BCJ – EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ASSESSMENT PLANS & REPORT AY 2012-2013 Program Rationale/Purpose Statement: The Emergency Management Major prepares adult learners to manage critical workplace situations. The program emphasizes practical application of academic constructs through applied adult learning theory. Each course is designed to bring the experience of the adult learner into the learning environment. The major supports Tiffin University’s mission of professional excellence and meets the career goals of students and the needs of employers. Marketing / Recruitment Target Statement: The academically rigorous curriculum focuses on “real world” problems and situations. From the accelerated theory to the emphasis on collaborative learning, the entire program is dedicated to increasing the adult learner’s effectiveness. Each course in the program supplements the knowledge and skills the adult learner already possesses. The major cultivates learning self-sufficiency. Goals of the Program/Corresponding Classes: Students will write with clarity and precision. All writing Intensive Courses as designated in the Academic Bulletin Critical thinking - JUS463 / ENF450 Oral and written communication - JUS463 / ENF345 Analysis and solution development of problems. JUS463 / ENF400 Demonstration of effective team and individual participation. JUS463 / ENF441 Students will be exposed to and understand professional practices related to their major field of study. Major Field classes Section One: Describe all department activities with respect to improving student learning in the major. This may include new faculty hires, course revisions, assignment creation, rubric revisions, goal evaluations, etc. Section Two: Describe which program goal(s) in the Major Program Plan was assessed during the academic year. Section Three: Describe analysis of assessment data and action plans for upcoming academic year. Intended Outcomes/Assessment Criteria: Intended Outcomes 1: (D – Writing Abilities) Students will write with clarity and precision. Assessment Criteria: All courses identified as Writing Intensive Course in the Academic Bulletin will have at least one writing assignment and use the Writing Across the Curriculum grading rubric to assess the students writing abilities. A mean score of 3.5 is expected. Section One - Activity Statement: In 2011-2012 AY, no data was collected. There are currently no Emergency Management cohorts. Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity: 2011-2012 Met/Not Met Data Details No data collected. Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans: In 2012-2013, the Outcomes Assessment Department will assess Writing Intensive Courses with the Writing Across the Curriculum grading rubric. A mean score of 3.5 will be expected. Intended Outcomes 2: (D – Critical Thinking) Adult learners will demonstrate the ability to think critically. Assessment Criteria: Seventy percent of adult learners will achieve a “B” or higher on the final research project for JUS463and ENF450 as measured by the corresponding grading rubric. Section One - Activity Statement: In 2011-2012 AY, no data was collected. There are currently no Emergency Management cohorts. Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity: 2011-2012 Met/Not Met Data Details No data collected. Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans: In 2012-2013 AY, we will begin to collect critical thinking skills data for JUS463 and ENF450 at 70% measured by the corresponding grading rubric. Intended Outcomes 3: (D – Speaking Abilities / D – Writing Abilities) Adult learners will demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in written form. Assessment Criteria: Seventy percent of adult learners will obtain a “B” or higher on the graded oral presentation report for JUS463 and ENF345. For the same courses, seventy percent of adult learners will obtain a “B” or higher on the final paper, as measured by the criteria on the writing ability and quality of documentation criteria on the final evaluation report for JUS463. Section One - Activity Statement: In 2011-2012 AY, no data was collected. There are currently no Emergency Management cohorts. Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity: 2011-2012 Met/Not Met Data Details No data collected. Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans: In 2012-2013 AY, we will begin to collect speaking abilities skills data for JUS463 at 70% and ENF345 at 70% measured by the oral/online presentation report. In 2012-2013 AY, we will begin to collect writing abilities skills data for JUS463 at 70% measured by the final research project report. In 2012-2013 AY, we will begin to collect writing abilities skills data for ENF345 at 70% measured by the final evaluation report. Intended Outcomes 4: (D – Critical Thinking) Adult learners will demonstrate the ability to analyze a contemporary problem and develop an effective solution. Assessment Criteria: Seventy percent of adult learners will obtain a “B” or higher on the final paper for ENF400 and on the research project for JUS463, as measured by the criteria on the writing ability and quality of documentation criteria on the final evaluation report for ENF400, and on the research project evaluation report for JUS463. Section One - Activity Statement: In 2011-2012 AY, no data was collected. There are currently no Emergency Management cohorts. Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity: 2011-2012 Met/Not Met Data Details No data collected. Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans: In 2012-2013 AY, we will begin to collect critical thinking skills data for ENF400 at 70% measured by the final evaluation report and JUS463 at 70% measured by the research project evaluation report. Intended Outcomes 5: (D – Career Readiness) Adult learners will demonstrate the ability to work effectively in groups and as individuals. Assessment Criteria: Seventy percent of adult students will obtain a “B” or higher for the final paper for ENF441, as measured by the criteria on the writing ability and quality of documentation criteria on the final evaluation report for ENF441, and on the research project evaluation report for JUS463. Section One - Activity Statement: In 2011-2012 AY, no data was collected. There are currently no Emergency Management cohorts. Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity: 2011-2012 Met/Not Met Data Details No data collected. Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans: In 2012-2013 AY, we will begin to collect career readiness data for ENF441 at 70% measured by the final evaluation report. In 2012-2013 AY, we will begin to collect career readiness data for JUS463 at 70% measured by the final evaluation report. Intended Outcomes 6: (D - Career Readiness – Program Specific) Students will be exposed to and understand professional practices related to their major field of study. Assessment Criteria: All students will successfully pass a professional practices assignment as deemed appropriate by their major field of study program faculty. Classes involved are at the discretion of the major field of study faculty. Section One - Activity Statement: In 2011-2012 AY, no data was collected. There are currently no Emergency Management cohorts. Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity: 2011-2012 Met/Not Met Data Details No data collected. Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans: In 2012-2013, the Outcomes Assessment Department will assess Major Field of Study practice assignment.