Montgomery County High School Site Based Decision Making Council Meeting December 18, 2014 5:30 pm Media Center Mr. Shannon White called the regular meeting of the MCHS site based council to order at 5:30p.m. on December 18, 2014, in the high school Media Center. The following members and guests were present. Shannon White Laura Fraley Allison Whaley Tamara Hart Alton Stull Jo Botts Crystal Fultz Pam Callahan Terry Mullins Jeff Arnett Michael Conway Steve Jenkins Austin Haywood Robert Donaldson Chairperson Parent Rep Teacher Rep Parent Rep Teacher Rep Teacher Rep Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest The council reviewed the November 20, 2014 regular meeting minutes, the amended October 16 regular meeting minutes, and the November 3 amended special meeting minutes. The minutes were approved by consensus as presented. Mr. White announced that he had another commitment at 6:30 and planned on leaving about 6:15p.m. The closed session for consultation would be moved up on the agenda if needed. Ms. Hart would handle the remaining items left on the agenda as the vice chair responsibilities. There was no one present that wanted to speak to the council during the time allocated for the open chair. The council discussed and reviewed the financial reports on the professional development, activity accounts, instructional funds, and ESS budget expenditures. The council approved the reports by consensus. Mr. White shared the committee reports from the technology committee and curriculum committee. Their reports were included in the council’s packets. Mr. White also shared the agendas and reviewed the actions of the school board from their November 18 regular meeting, the December 11 special meeting and the December 16, 2014 regular meeting. The council members discussed the authority of the curriculum committee to recommend a new school schedule to the council. The most recent policy on school committee does not recognize a curriculum committee. Laura Fraley moved to appoint the group that had been meeting as the curriculum committee to serve as the appointed committee to recommend the new school schedules to the council. Tamara Hart seconded the motion. The council agreed by consensus. The council also expressed the desire to consider adding the curriculum committee back into the committee policies at a future date. The council discussed and reviewed three options for the 2015-2016 school schedules. Each of the options has a period of time included for RTI. The RTI component is included in the success of the school schedules that the high school teams have visited. The schools that were visited also were very intentional in scheduling students into their schedules to ensure students to be on tract to be college and or career ready. The council briefly discussed the following 3 options: 1. Modified block schedule 2. Trimester schedule 3. Continuing A/B schedule The council agreed to set a special meeting for January 6, at 5:30 in the media center to continue the discussion on the 3 schedules. The final decision on the schedule is planned for the January 15, regular meeting at 5:30p.m. Crystal Fultz shared a written and verbal report on her activities related to curriculum at the high school since the last regular meeting. Tamara Hart moved to go into closed session at 6:08 for consultation on consideration to hire. Alton Stull seconded. Alton Stull moved to reconvene at 6:11p.m. Tamara Hart seconded. Mr. White made the following recommendations to hire after consultation: 1. Hannah Smith as Winter Guard Sponsor 2. Kathryn Cummings as Color Guard Sponsor 3. Kenya Peters as Assistant Color Guard Sponsor Mr. White excused himself at 6:15p.m. Tamara Hart continued the remaining items on the agenda. Rob Donaldson gave a report on MC^2. His report included a report on: 1. Field trip to MSU Space Trek Program 2. MSU week the balloon launch at MC^2 3. Chrome book use in MC^2 Rob Donaldson gave a report on the school and shared a copy of the school safety plan. Tamara Hart suggested the Media Center needs a copy of the tornado procedure and that we check all areas of the building to make sure they are posted in all areas. The council approved by consensus. Allison Whaley questioned the districts recent hiring of Larry Dixon as a curriculum support person to help at the high school. Ms. Whaley wanted the administration to provide documentation of his eligibility to work as a retiree. (Questioned if he had been retired long enough to re-enter as an Employee). She also wanted to know if nepotism regulations were violated with him working with his wife. Jo Botts wanted documentation of when the position was posted. She also questioned the need for an extra person at the high school. She commended Crystal Fultz for doing an excellent job in handling the curriculum duties at the high school. Tamara Hart felt the position should have involved the council in the hiring of the position. Mr. Donaldson advised the council that he and Mr. White would respond to their concerns at the next council meeting. Alton Stull moved to adjourn. Jo Botts seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 6:58p.m.