Data Set Title - National Snow and Ice Data Center

Appendix C: Submission Template
Section 1: (To be completed by submitter/PI)
Data Set Title
OSI-409: Global Sea Ice Concentration reprocessing dataset (1978-2007)
Investigator(s) Name and Title:
Rasmus Tonboe, Thomas Lavergne, Steinar Eastwood, Lars-Anders Breivik, Leif
Toudal Pedersen
Organization: EUMETSAT OSISAF (Ocean and Sea-ice satellite application
facility) (represented by DMI and
Contact Information:
For correspondance regarding hosting the dataset at NSIDC:
OSI SAF HL Manager: (
For questions regarding the dataset:
Rasmus Tonboe, (, Thomas Lavergne (, and
OSI SAF HL Manager: (
Data Set Summary:
Reprocessed sea ice concentration dataset of the EUMETSAT OSI SAF, covering the period from
1978 to 2007 (SMMR and SSM/I). Ice concentration is computed from atmospherically corrected
SMMR and SSM/I brightness temperatures, using a combination of state-of-the-art algorithms and
dynamic tie-points. It includes error-bars for each grid cell (uncertainties). Version 1 of the dataset
was released early 2010.
Data Description
Format NetCDF-3 (gzipped), CF-convention
File Naming Convention:
for northern hemisphere file from November 1, 1988 (valid 12:00 UTC) in 12.5
kilometer Ease grid, gzipped netCDF file.
1.5 GBytes/year (1987-2007) + 0.78 GBytes/year (1978-1987).
Total: ~40GBytes.
Spatial Coverage
Global (Northern and Southern hemisphere)
Spatial Resolution
12.5 Km grid spacing, resolution 30-50 Km
Temporal Coverage
October 27 1978 – December 31 2007
Temporal Resolution
Every day (1987-2007), Every other day (1978-1987)
Parameter Description
Sea Ice Concentration
Ingest Frequency: 1-time? X
Note: The OSI SAF dataset will, in the future (2013?), be updated once monthly. But we wish
to concentrate first on a “one-time” ingestion at NSIDC.
Data Acquisition and Processing
Ice concentration is computed from atmospherically corrected SSM/I brightness
temperatures, using a combination of state-of-the-art algorithms and dynamic tiepoints. The processing is on invidual swaths, but the dataset that is distributed
pertains of gridded daily files.
Quality and Accuracy
The datasets includes error-bars for each grid cell (uncertainties). It was also validated
against ice charts from the National Ice Centre (NIC). Validation results are
documented in :
Product Algorithm Theoretical Basis
We will be able to provide a summary text for describing the Algorithm Theoretical
Basis. In the meantime, it is fully described in the following document:
References and Related Publications
Appart from the documents cited above, the following peer-reviewed articles describe the
scientific basis of this new dataset:
Andersen, S., R. Tonboe, L. Kaleschke, G. Heygster, and L. T. Pedersen (2007),
Intercomparison of passive microwave sea ice concentration retrievals over the highconcentration Arctic sea ice, J. Geophys. Res., 112, C08004, doi:10.1029/2006JC003543.
Andersen, S., Tonboe, R., Kern, S. and H. Schyberg (2006), Improved retrieval of sea ice
total concentration from spaceborne passive microwave observations using numerical
weather prediction model fields: An intercomparison of nine algorithms, Remote Sensing of
Environment, Volume 104, Issue 4, DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2006.05.013.
PI Justification
The dataset is (and will continue to be) hosted and accessible from the EUMETSAT
OSI SAF website (, and FTP servers
( We also provide documentation (see
above) and user support (
The reasons for seeking hosting at NSIDC include:
1) NSIDC (Meier, et al.) participated in this re-processing activity, especially by
helping access the SMMR swath data, and in scientific collaboration. It is thus
normal that this dataset is also advertized from NSIDC's website.
2) The OSI SAF dataset will gain more visibility if it could be found from NSIDC's
3) NSIDC hosts several other similar datasets, and it would be good to have these
gathered at one place (at least for “search” functionalities);
We should also note that the IT teams at and in the US are working on data
and metadata inter-operability via catalogues based on open standards (INSPIRE,
etc...). Thus, in the future, the exchange of data and basic meta-data might be solved
by these technological solutions.
Considering the above, the OSI SAF team do not propose that the ~40 Gbytes of data are
transferred, archived, and maintained at NSIDC. Instead we propose that the files stay at the
OSI SAF server, but that the dataset is described (metadata, algorithm, file-format, etc...) as
the other NSIDC datasets (e.g., or The OSI SAF will also provide user support.
Section 2: From DAAC Product Team/Scientist
where did this data set come from
authorization or agreement for NSIDC to manage these data (EOS Program, DAAC)
DAAC Justification:
Here's a brief justification for brokering the OSI SAF data, by Walt Meier.
"The new sea ice concentration product being produced by the EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice
Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF) represents a significant new source for sea ice. It is a product
unique from other sea ice fields, such as those archived at NSIDC (NASA Team and Bootstrap), and
contains data quality and error information. While multiple datasets can be confusing for users, they
provide important cross-validation for each other and provide implicit information on the uncertainties
of the data sets. Brokering the OSI SAF dataset as NSIDC along with our currently archived datasets,
will help users better discover the datasets and understand their differences."
User Working Group, MOUs, requests, other)
Anticipated Activity (any metrics?)
DAAC Total Anticipated Effort
Desired State
Desired State: PI site
Additional Factors:
Desired State: skinny catalog
Additional Factors:
Desired State: Advertised Only
Additional Factors:
Desired State: Brokered
Additional Factors:
User Services
User Services
Grand Total
Infrastructure Development
Desired State: Referral to PI/external site
Additional Factors:
Section 3: Proposed Recommendations from the UWG
Comments on Science research value. (e.g Comments on potential designation as
Climate Data Record / Earth Science Data Record Potential)
NASA Data Management Priority (e.g. keep, move to other center, move to long term
archive, remove)
UWG Recommended ACTIONS
Status (accept, reject, return for more information)
Level of Service/Type of Service