Health Analytical Services

The Quality Unit
Analytical Services Division
T: 0131-244 3777 F: 0131-244 2371
In 2014 Scotland Welcomes the World
March 2014
Dear Director of Social Work,
1. Introduction
This letter provides details of all Social Care surveys which are due for completion and return
to the Scottish Government during 2014. It does not include surveys relating to Children and
Families or Crimial Justice. A copy of this letter has been sent to the relevant contact for
each survey within your Local Authority. Copies of all surveys for 2014 can be accessed
from our website at:
2. What do I need to do?
You should note the deadlines for all surveys (set out in Annex B) and particularly the
deadline of 31st July 2014 for the Social Care Survey. It is important that Local Authorities
meet these deadlines so that we can in turn meet our pre-announced schedule for
publication of National Statistics.
If you would like your 2014 Social Care and Mental Heatlh Benchmarking data to be linked to
Health data this year then you should sign and return the enclosed Data Sharing agreement
by 30th April 2014. (Please send to
St Andrew’s House, Regent Road, Edinburgh EH1 3DG
3. Health & Social Care Integration
Integration of health and social care is the Scottish Government’s ambitious programme of
reform to improve services for people who use health and social care services. To support
the integration of health and social care, Scottish Government is working closely with the
Information Services Division (ISD) of NHS National Services Scotland and a number of
local authorities to link the annual Social Care Survey to health data to enable statistical
analysis. A sample of the kinds of analysis (based on dummy data) which we have started to
do using linked data can be found in the embedded spreadsheet below (‘enable macros’
when you open it). Analysis from the pilot local authorities will be published later this year
and will feed into the Health and Social Care Integration platform being developed by NHS
Scotland which is expected to go live in April 2015. This IT development forms part of a
wider programme of work being taken forward by the ‘Health and Social Care Data
Integration Intelligence Project’ (HSCDIIP). This project sets out to provide partnerships
access to linked health and social care information and a further communication to all local
authorities outlining the aims and objectives of this project will be issued in due course.
visional (EXAMPLE).xlsm
4. Linking your 2014 Social Care data with Health Data
From 2014 all local authoritites will be invited to have their Social Care Survey and Mental
Health Benchmarking Surveys linked to health data.
In order to have your social care data linked, please complete the attached data sharing
agreement and return to by 30th April 2014. The data sharing
agreement has been developed in collaboration with the Society of Local Authority Lawyers
and Administrators in Scotland (SOLAR).
Data Sharing
5. CHI-seeding
In order to link your 2014 Social Care data to Health data it will need to be CHI-seeded. At
the recent project board for Health and Social Care Data Integration Intelligence Project
(HSCDIIP) it was agreed that all partnerships will get the opportunity to CHI-seed their 2014
Social Care Census to enable it to be linked with Health data. To gauge demand, can you
please indicate if your partnership is interested in CHI seeding your Social Care Survey data.
Instructions on how to CHI-seed your data for 2014 are available at:
St Andrew’s House, Regent Road, Edinburgh EH1 3DG
6. Social Care surveys from March 2014
The following surveys should be returned to the Scottish Government this year:
 Social Care Survey, 2014
 Short Breaks (Respite Care) Survey, 2013-14
 Mental Health Benchmarking Survey, 2013-14
 Quarterly Survey; Eligibility Criteria and Waiting Times Survey
The following surveys are collected and produced on our behalf:
 Scottish Care Homes Census, 2014 - Collected by the Care Inspectorate, published
by ISD
 Learning Disability and Autistic Spectrum Disorder (eSAY) 2014 – Collected and
published by The Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability (SCLD)
 Mental Health Officers Survey 2013-14 – Collected and published by Scottish Social
Services Council (SSSC)
For more details on these see:
Annex A – Further details
Annex B – Timetable
Annex C – Contacts
St Andrew’s House, Regent Road, Edinburgh EH1 3DG
7. Uses of Social Care statistics
We have placed on our website a short report ourlining the main users and uses of our
statistics. This can be found at:
If you have any examples you would like to add to this report then please email them to us at
In order to maximise the use of the social care data which your local authority returns to the
Scottish Government, we are also supporting numerous research projects being undertaken
by universities. These projects are early in development but in summary they are:
Scottish Longitudinal Study of Ageing
Parental mental health – educational outcomes of children
Mental health and social work
Serial Missed GP appointments
Diabetes medication adherence – does social care make a difference?
Ageing and care (formal and informal caring, health of carers)
Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy (SCPHRP) –
Later life working group
o (multi-morbidities, health inequalities, analysing UK cohort databases for
the patterns and drivers of socio-economic inequalities in ageing,
disability/frailty, and dependency)
4x PhDs – ‘Evidencing the role of social care for people with multimorbidities’
o (includes cost benefit analysis, service users experience analysis, pathways
analysis, all due to commence Sept 2014)
Further details about these research projects are available on request.
We are keen that findings from these research projects are disseminated to local authorities
and health boards (and beyond). Furthermore, where appropriate, we are keen that methods
of analysing linked data is shared with local authority and health board colleagues to
increase the analytical skills locally.
Further information can be found here:
Linking social care, housing and health data project website:
Linking social care, housing and health data project privacy impact assessment:
St Andrew’s House, Regent Road, Edinburgh EH1 3DG
ScotStat is a network for users and providers of Scottish Official Statistics. It aims to improve
communication amongst those interested in particular statistics and facilitate the setting up of
working groups on specific statistical issues.
We would encourage any users of our statistics in your local authority to register their details
on the ScotStat website at This
will ensure that they receive notification of any updates (e.g. when statistics releases are
published), events or consultations.
You can also follow them on Twitter (@ScotStat).
If you have any queries regarding any of the information in this letter or any of our surveys
for 2014 then please do not hesitate to contact us – a full list of contacts is given in Annex C.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Julie K Rintoul
St Andrew’s House, Regent Road, Edinburgh EH1 3DG
ANNEX A: Social Care Surveys 2014 - Further Details
Social Care Services, 2014
In 2013 the Home Care and Self-directed support surveys were combined into a new Social
Care Survey. This will remain in the same format for 2014, which includes clients who
o Home care services including reablement services
o Self-Directed support to purchase services
o A direct payment to purchase services
o Housing Support services
o Meals services
o Community Alarms
o Other telecare services
o Any other services – shopping, laundry, etc.
The Social Care Survey should be returned to the Scottish Government by the end of July
using the ProcXed system, which ensures a secure route for data transfer. All the
information required to complete the census is available from our website at: or
Short Break (Respite Care) Survey, 2013-14
The Short Break (Respite Care) survey is being collected this year and there is the option of
returning the data:
1) via the usual spreadsheet or
2) at individual level through the ProcXed system.
Mental Health Benchmarking Survey, 2014
The Mental Health benchmarking survey is being collected again this year and data should
be returned to the Scottish Government using the ProcXed system. We plan to publish 2013
data this year.
Further information is available from the SharePoint website at:
Quarterly Monitoring Return, 2014-15
In 2014, the quarterly monitoring return will continue to focus on the collection of Eligibility
Criteria and Waiting Times data.
In the Jan-March 2015 quarter we will also ask for care homes data on the number of long
stay residents and those receiving FPNC within a care home.
More information from:
Scottish Care Homes Census (SCHC), 2014
The Care Commission are collecting the SCHC data on behalf of the Scottish Government
using their eforms system which Care Homes already use to submit Annual Return data
St Andrew’s House, Regent Road, Edinburgh EH1 3DG
each year. The eform for 2013-14 is due for completion by the 14th May 2013. A separate
letter is being sent to individual Care Homes.
More information from:
Adults with learning disabilities known to Scottish local authorities (eSAY)
The Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability are responsible for the publication of Official
Statistics on adults with learning disabilities and/or on the autism spectrum in
Scotland. Their publication is in the process of being assessed by the UK Statistics Authority
with a view to getting National Statistics status for this year’s publication.
Their publication is the main source of data on adults with learning disabilities and/or on the
autism spectrum in Scotland and is widely used by policy makers and analysts within
Scottish Government. It is vital, therefore, that their collection deadlines are met.
The 2013 report will be published at 09:30am on Wednesday August 13th 2014.
Data collection for the 2014 report will begin in September 2014 and remain open until
Friday 19th December 2014.
More information from:
Mental Health Officers Survey 2013-14
The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) publish the Mental Health Officers survey and
are currently in the process of collecting this data. Last year they launched their new
workforce data website which is well worth a look for its interactive
data visualisations.
Social Care Expenditure Publication, 2012-13
In July 2014 the Scottish Government will commence a new, annual, publication of Social
Care expenditure data. This will look at historic trends in Social Care expenditure, presented
at Scotland and Local Authority level and broken down by client groups and service types.
All data for the publication will be derived from existing Local Government Finance Returns.
St Andrew’s House, Regent Road, Edinburgh EH1 3DG
ANNEX B: Social Care Surveys 2014 - Timetable
National Statistics protocols on release practices require us to produce a year ahead
programme of statistical releases, along with the expected month of publication. The year
ahead programme is designed to be of use to users and will appear in the Statistics page on
the Scottish Government website:
Our plans for the coming year are as follows:
Free Personal and Nursing Care, 2012-13
Mental Health Officers, 2013
Quarterly Survey Jan-Mar 2014
Social Care Expenditure, 2012-13
Learning Disability and Autistic Spectrum
Disorder (eSAY), 2012
Quarterly Survey Apr-Jun 2014
Short Breaks (Respite Care), 2013-14
Care Home Census, 2014
Social Care Services, 2014
Quarterly Survey Jul-Sep 2014
Quarterly Survey Oct-Dec 2014
Published by:
Date of publication:
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
ISD Scotland
September 2014
October 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
March 2015
All of our latest publications are available from the Scottish Government website at:
or, for the Care Home Census, the ISD website at:
We also have available a range of spreadsheets with more detailed local authority
information and trends for download. These can be accessed at:
In order to meet the publication schedule above we require forms to be returned, at the
latest, by the dates given in the table below:
Care Home Census
Social Care Survey
Short Break (Respite Care)
Mental Health Benchmarking
Learning Disability and Autistic Spectrum Disorder (eSAY)
Quarterly Survey/ Eligibility Criteria & Waiting Times
Jan-Mar 2014
Apr-Jun 2014
Jul-Sept 2014
Oct-Dec 2014
Jan-Mar 2015
St Andrew’s House, Regent Road, Edinburgh EH1 3DG
Return by:
14 May 2013
31 July 2014
31 July 2014
31 August 2014
December 2014
Return by:
30 May 2014
29 August 2014
28 November 2014
27 February 2014
29 May 2015
ANNEX C: Social Care Surveys 2014 - Contacts
The contact details for all enquiries regarding the surveys mentioned in this letter are as
If emailing then send to: If your council is a member of the
Government Secure Internet (GSI) then this should provide a secure method of sending.
If you have any queries, then relevant contact details are given on each of the survey forms.
Alternatively, if you wish to speak to a particular person, you can contact us on the following
Tel: 0131 244
Julie Rintoul
Social Care Statistics
All Social Care
Ellen Lynch
Data linking project
David Scott
Tom Russon
Steven Gillespie
Social Care Survey, Mental Health, FPNC, Short
Breaks (Respite), Quarterly monitoring return, Data
linking project.
Social Care Survey, Social Care Expenditure, Short
Breaks (Respite), FPNC, Quarterly monitoring
Quarterly monitoring return, Care Homes census,
general enquiries, requests for information.
Tel: 0131 244
Albert King
Gavin Leech
ProcXed Team
IT support for Social Care Survey/Mental Health
Benchmarking returns
Quality Assurance for Social Care Survey.
0141 559
Adults with Learning Disability and Autism
eSAY Project Manager, SCLD
eSAY Data Analyst, SCLD
Policy and Research Assistant Manager, SCLD
Claire Stuart
Andy McKeown
Chloë Trew
Mike Docherty
Stephen Halcrow
Lisa Reedie
Martin McKenna
SSSC – Mental Health Officers
All SSSC workforce data
ISD – Scottish Care Homes Census
0131 275 6342 Scottish Care Homes Census
0131 275 6117 Scottish Care Homes Census
0141 282 2179 Scottish Care Homes Census
St Andrew’s House, Regent Road, Edinburgh EH1 3DG