This show is affiliated to the BSPS & Olympia – B.S.P.S. 80/13.
Saturday 20th July 2013
Norfolk Showground, Norwich, NR5 0TT
(Off the A47, Norwich Southern bypass at the A1074 junction)
Gates open at 0630hrs
Qualifying Show for
Horse of the Year Show 2013
SHP, LRHT, Show Ponies & SRT
‘Heritage Olympia Semi Final Qualifiers’
Area 16 Members Supreme Championship.
Highest placed Area 16 member from each class
to compete in Area 16 Supreme Championship.
(See over leaf)
Champion £100, Reserve champion £50
Championship very kindly sponsored by Carrs BMW
Area 16 Members must wear a clearly visible armband
Entries close 17th July 2013
Prize money must be collected from the secretaries on the day of the show.
No entry fees will be refunded or substitute entries accepted
This Show is affiliated to the BSPS No 152/12, BSPS Olympia 29/12 and all persons entering, competing, showing or
otherwise taking part in BSPS classes, whether or not members of the BSPS, are subject to the constitution and rules
of the BSPS including the disciplinary procedures and shall be deemed to have consented to the jurisdiction of the
BSPS. The Committee does not accept liability for any accident, injury, damage or illness to horses, ponies, owners,
riders, spectators or any other person’s property. It is a condition of entry that each exhibitor or competitor shall
indemnify the organisers and hold them harmless against such matters aforesaid.
Health and Safety: This Show is run with due regard to health and safety. The person responsible on the day will be
Mr S Somers. We request that all exhibitors and members of the public comply with any request, written or verbal,
from show officials which pertain to these regulations in their own best interest. Detailed guidelines can be seen at
the Secretary’s office on request. Details of first aid stations will be available in the Secretary’s office. Any accident
should be reported to a show official immediately. Regulations with regard to the riding of horses and ponies, and
the use of motorised vehicles will be strictly enforced in the interests of all concerned.
Horse of the Year Show: This Show is a qualifier for the Horse of the Year Show 9th – 13th October 2013. The highest
placed pony (not already qualified) from the first five ponies placed in each class will qualify. The following classes are the
qualifiers: 17-21, 24-25, 38-39. All entries for Horse of the Year Show classes must be made on the Horse of the Year
Show entry form. One form for each animal.
Ponies must be owned, registered and ridden by a BSPS,NPS, The Showing Register or PUK member to compete in
classes that qualify for Horse of the Year Show.
BSPS Blue Riband: In classes 5-8 ponies must be owned, registered and ridden by a BSPS member to compete. The first
and second ponies in classes 17-21, 24-25and 39-42 will qualify, provided the pony is owned, reg. and ridden by a BSPS
BSPS Premier League: This Show is a qualifier for the BSPS Premier League. The first, second , third and fourth placed
ponies in the following classes will qualify: 5-8, 10-11, 13-16, 23, 26-27, 29, 37.
The BSPS Classic Security UK Ltd Challenge: This Show is a qualifier for the BSPS Challenge. The highest placed pony
that has not qualified for the 2013 Horse of the Year Show in the appropriate class will qualify. If the highest placed pony
has already qualified for the BSPS Challenge, the qualification will be awarded to the next eligible pony. The following
classes will qualify: 5-8, 10-11, 13-21, 23-27, 29-35 and 37-43.
BSPS Championships: This Show is a qualifier for the 2013 BSPS Championships Show to be held at Arena UK,
Grantham. The first and second prize winners in Classes 1-3, 5-7, 11, 17-19, 24-27, and 39-42 will qualify. The first,
second and third prize winners in Classes 10, 13-16, 20-21, 30-35 and 43 will qualify. The first, second, third and fourth
prize winners in Classes 22, 23, 29, 36 and 37 will qualify, provided that the animal is registered in accordance with Rules
23 and 28 and ridden by a BSPS member.
BSPS Black Country Saddles Best Rider: The best rider in each of the following classes will be awarded a Best Rider card
and qualify for the final at the Summer Championships Show: - Open Lead Rein, Open First Ridden, Open 128cms, 138cms
and 148cms Show ponies. Open 122cms, 133cms, 143cms and 153cms Show Hunter Ponies. Open Cradle and Nursery Stakes.
Open 133cms, 143cms and 153cms Working Hunter Ponies. Open Intermediate SRT, SH and WH classes, Open Heritage
Ridden and WHP classes to riders who have not attained their 25 th birthday before the 1st January in the current year.
Equifest. –This show is affiliated to Equifest, taking place at the East of England Showground on the 15th-19th
August 2012. The two highest exhibits not already qualified in each affiliated class will qualify. Classes
affiliated to Equifest, 5-8, 13-16, 23, 26-27, 29 and 37.
Stabling: Top class stabling is available at Easton College Equestrian Centre (next door to showground) at
£17 per night. Please book direct on 01603 731577
Directions: From the north; Easily situated just off the A47, Norwich Southern Bypass at the A1074 junction
(Longwater Interchange).From the south;Travelling to Norwich via the A11 fromLondon or the A140 from Ipswich, take
the A47 bypass westwards and follow the signs for the Norfolk Showground
Every effort has been made to ensure that classes do not class. If however they do,
classes will not be held up and no refund will be given.
No lorries/trailers to be mucked out on the show ground. Bags of muck should be
taken home.
Classes 1-4
Classes 5-8
Classes 9-11
Classes 12-16
Novice WHP………………………............................................... Mrs S Kivlochan
Ms F Cabrol
Open WHP..................................................................................... Mrs S Kivlochan
& Ms F Cabrol
Mini WHP.......................................................................................Mrs S Kivlochan
& Ms F Cabrol
Mix Novice & Open Heritage WHP............................................. Mrs. J Kilbey
& Mrs J Carter
Ring 2
Classes 17-19 Horse of the Year Show Kathleen Wood Children’s Riding Pony .Ms K Lloyd
Classes 20-21 Horse of the Year Show Intermediate Show RidingType………Ms K Lloyd
Class 22-23
Open & Novice SHP…………………………………………….. TBC
Classes 24-25 Horse of the Year Show LEGO Friends Mini ShowPony ……...Ms K Lloyd
Classes 26-27 MINI SP......................................................................................... TBC
Ring 3
Class 28-29
Novice & Open Heritage Ridden…………………………………Mrs J Carter
Classes 30-35 Olympia Semi Final Qualifier...................................Mrs J Kilbey & Mrs M Ludlow
Class 36-37
Novice and Open SHP…………………………………………… TBC
Classes 38-39 Horse of the Year Show Lead Rein Pony of Hunter Type……… Mrs D Christie
& Mr M Chadwick
Class 39
Horse of the Year Show Intermediate Show Hunter.................... Mrs D Christie
& Mr M Chadwick
Class 40 – 43 Blue Riband Open SHP………………………………………………Mrs D Christie
Entries to: Mrs Anna Plater, 31, Rollesby Road, Martham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 4SW
Tel. 01493 748827
A list of numbers pre entered in all classes will be on by 18th July.
Entry fees: Horse of the Year Show classes £37 (to include £11.00 Horse of the Year Show contribution). Late entries £45.
Olympia Semi-Final qualifiers £15. Late entries £20.
All other classes £10. Late entries £15
Prize money: Horse of the Year Show qualifying classes: 1st £25, 2nd £15, 3rd £10, 4th £5
Olympia classes: 1st£15, 2nd £10, 3rd £5
All other classes: 1st £10, 2nd £6, 3rd £5
If 4 or less ponies entered, only 1st prize money will be given. Prize money must be collected from the
secretaries on the day of the show. No prize money will be awarded after the show date.
Cups will be awarded to the highest placed Area 16 member.
*Area 16 Supreme Championship*
In all BSPS open and novice classes the highest placed Area 16 member will qualify for the Area 16 Supreme
Championship at the end of the day. Area 16 Members must wear a clearly visible armband in their class to
be eligible for this championship.
BSPS Area 16 would like to thank the following companies and members who have
supported this show with their generous sponsorship.
Carrs BMW - Supreme of Show
The Regis Family
The Bickers Family
The Watt Family
The Bevan Family
Rebecca Regis Property Search –
Newton Hall Equestrian Centre – BHS and BSPS accredited – 01473 785616
08-45 sharp
Judges – Mrs Kivlochan (C) Ms F Cabrol (J)
BSPS Novice WHP. Mare or gelding 4 years or over, not exceeding 133cms. Riders not to have attained their 14th
birthday before 1st January in the current year. Kindly sponsored by the Regis Family
Class 2
BSPS Novice WHP. Mare or gelding 4 years or over, Exceeding 133 and not exceeding 143cms. Riders not to have
attained their 17th birthday before 1st January in the current year. Kindly sponsored by the Watt Family
Class 3
BSPS Novice WHP. Mare or gelding, 4 years or over, Exceeding 143cm and not exceeding 153cms, Riders not to
have attained their 20th birthday before 1st January in the current year. Kindly sponsored by the Watt Family
Class 4
BSPS Novice Intermediate WHP. Mare or gelding, 4 years or over, exceeding 153cms, not exceeding 158cms.
Riders not to have attained their 25th birthday before 1st January in the current year Kindly sponsored by the Watt
WHP Championship for 1st & 2nd prize winners from Classes 1-4. The McCrystal Challenge Salver kindly presented by J. McCrystal
will be awarded to the highest placed Area 16 member.
Class 1
Judges – Mrs Kivlochan (C) Ms F Cabrol (J)
Class 5
Class 6
BSPS Open WHP. Mare or gelding, 4 years and over, not exceeding 133cms. Riders not to have attained their 14 th
birthday before 1st January in the current year. Kindly sponsored by the Bickers Family
The Bay Laurel Blue Beard Cup, kindly presented by Mrs S Cranston will be awarded to the highest placed Area 16
BSPS Open WHP. Mare or gelding, 4 years and over, exceeding 133cms and not exceeding 143cms. Riders not to
have attained their 17th birthday before 1st January in the current year. Kindly sponsored by the Bickers Family
Class 7
BSPS Open WHP. Mare or gelding, 4 years and over, exceeding 143cms and not exceeding 153cms. Riders not to
have attained their 20th birthday before 1st January in the current year. The Kilkenny Mistral Trophy Cup, kindly
presented by Mrs S Cranston will be awarded to the highest placed Area 16 member.
Class 8
BSPS Open Intermediate Working Hunter. Mare or gelding, 4 years and over, exceeding 148cms but not
exceeding 158cms. Riders not to have attained their 25th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
WHP Championship for 1st & 2nd prize winners in Classes 5-8. The Champion will qualify for the BSPS “Mitten Asbestos”
Champion of Champions” Champion of Champions.
The Daldorn Challenge Cup kindly presented by Mrs D R Dickson will be awarded to the highest placed Area 16 member.
Lunch Break
Judges – Mrs S Kivlochan & Ms F Cabrol
Class 9
BSPS Novice Nursery Stakes. Mare or gelding, 4 years or over, not exceeding 133cms. Riders not to have attained
their 12th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Class 10
BSPS Cradle Stakes. Mare or gelding, 4 years and over, not exceeding 122cms. Riders not to have
attained their 11th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Class 11
BSPS Nursery Stakes. Mare or gelding, 4 years and over, not exceeding 133cms. Riders not to have
attained their 12th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Mini WHP Championship for 1st & 2nd prize winners from Classes 10 & 11. The Champion will qualify for the BSPS
“The White Company” Champion of Champions.
Trophy kindly presented by Mr. Kemplay will be awarded to the highest placed Area 16 member.
Judges – Mrs. J Kilbey (C) & Mrs J Carter(J)
Class 12
BSPS Heritage Mountain and Moorland Mixed Height Novice WHP. Ponies 4 years and over. Rider any age.
Class 13
BSPS Heritage Mountain and Moorland Open WHP. Ponies 4 years and over, exceeding 143cms. Riders any age.
Equifest qualifier
Class 14
BSPS Heritage Mountain and Moorland Open WHP. Ponies 4 years and over, exceeding 133cms, not
exceeding 143cms. Riders any age. Equifest qualifier
Class 15
BSPS Heritage Mountain and Moorland Open WHP. Ponies 4 years and over, exceeding, 122cms, not exceeding
133cms Equifest qualifier
Class 16
BSPS Heritage Mountain and Moorland Open WHP. Ponies 4 years and over, not exceeding, 122cms.
Riders any age. Equifest qualifier
BSPS Heritage M&M WHP Championship for 1st & 2nd prize winners in Classes 13 - 16. The winner will qualify for the
BSPS “Mitten Asbestos” Champion of Champions
9.00am sharp
Horse of the Year Show Kathleen Wood Children’s Riding Pony
HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW 2013 QUALIFIERS: Classes 17-19, 20,21,24 and 25 are qualifying classes. The highest
placed pony (not already qualified) from the first five will qualify. Only ponies owned and registered and ridden by
BSPS, NPS, The Showing Register or PUK members may enter Horse of the Year Show qualifying classes.
Judge –Kathryn Lloyd
Class 17
Kathleen Wood 128cm Children’s Riding Pony. Mare or gelding, 4 years or over, not exceeding 128cms. Riders
not to have attained their 13th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Class 18
Kathleen Wood 138cm Children’s Riding Pony. Mare or gelding, 4 years or over, exceeding 128cms, not
exceeding 138cms. Riders not to have attained their 15th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Class 19
Kathleen Wood 148cm Children’s Riding Pony. Mare or gelding, 4 years or over, exceeding 138cms, not
exceeding 148cms. Riders not to have attained their 17th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Kathleen Wood Children’s Riding Pony Championship for 1st and 2nd prize winners in classes 17-19. Champion to qualify for
the BSPS ““Mitten Asbestos” Champion of Champions” Champion of Champions.
Not before 11.30pm
Horse of the Year Show Intermediate Show Riding Type
Judge – Kathryn Lloyd
Class 20
Intermediate Show Riding Type. Mare or gelding, 4 years or over, exceeding
146cms, not exceeding 153cms. Riders not to have attained their 25th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Class 21
Intermediate Show Riding Type. Mare or gelding, 4 years or over, exceeding 153cms, not exceeding 158cms.
Riders not to have attained their 25th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Championship for 1st and 2nd prize winners in classes 20-21. The Champion will qualify for the BSPS “Mitten Asbestos”
Champion of Champions.
Novice and Open Show Ponies
Judge - TBC
Class 22
BSPS Mixed Height Novice Show Pony. Mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 148cms.
Riders MUST be the correct age for the height of the animal they ride.
Class 23
BSPS Mixed Height Open Show Pony. Mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 148cms.
Riders MUST be the correct age for the height of the animal they ride. Equifest qualifier
The 1st Prize Winner from Class 23 will qualify for the B.S.P.S “Mitten Asbestos” Champion of Champions
Horse of the Year Show LEGO Friends Lead Rein And First Ridden
Judge – Kathryn Lloyd
Class 24
LEGO Friends Lead Rein Pony. Mare or gelding, 4 years or over, not exceeding 122 cms. Riders not to have
attained their 8th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Class 25
LEGO Friends First Ridden Pony. Mare or gelding, 4 years or over, not exceeding 122 cms. Riders not to have
attained their 10th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
LEGO Friends Mini Show Pony championship for 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes 24 -25. The Deben Quickmarch
Memorial trophy presented by the Deben stud will be awarded to the highest placed Area 16 member.
The champion will qualify for the BSPS “Carrs BMW” Champion of Champions
Open LR & FR
Judge - TBC
Class 26
Class 27
BSPS Leading Rein Pony. Mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 122cms. Riders not to have attained
their 8th birthday before 1st January in the current year. Equifest qualifier
BSPS First Ridden Pony. Mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 122cms. Riders not to have attained
their 10th birthday before 1st January in the current year. Equifest qualifier
BSPS Mini Show Pony Championship for 1st and 2nd prizewinners in classes 26 and 27. The Champion will qualify
for the “Carrs BMW” Champion of Champions
9 am sharp
Novice and Open Heritage Ridden
Judge Mrs J Carter
Class 28
BSPS Heritage M&M Mixed Height Novice Ridden., Ponies 4 years and over. Rider any age.
Class 29
BSPS Heritage M&M Mixed Height Open Ridden. Ponies 4 years and over. Rider any age. Equifest qualifier
The 1st Prize Winner from Class 29 will qualify for the B.S.P.S “Mitten Asbestos” Champion of Champions
BSPS Heritage Mountain and Moorland Ridden Championship for Olympia
1st & 2nd prize winners from each class will qualify for a semi-final to be held at the BSPS ‘Heritage’ Championship show at Arena UK.
Ponies, owners and riders must be BSPS Members before the date of the show to compete in the Olympia Classes.
Judges – Mrs J Kilbey Mrs M Ludlow
Class 30
BSPS Heritage M&M Open Ridden. Fells, Highlands & Dales, Ponies 4 years and over. Rider any age
Class 31
BSPS Heritage M&M Open Ridden. New Forest, Connemara. Ponies 4 years and over. Rider any age.
Class 32
Class 33
BSPS Heritage M&M Open Ridden. Welsh Section C. Ponies 4 years and over. Riders any age.
Kindly sponsored by The Ella Souster Show Team..
BSPS Heritage M&M Open Ridden. Welsh Section D. Ponies 4 years and over. Riders any age.
Class 34
BSPS Heritage M&M Open Ridden. Welsh Sections A and B. Ponies 4 years and over. Riders any age.
Class 35
BSPS Heritage M&M Open Ridden. Dartmoor, Exmoor, & Shetland, Ponies 4 years and over. Riders any age.
BSPS Heritage Olympia Ridden Championship 1st and 2nd prize winners in classes 30-35.
The Champion will qualify for the B.S.P.S “Mitten Asbestos” Champion of Champions.
The Garnet of Dykes trophy, kindly presented by Mrs J James, will be awarded to the highest placed Area 16 member.
Not before 12.00pm
Novice and Open SHP
Judge - TBC
Class 36
Class 37
BSPS Mixed Height Novice SHP. Mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 153cms. Riders MUST be the
correct age for the height of the animal they ride.
BSPS Mixed Height Open SHP. Mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 153cms. Riders MUST be the
correct age for the height of the animal they ride. Equifest qualifier
The 1st Prize Winner from Class 37 will qualify for the B.S.P.S “Mitten Asbestos” Champion of Champions
Horse of the Year Show Lead Rein of Hunter Type & Intermediate Show Hunter
Horse of the Year Show 2013 Qualifiers: Classes 38 -39 are qualifiers. The highest placed not already qualified within the first
five will qualify for the Horse of the Year Show. Only ponies owned, registered and ridden by BSPS, NPS, The Showing Register
or PUK members may enter Horse of the Year Show classes.
Judges – Mrs D Christie & Mr M Chadwick
Class 38
Class 39
Lead Rein Pony of Hunter Type. Mare or gelding, 4 years or over, not exceeding 122cms. Riders not to have
attained their 9th birthday before 1st January in the current year. This class is a qualifier for the 2013 Horse of the
Year Show. Obstacles will be used in the qualifying rounds and in the final.
Guy Fawkes III Intermediate Show Hunter. Mare or gelding, 4 years or over, exceeding 148cms, not
exceeding 158cms. Riders not to have attained their 25th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Blue Riband SHP
Judge – Mrs D Chrisite
Class 40
BSPS Open Show Hunter Pony. Mare or gelding, 4 years or over, not exceeding 122cms. Riders not to have
attained their 12th birthday before 1st January in the current year..
Class 41
BSPS Open Show Hunter Pony. Mare or gelding, 4 years or over, exceeding 122cms, not exceeding 133cms.
Riders not to have attained their 14th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Class 42
BSPS Open Show Hunter Pony. Mare or gelding, 4 years or over, exceeding 133cms, not exceeding 143cms.
Riders not to have attained their 17th birthday before 1st January in the current year. The Walstead Othello Trophy
kindly presented by Madame’s Stewart and Lumsden will be awarded to the highest placed Area 16 member
Class 43
BSPS Open Show Hunter Pony. Mare or gelding, 4 years or over, exceeding 143cms, not exceeding 153cms.
Riders not to have attained their 20th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Show Hunter Pony Championship for 1st and 2nd prize winners in Classes 39 - 42. Champion will qualify for the BSPS “Mitten
Asbestos” Champion of Champions.
Ring 1
Ring 2
Ring 3
Clear round 7.45-08.30
Novice WHP
Mixed height novice M&M
Mixed height open M&M
New For. & Conn
C ‘s
Open WHP
Lunch break
Novice Nursery
Open Nursery
Mixed Height Novice Heritage
Open Heritage WHP
Exc 143
133 – 143
122 – 133
not exc 122
Clear round
Not Before 11.30
Not before 12.00
Mixed Height Novice SHP
Mixed Height open SHP
Mixed Height Novice SP
Mixed Height open SP
Blue Riband SHP