough yet.
Erin: All you guys here are welcome to ask questions among the clubs and
representatives. Obviously we want to be complete and as thorough as possible that is
why I asked that question.
James: Will you have a problem with saying no to groups?
Connor: No
Motion has been made by Jefferson Dedrick to forward Connor Hobbs for appointment to
the rules committee to the general assembly seconded by Jason Burgos. Is there any
further discussion? All in Favor please say “aye”, all opposed, say “nay”. Any
abstentions? In the opinion of the chair, the aye’s have it.
IV. Provisional Recognitions
A. Council for Exceptional Children for Re-Provisional Recognition
Rep: Council for Exceptional Children is a national organization for advocacy and
research on students with disabilities. The Council for Exceptional Children Fredonia
chapter is just the student run club, which is a chapter off the national organization. In the
past what we have been doing has been working in schools in the community and having
students experience what its like to be in the environment of working with students in
special education. Helping them find there own strategies to see what works and feeling
more comfortable to work with students with disabilities because it’s a growing field and
there are not a lot of clubs on campus that specifically to have students here working with
Justin: all right just to keep you informed this is your first re- recognition and because
you were provisionally recognized group you are eligible to go up to acknowledgement
which instead of $500 a semester and one event a semester its $1000 a year and two
events a year. If that is what you would be interested in now is the time to say.
Rep: We are a growing group on campus uhm I think right now we don’t want to get a
head of ourselves.
Justin: I mean I would suggest it not to speak out of term it’s the same kind of thing.
Rep: Alright we will go for it
Motion made by James Hobbs to forward council to exceptional children to
acknowledgement to general assembly seconded by Michael Greenblatt. All in Favor
please say “aye”, all opposed, say “nay”. Any abstentions? In the opinion of the chair, the
aye’s have it.
B. Badminton Club for Provisional Recognition
Rep: Were a club that just wants to play badminton and we want to become provisional
Erin: Where do you plan on practicing?
Rep: we are trying to reserve a spot right now
Erin: Uhm I’m also a member of a club sports team so I know where it comes from there
is a hard time getting space and reserving gym time. Obviously we want you to be
successful and its hard to get gym time. If you can find somewhere else let me know.
James: it says here that all your executive positions aren’t filled what positions do you
have filled and which ones are empty?
Rep: that’s all taken care of now.
Motion made by Jefferson Dedrick to forward badminton club for provisional recognition
to the general assembly seconded by Jason Burgos. All in Favor please say “aye”, all
opposed, say “nay”. Any abstentions? In the opinion of the chair, the aye’s have it.
V. Acknowledgements
B. Delta Phi Epsilon for Re-Acknowledgement
Rep: Uhm delta phi epsilon is an international sorority were in us and Canada and right
now we have 53 active members this year we focus on philanthropies we have a male
beauty pageant coming up in April to raise money for cystic fibrosis. It’s a lot of fun. We
also have another event coming up to raise money for eating disorders
Jason: Your re-rec form you have 7 positions down and on this you have 9, did you
Rep: Right now we have 7 and in the fall we have 9
Justin: This is for recruitment right its just a time thing?
Rep: Is that okay
Justin: yes its fine
Motion has been made by Kevin Traiman to forward Delta Phi Epsilon for reacknowledgement seconded by Jason Burgos. All in Favor please say “aye”, all opposed,
say “nay”. Any abstentions? In the opinion of the chair, the aye’s have it.
VI. Charters
C. Fredonia for St. Jude for Re-Charter
Rep:Uhm I’m Cassie I am there Ex president this is Brittany she is our new president
she’s just kind of learning so that’s why I’m here with her. We raise money for St. Jude
children research hospital in Memphis Tennessee our big event is rock out for cancer. We
raise money.
James: On your re-rec form there are 7 positions but only 4 in the doctrine
Rep: we do have 7 positions I don’t know why it says 4 I’ll need to update the doctrine.
Justin: I don’t have the newest doctrine, can you just send it to me through email.
Rep: okay sounds good
Motion made by Jefferson Dedrick to forward Fredonia for St. Jude for Re-charter to the
general assembly seconded by James Hobbs. All in Favor please say “aye”, all opposed,
say “nay”. Any abstentions? In the opinion of the chair, the aye’s have it.
IX. Unfinished Business
A. Statute E-8 (Third Reading)
Erin: Just to remind you guys at the end of last semester I was looking over the statutes
and E-8 is regarding the executive committee chairs department chairs and I was
updating it to make the chair more exclusive for what it is about. I contacted dr. ?and
asked for his advice on the document and he recommended the Campus discrimination
policy, which includes race, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, disability,
sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, familial status, pregnancy,
Predisposing genetic characteristics, military status, domestic, violence victim
status, or criminal conviction he also mentioned in one section that we use the phrase
tolerance we are moving away from this term and are going towards accepted.
Motion made by Jefferson Dedrick for stature E-8 towards third reading to the general
assembly with the proposed changes from Dr. Borner seconded by James Hobbs. All in
Favor please say “aye”, all opposed, say “nay”. Any abstentions? In the opinion of the
chair, the aye’s have it.
B. Delta Mu Delta Honor Society for Re-Acknowledgement (First Tabling)
Rep: Were just an honor society if you pay your dues you can become a member.Right
now we have 4 positions 3 are filled we do two events a year. One this semester and last
semester it was a Speaker event with Gieco this semester we are doing our induction
Kevin: Sorry I’m hard of hearing today your two events were?
Rep: We had uhm a speaker event with Gieco and the other event is our induction
Kevin: is you induction ceremony open to the public?
Rep: I talked to my advisor and I don’t think it is.
Erin: for acknowledged it doesn’t have to be open to the public. It cant just be a
regular meeting but the ceremony isn’t that.
Motion has been made by Jefferson Dedrick to forward Delta Mu Delta for Reacknowledgement to the general assembly seconded Jason Burgos. All in Favor
please say “aye”, all opposed, say “nay”. Any abstentions? In the opinion of the chair, the
aye’s have it.
C. Envied Xpression for Re-Acknowledgement (First Tabling)
Rep: Envied Xpression is Fredonia’s first and only hip hop dance crew to the students on
campus we offer a different style and performance of dance. We have preformed
everywhere on campus we have done Karaoke for a cause we have done up till dawn, are
you writing everything I’m saying? We have also done BSU annual spring fashion show
which we will probably be doing this semester. Last semester we participated in our
second competition and we won second place again. We also raised money over the
summer to purchase uniforms.
Michael: Do we have the Doctrine?
Justin: Oh no we don’t have it, I don’t have you doctrine.
Rep: okay quick question because I see this is a trend, we were founded two years ago
uhm so do our old doctrine get thrown away after a certain amount of time? Like what is
happening to our Doctrine because I know we have one.
Justin: Sometimes what will happen people will submit a paper copy and not
electronically. If you have an electronic copy please just send it to us.
Rep: Okay
Motion has been made by Jefferson Dedrick to forward Envied Xpression for Reacknowledgement to the general assembly pending reception of there doctrine seconded
by Kevin Traiman. All in Favor please say “aye”, all opposed, say “nay”. Any
abstentions? In the opinion of the chair, the aye’s have it.
D. Fredonia Trombone Choir for Re-Acknowledgement (First Tabling)
Rep: So Fredonia trombone choir has 26 members both majors and non-majrosWe meet
twice a week for one hour we have select member octet and we have various smaller
ensembles that play quartets. In the past few years being a part of the student Association
we’ve done performances in East Aura, Williamsville, Amherst at least two recitals in
rouche in mason hall the buffalo philharmonic trombone session to play at us. On campus
weve been asked to play at Heffner’s retirement celebration reopening of the Williams
center. Also had the 12 years later 9/11 Memorial service in the library. Branching out
and doing stuff two weeks ago at the Erie clinic. Were also doing a Collaborative thing
with the South Concert band we are playing with them. Then most of the cost of the choir
is for new music and costume repertoire, its not cheap. Harder and more interesting music
also transportation SA vans are not cheap and we are looking to bring in more guest
artists. Other stuff like supplies we want uniform etc. yeah we do a lot.
Erin: How are your members determined?
Rep: Anyone who wants to join really we’ve never had a problem with anyone not being
skilled enough.
Erin: It mentions know how to play trombone. So is this strictly for people who know
how to play trombone or are you open to everybody?
Rep: for people playing in the ensemble yes they know how to play trombone uhm yeah
people are usually more experienced.
Erin: I only ask because in order to become a chartered club you have to be willing to
accept everybody you cant discriminate on membership, so just for the students who
don’t know how to play trombone if they want to join your club you have to let them.
Jefferson: Do you recycle your music?
Rep: Yes
James: We are missing a page of the doctrine and skips from article 6 to article 4
Justin: Yeah that’s our bad
Jefferson: that’s my bad
Justin: we have it just forgot to copy those pages
Erin: why do you want to be chartered?
Rep: mostly because of the cost of guest artists to play with us and do master classes I
think this would be more inclusive for everyone because they can contribute the master
Justin: when your bringing in people and doing these things on campus with guest artists
would it be an open event for anyone to some see this person do a master class on
Rep: Oh yeah of course.
James: Section 4 of your article 4 it says ……. Then it just stops, so you might want to
look at that and edit it.
Motion made by Jefferson Dedrick to forward Fredonia Trombone Choir for Reacknowledgement to the general assembly seconded by Kevin Traiman. All in Favor
please say “aye”, all opposed, say “nay”. Any abstentions? In the opinion of the chair, the
aye’s have it.
E. Alpha Lamda Delta for Re-Acknowledgement (First Tabling)
Rep: We are a freshman honor society you have to maintain a 3.5 gpa and be in the top
20 of class in your freshman year. If you want you can join you don’t have to. We do
events like the ceremony we have speakers come in to talk to you about professional
development meetings and events to prepare kids for interviews grad school and what
they intend to do after they graduate. Meeting every other week we just kind of do team
building activities and talk about what were doing the rest of the semester and stuff like
Motion has been made by Erin Dorozynski to forward Alpha Lambda Delta for Reacknowledgement to the general assembly seconded by Michael Greenblatt. All in Favor
please say “aye”, all opposed, say “nay”. Any abstentions? In the opinion of the chair, the
aye’s have it.
XI. Adjournment
Motion has been made to adjourn by Jefferson Dedrick seconded by Michael Greenblatt.
All in Favor please say “aye”, all opposed, say “nay”. Any abstentions? In the opinion of
the chair, the aye’s have it.
Budget and Appropriations Committee
Tuesday February 18th,2014
Call to Order at 5:00
Comptroller Kyle Stolt: Present
General Manager Vince Gugino: Present
Colin Kilpatrick : Present
Cody Finster: Present
Caity Minihane: Present
Phil Frankino: Present
Grace Hodges:Present
Justin Shanley: Absent
Kevin Traiman:Present
Groups in attendance:
Psi Chi: Present
Sister Circle: Present
Fredonia Trombone Choir: Present
Sigma Gamma Phi: Present
Native American Student Union: Present
Figure Study Sessions: Present
Music Therapy Club: Present
Some Like It Hot: Present
Pride Alliance: Present
Blackhorse Rugby: Present
A. Comptroller
For my report, we have just over 34,000 in allocations and still have over 10 in
Con & Con. And that’s about all I have.
B. General Manager
No report
General Orders
a) Psi Chi
Kyle: Okay, release request from Psi Chi for $700 from allocation. Do
you just want to explain your request to the committee?
Rep: Yea, every year we have a banquet for the new students who get
inducted into Psi Chi...
Kyle: Could you speak a little louder please?
Rep: In April there is a banquet for the new students who got inducted to
psi chi so that's what that money is for.
Kyle: Okay, Colin.
Colin: Do you have a, it says you're doing it through FSA. Do you have a
contract with them already set up, or?
Rep: Well, we did it last year so I'm assuming.
Kyle: Alright you guys do have to have a contract with FSA. Just when
you can get that, because we do kind of need it. Do you yield Colin?
Colin: Yes, I yield
Kyle: Grace.
Grace: Don't we need the contract before we decide on anything? Or is
Kyle: Do you guys know exactly how much it was in the past years??
Rep: It was like $641 last year.
Kyle: Okay, do you remember how many people you had last year?
Rep: I think it was around 75.
Kyle: Okay, yea it say you have about 75 to 100 people. So mean if it
was 75 people and $640 last year, you might have a couple more people,
it might go up a little bit. So, Kevin?
Kevin: I mean, I really, really suggest that you guys come back because
it's April 13th so it's not too much of a rush, and just on president we can't
pass you guys have it together and you do this every year; but on president
the we don't have receipts of anything..
Rep: I cannot hear you sorry:
Kevin: Just because we don't have any documentation we can't pass you
today, so I'm going to move to strike you guys and then you're going to
have to come back next week .....when you have and FSA contract drawn.
Motion made by Kevin to Strike Psi Chi request for $700. Seconded by
Cody. All in favor. Motion carries.
Kyle: Alright you guys a stricken from here so just get that contract to me
and if you get it in by March 4th then you'll be on the agenda for that
Rep: Okay.
Kyle: You guys are free to go.
b) Sister Circle
Kyle: Letter B release request from Sister Circle for $387.50.
Rep: That's me. Basically we have an annual trip every year. And we're
taking the charges for 30 people over night stay, and then our brother
group is taking 10 people. So they already got cleared for that. And that's
what this is for, for 30 people. For 31 actually.
Kyle: Okay. I just want to let the committee know that right now I think it
shows they have a deficit, but that is covered. They have about $69 in their
account. So you're no longer in a defecate.
Rep: Okay
Kyle: Colin... Kevin, sorry.
Kevin: Nope Grace.
Grace: So who gets to go? Like how do you decide who gets to go?
Rep: Pretty much it's open to general body people. If anyone knows
somebody who wants to go but we really like someone who as at least
come to at least one of our meetings. Right now we're doing split evenly
between the Brother to Brother boys and then the Sister Circle girls.
Grace: Okay, and then the one advisor does get to go right?
Rep: Yea, that's the one, that's the one extra.
Grace: Now I personally, I'm fine with paying for advisors. Because, you
know, they're taking care; They're sacrificing their time to go for it, but
that's just my opinion. I know we've had trouble with advisors in the past
so... I yield.
Kyle: Okay, Kevin.
Kevin: Do we know like what the lodge charge is? It's just not listed here.
Rep: It's $12.50 a person to stay the night.
Kevin: Alright, and that's just standard rate?
Rep: Mhmm.
Kevin: I yield.
Kyle: Cody.
Cody: How are they getting there? Are you guys going to like get a bus?
Rep: We rented out the vans for that weekend, so we have all of them.
Cody: Okay, I yield.
Kyle: Colin.
Motion made by Colin to release $387.50 from allocations to Sister
Circle. Seconded by Grace. All in favor. Motion carries.
Kyle: You guys are all set. Make sure you come to GA, Thursday at
Rep: This Thursday?
Kyle: Yes.
c) Fredonia Trombone Choir
Kyle: Letter C, release request from Fredonia Trombone Choir for $593
from allocations.
Rep: Hi, so we're looking to get folders for the choir. Kind of like these
(holds up example). They're the ones the school of music uses for all the
ensembles, like the orchestra, wind ensemble etc. They are really sturdy.
We want to get 30 of them so we have enough if the ensemble grows or
anything like that. We want to get them with the saying "Fredonia
Trombone Choir" on them and also numbered so that we can sign them
out to members and then we can get them back within the year and know,
you know, who didn't give them in so that they don't get stolen. So yea.
Kyle: Cody.
Cody: Where are they going to be like, held at?
Rep: Our advisors office. We could keep them there. That's where we
keep the Library of Music. Because not everybody has a folder, a good
folder. So, and I mean we're always asking for money for new music and
we don't want them losing the new music, so.
Cody: And how much are they? like a piece?
Rep: It should say.
Cody: I don't see it.
Rep: So like $17 a piece, but they're going to last for like years.
Cody: Okay, I yield.
Kyle: Kevin
Kevin: Yea I think this is just a basic equipment request.
Motion made by Kevin to release $593 from allocation to the Fredonia
Trombone Choir. Seconded by Phil. All in favor. Motion Carries.
Kyle: Any further discussion?
Colin: Yea, I was just looking, it just looks like they have a deficit of
$10.56 in their account.
Kyle: Okay.
Colin: So, I don't know how we deal with that. If I'm reading it right. I
may not be.
Kyle: Do you yield?
Colin: Yea, I yield.
Kyle: Vince.
Vince: Did you guys already Order these folders?
Rep: No.
Vince: No? Okay. I yield.
Kyle: Okay, how would you like them to cover that deficit? I mean they
can just fundraise. It's only ten dollars.
Vince: They can fundraise its only $10
Grace: I would just maybe one of you guys just pay the $10 or something.
Get it taken care of.
Rep: Okay.
Kyle: What do you guys want to do? Like do you want to wait for them to
cover this deficit?
Kevin: should we strike?
Kyle: Grace.
Motion made by Grace to release $593 to Fredonia Trombone Choir
pending they resolve their debt. Seconded by Colin. All in favor. Motion
Kyle: So once you guys cover that deficit this will be through.
d) Sigma Gamma Phi
Kyle: Letter D, release request from Sigma Gamma Phi for $1,000 from
Rep: That's me again (Sister Circle Rep.). Basically It's another annual
event. It's a banquet, our spring one. It's at the Clarion hotel this year. And
they're doing $18.95 a person and they have a 18% gratuity fee.
Approximately 90 people will be going, and I think that's about it.
Kyle: How many people?
Rep: Around 90
Kyle: Grace.
Grace: Sorry did you say there is a date?
Rep: Yea, Did I say the 18th let me just double check. I'm sorry the 26th
(April) at 6pm.
Grace: So this is just paying for food and awards?
Rep: Yea.
Grace: Okay does anyone, how much does a person pay? Like do they
pay anything out of pocket? Or is it strictly , like SA funds?
Rep: Yea, we're paying for tickets as well.
Grace: Okay
Rep: It's us plus whoever we choose, you know one person you want to
bring. We pay for them as well.
Grace: Okay, I yield.
Kyle: Kevin.
Motion made by Kevin to release $1000 to Sigma Gamma Phi from
allocations. Seconded by Colin.
Kyle: Any further discussion?
Cody: yea, do we usually like, help groups out that have a dues system?
Kyle: We have in the past.
Cody: Alright.
Kyle: Do you yield?
Cody: Yea, I yield.
Kyle: Motion is still on the floor. Any further discussion?
All in favor. Motion carries.
e) Native American Student Union
Kyle: Release request for the Native American Student Union for $215
from allocations.
Rep: We want to hold s dream catcher event as our semester event. It'll be
for 40 people, it'll be ticketed so that we don't run out of supplies. Yea.
Kyle: You guys already have, they already have the requisitions in and
everything. They have all the paperwork, they just need to get the money.
If I remember correctly, you said the event depends on when you guys can
get the money.
Rep: Yea, the shipping dates range between 2 and 14 days. And that's on
the minimum side. So we weren't sure on how to schedule the event before
getting like actual estimated shipping from the seller once we did it.
Kyle: Okay, Vince.
Vince: Where are you getting the stuff from?
Rep: Amazon.
Vince: Okay, I yield.
Kyle: Colin.
Motion made by Colin to release $215 from allocations to the Native
American Student Union. Seconded by Grace. All in favor. Motion carries.
Kyle: Show up to GA on Thursday at 5:30pm.
Rep: Okay.
f) Figure Study Sessions
Kyle: Letter F, release request from Figure Study Sessions for $687.50
from allocations. Grace.
Grace: Question. So there's two request forms. Now the way I was
reading it, one is from last semester, and then is this the new one for this
Kyle: The one that I just...Letter F, is for models, I'm assuming for this
semester. And then it looks like the next one for $400 is for models that
have been unpaid form last semester. So I listed them separately because
they're kind of two different types of requests.
Grace: I yield.
Kyle: Okay. So do you guys want to explain the request/
Rep: Which one? The one for this semester?
Kyle: Yea, the one for $687.50.
Rep: Well what we are trying to do is have two sessions because not
everyone can make it to Thursday evening sessions. So We're also going
to hold one on Fridays. Also because when drawing the live models 2
hours really isn't enough time to get a complete drawing. So it helps to
have an extended time period to work with them. and I believe there was
extra money in there because, well two of our events I was having an artist
come in and do demos. So I figured they could get paid for that. So that's
where the money is for this semester.
Grace: Who are the demo artists that you bring in?
Rep: Eric Johnson, I'm just bringing him in twice.
Grace: Okay, alright I yield.
Kyle: Kevin.
Motion made by Kevin to release $687.50 to Figure Study Sessions from
allocations. Seconded by Colin. All in favor. Motion carries.
g) Figure Study Sessions
Kyle: So, like I said letter G for $412.50 from allocations is for models
not paid from last semester and that ranges from September to December.
Which is kind of a sticky subject. So, Phil.
Phil: Can I ask why they weren't paid?
Rep: I guess what happened was Collin filled out the wrong paperwork
and didn't realize it until the end of the semester. And by the time that we
came in to talk to someone about it, they said that we had to wait until this
semester to fix it.
Kyle: Alright. Grace.
Grace: Who's Collin?
Rep: John Collin Baisley, he was the president last semester.
Grace: Okay, the thing is with this is we hate doing reimbursements. It's
really not what we're supposed to be doing. You know, Fall summit he
should go to that. It's explained what needs to be done for the B and A
committee and how you get funds. And, but with this like, people need to
get paid so it's almost like, very necessary that you do get these funds. But
at the same time it's not, it's kind of poor planning. I would suggest
making sure that each E-board coaches the next E-board and is really
hands-on with what they need to do. Just so that this doesn't happen, I
Rep: Yea, it seems like for the last couple semesters it has been kind of
run like this, and I'm try to make sure I know how everything needs to be
filled out for the future.
Grace: It's hard because it is confusing. And like we understand that. It's
just, you know, it's tuff to do this. But people need to get paid so, I yield.
Kyle: Okay. Kevin.
Kevin: Yea, just going off of Grace for a second. It's not policy of the
committee to reimburse people. We've (pause) I mean, Vince What is your
perspective on this?
Vince: Technically I guess we would call this a reimbursement. But we
are supposed to pre-approve all expenses. And since you entered in a
verbal contract with these people we didn't have the opportunity to pre-
approve that and release the funds ahead of time. So, you know, that's the
first step. To request the funds, once you have the money then we do a
contract before the event. I'm sure you know the process now. But on the
other hand these people (Pause) There's a verbal commitment and we
should honor that so, I yield.
Kyle: Colin.
Motion made by Colin to release $412.50 to Figure Study Sessions from
allocations. Seconded by Phil. All in favor. Motion carries.
Kyle: Guys make sure you go to GA Thursday at 5:30. You guys can
leave the meeting if you'd like.
h) Music Therapy Club
Kyle: We're down to letter H. Release request from Music Therapy Club
for $342.48 from allocations. You guys like to explain your request to the
Rep: I actually just found out that the request is actually lower than we
expected to be. We just checked hotels and the price has gone down, so
the actual amount is $ 331.98 that we'd like to request. And every spring
semester we hold the Music Therapy Awareness week, with a recital at the
end. And the point is to get awareness about music therapy, And the
different types of professions that we have. We have professional music
therapists from the area and obviously some that are a little bit farther
which have an actual payment rate that they request in order to present.
We have two people coming from a little but further that need a hotel and
gas reimbursement. Which is what we did in the past for presenters that
are traveling quite a distance.
Kyle: Okay. I'm just going to let the committee look over the sheet real
quick. Colin.
Colin: This would mostly likely be an allocations thing right? because
there is nothing marked on the form.
Kyle: Yea, I marked it on my sheet. I forgot to mark it on your guys'. Do
you yield?
Colin: Yes, I do.
Kyle: Grace.
Grace: Just for clarity, I guess. Can you just say again where this money
is going towards.
Rep: We have a music therapy awareness week that we host. and we have
actual professional music therapists coming in and presenting to anyone
on campus, anyone in the community that would like to come. And some
of the presenters have a fee, because they are professionals, to present.
And others are traveling a distance so we are providing hotel for them.
Grace: Okay. Do you have a date for this?
Rep: March 3rd to the 7th.
Grace: So you do have a date? That's good.
Rep: Yup.
Grace: March 3rd to the 7th. Alright so it's just for the...
Rep: We have the, the money is just for two specific presenters. The $70
is the fee for one, and the $100 plus the hotel fee is for two other
Grace: Okay, I yield.
Kyle: I noticed you guys have $208.55 in your account. Do you plan on
using that for anything?
Rep: That I'm not exactly sure, I just know that we didn't have enough
money in our account to cover everything. I believe we're going to try and
use that money our regional conference that we have coming up in April
10th-11th. We try to use that money to help students get to conference.
That way we don't pay as much.
Kyle: Where is that conference?
Rep: It's going to be right in Buffalo.
Kyle: Do you know the exact dates? You said April?
Rep: April 10th through the 12th.
Kyle: Okay.
Rep: That usually when we try to use money from our account, for travel
expenses and to pay for a hotel.
Kyle: Okay. Vince.
Vince: Do you know which hotel's they're staying in?
Rep: I believe we're doing the Days Inn.
Vince: And how did you get the price for the hotel? Did you do it through
our office?
Rep: They called, yup. they called and I can actually give you an exact
amount for how much the cost, which was $161.89.
Vince: That's for two rooms for one night?
Rep: Yup.
Vince: I know that we get a special SA rate, our college rate. I don't know
if they gave that rate to you.
Rep: That I'm not exactly sure. Our treasurer is the one who did it. But I
believe we've had to do it in the past so I'm pretty sure that's probably the
rate that they'd give us. I think that's why we called so that they knew
we're a student organization booking the rooms.
Vince: I yield.
Kyle: Okay. Grace.
Motion made by Grace to release $331.98 from allocations to the Music
Therapy Club. Seconded by Cody. All in favor. Motion carries
Kyle: Alright guy you're all set. Make sure you show up to GA Thursday
at 5:30pm.
i) Some Like It Hot
Kyle: Release request from Some Like It Hot for $1,328.25 from
Rep: That's me. Hi, every year we host an event called Aca-fest. And it's a
really big event on campus. We usually host multiple from the area and
also like 3 or 4 groups on campus. they all come together and sing. It's a
huge a cappella event, it's really fun. Every year we request money for a
professional company. this year its "Sled Dog" , and they said that they
needed money for microphones, lighting, and paying their workers. This is
what we've gone through every year, so that's what we would need the
money for.
Kyle: Kevin.
Kevin: Alright you guys are acknowledged which, I had to double check,
but I think the committee has conviction over this. You're only allowed to
request $1000 because of the status of your group.
Rep: Yea. I'm not sure how we've done it in the past. Every year it's been
over $1000 and we've managed to get the money every year. I don't know
Kevin: Have you guys Co-sponsored before?
Rep: No. I have no idea what the means. I've never personally been the
one doing the requesting so I don't know how. But every year they've gone
through, last year was $1100 and they managed to get the money so I'm
not sure.
Kyle: Do you yield?
Kevin: I yield to Vince.
Vince: If I had to guess it's because they already had money in their
account from something else. I recall that they used to do the sound
through like sound services which is very cheap. Is there some kind of
revenue? Is this a ticketed event?
Rep: Yes.
Vince: So you're raising revenue.
Rep: We do raise money, last year we made about $800. Aare we allowed
to use that money towards this?
Vince: Yea, that money is already in your account. If you have an account
balance.... $418
Kyle: $418?
Vince: Yea.
Kyle: Do you yield?
Vince: I yield.
Kyle: Grace.
Grace: So then with the money in their account they, do have enough we
just have to do the math?
Kyle: Yea.
Rep: I don't know you could like combine? I don't know how this works
but however much we have left for the year with our account, can we do
something with that?
Kyle: Kevin.
Kevin: So the total cost of the event would be $1328.
Rep: I believe so.
Kevin: And you have $418 in your account right now. So, would you
want us to pass the motion to approve you for $910.25? Or would you like
to request your full amount of $1000?
Rep: Well if we request the full amount, how would that work? Would
we, would we still be able to get that full amount?
Kevin: So what would happen is, you would request the $1000 and then
you'd subsidize the $328 from your fundraising revenue and then the
difference. Or if you want to zero-out your fundraising revenue from the
previous year it'd be a request for $910.25.
Rep: I think the $1000, we'll do that and then take money from our
Kevin: Okay.
Rep: Is that okay?
Kevin: Yes.
Rep: I wasn't sure if we could double up.
Kyle: Chair seeks a motion. Colin
Motion made by Colin to release $1000 to Some Like It Hot from
allocations. Seconded by Grace. All in favor. Motion Carries.
Kyle: Alright show up to GA on Thursday please.
j) Pride Alliance
Kyle: Alright, moving on to letter J. Reallocation request from Pride
Alliance for $1886.37.
Rep: We are having in April a poet, Andrea Gibson, come to campus to
take part in a poetry night.
Kyle: Okay.
Rep: And We're just requesting to move the from our Gay History month
into our presenter account That way we can cover the fee of Andrea
Kyle: Grace.
Grace: So would this, and most reallocations we always say this. The B
and A committee for B and A week, we go through everyone's budgets
and spend a lot of time, like dissecting everything so that we can save the
most money and let you guys do as much as you can. So when we went
through last year, we went through this and set it up and you guys said you
were going to use this. The money for specific things, they were desperate.
You really needed them. So, that leads to my question. What happened?
Why so much left in the account?
Rep: It fell through that one or two of the presenters that we were going to
have. Dates didn't work out, so we ended up having new presenters
coming that were actually cheaper than what was already put forth. As far
as I know that was really the only reason as to why we have money left
over in the Gay History month account.
Grace: So it's the presenters didn't work out as much?
Rep: Yep.
Grace: So, then my next question is, how are you going to be spending
about $2000 on a poetry night?
Rep: Well we don't just use that money for the poetry. We have our
annual drag show that we have coming up that we use money for that for
sound services and we get a stage. We also have a Gay Prom that we have
money to get a spot at the Clarion.
Grace: Okay, good. I'm just like "$1800 for a poetry night!?" Okay I
Kyle: Kevin.
Kevin: I yield to Vince first.
Kyle: Vince.
Vince: How much is the fee for Andrea?
Rep: That I'm not exactly sure how much the fee is, I don't have it on me.
I'm not the treasurer. I can find out if that needs to be listed on here.
Kyle: Do you have like a rough estimate, or do you need to look it up?
Rep: I'm not exactly sure.
Kyle: Okay.
Vince: And do you know, are there other expenses with her as well?
Flight, Hotel?
Rep: We're covering for her to present and we're paying for two hotel
rooms, for her and her agent.
Vince: I yield.
Kyle: Okay. Kevin.
Kevin: So you're reallocation this $1800 from your Gay History month
line to your lecture line. Correct?
Rep: Yup.
Kevin: But you said that this $1800 isn't just going to this one lecture.
Rep: No because we have different lecturers that come in and present on
things that we have.
Kevin: So like Gay Prom and the other things you listed, that would come
out of your lecture line? I'm a little confused because you told Grace that
this would be money in you lecture line. Do you have presenters at....
Rep: No, I understand what you're saying, this is what I was told. this just
happened to be last minute that they needed people to come to this. So, I'm
going off of what I can remember from our meetings that we've had.
Kevin: Okay.
Rep: All I know is that we were requesting the rest of the Gay History
month to go into the lecture line because to pay for Andrea Gibson. I don't
know how much the amount was for Andrea Gibson. I can try and text our
treasurer right now and see if she can get back to me. If that's possible.
Kevin: That's fine, I'm just curious.
Rep: No, no, no you're fine. This is a lot of stuff you guys deal with. So,
I'm like " go for you".
Kevin: I yield.
Kyle: Since you guys still need some information on this and it's not until
April 14th, I would suggest you get all the info. you can.
Rep: Okay.
Kyle: Come back like March 4th, our next B and A meeting and we can
decide that there.
Rep: Okay.
Kyle: So, can I get a motion to strike the reallocation request? Grace.
Motion made by Grace to strike J. Seconded by Phil. All in favor. Motion
Kyle: Okay, so just give me that information and I'll let you know when
you're on the next B and A meeting.
Rep: Okay, Awesome, Thank you.
Kyle: Yup.
k) Blackhorse Rugby
Kyle: Moving on to letter K. Reallocation request from Blackhorse Rugby
for $1000. She talked to me before the meeting and it needs to be $3000.
So, I'll let her explain why.
Rep: Okay, so I found out today that our... I figured all this out today. We
were originally going to request money from Con and Con and reallocate.
But our GA representative was 10 minutes late to the meeting last week,
so our account's frozen. So, all of our numbers are kind of off right now,
but it's being taken care of. So we need instead of moving $1000 out of
our dues line, we need to move $3000 out of our dues line. And this is to
go towards, on March 7th through the 9th we're going to Savanna, Georgia
for one of the biggest rugby tournaments in the country. and this is the
men's team as well. It's both We're taking 25 women and 25 men. And the
bus costs $6900 and we're paying out of pocket for hotel, we're charging
each player $40 to pay for the hotel, and extra fees and whatnot when
we're down there. But we just were taking a bus out of our travel line.
Right now we don't have enough in our travel line to cover it. So we
would like to move $3000 out of our dues line and $400 out of our
equipment line.
Kyle: Grace.
Grace: So, The same thing goes with the B and A week thing that I just
explained. What happened that you had so much left in your dues line for
the women and then the new equipment line for the guys?
Rep: We actually went through this year and redid all the lines, so next
year we won't have to do this. I don't know why we didn't change it last
year and why didn't we put more in travel. We always end up putting more
in travel for some reason. But it's adjusted, hopefully it goes through for
this current B and A week that's coming up. It will be adjusted in our
budget and we won't have to do this again next year anything. But what
happened was we don't go to winter fest and I guess we didn't spend as
much in....
Grace: Because I think this same thing happened last year.
Rep: Bu t this year, we went through and completely changed every single
line. It's completely updated and it's all different. It won't happen like we
pretty much put most of our money into travel, because that's where most
of our money goes towards. Because as you can see if I (pause) do you
guys have this sheet?
Kevin: We don't have a ledger
Kyle: Yea, Vince is going to grab the ledger but the sheet she just showed
you guys is...
Colin: yea we have that sheet.
Rep: It explains all of the tournament fees and whatnot. And we didn't end
up using the EMT fees. There's $400 in our account for EMT's. We didn't
end up using that this year, because one year, I guess last year something
it was needed but this year it wasn't so we didn't need that. So that's an
extra $800 that we didn't use out of men's and women's dues. And then we
did use the ref fees and the coach fee. The team insurance, the team
insurance was only $150 which we have now edited. That was kind of up
in the air last year because they had changed all the rules for "sipping".
And the sipping is off from last year because now sipping is only $40.
Grace: Okay.
Rep: And on here it says it's $25 to like $80 so we also adjusted that now
so that was extra in our dues line.
Grace: Okay.
Kyle: Like I said, Vince is going to grab a copy of the ledger for you guys
to look at before you make a motion.
Rep: I have a copy, this one. It's all written on but if you guys want .
Kyle: Yea if you just want to pass it sown so we can look at.
Kevin: You need both of these to pass right, correct?
Rep: Yes.
Kevin: With that I would like to bundle K and L under general orders.
Motion made by Kevin to bundle K and L under general orders. Seconded
by Cody. All in favor. Motion carries
l) Blackhorse Rugby
Kyle: Letters K and L are now bundles under the same request.
Grace: I just don't understand why you don't drive your own cars.
Rep: We drive our own cars to all of our tournaments. it's just it will,
won't cost as much. I mean we're bringing 50 people down to Savanna
Georgia, So it would cost a lot of ware-and-tear on cars. A lot of people
don't have the cars to take down there to fit so many people. And it's just
such a far drive and then for all the starters, that really takes it out of you.
Then we have to play 3 rugby games in a row on Saturday and then maybe
3 more on Sunday, so you kind of need your rest too. It would just be
easier to take a bus and I think it would be cost effective too. Especially,
we just don't even have the cars to take.
Grace: Yea.
Rep: Only a handful of us. It's hard enough to get like our women's team
to get to a game, and that's only a couple hours.
Grace: Right.
Rep: For games and anything else. This is the only thing we take buses to.
Or any, we take our own cars to all of our games during the season and all
of our tournaments.
Grace: I forgot what I was going to say so I yield for now.
Kyle: Okay. Grace.
Grace: I remember now. Is this a guaranteed tournament or is this a
Rep: It's a guaranteed tournament.
Grace: Guaranteed, so you don't have to win or anything like that?
Rep: No. You're guaranteed 3 games and then if you win 1 or 2, then you
move on to Sunday and you play Sunday as well.
Grace: You said that you bring 25women ( and) 25 guys, how do you
decide who gets to come?
Rep: Basically participation at practice, we have practice every
Tuesday/Thursday at 8:30 to 10:30 (pm) and if you, we told our players it
doesn't matter how long you've been on the team, if you bust your (pause)
you just try really hard and show us you should be on that bus to Savanna
and you're putting your time forth for rugby, like you've been going to the
gym outside practice and stuff. If you want to go, you make that you go.
Like put the effort forth then you'll be going. It's not based on seniority or
anything. It's not even really skill, it's more of the effort that goes forth.
Grace: How many people are on the team, in general?
Rep: About, I want to say 30 or 35 women and I think the men have a
little more than that. We just got about 10 or so new people. And then I'm
not sure how many the boys have gotten.
Grace: Okay. Thank you. I yield.
Kyle: Okay, chair seeks a motion.
Motion made by Cody reallocate $3400 from dues to travel and from new
equipment to travel. Seconded by Phil. All in favor. Motion carries.
Kyle: I'll see you guys Thursday at GA.
Unfinished Business
New Business
Kyle: Since there are no Unfinished Business, we'll move on to New Business.
The last page in the agenda is the schedule for B and A week. Just so everyone
knows which groups are going when. Remember it's business formal, dress
clothes every day. I'll probably be going to Wal-Mart Thursday to get all the
snacks for everybody. Does anybody have any questions for B and A week.
Colin: What time do we have to there? 8:30, 8:45 (am)?
Kyle: Be there half an hour/ 15 minutes before.
Colin: It says 9, I just want to make sure we're not late or something.
Kyle: Yea, don't be late because it won't look good.
Colin: Okay, I know. Sometimes people like to plan an hour ahead.
Kyle: Phil, did you get off work for that weekend?
Phil: I thought I told you, no here is absolutely no way?
Kyle: You just kept telling me that you'd look into it but..
Phil: Yea, there is no way because I just got a new position.
Kyle: Yea, I know you just got promoted. Caity?
Caity: I can come on Saturday.
Kyle: You won't have a race?
Caity: No.
Kyle: Okay, perfect.
Grace: so we have quorum?
Kyle: Yea, I was making sure we have quorum for everyday. I'm going to double
check in my office tonight, but we should be all set for B and A week.
Caity: So we have Wednesday off?
Kyle: We Wednesday we have the day off because Caity and I have night class
and you can't have B and A week without quorum or a chair, so, you guys will
have the day off for Wednesday.
Kevin: So begin Saturday?
Kyle: Yes.
Kevin: And that is Saturday the...?
Kyle: The 22nd.
Cody: Like This Saturday.
Kyle: The 22nd to the 28th. I know a couple of you guys have, I mean I do too
but, we have chapter on Sunday. I'd like you guys, I know it's important to be
there but we need to have quorum for this and If all you guys go there we can't
have B and A week. So I encourage you guys, I mean it will be excused, but I'll
talk to our president about it.
Colin: I mean I don't need more than like a 10 or 15 minute like, just to go in
there and hand in my stuff.
Kyle: Well that's why dinner is going to be at 7pm. so you can just...
Colin: Oh, I did even look. That's more time than needed.
Kyle: So we should be all set for that one Colin. Kevin.
Kevin: Can I move to adjourn, for her sake?
Kyle: Yes.
Motion made by Kevin to adjourn at 5:44pm. Seconded by Grace. All in favor.
Motion carries.
Adjournment 5:44PM
Supreme Court Agenda
Tuesday, February 18th, 2014
Williams Center Conference Room G103a 8:00 pm
1. Call to Order
-Meeting called to order at 8:00pm
a. Roll Call
Chief Justice Nicholson: present
Justice Sadek: present
Justice Hout: present
Justice Imperi: present
Justice Pandich: present
Justice Novelli: present
b. Justice Concerns
Chief Justice Nicholson: Moving on, are there any valid concerns from the Supreme
Court Justices?
2. First Hearing (Pleas, Arguments, Sentencing)
Chief Justice Nicholson: Seeing none we move onto object two, first hearings. First we
are going to go to letter A, GA violations. Basically what we are going to do is we are
going to call your groups up, by the way the agenda is wrong. So instead of Blackhorse
Rugby we are going to have club Ultimate Frisbee. Having said that, we are going to take
attendance to all of those under the first hearings, and we I say your name say here if you
are here or do not respond if you are not.
Ultimate Frisbee: present
Art Forum: present
Figure Study Sessions: present
Chess Club: present
Sound Services: present
Chief Justice Nicholson: All groups having answered in the affirmative we will move on
to letter a, GA violations. Club Ultimate Frisbee.
Ultimate Frisbee Rep: Can I talk now?
Chief Justice Nicholson:If you could just stand up for this point please. Okay, Club
Ultimate Frisbee you have been charged with violation of Statute O9 Article 3 Letter D.
Should any constituted groups fail to attend more than two meetings, charges shall be
placed before them in the Supreme Court. At this point you either enter a plea of guilty
or not guilty. If you plead not guilty then it is the court’s decision to decide if your
guilty, or if you plead guilty then it is the court’s decision to determine your sentence. So
would you like to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty?
Ultimate Frisbee Rep: Guilty.
Chief Justice Nicholson: Please let the record know that Club Ultimate Frisbee has
entered a plea of guilty. So what we are going to do now is that you are going to go
underneath, we are going to do sentencing later. We are going to do GA violations as
one group, and then we are going to do Rules violation as one group. Thank you. Art
Forum, you are being charged with being charged with violation of Statute O9 Article 3
Letter D. Should any constituted groups fail to attend more than two meetings, charges
shall be placed before them in the Supreme Court. Do you wish to enter a plea of guilty
or not guilty?
Art Forum Rep:Guilty.
Chief Justice Nicholson: Please let the record know that Art Forum has entered a plea of
guilty. You guys can have a seat. We will move onto letter B, Rules Committee
Chief Justice Nicholson:Figure Study Sessions, you are charged with violating Statute
O4 Article 2 Letter A Number 3 which reads, acknowledged groups shall renew their
acknowledgement with the rules committee and general assembly every year during the
month of their original acknowledgement. Do you wish to plead guilty or not guilty?
Figure Study Rep:Guilty.
Chief Justice Nicholson:Okay, please let the record know that Figure Study Sessions has
entered in a plea of guilty. Chess Club, Statute O3 Article 2 Letter A Number 3 which
reads, provisionally recognized groups shall renew their acknowledgement with the rules
committee and general assembly every year during the month of their original
acknowledgement. Do you wish to plead guilty or not guilty?
Chess Club Rep: I have one quick question because on my folder for this summit it says
we have a meeting in March. Also we have a whole new E-Board so I am just confused.
Chief Justice Nicholson: Alright, why don’t you just enter in a plea of not guilty then?
Chess Club Rep:Yes sure.
Chief Justice Nicholson: Alright. Please let the record show that Chess Club has
entered in a plea of not guilty.
Chess Club Rep: Well they might have been guilty of it but I don’t know.
Chief Justice Nicholson:That’s okay we will figure that out later. And finally Sound
Services. Sound Services you are charged with violating Statue O4 Article 3 Letter A
Number 3 which reads, constituted groups shall renew their acknowledgement with the
rules committee and general assembly every year during the month of their
acknowledgment. Do you plead guilty or not guilty?
Sound Services Rep: Guilty.
Chief Justice Nicholson:Please let the record show that Sound Services has entered in a
plea of guilty. At this time we are going to go back up to the GA violations. So
basically, Chess Club, you guys are just going to kind of lay low for this portion. Club
Ultimate Frisbee is there anything you guys would like to say on your behalf at this time?
a. GA Violations
i. Ultimate Frisbee, Art Forum
Ultimate Frisbee Rep: Yeah, it’s just that the people who were going to the meetings
last year, I had class so I didn’t go. I had the impression they were going and they had the
impression that somebody was going, so it was just a breakdown in communication on
our part. I didn’t know anything about it until I got the letter from you guys.
Chief Justice Nicholson: Okay, have you guys made arrangements to start sending
somebody now?
Ultimate Frisbee Rep: Yes, the arrangements have been made.
Chief Justice Nicholson: Okay, Student Association, anything to add?
SA Speaker Dickerson: Nothing more than that Club Ultimate Frisbee was notified the
day after their absence from February 6th so on February 7thwhich would have given them
about six days to know that they were missing GA. However, with the meeting with the
General Assembly on February 13th they were present.
Chief Justice Nicholson: Okay, yeah go ahead.
Ultimate Frisbee Rep: How are we notified?
Speaker Dickerson: You were given a letter in your mailbox on the 7th which notified
your missing of the meeting on the 6th.
Ultimate Frisbee Rep: Alright, I might not have picked that up on time then.
Chief Justice Nicholson: Okay so that is two meetings, are they still frozen?
Speaker Dickerson: Nope
Chief Justice Nicholson: Okay, anything else to add? Justices?Okay Art Forum, do you
have anything you would like to say on your behalf before we determine your sentence?
Art Forum Rep: Sure.
Chief Justice Nicholson:Okay, go ahead.
Art Forum Rep: The absences which occurred…
Chief Justice Nicholson:I am sorry, I am going to have to ask you to speak up.
Art Forum Rep: The last semester, and into this semester a little bit we were facing a lot
of E-Board problems, especially finding people who are responsible enough. I was
aware that we had two absences, but the last one was my fault. I showed up to the
meeting five minutes late and I was in attendance. In the future we are going to make
changes to the E-Board
Chief Justice Nicholson: So you missed the first roll call, but you were there for the
second roll call?
Art Forum Rep:Yes.Still made it to the meeting.
b. Rules Committee Violations
i. Figure Study Sessions, Chess Club, Sound Services
Chief Justice Nicholson: Okay. Figure Study Sessions. You are more than welcome to
say anything on your behalf.
Figure Study Sessions Rep:Our E-Board person John who was here last time must have
gotten a letter about the violation or something relating to that but he never read it to me.
So hopefully I can stop in and take care of things.
Chief Justice Nicholson: Okay, have you appeared for your acknowledgement?
Figure Study Sessions Rep: No.
Chief Justice Nicholson: Justin, have they been rescheduled?
Speaker Dickerson: They have. Wait, no. How I was taught to do it last semester was
or last year was to go to rec then to court. If that is not how it should be done, then by all
Chief Justice Nicholson:After tonight’s proceedings what is most likely going to happen
is that you will be forwarded to another meeting so you will have another meeting to go
and get acknowledged. Okay?
Figure Study Sessions Rep: Okay.
Chief Justice Nicholson: Justices, do you guys have any questions? Anything else from
the Student Association?Sound Services.
Sound Services Rep: We are pretty on top of SA protocol, it is just one of those things
that is a mishap, and it won’t happen again.
Chief Justice Nicholson: Okay, anything else? Student Association?
Speaker Dickerson:Yes, those absences from rules happened toward the end of the
semester when there was a lot of rules and other things going on, it is very easy to get
swept up in everything. When I notified them about the absences and the charges, they
were very respectful and came in and met with me. They asked what they could do and I
laid out the procedure for them. Earlier today they came to see me and wanted to see the
protocol. They don’t seem like people that would just do this on purpose, they seem
more like something happened, and they seem pretty on top of their stuff.
Chief Justice Nicholson:Justices anything you would like to add? Anything else? Seeing
none and having the guilty pleas dispensed with, the chair wishes to seek a motion for
executive session.
Motion made to go into executive session made at 8:12pm by Justice Hout,
Seconded by Justice Pandich. No abstensions, the motion carries.
Motion to come out of executive session
at 8:21pm.
Chief Justice Nicholson:Art Forum, basically what we have done with you guys is that
we are going to have an E-Board meet and greet. Since you guys just went through
Summit, what this is, is basically a more concise version of what you guys went through
at Summit. So at least your President and Treasurer is going to have to meet with the SA
E-Board at some point. This will all be spelled out in a memo. You guys are going to do
one extra event. In terms of what constitutes one extra event, there is all sorts of stuff
that constitutes an event. If you have any questions about that you can talk to the Vice
President. Frisbee, we are going to have you guys do an extra event since this is your first
violation. If you guys come again with a second violation, then that definitely opens up
the doors for what court would be inclined to do or what we are able to do. So for now
there is a chance that you guys might be coming back, but for now it is just one extra
event. So like I said to you guys, that will just all be spelled out for a letter in your
mailbox. Figure Study Sessions, on October 23rd, a memo was sent to you guys from
Alex Stone, who was the Chief Justice before me. You guys did not turn in the event
worksheets from last year. So the court ruled that your total number of events was to be
increased to three events, which was in October. As an acknowledged group you are
required to give two and the court required you to do three. And then last semester, your
President and your Treasurer were required to do a meet and greet before the end of the
academic year. Our paper work shows that you guys did not attend one, which might be
a paperwork oversight.
Figure Study Sessions Rep: The only thing I know is that when John had the folder
when school started, that it had the memo in it, but that was the first time I have heard of
Chief Justice Nicholson:Okay. Well basically what we have done, and you guys just
went through summit on Saturday, so you should have a better knowledge of what the
policies and procedures of SA are. If not then you can always ask the Vice President or
Speaker. But for this violation, since this is your second offense in less than a year, the
court tacked on another two events, so that is going to make your total events to five. So
at the end of the year you need to turn in five total events. The purpose of these is, and it
is the belief of the court that by doing more events you become more concise as a group,
the more you do it, it is like practice. So hopefully by completing the five events, you
can get a better feel for how everything is supposed to feel.
Figure Study Sessions Rep: Okay
Chief Justice Nicholson:And like I said, if you need clarification you can talk to me, the
Speaker, or the Vice President. Sound Services, we know how much you guys do for
campus, you guys are pretty good with paper work, we don’t see you very often. So
basically what we are going to do is put you guys which is basically probation. At this
point you don’t need to do any extra events since you guys do so much already, it
wouldn’t do anything. What we will call it is probation which is if you come back to us
again, then it will be like your second event. As long as you guys don’t violate another
statute for the year then you guys will be fine. But that doesn’t include any litigation that
you guys may choose to bring before us, I will not come down before you guys hard on
that. So Frisbee, Art Forum, Figure Study Sessions, and Sound Services, you guys are
free to go. Thank you for coming.
-The following groups have left; Ultimate Frisbee, Art Forum, Figure Study Sessions,
and Sound Services.
Chief Justice Nicholson:Okay, Chess Club, you guys can come sit up here if you want.
Okay Chess Club, having entered a plea of not guilty, the charges before you are that you
are charged with not provisionally, or not renewing your provisional recognition. That is
Statute O3 Article 2 Letter ANumber 3. So Justin, the floor is yours big guy.
Speaker Dickerson: Essentially, the Chess Club was asked to come before us last
semester. They did not. This semester,the President?
Chess Club Rep: Yes everything is new.
Speaker Dickerson:Yes, he came in to come talk to me about what was going on with
Chess Club. I didn’t know what was going on because it was the beginning of the
semester and it happened last semester. And I filed them with Chief Justice Stone at the
very end of last semester?
Chief Justice Nicholson:You filed them with me.
Speaker Dickerson:Yes at the very beginning with you this semester, excuse me.
Chief Justice Nicholson:February 7th, 2014.
Speaker Dickerson:Yes, the first meeting that they were assigned to go to was on
November 11th, 2013, the second meeting which they would have been assigned to was
on November 18th, 2013, while the third meeting which they had been assigned to was on
December 1st, 2013, none of which they attended. Charges had not been filed basically
because that was the last rules of the semester.
Chief Justice Nicholson: When did they get re-acknowledged last year?
Speaker Dickerson: I would have to go get that and look through it.
-Assistant Speaker Protégée Jefferson Dedrick has left the room to fetch the binder.
Chief Justice Nicholson:As we get the paperwork, now you guys are more the welcome
to say anything now other than that your folder said you were supposed to renew it in
Chess Club Rep: Yeah, the folder says to renew it in March.
Chief Justice Nicholson:Do you have the folder with you?
Chess Club Rep: I was maybe planning on grabbing it but it slipped my mind.
Chief Justice Nicholson:Okay, well then. Justice Sadek?
Justice Sadek: How many members do you have in your group?
Chess Club Rep: It varies. Like maybe thirteen or fourteen, but it has only just started,
since we have only had two weeks so far.
Justice Sadek:Have you ever been President of another group?
Chess Club Rep:No, this is my first time.
Justice Sadek: And you went to Summit?
Chess Club: Yes.
Justice Sadek: Alright, I yield.
Chief Justice Nicholson:Justice Sadek still has the floor.
Justice Sadek:Do you have a full E-Board?
Chess Club Rep: Right now I have a treasurer, secretary, and an advisor.
Justice Sadek:Are you the President?
Chess Club Rep: Yes.
Justice Sadek: Alright, I yield.
Chief Justice Nicholson: Okay, do you have anything else you would like to add? Right
now we are going to wait for Speaker Dickerson to wait and see when you guys were reacknowledged.
Speaker Dickerson:According to potential Assistant Speaker Dedrick, the master group
list has Chess Club listed as November for their date of provisional recognition. So my
opinion would be that the label attached of their folder was wrong. Yeah, they came
before the rules committee and were provisionally recognized for the first time on
November 26th, 2012, so that would make their month of recognition as far as the
Speaker goes to be in November.
Chief Justice Nicholson:So for the record, you know, whenever you guys are doing
something for E-Board or kind of like a training session for just who takes it over after
you guys, make sure that they know that your re-rec is usually around Thanksgiving.
And have them check the mailbox.
Chess Club Rep: Should I still plan on going for something in March?
Chief Justice Nicholson: Well it is probably going to end up being in March, because
you guys are going to have to be re-recognized. What appears is that the label was
wrong. Do you guys have anything else to add?
Chess Club Rep: No, and I just want to know if I will get a memo for March? Because
before it was just a label and I didn’t know if I was supposed to go then, or before March,
but now I understand.
Speaker Dickerson: If I may?
Chief Justice Nicholson: You may.
Speaker Dickerson:You have a memo that says you have a meeting, and if you don’t
make that meeting then you have a meeting after that and meeting after that and which
you have to go to. We will let you know. If you have any questions about any specific
dates let us know.
Chief Justice Nicholson: Do you rest?
Speaker Dickerson: Yes.
Chief Justice Nicholson:With that, the chair seeks a motion to go into executive session.
Motion to go into executive session made at 8:32pm by Justice Pandich, seconded
by Justice Imperi. No abstensions, the motion carries.
Motion to come out of executive session was made at 8:36pm.
Chief Justice Nicholson:Back to reality, and that extreme display of unprofessionalism.
Basically what we decided to do is give you guys one extra event, with what you guys
classify as an event. You are found guilty by the way. Your punishment will be one
extra event. Like I said also, it will be all spelled out in a memo, and that you can ask
either me, the Speaker, or Vice President any questions. Also please let the record show
for what we failed to do earlier was to acknowledge that Club Ultimate Frisbee and Art
Forum are unfrozen at this time. With that, you guys are free to go.
Speaker Dickerson: I was going to say that Vice President Blake unfroze Art Forum as
per the statute which says when the groups star re-attending GA, they were unfrozen on
the 13th, and Ultimate Frisbee was unfrozen as well.
3. Second and Third Hearings (Pleas, Arguments, Sentencing)
Chief Justice Nicholson: Moving down to letter three, second and third hearings.
Seeing none we will move onto letter four, concerns of the audience.
4. Concerns of the Audience
Chief Justice Nicholson: Are there any concerns of the audience? Seeing none without
objection, we will move onto number five, new business.
5. New Business
Chief Justice Nicholson:In terms of new business, I have received one letter of intent,
much to the displeasure of Justice Hout, it is a male. With the period of recommendation
about to close as the gavel sounds, I would like to announce at this point unless I receive
any letters between now and myself hitting the gavel, Jack Weaver is going to be my
appointee to the position of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Jack is a freshman
from West Seneca. So it is going to be Justice Weaver in all likelihood, as long as he
makes it through the confirmation process unscathed, it is likely he will, I have the
upmost confidence in him, and I look forward to serving with him in many capacities.
Any other new business to be addressed before the Supreme Court?Speaker Dickerson?
Speaker Dickerson: A few things. Number one, beside me is my candidate for
Assistant Speaker who will go before General Assembly this Thursday. He will be, as
soon as I finish all of the charges and files I have for the Supreme Court, once those are
over with, he will be taking control over the new business, since he will be in a rules
committee chair. So congratulations to Jefferson. If anyone has any advice on how to be
less bad then I am, or wants to talk to him about anything, he will stay after to get the
notion. And I was going to ask you slash the court something. So the way the
constitution is written says every time you miss an absence after two absences you go to
court, so does that mean that any group that you heard tonight, or will hear next week
every absence after or is it two after that?
Chief Justice Nicholson:Submit a formal request for the court to review it.
Speaker Dickerson:Okay, sounds good.
Chief Justice Nicholson:And we will take care of that next week. Okay, any other new
business? Vice President Blake? The chair recognizes Vice President Blake.
Vice President Blake:I would like to say congratulations to Mr. Dickerson for his
achievement and to Mr. Dedrick.
Speaker Assistant ProtégéeDedrick: Please let the record show that I look forward to
working with the Supreme Court.
Chief Justice Nicholson: Justice Hout?
Justice Hout: Please let the record show that I move to adjourn.
Chief Justice Nicholson:You can’t move to adjourn yet, you can’t move down there yet.
Justice Novelli?
Justice Novelli: I would like the court to recognize that Mo’s pen is broken.
Chief Justice Nicholson: Moving down to number six now, adjournment.
6. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn made at 8:43pm by Justice Hout, seconded by Justice Novelli.
No abstensions, no further discussion. The meeting is adjourned.