EDC 424 READING GUIDE #1 – EMERGENT LITERACY Part A. Rhode Island K-12 Literacy Policy and Common Core Standards Part B. Key Concepts for Making Sense of Phonics Part C. Words Their Way: Stages of Spelling Development; Characteristics of Emergent Readers and Writers; Components of Early Literacy Learning, and Word Study Routines 1 EARLY LITERACY READING GUIDE #1 Part A: Rhode Island K-12 Literacy Policy and Common Core Standards [RI Literacy Policy (pp. 16-19) – The Stages of Reading Development Use key ideas from the document to list at least three key skills appropriate at each stage of reading development. Stage of Development Emergent Approx. Grade Level (and Age) Key Reading Skills demonstrated at this stage of development Early Reading Transitional Intermediate Advanced 2 Pages 20-35 K-12 Literacy Policy Essential Area of Reading Instruction (and definition) 1. Key components of this area Teachers should know…. 2. 3. 3 Link to Common Core Standards Essential Area of Reading Instruction (and definition) 4. Key components of this area Teachers should know…. 5. What questions do you have about these concepts or ideas that you would like clarified? 4 Link to RI GLE’s in Reading Reading Guide #1 Part A: Emergent Literacy Skills (Oral Language Development and Phonological Awareness) Biggam Text Underlying Principles Phonological Awareness Assessing Emergent Literacy Skills Formal Measures Teaching Emergent Literacy Skills Phonological Awareness Rhyming Phonological & Phonemic Awareness Rhyming Word Awareness & Syllabication Onsets and Rimes Phonemic Awareness Pragmatics Syllables Vocabulary Onset & Rime Phonemic Awareness Pragmatics Informal Measures Syntax Phon. Awareness Vocabulary Pragmatics Broad vocabulary Syntax Deep vocabulary Vocabulary Syntax Vocabulary Explicit Approaches/Special Needs 5 Reading Guide Part B: Key Words from Making Sense of Phonics (Beck, 2006) Decoding Encoding Automaticity Word Attack Alphabetic Principle Phoneme Grapheme Phonological Awareness Phonics Great Debate Meaning Centered Approach Code-Centered Approach Phonics Instruction is Explicit and Systematic Developmental Sequence of Phonics Instruction What questions do you have? 6 Reading Guide Part C: Words Their Way, Chapter 1 (5th Edition) Three Layers of Word Study Alphabet > > > Pattern > > > Meaning Stages of Spelling Development: What do students USE, CONFUSE, and what is ABSENT? (Use to determine what stage they are in) Characteristics of Writing Development at each Stage of Spelling What are they using? Emergent Spelling What are they confusing/lacking? Letter-Name Alphabetic Spelling Early Letter-Name Alphabetic Middle to Late Letter-Name Alphabetic Late Letter-Name Alphabetic 7 Characteristics of Writing Development at each Stage of Spelling What are they using? Within-Word Pattern Spelling What are they confusing/lacking? Syllables & Affixes Spelling Derivational Relations Spelling The Synchrony of Literacy Development: Notice the connections between reading and spelling stages (p. 15-20 - Pay attention to Figure 1.13 on page 19) Reading Stage Emergent Readers Spelling/Writing Stage Beginning Readers Transitional Readers Intermediate and Advanced Readers 8 Words Their Way, Chapter 4 Reading Guide Characteristics of the Emergent Stage of Reading and Spelling p. 95-99 Emergent Reading Emergent Writing p. 97-98 Early Emergent Spelling Middle Emergent Spelling Late Emergent Spelling Components of Early Literacy Learning p. 94-105 Key Ideas Vocabulary Development Instructional Activities Concept Development Phonological Awareness Alphabet Knowledge Letter-Sound Knowledge Concepts About Print (CAP) Concepts of Word in Text (COW) How can the Language Experience Approach integrate these components? (p. 119) 9 Word Study Routines for Emergent Readers and Writers p. 120-121 Word Study Activities at the Emergent Stage Cluster Around Four Areas (p. 122-147) Identify activities that can be used to teach children within each area Oral Language, Concepts, and Vocabulary Development: Rhyming Games: Teaching Beginning Sounds: Acquiring Concepts of Word: 10