Instructor: Brad Barrett James Collins

Collegiate Communication 101 Syllabus
Fall 2011
Office Address:
Office Phone:
Brad Barrett
Government Relations
123 Wilson Hall
(248) 370-3682
James Collins
Student Affairs Technology
44 Oakland Center
(248) 370-2719
Instructor Office Hours:
By Appointment
Course Information:
Communications 101, Section 017
Mondays, 3:30 - 4:50
South Foundation Hall 171
Course Purpose:
This course is designed to help you become successful in college and in life.
Course Objectives: In this course, you will …
 Learn about campus resources and how to use them
 Build positive relationships with peers, faculty, and staff
 Explore personal strengths, abilities and interests and how they contribute to your college experience
 Learn skills for successfully navigating the college environment
Student Responsibilities:
Show up! Choose to attend every scheduled class period in its entirety.
Do the work! Choose to do your best work in preparing all of your assignments and hand them in on time.
Participate actively! Choose to stay mentally alert in every class, offering your best comments, questions, and
answers when appropriate.
You are responsible for your own learning.
You are responsible for doing your best thinking and most professional work for each class.
Cell phone/laptop policy
a. Cell phones and laptops will not be needed for regular class activities. Keep cell phones in a secure
location, so they will not interrupt class discussion and prevent your participation and attention in class.
If they are needed, arrangements and or an announcement will be made by your instructors. Breaking
this policy may result in a reduction of participation points and or confiscation until the end of class.
Food/drink policy
a. Refrain from eating food during class. Drinks are permissible; however the student is responsible for
cleaning up after themselves.
Absence policy
a. See Attendance & Participation section of the syllabus
Other expectations
a. Keep syllabus handy
b. Check and post Moodle regularly
c. Keep a line a communication between you and your instructors by talking to them, emailing or placing a
phone call to them before a “problem” becomes a “situation.”
d. Be active in maintaining a safe, respectful, learning environment for you and your fellow classmates.
Academic Integrity:
The highest level of academic integrity is expected. Students are expected to submit their own work. Cheating and
plagiarism will not be tolerated. A complete listing of Academic Conduct Regulations is available in the OU Student
Handbook ( The course is graded and a passing grade is
required to earn credit for the course.
Special Accommodations:
If you need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability, you should contact the instructor to arrange an
appointment as soon as possible, preferably within the first 10 class days. At the appointment we can discuss the course
format, anticipate your needs, and explore potential accommodations. Students with a disability must also register
documentation with Disability Support Services (121 North Foundation Hall, 248-370-3266). All discussions and
documentations will remain confidential.
Required Text:
Downing, Skip. On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life – Study Skills Plus Edition, 1st Edition.
The textbook can be purchased at Barnes & Noble at OU or rented from the publisher, Cengage Learning. Visit for more information on renting the textbook.
Grading: (Each of these requirements are described below.)
120 points
Attendance & In-Class Participation
a. Five points will be given for participating and showing up to each class
b. Five points will be given for posting 1 question, comment, or thought on the assigned reading and
replying to 1 other classmate’s posting on Moodle based on the assigned reading. Your posting and
reply CANNOT occur on the same day.
c. Postings MUST be completed the Sunday (12:00 am) before class in order to receive credit.
70 points
Teamwork, Inc.
80 points
My Personal Guide to Success
60 points
Major/Career Explorer
50 points
Resource Photo Hunt
20 points
On Course Self Assessments
a. 10 points will be granted for completing the pre test at the beginning of the course
b. 10 points will be granted for completing the post test at the end of the course
400 Total Points Available
Late Assignments:
Assignments one week late will be accepted, however points will be deducted by instructors, so it is IMPORTANT to turn
in assignments on time and make arrangements prior to if you know that you will not be able to attend class on the day
assignments are due.
Moodle postings on assigned readings CANNOT be completed after the fact for credit.
COM 101 Grading Scale:
380-400 points
320-379 points
280-319 points
250-279 points
Below 250 points
Attendance & In-Class Participation:
Five points are given for each class session in which the student attends and actively participats. If you are 10 minutes
late three times it will equal one absence. A student who misses more than two class sessions will automatically fail the
Be courteous and email your instructors at least 2 hours prior to class if you know that you will not be able to make
class. It is your responsibility to make arrangements to turn in assignments if due on the day of class that you miss.
Group Project:
Teamwork, Inc. The class will be split into groups of four. Each group member will address their strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats individually in-class. The group will then work together to come up with an idea for a fictional
company that best utilizes each member's personal strengths. The group will give a presentation at the end of the
semester explaining what their company does and how each person would contribute to it and overcome other group
members’ weaknesses. Details of what will be required in the presentation and milestones throughout the semester will
be distributed at a later date.
This assignment meets the following course objective(s): Explore personal strengths, abilities and interests and how they
contribute to your college experience.
Writing Assignment:
My Personal Guide to Success. Each week you will discover new life strategies, coping skills, and improvement tools
that can be used while at Oakland University and in life. At the end of the semester, you will compile everything you've
learned in class, read in the textbook, and from fellow classmates into a guide that you can take with you for the rest of
the year. Details of what will be required in the guide will be distributed in class.
This assignment meets the following course objective(s): Learn skills for successfully navigating the college environment.
Personal Interaction:
Major/Career Explorer. Schedule an appointment at Career Services, Advising Resource Center, or with your Academic
Advisor to discuss career options or academic major requirements. Go to the appointment prepared with 15 written
questions to ask the advisor. Discuss at least 3 different career or academic major options with the advisor and receive
answers to your prepared questions. You will need to submit the questions that you asked, the three career or academic
majors options that you discussed, and a reflection on what you learned. Details of what will required for this
assignment will be distributed in class.
This assignment meets the following course objective(s): Build positive relationships with peers, faculty, and staff.
Campus Involvement:
Resource Photo Hunt. Organize into groups of no more than four students. You will be given a list of student resources
on campus and you will need to visit each resource and take a picture of your group members at the location. The group
will be responsible to create a slide show of their pictures that include a description of the place that they visited and its
importance to the student population at Oakland University.
This assignment meets the following course objective(s): Learn about campus resources and how to use them.
On Course Self-Assessment:
You will be required to take the On Course Self-Assessment once at the beginning (pre test) of the semester and one at
the end (post test). The results will be used for in-class activities and reflection.
Course Calendar & Assignments:
Week One: 9/12
Lesson: Course Overview
Moodle Presentation
Week Two: 9/19
Lesson: Getting On Course to Your Success
Reading: 2-4 ; 9-10 ; 19-27 ; 60-72 ; 240-242
Due: One posting and one comment to a fellow classmates posting on Moodle
Send instructor an e-mail from your OU e-mail account
Complete self-assessment in class
Photo Hunt Activity
Week Three: 9/26
Lesson: Accepting Personal Responsibility
Due: One posting and one comment to a fellow classmates posting on Moodle
Photo Hunt Presentations
Reading: 31-39 ; 48-49 ; 57-58
Major / Career Explorer (Handout for assignment)
My Personal Guide to Success (Handout for assignment)
Week Four: 10/3
Lesson: Discovering Self-Motivation
Reading: 79-85 ; 91-100 ; 104 ; 110-113
Due: One posting and one comment to a fellow classmates posting on Moodle
Week Five: 10/10
Lesson: Mastering Self-Management
Due: One posting and one comment to a fellow classmates posting on Moodle
Major / Career Explorer final paper
Reading: 131-145 ; 174-175
Week Six: 10/17
Lesson: Employing Interdependence
Reading: 182-191 ; 197-200 ; 213-214
Due: One posting and one comment to a fellow classmates posting on Moodle
Turn in a draft of My Personal Guide for Success
Teamwork Inc. (Handout for assignment)
Week Seven: 10/24
Lesson: Gaining Self-Awareness
Reading: 221-229 ; 232-233 ; 237 ; 257
Due: One posting and one comment to a fellow classmates posting on Moodle
Teamwork Inc. mission statements are due at the end of class
Week Eight: 10/31
Lesson: Adopting Lifelong Learning
Due: One posting and one comment to a fellow classmates posting on Moodle
Reading: 276-285 ; 295-307
Week Nine: 11/7
Lesson: Developing Emotional Intelligence
Reading: 315-329 ; 333-337 ; 341-348
Due: One posting and one comment to a fellow classmates posting on Moodle
Outline of Presentation and SWOT Analysis of group members for Teamwork Inc. project
Week Ten: 11/14
Lesson: Staying on Course to Your Success / Presentations
Due: Complete self-assessment (post test) online
Teamwork, Inc. Presentations will begin
Week Eleven: 11/21
Lesson: Presentations / Course Evaluations
Due: Two comments on Teamwork, Inc. presentations on Moodle
Course evaluations
Teamwork, Inc. Presentations, if needed
Week Twelve: 11/28
Lesson: Presentations / Course Reflection
Guide to Success